29 research outputs found

    Organizational factors, perceived acceptance and behavioral intention as dimensions of knowledge management readiness

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    The concept of organizational readiness for knowledge management (KM) has been studied extensively from different perspectives in the recent past. KM supportive organizational factors such as KM oriented organizational culture, organizational structure and information technology infrastructures, and factors of individual acceptances are believed to be the predictors of KM readiness. However, the nature of those factors arguably suggests that they may not merely the predictors; rather they can be the dimensions of KM readiness. This work tries to verify this hypothesis. For this purpose, a questionnaire was formulated based on established measures, and administered using survey research methodology approach on 313 executives working in the selected organizations in the Sri Lankan telecommunication industry. The first order measurement model using AMOS version 16 was used to validate the measurement employed. Subsequently, a second order analysis was performed to test the hypothesis. Findings shows that all model fit indices are good and all the structural coefficients are significant, thus, the model fit to the data. Therefore, the current work proposes that the KM oriented organizational factors, individual acceptance and behavioral intentions should be considered as the dimensions of KM readiness

    A holistic approach to measure organizational readiness for knowledge management

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    Management of organizational Knowledge is considered crucial in the present knowledge era. As a result, organizational readiness for knowledge management (KM) has been studied comprehensively from diverse viewpoints lately. KM enablers such as organizational culture, organizational structure and information technology infrastructures, and organizational members’ perception towards KM are assumed to be the predictors of KM readiness. Nevertheless, those dimensions could be part of KM readiness rather than just merely being its predictors considering the inevitable nature of those variables for KM implementation. Accordingly, the current study hypothesis that these factors with behavioral intention of organizational members form a holistic dimension of organizational readiness for KM. To verify this claim a questionnaire based survey was conducted among 313 executives in the Sri Lankan telecommunication industry. To validate the research instruments used a first order measurement model was formulated using AMOS version 16. Then, to test hypotheses a second order analysis was performed. The indices for model fit are good and the structural coefficients are significant showing the data fit to the model. Hence, the present work recommends that the KM enablers, organizational members’ perception and their behavioral intentions can be the dimensions of organizational readiness for K

    Posibilidades educativas de las redes sociales y el trabajo en grupo. Percep- ciones de los alumnos universitarios

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    The change in classroom methodologies has in many cases come with the emergence of the Internet and 2.0 tools (mainly social networks). The development of a constructivist approach focused on group work means that students’ training can be improved by this type of resources as they foster important aspects such as socialization, information searching and the achievement of a common goal, etc. This work aims to analyze the information and communication technology (ICT) university learning processes and student preferences for working either inside or outside the classroom at the universities of Córdoba, Sevilla, Huelva and the Basque Country. Our objectives are focused on knowing: the students' feelings on social software and its influence on collaborative and group work;) the social network tools they use and, if there are any differences between these universities in terms of collaborative work perceptions. The instrument for data gathering was a four-dimensional questionnaire. The main results are: students are interested in group work as a type of classroom methodology; students have little knowledge of technology tools (except for social networks). These results provide a reliable diagnostic instrument for the variables that comprise this tool

    A measurement scale for students’ usage of online networks

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    Studies suggest that students are increasingly turning to information and communication technologies as learning tools in which they can present multiple identities quite explicitly tied to context, knowledge and understanding within online networks. Hence it is imperative for educational institutions to understand how twenty-first-century learners use online networks for their identity formation and learning experiences. Through a systematic review of existing instruments, constructs and elements were identified and used to develop a new conceptual research framework which was quantitatively tested on a convenience sample of students (n=300) at Sunway University in Malaysia. Based on the results, a measurement scale was developed and analysed through structural equation modelling and confirmatory factor analysis. The responses of the students revealed they are more likely to use online networks for identity formation than for the learning experience and that there is a relationship between identity formation, the learning experience and the use of online networks


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    Online information sharing behavior is an activity of exchanging or sharing information quickly and widely, as well as viruses on a computer, using interactive internet networks. To comprehensively comprehend the process of social transmission and the factors that influence it, it is necessary to know the variables that affect social relations. Previous studies have still little to discuss the role of social processes that encourage individuals to decide on the affinity of online content sharing. In addition, there are still not many studies that emphasize what kind of online content causes content to be more viral than other types of content supported by individual motivational factors and some variables that can strengthen or even weaken that influence. This research uses 208 student respondents through the Moderated Regression Analysis tool to examine situational factors as moderator variables on the relationship between individual motivational factors and online content sharing behavior. The results of the analysis found that there were significant effects of individual motivational factors on online content sharing behavior but this effect became not significant in the presence of situational factors as moderator variables. This research contributes significantly to marketing strategies in a company by utilizing the type of content and individual motivational factors that cause viral content or news to be faster

    Analisa Faktor-Faktor Yang Mendorong Penggunaan Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian (SIPEG) : Studi Kasus Politeknik Negeri Padang

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    Padang State Polytechnic is one of the best vocational Polytechnic in Sumatera. As the best college, Padang State Polytechnic has implemented several information systems; such as the Information System in the Human Resource Civil Service Department. However, the system still was not optimally utilized within the institution as a tool to support data processing and strategic tool to gain strategic advantages and to support the growth of the organization to a better level. This research was conducted to analyze the factors that encourage the usage of information system in the Human Resource Civil Service Department in PNP. In order to collect data survey, author has sent questionnaires to all faculties including lecturers and administration staffs in Padang State Polytechnic as user of Information System in the Human Resource Civil Service Department. Among 160 questionnaires that were distributed, only 121 questionnaires were returned. Furthermore, the questionnaires were proceeded with the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method by using Amos Software v.21. In conclusion, the factors that encourage the usage of Information System in the Human Resource Civil Service Department in PNP are Information Quality, Service Quality and System Quality

    The Influence of Digital Tools and Social Networks on the Digital Competence of University Students during COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This research was funded by Institute of Studies of Jaén (IEG) 2019–2021: Digital competence in primary school students in the province of Jaen, grant number 2019/5904.The authors wish to thank the students on whom the success of the research was dependent.Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study. Subjects participated voluntarily and their anonymity was guaranteed.The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to this study belongs to an ongoing research project.Request for data may be made to the corresponding author. For the development of this study, a request for permission from the Public Education Administration was not necessary since the research instrument was aimed at persons of legal age. All participants gave their voluntary consent to be a part of the investigation. We informed the participants that their anonymity and confidentiality would be guaranteed and that the data obtained would be used for scientific purposes (in addition to the promised absence of any variables that could lead to the identification of the participant).The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has generated a transformation in students' competences and university education, especially in the use of digital tools. This study aims to analyze the use of digital tools and social networks of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. For the collection of information, a validated Likert questionnaire (10-point scale) was adopted. The instrument consisted of a total of 66 items comprising a total of seven dimensions. The sample contained 581 students pursuing degrees in Childhood Education and Primary Education. The analysis of the available information was carried out in two different stages. First, we started by performing an exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) to determine the underlying structure of the Digital Competence of Higher Education Students (DCHES) scale factor. In the second phase, we used SEM (structural equation modeling), a statistical approach to test the relationships between observed and latent variables. More specifically, we estimated a multiple indicators multiple causes (MIMIC) model. The results showed the importance of two of the considered covariates in explaining the variability of the different dimensions of the scale analyzed (DCHES) considering the use of social networks and digital tools of university students. In this sense, both the degree to which virtual tools are used to develop teamwork and the degree of use of YouTube when communicating most fully explained the level of digital skills among the university students studied.Institute of Studies of Jaen (IEG) 2019-2021: Digital competence in primary school students in the province of Jaen 2019/590

    Online Education for K-12, the Growing Job Market: Are Education Majors Ready?

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    Innovation as well as a desire for more may be seen as twin influences in the field of education today. Out of this dichotomy online education for grades K-12 has emerged. Its many forms include everything from “flipped classrooms” to online classes or homework that supplements conventional classrooms to completely online charter schools (Wolk, 2011). Just four years ago there were already state-wide virtual charter schools in 20 states. These schools were often funded through rulings by state legislatures (Watson, 2008). There is also a growing concern over whether the majority of teacher candidates will need to be ready to use online supplements or even to teach entirely online (Natale, 2011). Future educators may need to be skilled in meeting the needs of students through the online medium, which may or may not be substantially different from the skill set needed for a physical classroom. How does a teacher candidate become qualified to teach online effectively? What are universities doing to prepare undergraduate and graduate students for teaching online? What do administrators and principals of online schools look for in their teachers? What do the teachers themselves have to say about this new facet of the education job market? What about the views of the students themselves in how effective online teachers meet their needs? This study offers an overview of literature on virtual or online schools. Additionally, action research was conducted to interview various contributors to online education, including teachers, administrators, and college professors. The results of surveys and interviews conducted with hiring staff on online schools, online teachers, and university faculty of online education training in Oregon’s public education system are analyzed and reported as well

    Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Finance: Meta-Analysis

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    Abstract   The use of the traditional system is declined greatly and with a modernization of the accounting and finance process there have been a great deal of change, and these improvements are beneficial to the accounting and finance industry. Adopting Artificial Intelligence applications such as Expert systems for audit and tax, Intelligent Agents for customer service, Machine Learning for decision making, etc. can lead a great benefit by reducing errors and increasing the efficiency of the accounting and finance processes. To keep ensuring a transparent and replicable process, we have conducted a meta-analysis. The database search was between the years 1989-2020 and reviewed 150 research papers. As meta-analysis results show, the majority of researches illustrate a positive effect of the impact of AI systems in the accounting and finance process

    Colaborative learning environment (CLE) en la asignatura de Fundamentos de gestión empresarial con la aplicación de m-learning y assessment feedback/feedforward mediante pares y sistemas de autorización presencial y virtual

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    Los cambios originados hace unos años con el Proceso de Bolonia y el establecimiento del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (eees) para lograr la convergencia y la comparabilidad en los sistemas educativos requieren introducir modificaciones en el proceso de aprendizaje tradicional. En este estudio se analiza cómo introducir esos cambios en la asignatura básica de Fundamentos de gestión empresarial, la cual se imparte en las facultades de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, aplicado al caso de la Universidad San Pablo-ceu. Para esto, se propone la creación de entornos colaborativos de aprendizaje (collaborative learning environment-cle), con la utilización para su desarrollo del aprendizaje colaborativo basado en problemas, mediante el uso de redes sociales a través de dispositivos móviles distintos (m-learning), y con la realización de feedback a fin de mejorar el aprendizaje entre los propios estudiantes y con el profesor a través de tutorías, bien sean presenciales o bien virtuales. Se trata de crear un entorno que incluya todos aquellos recursos que ayudan al alumno a buscar y organizar información y conocimiento. Estos recursos, que se pueden compartir con grupos de trabajo, en nuestro caso serán fundamentalmente redes sociales, dispositivos móviles y la plataforma virtual de la universidad a través de la cuál puede gestionarse y llevarse a cabo el proceso de formación. El curso funciona en dicha plataforma como un entorno exclusivo que contiene, entre otros medios, un sistema de mensajería interna y otro de foros, diseñados con el propósito de llevar a cabo tutorías individuales y colectivas