108 research outputs found

    Web Comprehension by UML Stereotypes

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    Abstract Web applications use components developed in various technologies through an abstraction space richer than that of the object oriented paradigm. The architecture of web applications can be represented by showing specific web components, their compositions, navigations and inter-component relationships. In this research, we propose a component-centric UML based approach for modeling the architecture of web applications. Our approach is based on a classification of components and intercomponent relationships that typically occur in web applications. We use UML extension mechanisms to represent specific web components. Keywords UML, Components, Profile, Modeling, OMG, Framework I. Introduction A typical web application uses components developed in various technologies through an abstraction space richer than that of the object oriented paradigm. Web applications have concepts like session and cookies, which are specific to the domain of web applications. The aim of this project is to develop a UML based modeling language for describing the architecture of web applications. This language should be able to specify, design and document the functionality and behavior of a web application that could be developed using any of the available web technologies. Our work includes the use of UML extension mechanisms to describe web specific components and their relationships with other web components and traditional middle-tier elements. Our final goal is to design various diagrams for modeling static and dynamic behavior of the web applications precisely. In this chapter, we will first introduce the scope of UML in design and development of software systems. Then we explain the need for UML extensions to describe the architecture of web applications. Next we present a summary of already proposed UML extensions and introduce our approach for modeling the architecture of web applications. UML is a standard and industry accepted graphical modeling language to model the software systems. However, since it is a general purpose modeling language, it lacks elements to model and represent concrete concepts of specific domains. This lack of expressiveness also exists for the domain of web applications. As a solution, OMG (Object Management Group) has created a mechanism for extending the syntax and semantic of UML to express more specific concepts of certain application domains

    Effect of gap lenghts of sphere-sphere electrodes on air breakdown level under lightning impulse

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    Impinging jets are a best method of achieving particularly high heat transfer coefficient and are therefore employed in many engineering applications. In this study we seek to understand the mechanism of the distributed heat on the curve surface with the goal of identifying preferred methods to predicting jet performance. The goals that have been achieved in the numerical results displayed are determine the influence of impingement jet characteristics on thermal and flow field on a curve surface, determine the variation of Nusselt numbers (NuD) along the curve surface in order to understand the heat transfer characteristics and study the effect of position (in the center, in the mid and in the end) and angle (α=90°, 60° and 30°) of jet impingement on curve surface, different Reynolds numbers (ReD) in range of (5000, 6000, 7000, 8000 and 9000). The program, which was extracted results it is (GAMBIT 2.4.6) and (FLUENT 6.3), simulation is (2-D) in submerged jet flow and the continuity, momentum and energy equations were solved by means of a finite volume method (FVM). This study covers the effect of different Reynolds numbers (ReD) on average Nusselt numbers (Nuavg) and local Nusselt numbers (NuD). From the result, the average Nusselt numbers (Nuavg) increased with the increase of Reynolds numbers (ReD) for all cases, in comparison between different positions (center, mid and end), of nozzle on curve surface at angle (α=90°) the maximum value of average Nusselt numbers (Nuavg=388.3) is found when the nozzle locate in the end followed by the mid position and smallest value of average Nusselt numbers (Nuavg=182.25) in the center of curve surface. In case of slant angle (α=60º) the maximum value of average Nusselt numbers (Nuavg=387.47) is found when the nozzle locate in the end followed by the mid position and smallest value of average Nusselt numbers (Nuavg=308.3) in the center of curve surface

    Relational Constraint Driven Test Case Synthesis for Web Applications

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    This paper proposes a relational constraint driven technique that synthesizes test cases automatically for web applications. Using a static analysis, servlets can be modeled as relational transducers, which manipulate backend databases. We present a synthesis algorithm that generates a sequence of HTTP requests for simulating a user session. The algorithm relies on backward symbolic image computation for reaching a certain database state, given a code coverage objective. With a slight adaptation, the technique can be used for discovering workflow attacks on web applications.Comment: In Proceedings TAV-WEB 2010, arXiv:1009.330

    Data Management in Web Applications to Balance Performance and Security

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    As web applications become increasingly popular, many are running several calculations and data processing on the client machine, it is important to consider data management practices on the front-end of these web applications. Typically, some data from the server is stored in the client\u27s memory or hard disk. How much data should be stored for how long, as well as many other considerations, influence the time and space performance of the web application, as well as its security. In this thesis, we explore several challenges, solutions, and design patterns in web application data management through the lens of a senior software engineering project as a case study

    Web Application Security Tools Analysis

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    Strong security in web applications is critical to the success of your online presence. Security importance has grown massively, especially among web applications. Dealing with web application or website security issues requires deep insight and planning, not only because of the many tools that are available but also because of the industry immaturity. Thus, finding the proper tools requires deep understanding and several steps, including analyzing the development environment, business needs, and the web applications’ complexity. In this paper, we demonstrate the architecture of web applications then list and evaluate the widespread security vulnerabilities. Those vulnerabilities are: Fingerprinting, Insufficient Transport Layer Protection, Information Leakage, Cross-Site Scripting, SQL Injection, and HTTP Splitting. In addition, this paper analyzes the tools that are used to scan for these widespread vulnerabilities in web applications. Finally, it evaluates tools due to security vulnerabilities and gives recommendations to the web applications’ users and administrators aiming to educate them

    Підхід до створення Web-застосувань на компонентній основі

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    Розглядається підхід до розробки Web-застосувань на основі моделей та методів компонентного програмування. У рамках підходу визначаються базові концепції, типова архітектура таких застосувань, типові структури та об’єкти даних, типова схема обробки запитів та генерації відповідей. Наведено опис практичної реалізації Web-застосування на базі розроблених концепцій, архітектури та схеми обробки даних.Рассматривается подход к разработке Web-приложений на основе моделей и методов компонентного программирования. В рамках подхода определяются базовые концепции, типовая архитектура таких приложений, ти-повые структуры и объекты данных, типовая схема обработки запросов и генерации ответов. Приведено описание практической реализации Web-приложения на основе разрабо-танных концепций, архитектуры и схемы обработки данных.The Web-Application development approach is considered on base of models and methods of Component Based Software Engineering. The base concepts and typical architecture of Web-Applications, typical data structures and data objects, typical algorithms of requests processing and responses generation are defined for this approach. The description of practical application development is considered on base of concepts, architecture and data processing algorithms which are described in article

    Enhanced traverse of Web pages.

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    A framework for automation of data recording, modelling, and optimal statistical control of production lines

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    Unarguably, the automation of data collection and subsequent statistical treatment enhance the quality of industrial management systems. The rise of accessible digital technologies has enabled the introduction of the Industry 4.0 pillars in Cariri local companies. Particularly, such practice positively contributes to the triple bottom line of sustainable development: People, Environment, and Economy. The present work aims to provide a general automated framework for data recording and statistical control of conveyor belts in production lines. The software has been developed in three layers: graphical user interface, in PHP language; database collection, search, and safeguard, in MySQL; computational statistics, in R; and hardware control, in C. The computational statistics are based on the combination of artificial neural nets and autoregressive integrated and moving average models, via minimal variance method. The hardware components are composed by open source hardware as Arduino based boards and modular or industrial sensors. Specifically, the embedded system is designed to constantly monitor and record a number of measurable characteristics of the conveyor belts (e.g. electric consumption and temperature), via a number of sensors, allowing both the computation of statistical control metrics and the evaluation of the quality of the production system. As a case study, the project makes use of a laminated limestone production line, located at the Mineral Technology Center, Nova Olinda, Ceará state, Brazil.Indiscutivelmente, a automação da coleta de dados e o subsequente tratamento estatístico aumentam a qualidade dos sistemas de gestão industrial. O surgimento de tecnologias digitais acessíveis possibilitou a introdução dos pilares da Indústria 4.0 nas empresas locais do Cariri. Particularmente, tal prática contribui positivamente para o triplo resultado do desenvolvimento sustentável: Pessoas, Meio Ambiente e Economia. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo fornecer um Framework geral automatizado para registro de dados e controle estatístico de esteiras transportadoras em linhas de produção. O software foi desenvolvido em três camadas: interface gráfica do usuário, em linguagem PHP; coleta, pesquisa e proteção de banco de dados em MySQL; estatística computacional, em R; e controle de hardware, em C. As estatísticas computacionais são baseadas na combinação de redes neurais artificiais e modelos autorregressivos integrados e de média móvel, via método de mínima variância. Os componentes de hardware são compostos por hardware open source como placas baseadas em Arduino e sensores modulares ou industriais. Especificamente, o sistema embarcado é projetado para monitorar e registrar constantemente uma série de características mensuráveis das esteiras transportadoras (por exemplo, consumo elétrico e temperatura), por meio de uma série de sensores, permitindo tanto o cálculo de métricas de controle estatístico quanto a avaliação da qualidade do sistema de produção. Como estudo de caso, o projeto utiliza uma linha de produção de calcário laminado, localizada no Centro de Tecnologia Mineral, Nova Olinda, Ceará, Brasil

    Projeto e implementação de um modelo de controle de acesso para aplicações Web.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um modelo de controle de acesso para aplicações Web (Sistema de Informação sobre o mercado de software brasileiro) e mostrar como ele pode ser reutilizável para outras aplicações que utilizam o paradigma cliente-servidor. A ênfase do trabalho será, portanto, mostrar o modelo de controle de acesso e sua implementação usando software livre.bitstream/item/11832/1/comtec86.pd