22,144 research outputs found

    Taxonomy of Attacks on Open-Source Software Supply Chains

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    The widespread dependency on open-source software makes it a fruitful target for malicious actors, as demonstrated by recurring attacks. The complexity of today's open-source supply chains results in a significant attack surface, giving attackers numerous opportunities to reach the goal of injecting malicious code into open-source artifacts that is then downloaded and executed by victims. This work proposes a general taxonomy for attacks on open-source supply chains, independent of specific programming languages or ecosystems, and covering all supply chain stages from code contributions to package distribution. Taking the form of an attack tree, it covers 107 unique vectors, linked to 94 real-world incidents, and mapped to 33 mitigating safeguards. User surveys conducted with 17 domain experts and 134 software developers positively validated the correctness, comprehensiveness and comprehensibility of the taxonomy, as well as its suitability for various use-cases. Survey participants also assessed the utility and costs of the identified safeguards, and whether they are used

    Cyber resilience meta-modelling: The railway communication case study

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    Recent times have demonstrated how much the modern critical infrastructures (e.g., energy, essential services, people and goods transportation) depend from the global communication networks. However, in the current Cyber-Physical World convergence, sophisticated attacks to the cyber layer can provoke severe damages to both physical structures and the operations of infrastructure affecting not only its functionality and safety, but also triggering cascade effects in other systems because of the tight interdependence of the systems that characterises the modern society. Hence, critical infrastructure must integrate the current cyber-security approach based on risk avoidance with a broader perspective provided by the emerging cyber-resilience paradigm. Cyber resilience is aimed as a way absorb the consequences of these attacks and to recover the functionality quickly and safely through adaptation. Several high-level frameworks and conceptualisations have been proposed but a formal definition capable of translating cyber resilience into an operational tool for decision makers considering all aspects of such a multifaceted concept is still missing. To this end, the present paper aims at providing an operational formalisation for cyber resilience starting from the Cyber Resilience Ontology presented in a previous work using model-driven principles. A domain model is defined to cope with the different aspects and “resilience-assurance” processes that it can be valid in various application domains. In this respect, an application case based on critical transportation communications systems, namely the railway communication system, is provided to prove the feasibility of the proposed approach and to identify future improvements

    Integrated system to perform surrogate based aerodynamic optimisation for high-lift airfoil

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    This work deals with the aerodynamics optimisation of a generic two-dimensional three element high-lift configuration. Although the high-lift system is applied only during take-off and landing in the low speed phase of the flight the cost efficiency of the airplane is strongly influenced by it [1]. The ultimate goal of an aircraft high lift system design team is to define the simplest configuration which, for prescribed constraints, will meet the take-off, climb, and landing requirements usually expressed in terms of maximum L/D and/or maximum CL. The ability of the calculation method to accurately predict changes in objective function value when gaps, overlaps and element deflections are varied is therefore critical. Despite advances in computer capacity, the enormous computational cost of running complex engineering simulations makes it impractical to rely exclusively on simulation for the purpose of design optimisation. To cut down the cost, surrogate models, also known as metamodels, are constructed from and then used in place of the actual simulation models. This work outlines the development of integrated systems to perform aerodynamics multi-objective optimisation for a three-element airfoil test case in high lift configuration, making use of surrogate models available in MACROS Generic Tools, which has been integrated in our design tool. Different metamodeling techniques have been compared based on multiple performance criteria. With MACROS is possible performing either optimisation of the model built with predefined training sample (GSO) or Iterative Surrogate-Based Optimization (SBO). In this first case the model is build independent from the optimisation and then use it as a black box in the optimisation process. In the second case is needed to provide the possibility to call CFD code from the optimisation process, and there is no need to build any model, it is being built internally during the optimisation process. Both approaches have been applied. A detailed analysis of the integrated design system, the methods as well as th

    Preventing Supply Chain Vulnerabilities in Java with a Fine-Grained Permission Manager

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    Integrating third-party packages accelerates modern software engineering, but introduces the risk of software supply chain vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities in applications' dependencies are being exploited worldwide. Often, these exploits leverage features that are present in a package, yet unneeded by an application. Unfortunately, the current generation of permission managers, such as SELinux, Docker containers, and the Java Security Manager, are too coarse-grained to usefully support engineers and operators in mitigating these vulnerabilities. Current approaches offer permissions only at the application's granularity, lumping legitimate operations made by safe packages with illegitimate operations made by exploited packages. This strategy does not reflect modern engineering practice. we need a permission manager capable of distinguishing between actions taken by different packages in an application's supply chain. In this paper, we describe Next-JSM, the first fine-grained ("supply chain aware") permission manager for Java applications. Next-JSM supports permission management at package-level granularity. Next-JSM faces three key challenges: operating on existing JVMs and without access to application or package source code, minimizing performance overhead in applications with many packages, and helping operators manage finer-grained permissions. We show that these challenges can be addressed through bytecode rewriting; appropriate data structures and algorithms; and an expressive permission notation plus automated tooling to establish default permission. In our evaluation, we report that Next-JSM mitigates 11 of the 12 package vulnerabilities we evaluated and incurs an average 2.72% overhead on the Dacapobench benchmark. Qualitatively, we argue that Next-JSM addresses the shortcomings of the (recently deprecated) Java Security Manager (JSM).Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    Secure Software Development in the Era of Fluid Multi-party Open Software and Services

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    Pushed by market forces, software development has become fast-paced. As a consequence, modern development projects are assembled from 3rd-party components. Security & privacy assurance techniques once designed for large, controlled updates over months or years, must now cope with small, continuous changes taking place within a week, and happening in sub-components that are controlled by third-party developers one might not even know they existed. In this paper, we aim to provide an overview of the current software security approaches and evaluate their appropriateness in the face of the changed nature in software development. Software security assurance could benefit by switching from a process-based to an artefact-based approach. Further, security evaluation might need to be more incremental, automated and decentralized. We believe this can be achieved by supporting mechanisms for lightweight and scalable screenings that are applicable to the entire population of software components albeit there might be a price to pay.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, to be published in Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering - New Ideas and Emerging Result

    Assessing the Threat Level of Software Supply Chains with the Log Model

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    The use of free and open source software (FOSS) components in all software systems is estimated to be above 90%. With such high usage and because of the heterogeneity of FOSS tools, repositories, developers and ecosystem, the level of complexity of managing software development has also increased. This has amplified both the attack surface for malicious actors and the difficulty of making sure that the software products are free from threats. The rise of security incidents involving high profile attacks is evidence that there is still much to be done to safeguard software products and the FOSS supply chain. Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools and the study of attack trees help with improving security. However, they still lack the ability to comprehensively address how interactions within the software supply chain may impact security. This work presents a novel approach of assessing threat levels in FOSS supply chains with the log model. This model provides information capture and threat propagation analysis that not only account for security risks that may be caused by attacks and the usage of vulnerable software, but also how they interact with the other elements to affect the threat level for any element in the model

    Enhancing cyber assets visibility for effective attack surface management : Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management based on Knowledge Graph

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    The contemporary digital landscape is filled with challenges, chief among them being the management and security of cyber assets, including the ever-growing shadow IT. The evolving nature of the technology landscape has resulted in an expansive system of solutions, making it challenging to select and deploy compatible solutions in a structured manner. This thesis explores the critical role of Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM) technologies in managing cyber attack surfaces, focusing on the open-source CAASM tool, Starbase, by JupiterOne. It starts by underlining the importance of comprehending the cyber assets that need defending. It acknowledges the Cyber Defense Matrix as a methodical and flexible approach to understanding and addressing cyber security challenges. A comprehensive analysis of market trends and business needs validated the necessity of asset security management tools as fundamental components in firms' security journeys. CAASM has been selected as a promising solution among various tools due to its capabilities, ease of use, and seamless integration with cloud environments using APIs, addressing shadow IT challenges. A practical use case involving the integration of Starbase with GitHub was developed to demonstrate the CAASM's usability and flexibility in managing cyber assets in organizations of varying sizes. The use case enhanced the knowledge graph's aesthetics and usability using Neo4j Desktop and Neo4j Bloom, making it accessible and insightful even for non-technical users. The thesis concludes with practical guidelines in the appendices and on GitHub for reproducing the use case

    Security assessment of open source third-parties applications

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    Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) components are ubiquitous in both proprietary and open source applications. In this dissertation we discuss challenges that large software vendors face when they must integrate and maintain FOSS components into their software supply chain. Each time a vulnerability is disclosed in a FOSS component, a software vendor must decide whether to update the component, patch the application itself, or just do nothing as the vulnerability is not applicable to the deployed version that may be old enough to be not vulnerable. This is particularly challenging for enterprise software vendors that consume thousands of FOSS components, and offer more than a decade of support and security fixes for applications that include these components. First, we design a framework for performing security vulnerability experimentations. In particular, for testing known exploits for publicly disclosed vulnerabilities against different versions and software configurations. Second, we provide an automatic screening test for quickly identifying the versions of FOSS components likely affected by newly disclosed vulnerabilities: a novel method that scans across the entire repository of a FOSS component in a matter of minutes. We show that our screening test scales to large open source projects. Finally, for facilitating the global security maintenance of a large portfolio of FOSS components, we discuss various characteristics of FOSS components and their potential impact on the security maintenance effort, and empirically identify the key drivers

    Analyzing helicopter evasive maneuver effectiveness against rocket-propelled grenades

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    It has long been acknowledged that military helicopters are vulnerable to ground-launched threats, in particular, the RPG-7 rocket-propelled grenade. Current helicopter threat mitigation strategies rely on a combination of operational tactics and selectively placed armor plating, which can help to mitigate but not entirely remove the threat. However, in recent years, a number of active protection systems designed to protect land-based vehicles from rocket and missile fire have been developed. These systems all use a sensor suite to detect, track, and predict the threat trajectory, which is then employed in the computation of an intercept trajectory for a defensive kill mechanism. Although a complete active protection system in its current form is unsuitable for helicopters, in this paper, it is assumed that the active protection system’s track and threat trajectory prediction subsystem could be used offline as a tool to develop tactics and techniques to counter the threat from rocket-propelled grenade attacks. It is further proposed that such a maneuver can be found by solving a pursuit–evasion differential game. Because the first stage in solving this problem is developing the capability to evaluate the game, nonlinear dynamic and spatial models for a helicopter, RPG-7 round, and gunner, and evasion strategies were developed and integrated into a new simulation engine. Analysis of the results from representative vignettes demonstrates that the simulation yields the value of the engagement pursuit–evasion game. It is also shown that, in the majority of cases, survivability can be significantly improved by performing an appropriate evasive maneuver. Consequently, this simulation may be used as an important tool for both designing and evaluating evasive tactics and is the first step in designing a maneuver-based active protection system, leading to improved rotorcraft survivability
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