2,411 research outputs found

    Recovering Sequence Diagrams from Object-oriented Code

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    Software modernization is a current research area in the software industry intended to transform an existing software system to a new one satisfying new demands. The initiative Architecture-Driven Modernization (ADM) helps software developers in tackling reverse engineering, software evolution and, software modernization in general. To support modernization problems, the ADM Task Force has defined a set of metamodels such as KDM (Knowledge Discovery Metamodel), being the Eclipse-MDT MoDisco project the official support for software modernization. We propose the application of ADM principles to provide relevant model-based views on legacy systems. We describe a framework to reverse engineering models from object-oriented code. In this context, we show how to recover UML sequence diagrams from Java code. We validate our approach by using ADM standards and MoDisco platform. Our research can be considered a contribution to the MoDisco community; MoDisco does not support reverse engineering of sequence diagrams and, on the other hand, the MoDisco KDM Discover was used and enriched to obtain the required information for recovering interaction diagrams

    Computer-Aided Warehouse Engineering (CAWE): Leveraging MDA and ADM for the Development of Data Warehouses

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    During the last decade, data warehousing has reached a high maturity and is a well-accepted technology in decision support systems. Nevertheless, development and maintenance are still tedious tasks since the systems grow over time and complex architectures have been established. The paper at hand adopts the concepts of Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and Architecture Driven Modernization (ADM) taken from the software engineering discipline to the data warehousing discipline. We show the works already available, outline further research directions and give hints for implementation of Computer-Aided Warehouse Engineering systems

    Migrating C/C++ Software to Mobile Platforms in the ADM Context

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    Software technology is constantly evolving and therefore the development of applications requires adapting software components and applications in order to be aligned to new paradigms such as Pervasive Computing, Cloud Computing and Internet of Things. In particular, many desktop software components need to be migrated to mobile technologies. This migration faces many challenges due to the proliferation of different mobile platforms. Developers usually make applications tailored for each type of device expending time and effort. As a result, new programming languages are emerging to integrate the native behaviors of the different platforms targeted in development projects. In this direction, the Haxe language allows writing mobile applications that target all major mobile platforms. Novel technical frameworks for information integration and tool interoperability such as Architecture-Driven Modernization (ADM) proposed by the Object Management Group (OMG) can help to manage a huge diversity of mobile technologies. The Architecture-Driven Modernization Task Force (ADMTF) was formed to create specifications and promote industry consensus on the modernization of existing applications. In this work, we propose a migration process from C/C++ software to different mobile platforms that integrates ADM standards with Haxe. We exemplify the different steps of the process with a simple case study, the migration of “the Set of Mandelbrot” C++ application. The proposal was validated in Eclipse Modeling Framework considering that some of its tools and run-time environments are aligned with ADM standards

    Statistical Comparison of Architecture Driven Modernization with other Cloud Migration Frameworks and Formation of Clusters

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    Corporations are migrating their legacy software systems towards the cloud environment for amelioration, to avail benefits of the cloud. Long term success of modernizing a legacy software depends on the characteristics of the chosen cloud migration approach. Organizations must think over how strategically imperative is the chosen cloud migration framework to their business? Thus, the Object Management Group (OMG) has defined standards for the modernization process based on Architecture Driven Modernization (ADM) framework. ADM serves as a vehicle for facilitating the arrangement of information technology with business stratagem and its architecture. Until now, it seems that there is no systematic mapping among ADM and other cloud migration frameworks, highlighting the demanding features. This research aims to give an in-depth study of similar cloud migration frameworks. Thus, the researchers introduced the clusters containing cloud migration frameworks having similar features to ADM. This systematic mapping can be seen as a valuable asset for those who are interested in choosing the best migration framework from the pool of cloud modernization frameworks, according to their legacy software requirements. The clustering technique is used to appraise and compare ADM with some of the other cloud migration frameworks for highlighting the similarities and key differences. The quality of clusters is evaluated by the Rand index and Silhouette measurements. The study distills the record and yields a sound and healthy catalog for essential events and concerns that are communal in cloud migration frameworks. This research offers the one-stop-shop convenience that the industry desperately desires.

    Migrating C/C++ Software to Mobile Platforms in the ADM Context

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    Software technology is constantly evolving and therefore the development of applications requires adapting software components and applications in order to be aligned to new paradigms such as Pervasive Computing, Cloud Computing and Internet of Things. In particular, many desktop software components need to be migrated to mobile technologies. This migration faces many challenges due to the proliferation of different mobile platforms. Developers usually make applications tailored for each type of device expending time and effort. As a result, new programming languages are emerging to integrate the native behaviors of the different platforms targeted in development projects. In this direction, the Haxe language allows writing mobile applications that target all major mobile platforms. Novel technical frameworks for information integration and tool interoperability such as Architecture-Driven Modernization (ADM) proposed by the Object Management Group (OMG) can help to manage a huge diversity of mobile technologies. The Architecture-Driven Modernization Task Force (ADMTF) was formed to create specifications and promote industry consensus on the modernization of existing applications. In this work, we propose a migration process from C/C++ software to different mobile platforms that integrates ADM standards with Haxe. We exemplify the different steps of the process with a simple case study, the migration of “the Set of Mandelbrot” C++ application. The proposal was validated in Eclipse Modeling Framework considering that some of its tools and run-time environments are aligned with ADM standards

    A Toolkit for ADM-based Migration: Moving from PHP Code to KDM Model in the Context of CMS-based Web Applications

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    In the last few years, many organizations have based their Web applications on Content Management Systems (CMS) because of the advantages they provide to manage their huge amount of digital content. The objectives of these organizations change, for this reason they may see the necessity of migrating their CMS-based Web applications to other CMS platforms meeting better their needs. Thus, we propose a method based on Architecture-Driven Modernization (ADM) to automate this migration process. In this paper we present the toolkit supporting this ADM-based migration method. For space restrictions, we focus on the implementation of two modules of this ADM-based toolkit: i) the ASTM_PHP DSL, a modeling language which allows to model the code of a system implemented in PHP (ASTM_PHP models) and ii) the model-to-model transformation rules which allow to generate KDM models from the information captured in the ASTM_PHP models. To show its usability, we present a case study where a widget listing online users of a CMS-based Web application is migrated from Drupal to Wordpress

    Towards maintainer script modernization in FOSS distributions

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    Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) distributions are complex software systems, made of thousands packages that evolve rapidly, independently, and without centralized coordination. During packages upgrades, corner case failures can be encountered and are hard to deal with, especially when they are due to misbehaving maintainer scripts: executable code snippets used to finalize package configuration. In this paper we report a software modernization experience, the process of representing existing legacy systems in terms of models, applied to FOSS distributions. We present a process to define meta-models that enable dealing with upgrade failures and help rolling back from them, taking into account maintainer scripts. The process has been applied to widely used FOSS distributions and we report about such experiences

    Migrating Traditional Web Applications to CMS-based Web Applications

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    AbstractIn recent years, Content Management Systems (CMS) have proven to be the best platforms for maintaining the large amount of digital content managed by Web applications. Thus, many organizations have experienced the necessity to base its Web applications on these CMS platforms. To do this, they start a migration process which is complex and error prone. To support this process, we propose a method based on the principles of Architecture-Driven Modernization (ADM) which automates the migration of Web applications to CMS-based Web applications. This article focuses on the implementation of two artifacts of this method: 1) the DSL ASTM_PHP, a modeling language for defining a model from PHP code (ASTM_PHP model) and 2) the model-to-model transformation rules which generate automatically a KDM model from a ASTM_PHP model. To show the feasibility of this implementation, we use a case study based on a widget implemented in PHP which lists the online users of a Web application

    An Architecture to infer Business Rules from Event Condition Action Rules implemented in the Persistence Layer

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    The business rules that govern the behaviour of a business process can be hardcoded in different ways in a software application. The modernization or improvement of these applications to a process-oriented perspective implies typically the modification of the business rules. Frequently, legacy systems are not well-documented, and almost always, the documentation they have is not updated. As a consequence many times is necessary the analysis of source code and databases structures to be transformed into a business language more understandable by the business experts involved in the modernization process. Database triggers are one of the artefacts in which business rules are hardcoded. We focus on this kind of artefacts, having in mind to avoid the manual analysis of the triggers by a database expert, and bringing it closer to business experts. To get this aim we need to discover business rules that are hardcoded in triggers, and translate it into vocabularies that are commonly used by business experts. In this paper we propose an ADM-based architecture to discover business rules and rewrite then into a language that can be understood by the business experts.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2009-13714Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2010-20057-C03-02Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2010-21744-C02-