23 research outputs found

    A Logic Based Modeling Approach to Managing Workflow Policy Changes

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    Workflow management systems are becoming increasingly important in the automation of business processes. In order to ensure proper workflow execution, workflow policies must be specified with respect to users, roles, and tasks. In today’s dynamic business environment, successful organizations must be able to respond to new customer demands and market opportunities with flexibility and speed. However, without systematic management of workflow policies, changes in organizational structure and process models can lead to inconsistent workflow specifications. Thus far, research in the change management of workflow policies has been scant. In this paper, we propose a logic-based approach to address this problem. Our contribution is three-fold: 1) a modeling language based on predicate logic is proposed, which is succinct and expressive enough to represent process model, organization model, and workflow polices; 2) workflow policy consistency in a dynamic changing environment is formally defined and analyzed based on the proposed language. 3) two algorithms are developed to check and enforce the policy consistency. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work focuses on the formal analysis of workflow policy change management


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    Los profesionales de la botánica requieren conocer un sistema preciso y universal que les permita  describir  las  nuevas  unidades  que  van  siendo  incorporadas  al  sistema  de  su ciencia. En la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas (UCLV) existe un Jardín Botánico  en  el  cual  se  llevan  a  cabo  investigaciones  acerca  del  mundo  vegetal.  Por solicitud de esta entidad, surgió la idea de desarrollar una aplicación computacional que dotara a sus especialistas de la herramienta básica en la práctica taxonómica.                                                                                  Como antecedente de este trabajo, se desarrolló una primera versión del software con el fin de automatizar el proceso taxonómico. El mismo fue desarrollado como trabajo de Diploma por parte de dos estudiantes de la carrera Ciencia de la Computación en el año 2006.                                                                                                                                               La aplicación se desarrolló en dos etapas. En la primera de ellas se realizó el diseño del programa  que  daría  solución  al  problema  planteado.  Para  ello  se  utilizó  la  notación  del Lenguaje de Modelación Unificado. En la segunda etapa se procedió a la implementación del  programa  utilizando  conjuntamente  la  programación  a  través  de  un  lenguaje declarativo, como lo es Prolog, y la programación orientada a objeto, en este caso Java. De esta forma quedó desarrollado EsLatín3, Traductor de Español a Latín para la descripción de las especies botánicas, que constituye una herramienta muy útil y eficiente

    Communications-equipment distribution planning using search techniques.

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    An expert system interfaced with a database system to perform troubleshooting of aircraft carrier piping systems

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    Maintaining and troubleshooting aircraft carrier through tank piping systems is a labor intensive, operational fleet problem. There is a clear need for a useful database and expert system to aid in fault isolation and repair planning for these systems. The multiple extensive piping systems of an aircraft carrier create an intimidating modeling problem for implementation in a database. The interface of an expert system to a large database to obtain improved execution speed, exploit a useful data model, reduce memory requirements, and enhance total system capability is examined and implemented, A flexible model for representing a large ship's piping systems in a database is presented.http://archive.org/details/expertsysteminte00clayCommander, United States NavyLieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Декларативне програмування. Комп’ютерний практикум

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    Посібник розроблений на підставі робочої програми кредитного модуля «Декларативне програмування» та призначений для якісної організації виконання комп’ютерного практикуму студентами. Призначений для здобувачів ступеня магістра за освітньою програмою «Комп’ютерний моніторинг та геометричне моделювання процесів і систем». Спрямований на формування у студентів умінь та досвіду програмування на мовах Prolog та Erlang. Забезпечує студентів необхідними прикладами виконання завдань, запланованих впродовж семестру

    A mixed system of interpretation: neural networks/expert-system applied to aerial images

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    In this paper, we propose a complete system of analysis of images, which includes the whole sequence of treatments front the low level until the interpretation ŀ It uses neural networks as well as a rule-based system ŀ We show that the implementation of an expert-system gives useful information for the conception of the neural nets ŀ The mixed realisation allows us to use at best the specificities of each approach ŀ We also show how to make a neural network learn locally contradictory configurations.Dans cet article, nous proposons un système complet d'analyse d'images comprenant toute la chaîne de traitements depuis le bas-niveau jusqu'à l'interprétation. Il utilise à la fois un réseau de neurones et un système à base de règles. Nous montrons que la mise en oeuvre d'un système-expert fournit des informations précieuses pour la conception des réseaux. La réalisation mixte permet d'utiliser au mieux les spécificités de chacune des approches. Nous montrons également comment faire apprendre des configurations localement contradictoires à un réseau de neurone

    Numerıcal Modelıng And Experımental Evaluatıon Of Shrınkage Of Concretes Incorporatıng Fly Ash And Sılıca Fume

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    Rötre genellikle sertleşmiş betonun önemli bir özelliği olarak ele alınır. Kuruma sürecinde boşluk yapısında bulunan serbest ve emilmiş su kaybedilir. Betonun rötresi kısıtlandığı zaman betonda olşan gerilmelere bağlı olarak çatlak oluşumu gözlenir. Bu çatlaklardan zararlı maddelerin geçmesiyle betonun dayanım ve dayanıklılıgında azalma olur. Bu çalışman ilk aşamasinda genetik programlama ve yapay sinir ağları yöntemleri kullanılarak rötre tahmin modelleri geliştirilmiştir. Modellerin eğitimi ve test edilmesi için literatürden veri toplanmıştır. Çalışmanın ikinci aşamasında ise uçucu kül ve silis dumanı içeren betonlar hazırlanarak kırk günlük kuruma sürecinde rötreleri ölçülmüştür. En yüksek rötre değerleri en çok mineral katkı içeren betonlarda gözlenmiştir. Bunların yanı sıra deneysel çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlar tahmin modellerinin verdikleriyle karşılaştırılmışlardır. YSA ile elde edilen değerlerin GP ile elde edilenlere göre gerçeğe daha yakın oldukları görülmüştür


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    A fire on board a ship presents special challenges. It requires not only special anti-fire devices but well-trained teams of firefighters. Since crews rotate periodically, there is a need for ongoing personnel training and not all crew members have the same amount of training. A significant problem is how to assess the effectiveness of a team of firefighters with different skills in a real situation. A team should work together efficiently and follow standard procedures correctly if it is to successfully extinguish the fire within a reasonable period of time and with minimum damage. The question is: What skills are of most importance to a successful team of firefighters? It is difficult to carry out physical experiments without risking human lives and material losses. This thesis uses a reactive agent-based simulation to study the possible importance of different firefighting skills and anti-fire devices to the prosecution of fire on board a ship.http://archive.org/details/anintelligentgen1094532932NANABrazilian Navy author.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited