1,084 research outputs found

    Signal waveform estimation in the presence of uncertainties about the steering vector

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    We consider the problem of signal waveform estimation using an array of sensors where there exist uncertainties about the steering vector of interest. This problem occurs in many situations, including arrays undergoing deformations, uncalibrated arrays, scattering around the source, etc. In this paper, we assume that some statistical knowledge about the variations of the steering vector is available. Within this framework, two approaches are proposed, depending on whether the signal is assumed to be deterministic or random. In the former case, the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator is derived. It is shown that it amounts to a beamforming-like processing of the observations, and an iterative algorithm is presented to obtain the ML weight vector. For random signals, a Bayesian approach is advocated, and we successively derive an (approximate) minimum mean-square error estimator and maximum a posteriori estimators. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the performances of the estimators

    Amplitude estimation of a signal with known waveform in the presence of steering vector uncertainties

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    In this correspondence, we address the problem of estimating the amplitude of a signal with known waveform received on an array of sensors and we consider the case where there exist uncertainties about the spatial signature of the signal of interest. Closed-form expressions for the Cramer–Rao bound are derived and the respective influence of the uncertainties and the number of snapshots is studied. The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the signal of interest amplitude along with the covariance matrix of the interferences and noise is also derived and an iterative algorithm is presented to obtain the ML estimates

    Matched direction detectors and estimators for array processing with subspace steering vector uncertainties

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating and detecting a signal whose associated spatial signature is known to lie in a given linear subspace but whose coordinates in this subspace are otherwise unknown, in the presence of subspace interference and broad-band noise. This situation arises when, on one hand, there exist uncertainties about the steering vector but, on the other hand, some knowledge about the steering vector errors is available. First, we derive the maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE) for the problem and compute the corresponding Cramer-Rao bound. Next, the maximum-likelihood estimates are used to derive a generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT). The GLRT is compared and contrasted with the standard matched subspace detectors. The performances of the estimators and detectors are illustrated by means of numerical simulations

    Robust adaptive beamforming using a Bayesian steering vector error model

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    We propose a Bayesian approach to robust adaptive beamforming which entails considering the steering vector of interest as a random variable with some prior distribution. The latter can be tuned in a simple way to reflect how far is the actual steering vector from its presumed value. Two different priors are proposed, namely a Bingham prior distribution and a distribution that directly reveals and depends upon the angle between the true and presumed steering vector. Accordingly, a non-informative prior is assigned to the interference plus noise covariance matrix R, which can be viewed as a means to introduce diagonal loading in a Bayesian framework. The minimum mean square distance estimate of the steering vector as well as the minimum mean square error estimate of R are derived and implemented using a Gibbs sampling strategy. Numerical simulations show that the new beamformers possess a very good rate of convergence even in the presence of steering vector errors

    Steering vector errors and diagonal loading

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    Diagonal loading is one of the most widely used and effective methods to improve robustness of adaptive beamformers. In this paper, we consider its application to the case of steering vector errors, i.e. when there exists a mismatch between the actual steering vector of interest and the presumed one. More precisely, we address the problem of optimally selecting the loading level with a view to maximise the signal to interference plus noise ratio in the presence of random steering vector errors. First, we derive an expression for the optimal loading for a given steering vector error and we show that this loading is negative. Next, this optimal loading is averaged with respect to the probability density function of the steering vector errors, yielding a very simple expression for the average optimal loading. Numerical simulations attest to the validity of the analysis and show that diagonal loading with the optimal loading factor derived herein provides a performance close to optimum

    Space-time reduced rank methods and CFAR signal detection algorithms with applications to HPRF radar

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    In radar applications, the statistical properties (covariance matrix) of the interference are typically unknown a priori and are estimated from a dataset with limited sample support. Often, the limited sample support leads to numerically ill-conditioned radar detectors. Under such circumstances, classical interference cancellation methods such as sample matrix inversion (SMI) do not perform satisfactorily. In these cases, innovative reduced-rank space-time adaptive processing (STAP) techniques outperform full-rank techniques. The high pulse repetition frequency (HPRF) radar problem is analyzed and it is shown that it is in the class of adaptive radar with limited sample support. Reduced-rank methods are studied for the HPRF radar problem. In particular, the method known as diagonally loaded covariance matrix SMI (L-SMI) is closely investigated. Diagonal loading improves the numerical conditioning of the estimated covariance matrix, and hence, is well suited to be applied in a limited sample support environment. The performance of L-SMI is obtained through a theoretical distribution of the output conditioned signal-to-noise ratio of the space-time array. Reduced-rank techniques are extended to constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detectors based on the generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT). Two new modified CFAR GLRT detectors are considered and analyzed. The first is a subspace-based GLRT detector where subspace-based transformations are applied to the data prior to detection. A subspace transformation adds statistical stability which tends to improve performance at the expense of an additional SNR loss. The second detector is a modified GLRT detector that incorporates a diagonally loaded covariance matrix. Both detectors show improved performance over the traditional GLRT