4,555 research outputs found

    A Motion Planner For Robot Manipulators Based on Support Vector Machines

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    ABSTRACT Moving a robot between two configurations without making a collision is of high importance in planning problems. Sampling-based planners have gained popularity due to their acceptable performance in practical situations. This body of work introduces the notion of a risk function that is provided using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm to find safe configurations in a sampled configuration space. A configuration is called safe if it is placed at maximum dis­tance from surrounding obstacle samples. Compared to previous solutions, this function is less sensitive to a selected sampling method and resolution. The proposed function is first used as a repulsive potential field in a local SVM-based planner. Afterwards, a global planner using the notion of the risk function is suggested to address some of the shortcomings of the suggested local planner. The proposed global planner is able to solve a problem with fewer number of milestones and less number of referrals to the collision detection module in comparison to the classical Probabilistic Roadmap Planner (PRM). The two proposed methods are evaluated in both simulated and experimental environments and the results are reported

    RMPD - A Recursive Mid-Point Displacement Algorithm for Path Planning

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    Motivated by what is required for real-time path planning, the paper starts out by presenting sRMPD, a new recursive "local" planner founded on the key notion that, unless made necessary by an obstacle, there must be no deviation from the shortest path between any two points, which would normally be a straight line path in the configuration space. Subsequently, we increase the power of sRMPD by using it as a "connect" subroutine call in a higher-level sampling-based algorithm mRMPD that is inspired by multi-RRT. As a consequence, mRMPD spawns a larger number of space exploring trees in regions of the configuration space that are characterized by a higher density of obstacles. The overall effect is a hybrid tree growing strategy with a trade-off between random exploration as made possible by multi-RRT based logic and immediate exploitation of opportunities to connect two states as made possible by sRMPD. The mRMPD planner can be biased with regard to this trade-off for solving different kinds of planning problems efficiently. Based on the test cases we have run, our experiments show that mRMPD can reduce planning time by up to 80% compared to basic RRT

    Asymptotically near-optimal RRT for fast, high-quality, motion planning

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    We present Lower Bound Tree-RRT (LBT-RRT), a single-query sampling-based algorithm that is asymptotically near-optimal. Namely, the solution extracted from LBT-RRT converges to a solution that is within an approximation factor of 1+epsilon of the optimal solution. Our algorithm allows for a continuous interpolation between the fast RRT algorithm and the asymptotically optimal RRT* and RRG algorithms. When the approximation factor is 1 (i.e., no approximation is allowed), LBT-RRT behaves like RRG. When the approximation factor is unbounded, LBT-RRT behaves like RRT. In between, LBT-RRT is shown to produce paths that have higher quality than RRT would produce and run faster than RRT* would run. This is done by maintaining a tree which is a sub-graph of the RRG roadmap and a second, auxiliary graph, which we call the lower-bound graph. The combination of the two roadmaps, which is faster to maintain than the roadmap maintained by RRT*, efficiently guarantees asymptotic near-optimality. We suggest to use LBT-RRT for high-quality, anytime motion planning. We demonstrate the performance of the algorithm for scenarios ranging from 3 to 12 degrees of freedom and show that even for small approximation factors, the algorithm produces high-quality solutions (comparable to RRG and RRT*) with little running-time overhead when compared to RRT

    Path planning using harmonic functions and probabilistic cell decomposition

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    Potential-field approach based on harmonic functions have good path planning properties, although the explicit knowledge of the robot’s Configuration Space is required. To overcome this drawback, a combination with a random sampling scheme is proposed. Harmonic functions are computed over computed over a 2d –tree decomposition of a d-dimensional Configuration Space that is obtained with a probabilistic cell decomposition (sampling and classification). Cell sampling is biased towards the more promising regions by using the harmonic function values. Cell classification is performed by evaluating a set of configurations of the cell obtained with a deterministic sampling sequence that provides a good uniform and incremental coverage of the cell. The proposed planning framework open the use of harmonic functions to higher dimensional C-spaces

    Sampling-Based Motion Planning: A Comparative Review

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    Sampling-based motion planning is one of the fundamental paradigms to generate robot motions, and a cornerstone of robotics research. This comparative review provides an up-to-date guideline and reference manual for the use of sampling-based motion planning algorithms. This includes a history of motion planning, an overview about the most successful planners, and a discussion on their properties. It is also shown how planners can handle special cases and how extensions of motion planning can be accommodated. To put sampling-based motion planning into a larger context, a discussion of alternative motion generation frameworks is presented which highlights their respective differences to sampling-based motion planning. Finally, a set of sampling-based motion planners are compared on 24 challenging planning problems. This evaluation gives insights into which planners perform well in which situations and where future research would be required. This comparative review thereby provides not only a useful reference manual for researchers in the field, but also a guideline for practitioners to make informed algorithmic decisions.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for Volume 7 (2024) of the Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous System

    Active planning for underwater inspection and the benefit of adaptivity

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    We discuss the problem of inspecting an underwater structure, such as a submerged ship hull, with an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). Unlike a large body of prior work, we focus on planning the views of the AUV to improve the quality of the inspection, rather than maximizing the accuracy of a given data stream. We formulate the inspection planning problem as an extension to Bayesian active learning, and we show connections to recent theoretical guarantees in this area. We rigorously analyze the benefit of adaptive re-planning for such problems, and we prove that the potential benefit of adaptivity can be reduced from an exponential to a constant factor by changing the problem from cost minimization with a constraint on information gain to variance reduction with a constraint on cost. Such analysis allows the use of robust, non-adaptive planning algorithms that perform competitively with adaptive algorithms. Based on our analysis, we propose a method for constructing 3D meshes from sonar-derived point clouds, and we introduce uncertainty modeling through non-parametric Bayesian regression. Finally, we demonstrate the benefit of active inspection planning using sonar data from ship hull inspections with the Bluefin-MIT Hovering AUV.United States. Office of Naval Research (ONR Grant N00014-09-1-0700)United States. Office of Naval Research (ONR Grant N00014-07-1-00738)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF grant 0831728)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF grant CCR-0120778)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF grant CNS-1035866

    An experimental comparison of path planning techniques applied to micro-sized magnetic agents

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    Micro-sized agents can be used in applications suchas microassembly, micromanipulation, and minimally invasive surgeries. Magnetic agents such as paramagnetic microparticles can be controlled to deliver pharmaceutical agents to difficult-toaccess regions within the human body. In order to autonomously move these microparticles toward a target/goal area, an obstaclefree path must be computed using path planning algorithms. Several path planning algorithms have been developed in the literature, however, to the best of our knowledge, only few have been employed in an experimental scenario. In this paper we perform an experimental comparison of six path planning algorithms when applied to the motion control of paramagnetic microparticles. Among the families of deterministic and probabilistic path planners we select the ones that we consider the most fundamental, such as: A* with quadtrees, A* with uniform grids, D* Lite, Artificial Potential Field, Probabilistic Roadmap and Rapidly-exploring Random Tree. We consider a 2D environment made by both dynamic and static obstacles. Four scenarios are evaluated. Three metrics such as computation time, length of the trajectory performed by the microparticle, and time to reach the goal are used to compare the planners. Experimental results reveal equivalence between almost all the considered planners in terms of trajectory length and completion time. Concerning the computation time, A* with quadtrees and Artificial Potential Field achieve the best performances

    Topology-Guided Roadmap Construction With Dynamic Region Sampling

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    Many types of planning problems require discovery of multiple pathways through the environment, such as multi-robot coordination or protein ligand binding. The Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) algorithm is a powerful tool for this case, but often cannot efficiently connect the roadmap in the presence of narrow passages. In this letter, we present a guidance mechanism that encourages the rapid construction of well-connected roadmaps with PRM methods. We leverage a topological skeleton of the workspace to track the algorithm\u27s progress in both covering and connecting distinct neighborhoods, and employ this information to focus computation on the uncovered and unconnected regions. We demonstrate how this guidance improves PRM\u27s efficiency in building a roadmap that can answer multiple queries in both robotics and protein ligand binding applications

    Sensory Steering for Sampling-Based Motion Planning

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    Sampling-based algorithms offer computationally efficient, practical solutions to the path finding problem in high-dimensional complex configuration spaces by approximately capturing the connectivity of the underlying space through a (dense) collection of sample configurations joined by simple local planners. In this paper, we address a long-standing bottleneck associated with the difficulty of finding paths through narrow passages. Whereas most prior work considers the narrow passage problem as a sampling issue (and the literature abounds with heuristic sampling strategies) very little attention has been paid to the design of new effective local planners. Here, we propose a novel sensory steering algorithm for sampling- based motion planning that can “feel” a configuration space locally and significantly improve the path planning performance near difficult regions such as narrow passages. We provide computational evidence for the effectiveness of the proposed local planner through a variety of simulations which suggest that our proposed sensory steering algorithm outperforms the standard straight-line planner by significantly increasing the connectivity of random motion planning graphs. For more information: Kod*la