10 research outputs found

    Filterscape: energy recycling in a creative ecosystem

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    This paper extends previous work in evolutionary ecosystemic approaches to generative art. Filterscape, adopts the implicit fitness specification that is fundamental to this approach and explores the use of resource recycling as a means of generating coherent sonic diversity in a generative sound work. Filterscape agents consume and deposit energy that is manifest in the simulation as sound. Resource recycling is shown to support cooperative as well as competitive survival strategies. In the context of our simulation, these strategies are recognised by their characteristic audible signatures. The model provides a novel means to generate sonic diversity through de-centralised agent interactions

    Complejidad y Modelado Basado en Agentes. Una aproximación a los ecosistemas virtuales en el A-life Art

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    [ES] Proyecto teórico que aborda el concepto de Complejidad y la visualización de fenómenos emergentes a través de modelos computacionales. A partir del concepto de Vida Articial, se establece una metodología para la implementación de ecosistemas virtuales dentro del A-life Art, así como un análisis de proyectos interactivos dentro de la disciplina.[EN] Theoretical project that focuses on the concept of Complexity and visualization of emergent phenomena through computational models. From the concept of articial life, a methodology is established to implement virtual ecosystem within the A-Life Art, and finally discusses about interactive projects within the discipline.García Oliver, MÁ. (2012). Complejidad y Modelado Basado en Agentes. Una aproximación a los ecosistemas virtuales en el A-life Art. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18035Archivo delegad

    Computational Social Creativity

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    This article reviews the development of computational models of creativity where social interactions are central. We refer to this area as computational social creativity. Its context is described, including the broader study of creativity, the computational modeling of other social phenomena, and computational models of individual creativity. Computational modeling has been applied to a number of areas of social creativity and has the potential to contribute to our understanding of creativity. A number of requirements for computational models of social creativity are common in artificial life and computational social science simulations. Three key themes are identified: (1) computational social creativity research has a critical role to play in understanding creativity as a social phenomenon and advancing computational creativity by making clear epistemological contributions in ways that would be challenging for other approaches; (2) the methodologies developed in artificial life and computational social science carry over directly to computational social creativity; and (3) the combination of computational social creativity with individual models of creativity presents significant opportunities and poses interesting challenges for the development of integrated models of creativity that have yet to be realized

    Simulation and study of an artificial ecosystem based on a cocoa plantation in Ghana, Africa

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    Internship Report presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Data ScienceThe scientific community has been warning for the dangerous consequences of human’s exploitation on the planet. In the past thirty years the planet lost half of its wildness and the greenhouse gases emissions have being rising ever since. This dissertation was focused on a particular ecosystem, a cocoa plantation in Ghana, Africa. Also, in this research the interaction between the species that live in the ecosystem as well as their rules and characteristics were studied. The main objective of this dissertation was to build a system which is the result of an artificial ecosystem able to support artificial life and also to analyze how the species respond to an increase in the ecosystem temperature. The artificial ecosystem was programmed to mimic the cocoa plantation. As such, the artificial life or species which live on it are: the cocoa trees, the midges and the mites. These species were programmed as agents in an environment, the ecosystem. The system was programmed using python as programming language and it was based on the description that (Russell and Norvig, 2002) made on environments and agents construction and the description that (Rothlauf, 2006) and (Eiben, Smith, et al., 2003) made on genetic algorithms. The visualization of the environment and the agents was programmed in a parallel script that draws the previous objects at every iteration. Finally, the environment temperature was increased by 1:5°C and by 3:0°C. The first increase had a small effect on the midges population only decreasing by 11% the initial number of individuals. The second increase had a major effect on the midges population leading to the species extinction. On the contrary, these increases of temperature did not affect the development of the mite species. These results were not a surprise as climate change and global warming accelerates the previous scenarios. In fact, these phenomena are expected to happen a lot more across the world. Humans are causing an unbalance in nature, the planet conditions are changing rapidly, at a rate that nature cannot cope.A comunidade científica tem avisado para as perigosas consequências da exploração humana no planeta. Nos últimos trinta anos o planeta perdeu metade da sua vida selvagem e as emissões de gases de estufa têm vindo a aumentar desde então. Esta dissertação focou-se num ecossistema em particular, uma plantação de cacau no Gana, África. Para além disso, durante esta investigação a interação entre espécies que vivem no ecossistema assim como as suas respetivas regras e características foi estudada. O principal objectivo da dissertação foi construir um ecossistema artificial capaz de suportar vida artificial. Depois, observar como é que as espécies que vivem neste ecossistema respondem quando a temperatura do ambiente é aumentada. O sistema artificial foi programado para imitar a plantação de cacau, como tal, a vida artificial ou especies que lá vivem são: as árvores de cacau, as moscas do cacau e os ácaros. As espécies foram programadas para serem agentes num ambiente, o ecossistema. O sistema foi programado usando Python como linguagem de programação e foi baseado na descrição que (Russell e Norvig, 2002) fez sobre a construção de ambientes e agentes e nas descrições que (Rothlauf, 2006) e (Eiben, Smith et al., 2003) fizeram sobre algoritmos genéticos. A visualização do ambiente e dos agentes foi programada em paralelo noutro ficheiro que desenha os objectos anteriores a cada iteração do ambiente. Por fim, a tempertura do ambiente foi aumentada em 1;5°C e em 3;0°C. O primeiro aumento teve um efeito pequeno na espécie das moscas do cacau, apenas diminuiu a população inicial das moscas. O segundo aumento teve um maior efeito na espécie das moscas conduzindo à extinção da mesma. Por outro lado a espécie das ácaros não foi afetada por nenhum dos aumentos da temperatura. Estes resultados não foram surpreendentes com a aceleração das alterações climáticas e do aquecimento global. De facto, é esperado que estes fenómenos aconteçam cada vez mais por todo o planeta. A actividade humana está a provocar um desequilíbrio na natureza, as condições do planeta estão a mudar rapidamente, tão rápido que a natureza não consegue acompanhar

    Jakamistalous venealalla

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    Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaista jakamistalous venealalla Suomessa on, millaisia ajureita ja jarruja ilmiöön liittyy ja miten veneitä valmistava yritys voi ottaa jakamistalouden huomioon toiminnassaan. Tutkielmassa perehdyttiin jakamistalouteen yleisesti aiemman tieteellisen tutkimuksen perusteella ja yhdistettiin sitä empirian kautta venealaan Suomessa. Jakamistaloutta ilmiönä haluttiin tutkia jakamistalouden asiakkaiden, jakamistalouden palvelunmahdollistajien sekä jakamistalouden palveluntarjoajien kannalta. Jakamistalouden merkitys on kasvanut hurjasti ja erilaiset jakamistalouden palvelut ovat osa jo monen suomalaisenkin arkea. Kaupunkikuvaan on muutamassa vuodessa ilmestynyt jo monia yhteiskäyttöisiä kulkuneuvoja, kuten sähköpotkulautoja, polkupyöriä, autoja ja veneitä. Jakamistalous on nykyaikaisen kuluttamisen kannalta ajankohtainen ja tärkeä aihe, jota on tutkittu melko paljon. Jakamistaloudesta venealalla ei kuitenkaan ole juurikaan tutkimusta, joten aihe on uusi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli antaa tietoa jakamistaloudesta venealalla siitä kiinnostuneille toimijoille, sekä erityisesti tarjota tietoa veneiden jakamisesta veneteollisuudelle, jotta jakamistalous voitaisiin ottaa entistä paremmin huomioon jo veneiden valmistusvaiheessa. Jakamistaloutta tutkittiin ensin yleisellä tasolla aiheen tarpeeksi syvän ymmärryksen saavuttamiseksi. Erityisesti kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdyttiin jakamistalouden käsitteen määrittelyyn, jakamistalouden liiketoimintamallien erityispiirteisiin, malleihin jakamistalouteen osallistumisesta sekä jakamistalouden ajureihin ja jarruihin. Teoriaosuudessa esiteltiin myös keinotekoinen ekosysteemi tapana kuvata liiketoimintaympäristöä. Venealaa Suomessa kuvattiin ekosysteemin avulla, jotta lukija saisi kuvan siitä, miten veneala Suomessa rakentuu. Teoriaosuuden perusteella rakennettiin viitekehys jakamistalouteen osallistumisesta, joka validoitiin haastattelujen perusteella. Haastattelut toteutettiin haastattelemalla veneiden jakamistalouteen liittyviä henkilöitä ilmiön kolmelta eri puolelta: asiakkaita, palvelun mahdollistajia ja palveluntarjoajia. Haastatteluiden tarkoituksena oli selvittää millaisia ajureita ja jarruja jakamistalouteen osallistumiseen juuri venealalla on. Teorian perusteella tehty viitekehys tuotiin haastattelujen avulla veneilyn kontekstiin ja haastatteluissa huomattiin, että osa tekijöistä korostui veneilyssä merkittävästi ja osa näytteli odotettua pienempää roolia. Haastatteluissa tuli esille melko paljon juuri veneisiin liittyviä erityispiirteitä, jotka vaikuttivat haastateltavien jakamistalouteen osallistumisen ajureihin ja jarruihin. Tutkimuksen tuloksena saatiin haastatteluiden perusteella validoitu viitekehys, jota veneiden jakamistaloudesta kiinnostuneet toimijat voivat hyödyntää eri tavoin. Viitekehyksessä jakamistalouteen osallistumiseen vaikuttaa asiakkaan kannalta toiminnan vaivattomuus ja rahalle saatava vastine ja palveluntarjoajan kannalta lisätulot. Näihin vaikuttaa toiminnan arvioitu helppous, yksilön resurssit, luottamus, arvioidut hyödyt sekä aiemmat kokemukset jakamisesta

    Evolutionary Development based on Genetic Regulatory Models for Behavior-Finding

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    This thesis investigates the role, implications, and applications of a genetic-regulated developmental process in evolution. A novel formalism of string-regulated graph grammar, as an abstraction of biological development, is presented and studied. Founded on this formalism, evolutionary developmental models are introduced and tested. The results demonstrate the benefits of the models, compared to traditional direct encoding approaches, for the problems of form-finding and behavior-finding

    Identifying the Neurocognitive bases of creativity to increase human and computational creativity

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    En esta Tesis Doctoral se ha identificado la estructura neurocognitiva que sustenta la creatividad humana a partir del análisis conjunto de más de 800 referencias bibliográficas que muestran las investigaciones más importantes realizadas hasta la fecha. Sobre la base de esta estructura, se ha identificado un paradigma neurocognitivo de la creatividad humana y se ha propuesto un modelo neurocognitivo del proceso creativo. Finalmente, también se ha propuesto un paradigma creativo neurocognitivo computacional y se ha diseñado la estructura de un sistema computacional creativo, basado en una estructura multiagente. La investigación que se ha realizado sobre el tema hasta la fecha es muy especializada y se centra en aspectos muy concretos de la creatividad, y en muchos casos tienen poca relación entre sí. Por ello, y para tener una idea conjunta y holística de los procesos neurocognitivos de la creatividad humana, es necesario estudiar todas estas investigaciones de forma interconectada. Esta idea conjunta permitiría dirigir investigaciones más específicas para ser más efectivos. Por ello, lo primero que se ha hecho ha sido clasificar, agrupar, analizar, entrelazar y estructurar, de forma ordenada, las investigaciones más importantes que se han realizado hasta la fecha. Sin embargo, el trabajo realizado va mucho más allá, ya que estructurando y entrelazando las investigaciones existentes ha sido posible identificar ciertos patrones, correlaciones y paralelismos, y realizar ciertas deducciones, que en su conjunto, han permitido identificar los procesos neurocognitivos fundamentales. bases de la creatividad humana. La Tesis se estructura en los siguientes capítulos: Capitulo 2 Análisis de los principales métodos para estimular la creatividad Se analizan las principales definiciones de creatividad, y se ha decidido que el mejor enfoque para su análisis es estructurarla taxonómicamente, bajo el modelo 4P. Se ha realizado una recopilación y análisis de los métodos más efectivos que estimulan la creatividad humana, mostrando las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno. Capítulo 3 Estructura funcional del cerebro humano y su relación con el proceso creativo Se identifica la estructura neurocognitiva general del cerebro humano que permite generar los procesos fundamentales y básicos de su actividad creativa. Capítulo 4 El papel fundamental de la DMN en el proceso creativo Se ha observado que la red de modo predeterminado (DMN) tiene un papel principal en la creatividad. Por ello, se ha dedicado un capítulo a su estudio, y se han identificado varios factores que la involucran directamente en la actividad creativa del cerebro humano. Capítulo 5 Identificación y análisis de las bases neurocognitivas de la creatividad humana Se ha identificado el conjunto general de factores neurocognitivos que sustentan los procesos creativos en el cerebro humano. Capítulo 6 Paradigma neurocognitivo de la creatividad humana Se ha propuesto un modelo neurocognitivo del proceso creativo que reestructura, completa y detalla todos los modelos conceptuales propuestos hasta el momento. Capítulo 7 Paradigma computacional de la creatividad basado en la estructura neurocognitiva humana Analizando las diferentes bases neurocognitivas que sustentan la creatividad humana, se han establecido paralelismos computacionales y se han realizado diferentes sugerencias para el diseño de un sistema computacional creativo.In this Doctoral Thesis, the neurocognitive structure that supports human creativity has been identified based on the joint analysis of more than 800 bibliographical references that show the most important investigations carried out to date. Based on this structure, a neurocognitive paradigm of human creativity has been described, and a neurocognitive model of creative process has been proposed. Finally, a computational neurocognitive creative paradigm has been also proposed, and the structure of a creative computational multi-agent system has been designed. The research that has been carried out on the subject is very specialized and focuses on very specific aspects of creativity, and in many cases they have little relationship with each other. For this reason, and in order to have a joint and holistic idea of the neurocognitive processes of human creativity, it is necessary to study all these investigations in an interconnected way. This joint idea would allow directing more specific investigations in order to be more effective. For this reason, the first thing that has been done has been to classify, group, analyze, intertwine and structure, in an orderly manner, the most important investigations that have been carried out to date. However, the work carried out goes much further, since by structuring and intertwining the existing research it has been possible to identify certain patterns, correlations and parallelisms, and make certain deductions, which as a whole, have made it possible to identify the fundamental neurocognitive bases of human creativity. Chapter 2 Analysis of the main methods to stimulate creativity The main definitions of creativity are analyzed, and it has been decided that the best approach for its analysis is to structure it taxonomically, under the 4P model. A compilation and analysis of the most effective methods that stimulate human creativity has been carried out, showing the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Chapter 3 Functional structure of the human brain and its relationship with the creative process The general neurocognitive structure of the human brain that allows the generation of the fundamental and basic processes of its creative activity are identified. Chapter 4 The fundamental role of the DMN in the creative process It has been observed that the Default mode network (DMN) has a main role in creativity. For this reason, a chapter has been dedicated to its study, and several factors have been identified that directly involve it in the creative activity of the human brain. Chapter 5 Identification and analysis of the neurocognitive bases of human creativity The general set of neurocognitive factors that underpin creative processes in the human brain has been identified. Chapter 6 Neurocognitive paradigm of human creativity A neurocognitive model of the creative process has been proposed, which restructures, completes and details all the conceptual models proposed so far. Chapter 7 Computational paradigm of creativity based on the human neurocognitive structure Analyzing the different neurocognitive bases that support human creativity, computational parallels have been established and different suggestions have been made for the design of a creative computational system

    Artificial ecosystems for creative discovery

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