2,256 research outputs found

    Creative management: theoretical foundations

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    У сучасному динамічному житті нові непередбачувані події, що відбуваються все більше і більше, повалюють, або приносять успіх і процвітання, або порушують життєвий шлях та діяльність багатьох людей, організацій, країн, регіонів. Наша неспроможність сприймати випадкові непрограмовані події обумовлена ​​тим, що результатом традиційної освіти є вміння логічно відображати та аналізувати інформацію. Для успішної роботи в умовах збільшення непередбачуваності та розбіжностей соціально-економічного розвитку необхідно, крім інфологічної парадигми сприйняття навколишнього світу, оволодіти парадигмою осягнення та творчої роботи. У цьому креативному менеджменті є способи та методи переключення тренінгів менеджерів, інженерів, підприємців на рівень конструктивного креативного мислення та активності шляхом поєднання логіки та евристичності. Монографія призначена для студентів та аспірантів, докторантів, керівників інструкторів та практиків менеджменту в економічній сфері, інженерних кадрів, усіх, хто хоче активно та цілеспрямовано працювати для процвітання своєї організації та творчого розвитку особистості. Це оригінальний ключ до розуміння сучасності та бачення майбутнього сучасної організації та соціально-економічного розвитку в цілому шляхом активізації гуманної творчої діяльності людини.В современной динамичной жизни происходят новые непредсказуемые события, все более свершающие, либо приносящие успех и процветание, либо нарушающие жизненный путь и деятельность многих людей, организаций, стран, регионов. Наша неготовность воспринимать случайные непрограммируемые события обусловлена ​​тем, что результатом традиционного образования является способность логически отражать и анализировать информацию. Для того, чтобы успешно работать в условиях повышения непредсказуемости и несоответствия социально-экономического развития, помимо парадигмы восприятия окружающего мира необходимо освоить парадигму понимания и творчества. В этом креативном менеджменте есть способы и способы переключения обучения менеджеров, инженеров, предпринимателей на уровень конструктивного творческого мышления и деятельности посредством сочетания логики и эвристики. Монография, предназначенная для студентов и аспирантов, докторантов, управленческих инструкторов и практиков менеджмента в экономической сфере, инженерных кадров, всех, кто хочет активно и целенаправленно работать ради процветания своей организации и творческого развития личности. Это оригинальный ключ к пониманию настоящего и видению будущего современной организации и социально-экономического развития в целом за счет активизации гуманной творческой деятельности человека.In a modern dynamic life new unpredictable events occurring more and more, overthrowing, either bringing success and prosperity or breaking a course of life and activity of many people, organizations, countries, regions. Our unreadiness to perceive random nonprogrammable events is caused by that the result of traditional education is ability to logically reflect and analyze the information. In order to work successfully under the conditions of increase of unpredictability and discrepancy of social and economic development, it is necessary besides infological paradigm of perception of the world around to master the paradigm of comprehension and creative work. In this creative management there are ways and methods of switching over of training of managers, engineers, entrepreneurs to level of constructive creative thinking and activity by way of combination of logic and heuristicity. The monograph meant for under- and postgraduate students, doctoral candidates, management instructors and practitioners of management in the economic sphere, engineering personnel, everybody who wants to work actively and purposefully for prosperity of one’s organization and personality creative development. This is an original key to understanding of the present and vision of the future of a modern organization and socioeconomic development on the whole through activation of humane creative activity of the person

    Journey of Artificial Intelligence Frontier: A Comprehensive Overview

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    The field of Artificial Intelligence AI is a transformational force with limitless promise in the age of fast technological growth This paper sets out on a thorough tour through the frontiers of AI providing a detailed understanding of its complex environment Starting with a historical context followed by the development of AI seeing its beginnings and growth On this journey fundamental ideas are explored looking at things like Machine Learning Neural Networks and Natural Language Processing Taking center stage are ethical issues and societal repercussions emphasising the significance of responsible AI application This voyage comes to a close by looking ahead to AI s potential for human-AI collaboration ground-breaking discoveries and the difficult obstacles that lie ahead This provides with a well-informed view on AI s past present and the unexplored regions it promises to explore by thoroughly navigating this terrai

    A Functional Taxonomy of Music Generation Systems

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    Digital advances have transformed the face of automatic music generation since its beginnings at the dawn of computing. Despite the many breakthroughs, issues such as the musical tasks targeted by different machines and the degree to which they succeed remain open questions. We present a functional taxonomy for music generation systems with reference to existing systems. The taxonomy organizes systems according to the purposes for which they were designed. It also reveals the inter-relatedness amongst the systems. This design-centered approach contrasts with predominant methods-based surveys and facilitates the identification of grand challenges to set the stage for new breakthroughs.Comment: survey, music generation, taxonomy, functional survey, survey, automatic composition, algorithmic compositio

    Human vs automatic advice : what’s the future of personal counselling for cosmetic products? : focus on the Portuguese market

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    From the studies conducted, it was observed that the cosmetic industry has shown exponential growth in recent years, and the increasing use of social networks has influenced this phenomenon. Also, they have led to changes in consumer buying behavior, including the increase in online shopping. Due to the increase in the importance of the self and the concern with having a good appearance, consumers expect more personalized service and advice. In response to these expectations, companies have invested in the pursuit of machine learning technologies. These technologies can offer automatic advice without human intervention and, at the same time, they cause changes in the purchase decision-making process. In this context, this study addresses the receptivity of these technologies in the Portuguese market, using “HiMirror” technology as a benchmark, to help companies to define their sales and marketing strategy. The Technology Acceptance Model was used as a basis for testing consumer acceptance and it was observed that consumers find this technology useful and the perception of utility positively influences their propensity to use it in-store. Personality traits, such as creativity, fashion sense, and rationality, were analyzed to find clusters about the intention to use this technology and to find the best target for these services. Finally, it was analyzed in which buying situations and for what kind of products consumers prefer to be advised by machines rather than humans.Dos estudos realizados, observou-se que a indústria de cosmética apresentou um crescimento exponencial nos últimos anos, sendo que o incremento da utilização das redes sociais influenciou esse fenómeno. Para além do mais, provocaram também alterações nos comportamentos de compra dos consumidores, nomeadamente o aumento das compras online. Devido ao reforço da importância do “eu” e ao aumento da importância da aparência, os consumidores esperam um atendimento e aconselhamento mais personalizado. Em resposta a essas expectativas, as empresas têm investido na procura de tecnologias baseadas no “machine learning”. Estas tecnologias são capazes de oferecer aconselhamento automático sem intervenção humana e, ao mesmo tempo, causar alterações no processo de tomada de decisão da compra. Neste contexto, este estudo aborda a recetividade destas tecnologias no mercado português, com base na tecnologia “HiMirror”, e tem como objetivo ajudar as empresas a definir a sua estratégia de vendas e marketing. O Modelo de Aceitação de Tecnologia foi usado como alicerce para testar a aceitação dos consumidores e concluímos que os mesmos consideram esta tecnologia útil e que a sua perceção de utilidade influencia positivamente a propensão do seu uso em loja. Os traços de personalidade, ou seja, a criatividade, o senso de moda e a racionalidade, foram analisados de modo a encontrar clusters sobre a intenção de uso desta tecnologia. Por último, foi analisado em que situações de compra e para que tipo de produtos os consumidores preferem ser aconselhados por máquinas em vez de humanos

    The digital art paradox: understanding its issues and dynamics

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    Over the years there has been a clear separation – the disavowal - from the mainstream art world and digital art. The main triggering point of this dissertation is to understand the paradoxical nature of this relationship from the start, coming from the basilar literature and data observation. Digital art, despite being a concept that began in the 1950s, still lacks consensus from the big art institutions, the academia, and the overall audience, to this date. As it can be categorized, this movement has a complex ongoing history that can help to understand the intrinsic aspects of digital art that have been creating this gap for all these years. The central aspect that explains the digital art paradox is the relationship between its external factors – the art institutions and organizations – and the internal factors – the immateriality issue and the problem of authenticity and copyright in the digital world. The present dissertation attempts to analyze this relationship and to draw some considerations for the future of art in the growing and thriving digital era.Ao longo dos anos tem havido uma clara separação – a resistência – entre o mundo da arte convencional e a arte digital. O ponto desencadeante desta dissertação é compreender a natureza paradoxal desta relação desde o início, proveniente da literatura basilar e da observação de dados. A arte digital, apesar de ser um conceito que começou nos anos 50, ainda carece de consenso por parte das grandes instituições de arte, da academia, e do público em geral, até esta data. Este movimento, como pode ser categorizado, tem uma história complexa e em construção, que pode ajudar a compreender os aspetos intrínsecos da arte digital que estão a criar esta lacuna ao longo de todos estes anos. O aspeto central que explica o paradoxo da arte digital é a relação entre os seus fatores externos - as instituições e organizações de arte - e os internos - a questão da imaterialidade e o problema da autenticidade e dos direitos de autor no mundo digital. A presente dissertação tenta analisar esta relação e traçar algumas considerações para o futuro da arte na crescente e próspera era digital

    AI Hype: Public Relations and AI's doomsday machine

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    This chapter broadens current professional debates by highlighting a different but vital relationship between the PR profession and AI, one in which PR professionals – acting as AI cheerleaders – are deeply implicated in generating AI hype. My discussion explores recent market studies research on disruption and hype cycles, before delving into the latest, somewhat disturbing phase in AI’s hype cycle, in which end-of-the-world scenarios are invoked to stimulate a climate of fear around AI. The chapter concludes by exploring some ethical concerns with promoting AI and automation as humanity’s inevitable future