25,073 research outputs found

    Validação automatizada da análise da acessibilidade dos websites do judiciário brasileiro

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    The Brazil have rules to ensure that e-government websites meet accessibility requirements. However, legislation regulating accessibility on the Web does not guarantee application. Therefore, it is necessary to check the level of accessibility compliance on the Web portals to have a diagnosis of the current situation. The web pages of the Brazilian Judiciary are portals of access to justice and information on the judicial processes that the citizen needs. This project aims to develop a system capable of automatically assessing the accessibility of the websites of the Brazilian Judiciary for the benefit of citizens. The 94 websites of the Brazilian Judiciary were evaluated within the guidelines of WCAG 2.0, developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The result showed a picture of how accessibility standards are being met by the Brazilian Judiciary, where none of the 94 websites analyzed to met the Success Criteria required by the WCAG 2.0 guidelines. The Success Criteria violated by the websites were analyzed using the Pareto principle, which identifies the main problems found in the websites analyzed.O Brasil têm normas para garantir que os websites de governo eletrônico atendam aos requisitos de acessibilidade. No entanto, a legislação que regulamenta a acessibilidade na Web não garantem a aplicação. Portanto, é necessário verificar o nível de conformidade da acessibilidade na Web dos portais para ter um diagnóstico da situação atual. As páginas web do Judiciário Brasileiro são portais de acesso à justiça e a informação dos processos judiciais de que o cidadão precisa. Este trabalho visa desenvolver um sistema capaz de avaliar automaticamente a acessibilidade dos websites do Judiciário Brasileiro em benefício aos cidadãos. Os 94 websites do Judiciário Brasileiro foram avaliados dentro das diretrizes do WCAG 2.0, desenvolvido pela World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). O resultado apontou um retrato, de como as normas sobre acessibilidade estão sendo cumpridas pelo Judiciário Brasileiro, onde nenhum dos 94 websites analisados conseguiu atender os Critérios de Sucesso exigidos pelas diretrizes do WCAG 2.0. Os Critérios de Sucesso violados pelos websites foram analisados utilizando o princípio de Pareto, que consegue identificar os principais problemas encontrados nos websites analisados

    Accessibility of websites of the European national tourism boards

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    Purpose: The aim is to find out the current state of accessibility of the websites of European national tourism boards. Furthermore, the identification of the most common errors in terms of accessibility as well as recommendations leading to their correction is aimed for. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on methods of testing the availability of web systems. The testing included automated tools, namely AChecker and Accessibility Evaluation Tool, as well as the WCAG 2.1 checklist developed by WebAIM initiative. Findings: The research has shown a relatively high accessibility of those websites. Nevertheless, some accessibility violations have been identified that can significantly complicate the accessibility of those websites for users using various assistive devices or other alternative hardware or software means. The most commonly identified errors include: failure to use alternative text for content-relevant images, the absence of text or audio transcripts for videos shared via Youtube, missing descriptions for text form elements and missing label for search form. Practical implications: The results of the research can be used in the evaluation of web presentations at the level of tourism boards and destination management. Originality/Value: The main output of this article is the application of web testing methodology on a comprehensive set of national tourist boards.peer-reviewe

    Assessment of the level of WCAG 2.0 accessibility standard application by selected companies of the polish e-commerce sector in 2015–2019

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    Інтернет-комерція та Інтернет-торгівля – це сучасні інструменти бізнесу, які забезпечують швидке зростання продажу товарів. У зв’язку з цим велика кількість промислових і комерційних підприємств прагнуть продавати свої товари, роботи й послуги через Інтернет-комерцію та Інтернет-торгівлю. Популярність електронної комерції зростає: насправді цей спосіб продажу зручний як для продавців, так і для покупців. Однак юридична підтримка електронної комерції часто стає проблемою, оскільки регулюється низкою загальних документів. У свою чергу, Інтернет-торгівля входить до поняття «електронна комерція», яке визначається як пошук відносин, які є прибутковими, і виникають внаслідок придбання, зміни або припинення цивільних прав та обов’язків, які виконуються дистанційно за допомогою інформаційно-телекомунікаційних систем, унаслідок чого учасники таких відносини отримують майнові права та обов’язки. Інтернет-магазин – це спосіб представлення або продажу товарів, робіт чи послуг через онлайн-трансакцію. Продавець товарів, робіт, послуг через електронну торгівлю в процесі своєї діяльності та у разі розповсюдження комерційного електронного повідомлення зобов’язаний забезпечити прямий, простий, стабільний доступ інших учасників до інформації у сфері електронної торгівлі. Ззроблено спроби відповісти на питання: наскільки інтернет-магазини, якими керують вибрані компанії з польської індустрії електронної комерції, відповідають вимогам стандарту доступності WCAG 2.0; яким був вплив змін на зміст і створення доступності електронного магазину у 2015–2019 роках? Представлено результати моніторингу наявності вибраних електронних магазинів, проведеного у 2015–2019 роках із застосуванням валідатора доступності Utilitia.Internet commerce and internet trade are modern business tools that provide rapid growth in sales of goods. Therefore, a large number of industrial and commercial enterprises seek to sale their goods, works and services through internet commerce and internet trade. The popularity of e-commerce is increasing: in fact, this method of sales is convenient for both merchants and buyers. However, legal support for e-commerce is often a problem, as it's governed by a number of general documents. In turn, internet trade fits into the concept of «e-commerce», which is defined as profit-seeking relationships arising from the acquisition, alteration or termination of civil rights and obligations remotely utilized by information and telecommunication systems, resulting in the fact that participants of such relationships gain property rights and obligations. The online store is a way of presenting or selling products, works or services by the online transaction. The seller of goods, works, services in e-commerce in the course of activity and in the case of distribution of commercial electronic message is obliged to provide direct, simple, stable access of other participants to information in the sphere of e-commerce. The author of this paper article tries to answer the following questions: to what extent do online stores run by selected companies of Polish e-commerce industry meet the requirements of WCAG 2.0 availability standard; what was the impact of changes in the content and construction of e-store unavailability in 2015–2019? The results of monitoring the availability of selected e-stores carried out in 2015–2019 using Utilitia accessibility validator are presented in this paper. The paper is particularly relevant to economists, experts and students

    Websites as Facilities Under ADA Title III

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    Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act requires public accommodations—private entities that offer goods or services to the public—to be accessible to individuals with disabilities. There is an ongoing debate about whether Title III applies to websites that offer services to the public, but this debate may be resolved in the coming years by litigation or Department of Justice regulations. Assuming for the sake of argument that Title III will eventually be applied to websites, the next inquiry is what that application should look like. The regulatory definition of “facilities” should be amended to include nonphysical places of public accommodations. This change would open the door to a multilayered approach to accessible websites, wherein existing websites are subject to relatively lax requirements but new and altered websites are subject to stricter requirements

    Accessibility of Vendor-Created Video Tutorials for People with Disabilities

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    Many video, screencast, webinar, or interactive tutorials are created and provided by vendors for use by libraries to instruct users in database searching. This study investigates whether these vendor-created database tutorials are accessible for people with disabilities to see whether librarians can use these tutorials instead of creating them in-house. Findings on accessibility were mixed. Positive accessibility features and common accessibility problems are described, with recommendations on how to maximize accessibility

    Avaliação dos níveis de acessibilidade das páginas e catálogos bibliográficos das bibliotecas de instituições do ensino superior

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    A presente comunicação tem como objetivo apresentar a análise realizada ao nível de acessibilidade e usabilidade das páginas web e respetivos catálogos bibliográficos das bibliotecas pertencentes às instituições de ensino superior público na região da Grande Lisboa, fundamentalmente na perspetiva dos utilizadores cegos ou com baixa visão e que façam uso de produtos de apoio como os leitores de ecrã. Para tal, teremos como base as diretrizes definidas nas Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 para a validação dos níveis de acessibilidade das páginas de Internet, analisadas neste estudo com recurso ao validador automático Access Monitor. De forma complementar, uma estudante da nossa instituição realizará uma análise qualitativa, com o objetivo de aferir da existência de convergência entre a sua experiência enquanto utilizador e os resultados obtidos através do validador automático. Pretende-se que os resultados obtidos constituam um alerta que promova a definição de linhas de trabalho neste domínio, por parte da nossa instituição, e de outras congéneres que percecionem a relevância desta matéria.This communication aims analyze accessibility and usability of web pages and bibliographic catalogs of public higher education libraries in Lisbon, specifically from the perspective of the blind users that make use of assistive technologies such as screen readers. It will be based in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 to validate the levels of accessibility of websites, represented in this study, using the application Access Monitor. Complementarily, a student of our institution will make a qualitative analysis, with the purpose of assessing the existence of convergence between their user experience, and the results obtained through automatic validation. It is intended that the results should be a warning that promotes the work in this field, in this institution and other counterparts who understand the importance of this issue

    #Socialtagging: Defining its Role in the Academic Library

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    The information environment is rapidly changing, affecting the ways in which information is organized and accessed. User needs and expectations have also changed due to the overwhelming influence of Web 2.0 tools. Conventional information systems no longer support evolving user needs. Based on current research, we explore a method that integrates the structure of controlled languages with the flexibility and adaptability of social tagging. This article discusses the current research and usage of social tagging and Web 2.0 applications within the academic library. Types of tags, the semiotics of tagging and its influence on indexing are covered