1,421 research outputs found

    Rectilinear Link Diameter and Radius in a Rectilinear Polygonal Domain

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    We study the computation of the diameter and radius under the rectilinear link distance within a rectilinear polygonal domain of nn vertices and hh holes. We introduce a \emph{graph of oriented distances} to encode the distance between pairs of points of the domain. This helps us transform the problem so that we can search through the candidates more efficiently. Our algorithm computes both the diameter and the radius in min{O(nω),O(n2+nhlogh+χ2)}\min \{\,O(n^\omega), O(n^2 + nh \log h + \chi^2)\,\} time, where ω<2.373\omega<2.373 denotes the matrix multiplication exponent and χΩ(n)O(n2)\chi\in \Omega(n)\cap O(n^2) is the number of edges of the graph of oriented distances. We also provide a faster algorithm for computing the diameter that runs in O(n2logn)O(n^2 \log n) time

    On the phase transitions of graph coloring and independent sets

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    We study combinatorial indicators related to the characteristic phase transitions associated with coloring a graph optimally and finding a maximum independent set. In particular, we investigate the role of the acyclic orientations of the graph in the hardness of finding the graph's chromatic number and independence number. We provide empirical evidence that, along a sequence of increasingly denser random graphs, the fraction of acyclic orientations that are `shortest' peaks when the chromatic number increases, and that such maxima tend to coincide with locally easiest instances of the problem. Similar evidence is provided concerning the `widest' acyclic orientations and the independence number

    Travelling on Graphs with Small Highway Dimension

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    We study the Travelling Salesperson (TSP) and the Steiner Tree problem (STP) in graphs of low highway dimension. This graph parameter was introduced by Abraham et al. [SODA 2010] as a model for transportation networks, on which TSP and STP naturally occur for various applications in logistics. It was previously shown [Feldmann et al. ICALP 2015] that these problems admit a quasi-polynomial time approximation scheme (QPTAS) on graphs of constant highway dimension. We demonstrate that a significant improvement is possible in the special case when the highway dimension is 1, for which we present a fully-polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS). We also prove that STP is weakly NP-hard for these restricted graphs. For TSP we show NP-hardness for graphs of highway dimension 6, which answers an open problem posed in [Feldmann et al. ICALP 2015]

    Interdiction Problems on Planar Graphs

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    Interdiction problems are leader-follower games in which the leader is allowed to delete a certain number of edges from the graph in order to maximally impede the follower, who is trying to solve an optimization problem on the impeded graph. We introduce approximation algorithms and strong NP-completeness results for interdiction problems on planar graphs. We give a multiplicative (1+ϵ)(1 + \epsilon)-approximation for the maximum matching interdiction problem on weighted planar graphs. The algorithm runs in pseudo-polynomial time for each fixed ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. We also show that weighted maximum matching interdiction, budget-constrained flow improvement, directed shortest path interdiction, and minimum perfect matching interdiction are strongly NP-complete on planar graphs. To our knowledge, our budget-constrained flow improvement result is the first planar NP-completeness proof that uses a one-vertex crossing gadget.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Extended abstract in APPROX-RANDOM 201

    Max-Leaves Spanning Tree is APX-hard for Cubic Graphs

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    We consider the problem of finding a spanning tree with maximum number of leaves (MaxLeaf). A 2-approximation algorithm is known for this problem, and a 3/2-approximation algorithm when restricted to graphs where every vertex has degree 3 (cubic graphs). MaxLeaf is known to be APX-hard in general, and NP-hard for cubic graphs. We show that the problem is also APX-hard for cubic graphs. The APX-hardness of the related problem Minimum Connected Dominating Set for cubic graphs follows

    On the complexity of optimal homotopies

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    In this article, we provide new structural results and algorithms for the Homotopy Height problem. In broad terms, this problem quantifies how much a curve on a surface needs to be stretched to sweep continuously between two positions. More precisely, given two homotopic curves γ1\gamma_1 and γ2\gamma_2 on a combinatorial (say, triangulated) surface, we investigate the problem of computing a homotopy between γ1\gamma_1 and γ2\gamma_2 where the length of the longest intermediate curve is minimized. Such optimal homotopies are relevant for a wide range of purposes, from very theoretical questions in quantitative homotopy theory to more practical applications such as similarity measures on meshes and graph searching problems. We prove that Homotopy Height is in the complexity class NP, and the corresponding exponential algorithm is the best one known for this problem. This result builds on a structural theorem on monotonicity of optimal homotopies, which is proved in a companion paper. Then we show that this problem encompasses the Homotopic Fr\'echet distance problem which we therefore also establish to be in NP, answering a question which has previously been considered in several different settings. We also provide an O(log n)-approximation algorithm for Homotopy Height on surfaces by adapting an earlier algorithm of Har-Peled, Nayyeri, Salvatipour and Sidiropoulos in the planar setting