20 research outputs found

    Approximation algorithms for stochastic and risk-averse optimization

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    We present improved approximation algorithms in stochastic optimization. We prove that the multi-stage stochastic versions of covering integer programs (such as set cover and vertex cover) admit essentially the same approximation algorithms as their standard (non-stochastic) counterparts; this improves upon work of Swamy \& Shmoys which shows an approximability that depends multiplicatively on the number of stages. We also present approximation algorithms for facility location and some of its variants in the 22-stage recourse model, improving on previous approximation guarantees. We give a 2.29752.2975-approximation algorithm in the standard polynomial-scenario model and an algorithm with an expected per-scenario 2.49572.4957-approximation guarantee, which is applicable to the more general black-box distribution model.Comment: Extension of a SODA'07 paper. To appear in SIAM J. Discrete Mat

    Towards Distributed Two-Stage Stochastic Optimization

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    The weighted vertex cover problem is concerned with selecting a subset of the vertices that covers a target set of edges with the objective of minimizing the total cost of the selected vertices. We consider a variant of this classic combinatorial optimization problem where the target edge set is not fully known; rather, it is characterized by a probability distribution. Adhering to the model of two-stage stochastic optimization, the execution is divided into two stages so that in the first stage, the decision maker selects some of the vertices based on the probabilistic forecast of the target edge set. Then, in the second stage, the edges in the target set are revealed and in order to cover them, the decision maker can augment the vertex subset selected in the first stage with additional vertices. However, in the second stage, the vertex cost increases by some inflation factor, so the second stage selection becomes more expensive. The current paper studies the two-stage stochastic vertex cover problem in the realm of distributed graph algorithms, where the decision making process (in both stages) is distributed among the vertices of the graph. By combining the stochastic optimization toolbox with recent advances in distributed algorithms for weighted vertex cover, we develop an algorithm that runs in time O(log (?) / ?), sends O(m) messages in total, and guarantees to approximate the optimal solution within a (3 + ?)-ratio, where m is the number of edges in the graph, ? is its maximum degree, and 0 < ? < 1 is a performance parameter

    Prepare for the Expected Worst: Algorithms for Reconfigurable Resources Under Uncertainty

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    In this paper we study how to optimally balance cheap inflexible resources with more expensive, reconfigurable resources despite uncertainty in the input problem. Specifically, we introduce the MinEMax model to study "build versus rent" problems. In our model different scenarios appear independently. Before knowing which scenarios appear, we may build rigid resources that cannot be changed for different scenarios. Once we know which scenarios appear, we are allowed to rent reconfigurable but expensive resources to use across scenarios. Although computing the objective in our model might seem to require enumerating exponentially-many possibilities, we show it is well estimated by a surrogate objective which is representable by a polynomial-size LP. In this surrogate objective we pay for each scenario only to the extent that it exceeds a certain threshold. Using this objective we design algorithms that approximately-optimally balance inflexible and reconfigurable resources for several NP-hard covering problems. For example, we study variants of minimum spanning and Steiner trees, minimum cuts, and facility location. Up to constants, our approximation guarantees match those of previously-studied algorithms for demand-robust and stochastic two-stage models. Lastly, we demonstrate that our problem is sufficiently general to smoothly interpolate between previous demand-robust and stochastic two-stage problems

    Improved Bounds in Stochastic Matching and Optimization

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    We consider two fundamental problems in stochastic optimization: approximation algorithms for stochastic matching, and sampling bounds in the black-box model. For the former, we improve the current-best bound of 3.709 due to Adamczyk et al. (2015), to 3.224; we also present improvements on Bansal et al. (2012) for hypergraph matching and for relaxed versions of the problem. In the context of stochastic optimization, we improve upon the sampling bounds of Charikar et al. (2005)

    Locally Adaptive Optimization: Adaptive Seeding for Monotone Submodular Functions

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    The Adaptive Seeding problem is an algorithmic challenge motivated by influence maximization in social networks: One seeks to select among certain accessible nodes in a network, and then select, adaptively, among neighbors of those nodes as they become accessible in order to maximize a global objective function. More generally, adaptive seeding is a stochastic optimization framework where the choices in the first stage affect the realizations in the second stage, over which we aim to optimize. Our main result is a (1−1/e)2(1-1/e)^2-approximation for the adaptive seeding problem for any monotone submodular function. While adaptive policies are often approximated via non-adaptive policies, our algorithm is based on a novel method we call \emph{locally-adaptive} policies. These policies combine a non-adaptive global structure, with local adaptive optimizations. This method enables the (1−1/e)2(1-1/e)^2-approximation for general monotone submodular functions and circumvents some of the impossibilities associated with non-adaptive policies. We also introduce a fundamental problem in submodular optimization that may be of independent interest: given a ground set of elements where every element appears with some small probability, find a set of expected size at most kk that has the highest expected value over the realization of the elements. We show a surprising result: there are classes of monotone submodular functions (including coverage) that can be approximated almost optimally as the probability vanishes. For general monotone submodular functions we show via a reduction from \textsc{Planted-Clique} that approximations for this problem are not likely to be obtainable. This optimization problem is an important tool for adaptive seeding via non-adaptive policies, and its hardness motivates the introduction of \emph{locally-adaptive} policies we use in the main result

    Risk-Averse Matchings over Uncertain Graph Databases

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    A large number of applications such as querying sensor networks, and analyzing protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks, rely on mining uncertain graph and hypergraph databases. In this work we study the following problem: given an uncertain, weighted (hyper)graph, how can we efficiently find a (hyper)matching with high expected reward, and low risk? This problem naturally arises in the context of several important applications, such as online dating, kidney exchanges, and team formation. We introduce a novel formulation for finding matchings with maximum expected reward and bounded risk under a general model of uncertain weighted (hyper)graphs that we introduce in this work. Our model generalizes probabilistic models used in prior work, and captures both continuous and discrete probability distributions, thus allowing to handle privacy related applications that inject appropriately distributed noise to (hyper)edge weights. Given that our optimization problem is NP-hard, we turn our attention to designing efficient approximation algorithms. For the case of uncertain weighted graphs, we provide a 13\frac{1}{3}-approximation algorithm, and a 15\frac{1}{5}-approximation algorithm with near optimal run time. For the case of uncertain weighted hypergraphs, we provide a Ω(1k)\Omega(\frac{1}{k})-approximation algorithm, where kk is the rank of the hypergraph (i.e., any hyperedge includes at most kk nodes), that runs in almost (modulo log factors) linear time. We complement our theoretical results by testing our approximation algorithms on a wide variety of synthetic experiments, where we observe in a controlled setting interesting findings on the trade-off between reward, and risk. We also provide an application of our formulation for providing recommendations of teams that are likely to collaborate, and have high impact.Comment: 25 page

    Adaptive Seeding in Social Networks

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    The algorithmic challenge of maximizing information diffusion through word-of-mouth processes in social networks has been heavily studied in the past decade. While there has been immense progress and an impressive arsenal of techniques has been developed, the algorithmic frameworks make idealized assumptions regarding access to the network that can often result in poor performance of state-of-the-art techniques. In this paper we introduce a new framework which we call Adaptive Seeding. The framework is a two-stage stochastic optimization model designed to leverage the potential that typically lies in neighboring nodes of arbitrary samples of social networks. Our main result is an algorithm which provides a constant factor approximation to the optimal adaptive policy for any influence function in the Triggering model