163,595 research outputs found

    Deep learning from crowds

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    Over the last few years, deep learning has revolutionized the field of machine learning by dramatically improving the state-of-the-art in various domains. However, as the size of supervised artificial neural networks grows, typically so does the need for larger labeled datasets. Recently, crowdsourcing has established itself as an efficient and cost-effective solution for labeling large sets of data in a scalable manner, but it often requires aggregating labels from multiple noisy contributors with different levels of expertise. In this paper, we address the problem of learning deep neural networks from crowds. We begin by describing an EM algorithm for jointly learning the parameters of the network and the reliabilities of the annotators. Then, a novel general-purpose crowd layer is proposed, which allows us to train deep neural networks end-to-end, directly from the noisy labels of multiple annotators, using only backpropagation. We empirically show that the proposed approach is able to internally capture the reliability and biases of different annotators and achieve new state-of-the-art results for various crowdsourced datasets across different settings, namely classification, regression and sequence labeling.Comment: 10 pages, The Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 201

    Planning and Control of a Robotic Manipulator Using Neural Networks

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    An architecture which utilizes two artificial neural systems for planning and control of a robotic arm is presented. The first neural network system participates in the trajectory planning and the motion decision-making process. The second neural network system provides the correct sequence of control actions with a high accuracy due to the utilization of an unsupervised/supervised neural network scheme. The utilization of a hybrid hierarchical/distributed organization, supervised/unsupervised learning models, and forward modeling yielded an architecture with capabilities of high level functionality


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    Modern cryptography techniques are virtually unbreakable. As the Internet and other forms of electronic communication become more prevalent, electronic security is becoming increasingly important. Cryptography is used to protect e-mail messages, credit card information, and corporate data. The design of the cryptography system is a conventional cryptography that uses one key for encryption and decryption process. The chosen cryptography algorithm is stream cipher algorithm that encrypt one bit at a time. The central problem in the stream-cipher cryptography is the difficulty of generating a long unpredictable sequence of binary signals from short and random key. Pseudo random number generators (PRNG) have been widely used to construct this key sequence. The pseudo random number generator was designed using the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) providing the required nonlinearity properties that increases the randomness statistical properties of the pseudo random generator. The learning algorithm of this neural network is backpropagation learning algorithm. The learning process was done by software program in Matlab (software implementation) to get the efficient weights. Then, the learned neural network was implemented using field programmable gate array (FPGA)

    Neural Network Based Fuzzy C-MEANS Clustering Algorithm

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    In this paper, fuzzy c-means algorithm uses neural network algorithm is presented. In pattern recognition, fuzzy clustering algorithms have demonstrated advantage over crisp clustering algorithms to group the high dimensional data into clusters. The proposed work involves two steps. First, a recently developed and Enhanced Kmeans Fast Leaning Artificial Neural Network (KFLANN) frame work is used to determine cluster centers. Secondly, Fuzzy C-means uses these cluster centers to generate fuzzy membership functions. Enhanced K-means Fast Learning Artificial Neural Network (KFLANN) is an algorithm which produces consistent classification of the vectors in to the same clusters regardless of the data presentation sequence. Experiments are conducted on two artificial data sets Iris and New Thyroid. The result shows that Enhanced KFLANN is faster to generate consistent cluster centers and utilizes these for elicitation of efficient fuzzy memberships

    Study and Observation of the Variations of Accuracies for Handwritten Digits Recognition with Various Hidden Layers and Epochs using Neural Network Algorithm

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    In recent days, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) can be applied to a vast majority of fields including business, medicine, engineering, etc. The most popular areas where ANN is employed nowadays are pattern and sequence recognition, novelty detection, character recognition, regression analysis, speech recognition, image compression, stock market prediction, Electronic nose, security, loan applications, data processing, robotics, and control. The benefits associated with its broad applications leads to increasing popularity of ANN in the era of 21st Century. ANN confers many benefits such as organic learning, nonlinear data processing, fault tolerance, and self-repairing compared to other conventional approaches. The primary objective of this paper is to analyze the influence of the hidden layers of a neural network over the overall performance of the network. To demonstrate this influence, we applied neural network with different layers on the MNIST dataset. Also, another goal is to observe the variations of accuracies of ANN for different numbers of hidden layers and epochs and to compare and contrast among them.Comment: To be published in the 4th IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology (iCEEiCT 2018

    Number Sequence Prediction Problems for Evaluating Computational Powers of Neural Networks

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    Inspired by number series tests to measure human intelligence, we suggest number sequence prediction tasks to assess neural network models' computational powers for solving algorithmic problems. We define the complexity and difficulty of a number sequence prediction task with the structure of the smallest automaton that can generate the sequence. We suggest two types of number sequence prediction problems: the number-level and the digit-level problems. The number-level problems format sequences as 2-dimensional grids of digits and the digit-level problems provide a single digit input per a time step. The complexity of a number-level sequence prediction can be defined with the depth of an equivalent combinatorial logic, and the complexity of a digit-level sequence prediction can be defined with an equivalent state automaton for the generation rule. Experiments with number-level sequences suggest that CNN models are capable of learning the compound operations of sequence generation rules, but the depths of the compound operations are limited. For the digit-level problems, simple GRU and LSTM models can solve some problems with the complexity of finite state automata. Memory augmented models such as Stack-RNN, Attention, and Neural Turing Machines can solve the reverse-order task which has the complexity of simple pushdown automaton. However, all of above cannot solve general Fibonacci, Arithmetic or Geometric sequence generation problems that represent the complexity of queue automata or Turing machines. The results show that our number sequence prediction problems effectively evaluate machine learning models' computational capabilities.Comment: Accepted to 2019 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligenc

    Synaptic state matching: a dynamical architecture for predictive internal representation and feature perception

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    Here we consider the possibility that a fundamental function of sensory cortex is the generation of an internal simulation of sensory environment in real-time. A logical elaboration of this idea leads to a dynamical neural architecture that oscillates between two fundamental network states, one driven by external input, and the other by recurrent synaptic drive in the absence of sensory input. Synaptic strength is modified by a proposed synaptic state matching (SSM) process that ensures equivalence of spike statistics between the two network states. Remarkably, SSM, operating locally at individual synapses, generates accurate and stable network-level predictive internal representations, enabling pattern completion and unsupervised feature detection from noisy sensory input. SSM is a biologically plausible substrate for learning and memory because it brings together sequence learning, feature detection, synaptic homeostasis, and network oscillations under a single parsimonious computational framework. Beyond its utility as a potential model of cortical computation, artificial networks based on this principle have remarkable capacity for internalizing dynamical systems, making them useful in a variety of application domains including time-series prediction and machine intelligence
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