7 research outputs found

    Arabic Query Expansion Using WordNet and Association Rules

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    Query expansion is the process of adding additional relevant terms to the original queries to improve the performance of information retrieval systems. However, previous studies showed that automatic query expansion using WordNet do not lead to an improvement in the performance. One of the main challenges of query expansion is the selection of appropriate terms. In this paper, we review this problem using Arabic WordNet and Association Rules within the context of Arabic Language. The results obtained confirmed that with an appropriate selection method, we are able to exploit Arabic WordNet to improve the retrieval performance. Our empirical results on a sub-corpus from the Xinhua collection showed that our automatic selection method has achieved a significant performance improvement in terms of MAP and recall and a better precision with the first top retrieved documents

    Query expansion using medical information extraction for improving information retrieval in French medical domain

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    Many users’ queries contain references to named entities, and this is particularly true in the medical field. Doctors express their information needs using medical entities as they are elements rich with information that helps to better target the relevant documents. At the same time, many resources have been recognized as a large container of medical entities and relationships between them such as clinical reports; which are medical texts written by doctors. In this paper, we present a query expansion method that uses medical entities and their semantic relations in the query context based on an external resource in OWL. The goal of this method is to evaluate the effectiveness of an information retrieval system to support doctors in accessing easily relevant information. Experiments on a collection of real clinical reports show that our approach reveals interesting improvements in precision, recall and MAP in medical information retrieval

    A New Approach in Query Expansion Methods for Improving Information Retrieval

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    This research develops a new approach to query expansion by integrating Association Rules (AR) and Ontology. In the proposed approach, there are several steps to expand the query, namely (1) the document retrieval step; (2) the step of query expansion using AR; (3) the step of query expansion using Ontology. In the initial step, the system retrieved the top documents via the user's initial query. Next is the initial processing step (stopword removal, POS Tagging, TF-IDF). Then do a Frequent Itemset (FI) search from the list of terms generated from the previous step using FP-Growth. The association rules search by using the results of FI. The output from the AR step expanded using Ontology. The results of the expansion with Ontology use as new queries. The dataset used is a collection of learning documents. Ten queries used for the testing, the test results are measured by three measuring devices, namely recall, precision, and f-measure. Based on testing and analysis results,  integrating AR and Ontology can increase the relevance of documents with the value of recall, precision, and f-measure by 87.28, 79.07, and 82.85

    Sense-Based Arabic Information Retrieval Using Harmony Search Algorithm

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    Information Retrieval (IR) is a field of computer science that deals with storing, searching, and retrievingdocuments that satisfy the user need. The modern standard Arabic language is rich in multiple meanings (senses) for manywords and this is substantially due to lack of diacritical marks. The task for finding appropriate meanings is a key demand inmost of the Arabic IR applications. Actually, the successful system should not be interested only in the retrieval quality andoblivious to the system efficiency. Thus, this paper contributes to improve the system effectiveness by finding appropriatestemming methodology, word sense disambiguation, and query expansion for addressing the retrieval quality of AIR. Also, itcontributes to improve the system efficiency through using a powerful metaheuristic search called Harmony Search (HS)algorithm inspired from the musical improvisation processes. The performance of the proposed system outperforms the one inthe traditional system in a rate of 19.5% while reduces the latency in an approximate rate of 0.077 second for each query

    An Ontology based Text-to-Picture Multimedia m-Learning System

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    Multimedia Text-to-Picture is the process of building mental representation from words associated with images. From the research aspect, multimedia instructional message items are illustrations of material using words and pictures that are designed to promote user realization. Illustrations can be presented in a static form such as images, symbols, icons, figures, tables, charts, and maps; or in a dynamic form such as animation, or video clips. Due to the intuitiveness and vividness of visual illustration, many text to picture systems have been proposed in the literature like, Word2Image, Chat with Illustrations, and many others as discussed in the literature review chapter of this thesis. However, we found that some common limitations exist in these systems, especially for the presented images. In fact, the retrieved materials are not fully suitable for educational purposes. Many of them are not context-based and didn’t take into consideration the need of learners (i.e., general purpose images). Manually finding the required pedagogic images to illustrate educational content for learners is inefficient and requires huge efforts, which is a very challenging task. In addition, the available learning systems that mine text based on keywords or sentences selection provide incomplete pedagogic illustrations. This is because words and their semantically related terms are not considered during the process of finding illustrations. In this dissertation, we propose new approaches based on the semantic conceptual graph and semantically distributed weights to mine optimal illustrations that match Arabic text in the children’s story domain. We combine these approaches with best keywords and sentences selection algorithms, in order to improve the retrieval of images matching the Arabic text. Our findings show significant improvements in modelling Arabic vocabulary with the most meaningful images and best coverage of the domain in discourse. We also develop a mobile Text-to-Picture System that has two novel features, which are (1) a conceptual graph visualization (CGV) and (2) a visual illustrative assessment. The CGV shows the relationship between terms associated with a picture. It enables the learners to discover the semantic links between Arabic terms and improve their understanding of Arabic vocabulary. The assessment component allows the instructor to automatically follow up the performance of learners. Our experiments demonstrate the efficiency of our multimedia text-to-picture system in enhancing the learners’ knowledge and boost their comprehension of Arabic vocabulary

    Arabic Query Expansion Using WordNet and Association Rules

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    Query expansion is the process of adding additional relevant terms to the original queries to improve the performance of information retrieval systems. However, previous studies showed that automatic query expansion using WordNet do not lead to an improvement in the performance. One of the main challenges of query expansion is the selection of appropriate terms. In this paper, we review this problem using Arabic WordNet and Association Rules within the context of Arabic Language. The results obtained confirmed that with an appropriate selection method, we are able to exploit Arabic WordNet to improve the retrieval performance. Our empirical results on a sub-corpus from the Xinhua collection showed that our automatic selection method has achieved a significant performance improvement in terms of MAP and recall and a better precision with the first top retrieved documents

    Contribution à l’amélioration de la recherche d’information par utilisation des méthodes sémantiques: application à la langue arabe

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    Un système de recherche d’information est un ensemble de programmes et de modules qui sert à interfacer avec l’utilisateur, pour prendre et interpréter une requête, faire la recherche dans l’index et retourner un classement des documents sélectionnés à cet utilisateur. Cependant le plus grand challenge de ce système est qu’il doit faire face au grand volume d’informations multi modales et multilingues disponibles via les bases documentaires ou le web pour trouver celles qui correspondent au mieux aux besoins des utilisateurs. A travers ce travail, nous avons présenté deux contributions. Dans la première nous avons proposé une nouvelle approche pour la reformulation des requêtes dans le contexte de la recherche d’information en arabe. Le principe est donc de représenter la requête par un arbre sémantique pondéré pour mieux identifier le besoin d'information de l'utilisateur, dont les nœuds représentent les concepts (synsets) reliés par des relations sémantiques. La construction de cet arbre est réalisée par la méthode de la Pseudo-Réinjection de la Pertinence combinée à la ressource sémantique du WordNet Arabe. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent une bonne amélioration dans les performances du système de recherche d’information. Dans la deuxième contribution, nous avons aussi proposé une nouvelle approche pour la construction d’une collection de test de recherche d’information arabe. L'approche repose sur la combinaison de la méthode de la stratégie de Pooling utilisant les moteurs de recherches et l’algorithme Naïve-Bayes de classification par l’apprentissage automatique. Pour l’expérimentation nous avons créé une nouvelle collection de test composée d’une base documentaire de 632 documents et de 165 requêtes avec leurs jugements de pertinence sous plusieurs topics. L’expérimentation a également montré l’efficacité du classificateur Bayésien pour la récupération de pertinences des documents, encore plus, il a réalisé des bonnes performances après l’enrichissement sémantique de la base documentaire par le modèle word2vec