741 research outputs found

    Big Data and the Internet of Things

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    Advances in sensing and computing capabilities are making it possible to embed increasing computing power in small devices. This has enabled the sensing devices not just to passively capture data at very high resolution but also to take sophisticated actions in response. Combined with advances in communication, this is resulting in an ecosystem of highly interconnected devices referred to as the Internet of Things - IoT. In conjunction, the advances in machine learning have allowed building models on this ever increasing amounts of data. Consequently, devices all the way from heavy assets such as aircraft engines to wearables such as health monitors can all now not only generate massive amounts of data but can draw back on aggregate analytics to "improve" their performance over time. Big data analytics has been identified as a key enabler for the IoT. In this chapter, we discuss various avenues of the IoT where big data analytics either is already making a significant impact or is on the cusp of doing so. We also discuss social implications and areas of concern.Comment: 33 pages. draft of upcoming book chapter in Japkowicz and Stefanowski (eds.) Big Data Analysis: New algorithms for a new society, Springer Series on Studies in Big Data, to appea

    Measuring trustworthiness of image data in the internet of things environment

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    Internet of Things (IoT) image sensors generate huge volumes of digital images every day. However, easy availability and usability of photo editing tools, the vulnerability in communication channels and malicious software have made forgery attacks on image sensor data effortless and thus expose IoT systems to cyberattacks. In IoT applications such as smart cities and surveillance systems, the smooth operation depends on sensors’ sharing data with other sensors of identical or different types. Therefore, a sensor must be able to rely on the data it receives from other sensors; in other words, data must be trustworthy. Sensors deployed in IoT applications are usually limited to low processing and battery power, which prohibits the use of complex cryptography and security mechanism and the adoption of universal security standards by IoT device manufacturers. Hence, estimating the trust of the image sensor data is a defensive solution as these data are used for critical decision-making processes. To our knowledge, only one published work has estimated the trustworthiness of digital images applied to forensic applications. However, that study’s method depends on machine learning prediction scores returned by existing forensic models, which limits its usage where underlying forensics models require different approaches (e.g., machine learning predictions, statistical methods, digital signature, perceptual image hash). Multi-type sensor data correlation and context awareness can improve the trust measurement, which is absent in that study’s model. To address these issues, novel techniques are introduced to accurately estimate the trustworthiness of IoT image sensor data with the aid of complementary non-imagery (numeric) data-generating sensors monitoring the same environment. The trust estimation models run in edge devices, relieving sensors from computationally intensive tasks. First, to detect local image forgery (splicing and copy-move attacks), an innovative image forgery detection method is proposed based on Discrete Cosine Transformation (DCT), Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and a new feature extraction method using the mean operator. Using Support Vector Machine (SVM), the proposed method is extensively tested on four well-known publicly available greyscale and colour image forgery datasets and on an IoT-based image forgery dataset that we built. Experimental results reveal the superiority of our proposed method over recent state-of-the-art methods in terms of widely used performance metrics and computational time and demonstrate robustness against low availability of forged training samples. Second, a robust trust estimation framework for IoT image data is proposed, leveraging numeric data-generating sensors deployed in the same area of interest (AoI) in an indoor environment. As low-cost sensors allow many IoT applications to use multiple types of sensors to observe the same AoI, the complementary numeric data of one sensor can be exploited to measure the trust value of another image sensor’s data. A theoretical model is developed using Shannon’s entropy to derive the uncertainty associated with an observed event and Dempster-Shafer theory (DST) for decision fusion. The proposed model’s efficacy in estimating the trust score of image sensor data is analysed by observing a fire event using IoT image and temperature sensor data in an indoor residential setup under different scenarios. The proposed model produces highly accurate trust scores in all scenarios with authentic and forged image data. Finally, as the outdoor environment varies dynamically due to different natural factors (e.g., lighting condition variations in day and night, presence of different objects, smoke, fog, rain, shadow in the scene), a novel trust framework is proposed that is suitable for the outdoor environments with these contextual variations. A transfer learning approach is adopted to derive the decision about an observation from image sensor data, while also a statistical approach is used to derive the decision about the same observation from numeric data generated from other sensors deployed in the same AoI. These decisions are then fused using CertainLogic and compared with DST-based fusion. A testbed was set up using Raspberry Pi microprocessor, image sensor, temperature sensor, edge device, LoRa nodes, LoRaWAN gateway and servers to evaluate the proposed techniques. The results show that CertainLogic is more suitable for measuring the trustworthiness of image sensor data in an outdoor environment.Doctor of Philosoph

    Application-aware optimization of Artificial Intelligence for deployment on resource constrained devices

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing people's everyday life. AI techniques such as Deep Neural Networks (DNN) rely on heavy computational models, which are in principle designed to be executed on powerful HW platforms, such as desktop or server environments. However, the increasing need to apply such solutions in people's everyday life has encouraged the research for methods to allow their deployment on embedded, portable and stand-alone devices, such as mobile phones, which exhibit relatively low memory and computational resources. Such methods targets both the development of lightweight AI algorithms and their acceleration through dedicated HW. This thesis focuses on the development of lightweight AI solutions, with attention to deep neural networks, to facilitate their deployment on resource constrained devices. Focusing on the computer vision field, we show how putting together the self learning ability of deep neural networks with application-specific knowledge, in the form of feature engineering, it is possible to dramatically reduce the total memory and computational burden, thus allowing the deployment on edge devices. The proposed approach aims to be complementary to already existing application-independent network compression solutions. In this work three main DNN optimization goals have been considered: increasing speed and accuracy, allowing training at the edge, and allowing execution on a microcontroller. For each of these we deployed the resulting algorithm to the target embedded device and measured its performance

    Health Care Equity Through Intelligent Edge Computing and Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality: A Systematic Review

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    Intellectual capital is a scarce resource in the healthcare industry. Making the most of this resource is the first step toward achieving a completely intelligent healthcare system. However, most existing centralized and deep learning-based systems are unable to adapt to the growing volume of global health records and face application issues. To balance the scarcity of healthcare resources, the emerging trend of IoMT (Internet of Medical Things) and edge computing will be very practical and cost-effective. A full examination of the transformational role of intelligent edge computing in the IoMT era to attain health care equity is offered in this research. Intelligent edge computing-aided distribution and collaborative information management is a possible approach for a long-term digital healthcare system. Furthermore, IEC (Intelligent Edge Computing) encourages digital health data to be processed only at the edge, minimizing the amount of information exchanged with central servers/the internet. This significantly increases the privacy of digital health data. Another critical component of a sustainable healthcare system is affordability in digital healthcare. Affordability in digital healthcare is another key component of a sustainable healthcare system. Despite its importance, it has received little attention due to its complexity. In isolated and rural areas where expensive equipment is unavailable, IEC with AR / VR, also known as edge device shadow, can play a significant role in the inexpensive data collection process. Healthcare equity becomes a reality by combining intelligent edge device shadows and edge computing

    System Abstractions for Scalable Application Development at the Edge

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    Recent years have witnessed an explosive growth of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, which collect or generate huge amounts of data. Given diverse device capabilities and application requirements, data processing takes place across a range of settings, from on-device to a nearby edge server/cloud and remote cloud. Consequently, edge-cloud coordination has been studied extensively from the perspectives of job placement, scheduling and joint optimization. Typical approaches focus on performance optimization for individual applications. This often requires domain knowledge of the applications, but also leads to application-specific solutions. Application development and deployment over diverse scenarios thus incur repetitive manual efforts. There are two overarching challenges to provide system-level support for application development at the edge. First, there is inherent heterogeneity at the device hardware level. The execution settings may range from a small cluster as an edge cloud to on-device inference on embedded devices, differing in hardware capability and programming environments. Further, application performance requirements vary significantly, making it even more difficult to map different applications to already heterogeneous hardware. Second, there are trends towards incorporating edge and cloud and multi-modal data. Together, these add further dimensions to the design space and increase the complexity significantly. In this thesis, we propose a novel framework to simplify application development and deployment over a continuum of edge to cloud. Our framework provides key connections between different dimensions of design considerations, corresponding to the application abstraction, data abstraction and resource management abstraction respectively. First, our framework masks hardware heterogeneity with abstract resource types through containerization, and abstracts away the application processing pipelines into generic flow graphs. Further, our framework further supports a notion of degradable computing for application scenarios at the edge that are driven by multimodal sensory input. Next, as video analytics is the killer app of edge computing, we include a generic data management service between video query systems and a video store to organize video data at the edge. We propose a video data unit abstraction based on a notion of distance between objects in the video, quantifying the semantic similarity among video data. Last, considering concurrent application execution, our framework supports multi-application offloading with device-centric control, with a userspace scheduler service that wraps over the operating system scheduler

    Unleashing the Power of Edge-Cloud Generative AI in Mobile Networks: A Survey of AIGC Services

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    Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content (AIGC) is an automated method for generating, manipulating, and modifying valuable and diverse data using AI algorithms creatively. This survey paper focuses on the deployment of AIGC applications, e.g., ChatGPT and Dall-E, at mobile edge networks, namely mobile AIGC networks, that provide personalized and customized AIGC services in real time while maintaining user privacy. We begin by introducing the background and fundamentals of generative models and the lifecycle of AIGC services at mobile AIGC networks, which includes data collection, training, finetuning, inference, and product management. We then discuss the collaborative cloud-edge-mobile infrastructure and technologies required to support AIGC services and enable users to access AIGC at mobile edge networks. Furthermore, we explore AIGCdriven creative applications and use cases for mobile AIGC networks. Additionally, we discuss the implementation, security, and privacy challenges of deploying mobile AIGC networks. Finally, we highlight some future research directions and open issues for the full realization of mobile AIGC networks

    Communication and Control in Collaborative UAVs: Recent Advances and Future Trends

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    The recent progress in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) technology has significantly advanced UAV-based applications for military, civil, and commercial domains. Nevertheless, the challenges of establishing high-speed communication links, flexible control strategies, and developing efficient collaborative decision-making algorithms for a swarm of UAVs limit their autonomy, robustness, and reliability. Thus, a growing focus has been witnessed on collaborative communication to allow a swarm of UAVs to coordinate and communicate autonomously for the cooperative completion of tasks in a short time with improved efficiency and reliability. This work presents a comprehensive review of collaborative communication in a multi-UAV system. We thoroughly discuss the characteristics of intelligent UAVs and their communication and control requirements for autonomous collaboration and coordination. Moreover, we review various UAV collaboration tasks, summarize the applications of UAV swarm networks for dense urban environments and present the use case scenarios to highlight the current developments of UAV-based applications in various domains. Finally, we identify several exciting future research direction that needs attention for advancing the research in collaborative UAVs

    Understanding and controlling leakage in machine learning

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    Machine learning models are being increasingly adopted in a variety of real-world scenarios. However, the privacy and confidentiality implications introduced in these scenarios are not well understood. Towards better understanding such implications, we focus on scenarios involving interactions between numerous parties prior to, during, and after training relevant models. Central to these interactions is sharing information for a purpose e.g., contributing data samples towards a dataset, returning predictions via an API. This thesis takes a step toward understanding and controlling leakage of private information during such interactions. In the first part of the thesis we investigate leakage of private information in visual data and specifically, photos representative of content shared on social networks. There is a long line of work to tackle leakage of personally identifiable information in social photos, especially using face- and body-level visual cues. However, we argue this presents only a narrow perspective as images reveal a wide spectrum of multimodal private information (e.g., disabilities, name-tags). Consequently, we work towards a Visual Privacy Advisor that aims to holistically identify and mitigate private risks when sharing social photos. In the second part, we address leakage during training of ML models. We observe learning algorithms are being increasingly used to train models on rich decentralized datasets e.g., personal data on numerous mobile devices. In such cases, information in the form of high-dimensional model parameter updates are anonymously aggregated from participating individuals. However, we find that the updates encode sufficient identifiable information and allows them to be linked back to participating individuals. We additionally propose methods to mitigate this leakage while maintaining high utility of the updates. In the third part, we discuss leakage of confidential information during inference time of black-box models. In particular, we find models lend themselves to model functionality stealing attacks: an adversary can interact with the black-box model towards creating a replica `knock-off' model that exhibits similar test-set performances. As such attacks pose a severe threat to the intellectual property of the model owner, we also work towards effective defenses. Our defense strategy by introducing bounded and controlled perturbations to predictions can significantly amplify model stealing attackers' error rates. In summary, this thesis advances understanding of privacy leakage when information is shared in raw visual forms, during training of models, and at inference time when deployed as black-boxes. In each of the cases, we further propose techniques to mitigate leakage of information to enable wide-spread adoption of techniques in real-world scenarios.Modelle fĂŒr maschinelles Lernen werden zunehmend in einer Vielzahl realer Szenarien eingesetzt. Die in diesen Szenarien vorgestellten Auswirkungen auf Datenschutz und Vertraulichkeit wurden jedoch nicht vollstĂ€ndig untersucht. Um solche Implikationen besser zu verstehen, konzentrieren wir uns auf Szenarien, die Interaktionen zwischen mehreren Parteien vor, wĂ€hrend und nach dem Training relevanter Modelle beinhalten. Das Teilen von Informationen fĂŒr einen Zweck, z. B. das Einbringen von Datenproben in einen Datensatz oder die RĂŒckgabe von Vorhersagen ĂŒber eine API, ist zentral fĂŒr diese Interaktionen. Diese Arbeit verhilft zu einem besseren VerstĂ€ndnis und zur Kontrolle des Verlusts privater Informationen wĂ€hrend solcher Interaktionen. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir den Verlust privater Informationen bei visuellen Daten und insbesondere bei Fotos, die fĂŒr Inhalte reprĂ€sentativ sind, die in sozialen Netzwerken geteilt werden. Es gibt eine lange Reihe von Arbeiten, die das Problem des Verlustes persönlich identifizierbarer Informationen in sozialen Fotos angehen, insbesondere mithilfe visueller Hinweise auf Gesichts- und Körperebene. Wir argumentieren jedoch, dass dies nur eine enge Perspektive darstellt, da Bilder ein breites Spektrum multimodaler privater Informationen (z. B. Behinderungen, Namensschilder) offenbaren. Aus diesem Grund arbeiten wir auf einen Visual Privacy Advisor hin, der darauf abzielt, private Risiken beim Teilen sozialer Fotos ganzheitlich zu identifizieren und zu minimieren. Im zweiten Teil befassen wir uns mit Datenverlusten wĂ€hrend des Trainings von ML-Modellen. Wir beobachten, dass zunehmend Lernalgorithmen verwendet werden, um Modelle auf umfangreichen dezentralen DatensĂ€tzen zu trainieren, z. B. persönlichen Daten auf zahlreichen MobilgerĂ€ten. In solchen FĂ€llen werden Informationen von teilnehmenden Personen in Form von hochdimensionalen Modellparameteraktualisierungen anonym verbunden. Wir stellen jedoch fest, dass die Aktualisierungen ausreichend identifizierbare Informationen codieren und es ermöglichen, sie mit teilnehmenden Personen zu verknĂŒpfen. Wir schlagen zudem Methoden vor, um diesen Datenverlust zu verringern und gleichzeitig die hohe NĂŒtzlichkeit der Aktualisierungen zu erhalten. Im dritten Teil diskutieren wir den Verlust vertraulicher Informationen wĂ€hrend der Inferenzzeit von Black-Box-Modellen. Insbesondere finden wir, dass sich Modelle fĂŒr die Entwicklung von Angriffen, die auf FunktionalitĂ€tsdiebstahl abzielen, eignen: Ein Gegner kann mit dem Black-Box-Modell interagieren, um ein Replikat-Knock-Off-Modell zu erstellen, das Ă€hnliche Test-Set-Leistungen aufweist. Da solche Angriffe eine ernsthafte Bedrohung fĂŒr das geistige Eigentum des Modellbesitzers darstellen, arbeiten wir auch an einer wirksamen Verteidigung. Unsere Verteidigungsstrategie durch die EinfĂŒhrung begrenzter und kontrollierter Störungen in Vorhersagen kann die Fehlerraten von Modelldiebstahlangriffen erheblich verbessern. Zusammenfassend lĂ€sst sich sagen, dass diese Arbeit das VerstĂ€ndnis von Datenschutzverlusten beim Informationsaustausch verbessert, sei es bei rohen visuellen Formen, wĂ€hrend des Trainings von Modellen oder wĂ€hrend der Inferenzzeit von Black-Box-Modellen. In jedem Fall schlagen wir ferner Techniken zur Verringerung des Informationsverlusts vor, um eine weit verbreitete Anwendung von Techniken in realen Szenarien zu ermöglichen.Max Planck Institute for Informatic

    FedPEAT: Convergence of Federated Learning, Parameter-Efficient Fine Tuning, and Emulator Assisted Tuning for Artificial Intelligence Foundation Models with Mobile Edge Computing

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    The emergence of foundation models, including language and vision models, has reshaped AI's landscape, offering capabilities across various applications. Deploying and fine-tuning these large models, like GPT-3 and BERT, presents challenges, especially in the current foundation model era. We introduce Emulator-Assisted Tuning (EAT) combined with Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) to form Parameter-Efficient Emulator-Assisted Tuning (PEAT). Further, we expand this into federated learning as Federated PEAT (FedPEAT). FedPEAT uses adapters, emulators, and PEFT for federated model tuning, enhancing model privacy and memory efficiency. Adapters adjust pre-trained models, while emulators give a compact representation of original models, addressing both privacy and efficiency. Adaptable to various neural networks, our approach also uses deep reinforcement learning for hyper-parameter optimization. We tested FedPEAT in a unique scenario with a server participating in collaborative federated tuning, showcasing its potential in tackling foundation model challenges
