229 research outputs found

    A decision-making tool for port operations based on downtime risk and met-ocean conditions including infragravity wave forecast

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    [Abstract:] Port downtime leads to economic losses and reductions in safety levels. This problem is generally assessed in terms of uni-variable thresholds, despite its multidimensional nature. The aim of the present study is to develop a downtime probability forecasting tool, based on real problems at the Outer Port of Punta Langosteira (Spain), and including infragravity wave prediction. The combination of measurements from three pressure sensors and a tide gauge, together with machine-learning techniques, made it possible to generate long wave prognostication at different frequencies. A fitting correlation of 0.95 and 0.9 and a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.022 m and 0.012 m were achieved for gravity and infragravity waves, respectively. A wave hindcast in the berthing areas, met-ocean forecast data, and information on 15 real operational problems between 2017 and 2022, were all used to build a classification model for downtime probability estimation. The proposed use of this tool addresses the problems that arise when two consecutive sea states have thresholds above 3.97%. This is the limit for guaranteeing the safety of port operations and has a cost of just 0.6 unnecessary interruptions of operations per year. The methodology is easily exportable to other facilities for an adequate assessment of downtime risks.This research was carried out with the grant PID2020-112794RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the FPI predoctoral grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (PRE2018-083777 and PRE2021-100141)

    Relación de la hidrodinámica marina con el movimiento de buque atracado y su afección en la operatividad portuaria

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Ciencias Sociais e do Comportamento. 5037V01Tesis por compendio de publicación[Resumen] Las incidencias en los puertos provocan pérdidas económicas y reducciones en la seguridad. Los movimientos horizontales de los buques atracados están asociados a estos problemas, y las ondas infragravitatorias pueden amplificarlos al encontrarse en el mismo rango de periodos (25-150 s). Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo optimizar las operaciones portuarias priorizando la seguridad, enfocándose en la resonancia puerto-buque. La investigación se llevó a cabo en dos puertos de A Coruña, España, utilizando datos de campo, modelos numéricos y machine learning. Se concluyó que los periodos de oscilación de los movimientos de los buques están directamente relacionados con el cociente entre la profundidad del agua y el calado del barco, además de variar con la pretensión de los amarres y vientos intensos. Se propusieron umbrales operativos basados en datos climáticos (onda larga y onda corta) que permitirán optimizar las estancias. La tesis culminó con el desarrollo de una herramienta práctica que predice el riesgo de incidencias, lo que ayudará en la toma de decisiones. Los hallazgos expuestos tienen alta aplicabilidad y potencial para su transferencia a instalaciones similares para una adecuada evaluación de riesgos.[Resumo] As incidencias nos portos provocan perdas económicas e reducións na seguridade. Os movementos horizontais dos buques atracados están asociados a estes problemas, e as ondas infragravitatorias poden amplificalos ao atoparse no mesmo rango de períodos (25-150 s). Esta tese doutoral ten como obxectivo optimizar as operacións portuarias priorizando a seguridade, enfocándose na resonancia porto-buque. A investigación levouse a cabo en dous portos da Coruña, España, utilizando datos de campo, modelos numéricos e machine learning. Concluíuse que os períodos de oscilación dos movementos dos buques están directamente relacionados co cociente entre a profundidade da auga e o calado do barco, ademais de variar coa pretensión dos amarres e ventos intensos. Propuxéronse limiares operativos baseados en datos climáticos (onda longa e onda curta) que permitirán optimizar as estancias. A tese culminou co desenvolvemento dunha ferramenta práctica que predí o risco de incidencias, o que axudará na toma de decisións. Os achados expostos teñen alta aplicabilidade e potencial para a súa transferencia a instalacións similares para unha adecuada avaliación de riscos.[Abstract] Incidents in ports can cause economic losses and reductions in security. Horizontal movements of docked vessels are associated with these problems, and infragravity waves can amplify them when they are in the same period range (25-150 s). The objective of this doctoral thesis is to optimize port operations by prioritizing safety, focusing on port-ship resonance. The research was carried out in two ports in A Coruña, Spain, using field data, numerical models, and machine learning. It was concluded that the oscillation periods of vessel movements are directly related to the ratio between water depth and ship draft, as well as varying with mooring pretension and strong winds. Operational thresholds based on climatic data (long wave and short wave) were proposed to optimize stays. The thesis culminated in the development of a practical tool that predicts the risk of incidents, which will aid in decision-making. The findings presented have high applicability and potential for transfer to similar facilities for proper risk assessment.Asimismo, a nivel institucional, en el desarrollo de este trabajo ha sido fundamental la financiación del Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad con el Plan Nacional de I+D (BIA2017-86738-R) y del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, a través de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación, con la Convocatoria Retos (PID2020-112794RB-I00 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033). Además, el acceso en abierto de dos de los artículos fue financiado por la Universidade da Coruña/CISUG. Me gustaría agradecer también al Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades por la beca del programa de Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI) de Humberto Carro (PRE2021-100141), sin él no sería posible la publicación del tercer artículo.Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISU

    Interaction between Waves and Maritime Structures

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    This book is the result of a stimulating Special Issue of Water, focusing on the “Interaction between waves and Maritime Structures”. This broadly inclusive title allowed the gathering of articles on different topics of engineering concern, making the book appeal to both scientists and practical engineers. Original contributions on evergreen problems, such as wave overtopping at conventional and unconventional coastal structures, wave-induced pressures at vertical walls, hydraulic stability of rubble mound breakwaters and dynamics of crown-walls indeed represent the main core of the book; however, other intriguing research topics are also tackled, including the solution of the Navier–Stokes equations for biphase flows, the downscaling of large maritime structures in a physical lab, floating bodies mechanics and the numerical modeling of coastline evolution

    2005 Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Systems Science Conference; Hawk’s Cay Resort Duck Key, Florida; December 11-14, 2005: program and abstract book

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    Conference themes addressed: Applications and Restoration Targets, the Mangrove-Estuarine Transition Zone, Benthic Habitats, Water Quality, Physical Processes, Higher Trophic Levels, and Adjacent Systems

    Methodology for the analysis and design of inland waterways and its application for the Paraguay river waterway

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias BleningerDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Recursos Hídricos e Ambiental. Defesa : Curitiba, 05/05/2017Inclui referências: p.176-183Área de concentração: Recursos HídricosResumo: No contexto das soluções técnicas para vias navegáveis interiores e dos esforços recentes do governo Brasileiro para equilibrar sua matriz modal de transporte, o objetivo geral desta dissertação é de fornecer conjuntos de ferramentas e interpretações para ajudar na melhoria e otimização de projetos e manutenções de hidrovias, focando principalmente no contexto Brasileiro. Inicialmente, a interpretação das diferenças entre um Nível de Redução para Batimetria (BRL) e um Nível de Redução para Dragagem (DRL) foram estabelecidos. Elas são fundamentais para um tratamento mais adequado das questões relativas à disponibilidade de profundidade e o desempenho de navegação. Na sequência, demonstrou-se como as influências plurianuais dos níveis de água dos rios podem ser de importância central para as definições de DRLs. Também não há evidência razoável para tratar o DRL como uma característica intrínseca de rios. E que os modelos de previsão podem ser ferramentas poderosas na busca de uma garantia de tempo operacional exata (por exemplo, 90%). Além disso, a abordagem de previsões visou avaliar até que ponto as previsões endógenas simples poderiam atingir em questão de precisão e acuracia. Apresentando uma melhoria significativa na definição de DRL, um ganho considerável de precisão, bem como a fixação de um 'benchmark' para abordagens futuras mais complexas (por exemplo, multi-estação, híbrido, exógeno). Além disso, também foi demonstrado como imprecisões de definição de DRL podem afetar os volumes de dragagem de um projeto. Da mesma forma, um modelo de nível de água melhor poderia "pagar por si mesmo" ao longo dos anos com os ganhos resultados de dragagens mais acuradas e precisas. Palavras-chaves: Rio Paraguai, Brasil, vias navegáveis interiores, Navegação, otimização, disponibilidade de profundidade, previsão de níveis, modelagem de nível de água, modelos hidrodinâmicos, otimização de níveis de referência, precisão do volume de dragagem.Abstract: In the context of technical solutions for inland waterways, within the recent efforts of the Brazilian government to balance its modal matrix of transport, the overall aim of this dissertation is to provide a set of methodological tools and interpretations to assist the improvement and optimization of waterway's designs and maintenances, focusing primarily on the Brazilian context. Initially, the interpretation of the differences between a Bathymetric Reference Level (BRL) and a Dredging Reference Level (DRL) had to be set. They are key to a more appropriate treatment of the issues concerning waterways depth availability and performance. In the sequence, it was demonstrated how rivers' water level multi-annual influences can be of central importance to DRL definitions. Also that there is no reasonable evidence for treating the DRL as an intrinsic river's characteristic. And that forecast models can be powerful tools in the pursuit of an exact operational time assurance (e.g. 90%). Moreover, the forecast approach aimed at assessing how far could simple endogenous predictions reach precision wise. Presenting a significant improvement on DRL definition, a considerable gain of precision as well as setting a 'benchmark' for more complex approaches (e.g. multi-station, hybrid, exogenous). Furthermore, it was also demonstrated how DRL imprecisions can affect the dredging volumes of a project. Likewise, a better water level model is likely to 'pay for it self' along the years with the resulted gains due to more precise and accurate dredgings. Key-words: Paraguay River, Brazil, Inland Waterway, Navigation, optimization, depth availability, stage forecast, water level modeling, hydrodynamic models, reference level improvement, dredging volume accuracy

    Monthly Variability in Florida Bay Benthic Foraminifera Community Structure

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    Florida Bay is a shallow subtropical estuary, which experiences highly variable environmental fluctuations due to natural forces (hurricanes, climatic variations and sea level rise) and anthropogenic influences (agricultural activity, water management and urbanization). Study of short time-scale variability in benthic community population structure and synchronous environmental change is essential to understanding forcing relationships between environment and its effects on population. Benthic foraminifera assemblage variability is an excellent indicator of environmental change in estuarine and coastal areas because populations may respond relatively quickly on spatial and temporal scales (Alve, 1995). Temporal resolution is enhanced because foraminifera may reproduce as often as 3 months to one year (Murray, 1991). Monthly population sampling from 15 stations throughout Florida Bay is being conducted in a multi-year program begun in January 2004. This includes collection of sediment samples containing benthic foraminifera as well as site measurement of environmental parameters (salinity, temperature, suspended particulate matter, chlorophyll, nutrients, and dissolved organic matter). The objectives of the current study are to examine sites in Florida Bay with enhanced temporal resolution and determine (1) monthly variability in benthic foraminifera species composition, diversity, dominance and abundance; and (2) provide data on the relationship between water quality parameters and these measures of benthic foraminifera community structure. In northeastern Florida Bay (station 1), preliminary results from monthly sampling indicate a temporal inverse relationship between the relative abundance of particular species and increasing salinity to hyper saline (40 o/oo) conditions. The benthic foraminifera community is predominately Ammonia sp., Elphidium sps. and Peneroplis sps. (greater than 60%). Quinqueloculina sps. and Triloculina sps. contribute 40% or less to the total population during each month sampled. Over a twelve month interval an inverse relationship is evident between Peneropolis sps. and Ammonia sp. Peneroplis sps.are more abundant under normal marine conditions, while Ammonia sp. is dominant during low and hyper saline conditions. Elphidium sps. decreased with increasing salinity. Sample collection during 2005, foraminifera enumeration, and data processing is in progress and benthic foraminifera population characteristics are being compared with environmental parameters. These data sets will provide a fundamental baseline from which to evaluate long-term environmental change in Florida Bay and facilitate utilization of benthic foraminifera as proxies of environmental change