32 research outputs found

    Morfološke značajke oporavka jetrenog parenhima nakon eksperimentalno izazvanog oštećenja

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    The aim of the study was to investigate morphological traits of hepatic parenchymal tissue repair in response to injury using the conventional technique (closure) and an innovation method (such as hemostatic medication swab packing and modified batching). The experimental study was carried out on laboratory rats of the Winzar breed using light microscopy, standard stains for micropreparations, and morphometry. Histopathologic examination of micropreparations stained by standard methods revealed pronounced dystrophic processes in hepatocytes located near the necrotic zone (albuminous and hydropic degeneration and chromatin fragmentation in the nuclei). Morphometric studies showed a significant decrease (p<0.001) in almost all indicators of the size of cells and nuclei both near necrosis and distant from it on day 28 of the experiment in the experimental group in comparison to the control group. The results obtained pointed to more intense repair processes when applying the innovation method.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati morfološke značajke oporavka parenhimnog tkiva jetre u odgovoru na oštećenje primjenom konvencionalne tehnike (zatvaranje) i inovacijske metode (kao što je oblaganje gazom natopljenom hemostatskim lijekom i modificiran batching). Ovo eksperimentalno istraživanje provedeno je na laboratorijskim Winzar štakorima primjenom svjetlosne mikroskopije, standardnih boja za mikropreparate i morfometrije. Histopatološka analiza mikropreparata obojenih standardnim metodama pokazala je znatne distrofične procese u hepatocitima blizu nekrotične zone (albuminozna i hidropična degeneracija, fragmentacija kromatina u jezgrama). Morformetrijska ispitivanja pokazala su značajno smanjenje (p<0,001) svih pokazatelja veličine stanica i jezgara kako blizu nekroze tako i dalje od nje 28. dana eksperimenta u eksperimentalnoj skupini u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na intenzivnije procese oporavka kad je primijenjena inovacijska metoda

    Symmetries, functional theory and simulation models for macromolecules and polymers

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    Functional techniques have proven to be very powerful tools in the treatment of integro-differential equations which rule the dynamics of crystallographic structures or of the Free Electron Laser (FEL), allowing for a derivation of the relevant solutions in closed form by means of Bessel-Clifford functions of half-integer order which are easily computable. Therefore, this approach coupled to algebraic methods can be extended to other physical and biochemical fields, where the dynamics of the condensed-matter system is determined by integro-differential equations of Volterra type, satisfying very general conditions, thus allowing calculations that are otherwise both complex and cumbersome. This paper shows that it is possible to reduce very complex problems such as those of protein folding or polymer/dendrimer dynamics to a series of manageable steps, starting from the description of fundamental structural patterns to their mutual interaction and the computation of the dynamics up to the formation of the final equilibrated 3D structure

    Application of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy on Closed Incisions

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    Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is widely used for chronic and acute open wounds, with clinically proven benefits of faster wound healing by promoting granulation tissue growth and increased perfusion and facilitating epithelialization and contraction. Improved outcomes on open wounds prompted the application of NPWT on closed surgical incisions. The application of NPWT, in the immediate postoperative period, reduces surgical site infections (SSIs) and wound dehiscence by 50% in high-risk patients. The negative pressure reduces wound edema and improves local perfusion and lymphatic f  low, thereby minimizing hematoma and seroma rates. The improved perfusion and oxygenation facilitate quicker wound healing as well as minimize ischemic complications like f  lap necrosis. Recent literature supports enhanced wound healing and superior scar appearance as well as improved wound maturity, evidenced by 50% more force required to pull apart a sutured incision. Improved outcomes of incisional NPWT are reported from various surgical procedures on abdominal, breast, orthopedic, vascular, cardiac, and plastic surgeries. Further clinical studies and cost-benefit analysis are needed to recommend routine postoperative use of incisional NPWT in high-risk and low-risk patient population

    ACS Nano

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    We present the development of an analytical model that can be used for the rational design of a biosensor based on shifts in the local surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of individual gold nanoparticles. The model relates the peak wavelength of light scattered by an individual plasmonic nanoparticle to the number of bound analyte molecules and provides an analytical formulation that predicts relevant figures-of-merit of the sensor such as the molecular detection limit (MDL) and dynamic range as a function of nanoparticle geometry and detection system parameters. The model calculates LSPR shifts for individual molecules bound by a nanorod, so that the MDL is defined as the smallest number of bound molecules that is measurable by the system, and the dynamic range is defined as the maximum number of molecules that can be detected by a single nanorod. This model is useful because it will allow a priori design of an LSPR sensor with figures-of-merit that can be optimized for the target analyte. This model was used to design an LSPR sensor based on biotin-functionalized gold nanorods that offers the lowest MDL for this class of sensors. The model predicts a MDL of 18 streptavidin molecules for this sensor, which is in good agreement with experiments and estimates. Further, we discuss how the model can be utilized to guide the development of future generations of LSPR biosensors.GM8555/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/United StatesR01 CI-00097/CI/NCPDCID CDC HHS/United States19296619PMC281142

    The Study of Structural-Mechanical Properties of Complex Oil-Water Emulsions of the Deposits in Western Kazakhstan

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    Oil in the Caspian basin is characterized as viscous and heavy with a high content of metals, especially Vanadium and Nickel, which are associated in the oils with asphalt-resinous components. These properties of the oil reduce its recovery index. These properties and methods of oil production optimization were considered on the basis of the North Buzachi oil and gas region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The structural and mechanical properties of water-oil emulsions of crude oil were experimentally studied. Based on the measured in vitro parameters, the values of shear stress at wall shear rate were calculated, and then the flow curves were built for different temperatures and oil-water proportions. As a result, the regularities of the changes of rheological properties are determined depending on water content and temperature, and the resulting formula is obtained that allows determining the values of effective viscosity complex of oil-water emulsions. On the basis of the obtained results, the optimization of technological modes of crude oil preparation can be carried out in this field for further transportation and processing in the different operation periods

    The Study of Structural-Mechanical Properties of Complex Oil-Water Emulsions of the Deposits in Western Kazakhstan

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    Oil in the Caspian basin is characterized as viscous and heavy with a high content of metals, especially Vanadium and Nickel, which are associated in the oils with asphalt-resinous components. These properties of the oil reduce its recovery index. These properties and methods of oil production optimization were considered on the basis of the North Buzachi oil and gas region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The structural and mechanical properties of water-oil emulsions of crude oil were experimentally studied. Based on the measured in vitro parameters, the values of shear stress at wall shear rate were calculated, and then the flow curves were built for different temperatures and oil-water proportions. As a result, the regularities of the changes of rheological properties are determined depending on water content and temperature, and the resulting formula is obtained that allows determining the values of effective viscosity complex of oil-water emulsions. On the basis of the obtained results, the optimization of technological modes of crude oil preparation can be carried out in this field for further transportation and processing in the different operation periods

    Is Neo-Rectum a Better Option for Low Rectal Cancers?

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    Our Changing Agriculture

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    This circular gives a brief record of important extension service activities as they are related to outstanding changes that have taken and are taking place in South Dakota\u27s agriculture. Many of the results of past extension work are just beginning to be felt and many other developments are only starting. Therefore, this circular has to do with present activities of the extension service and with present conditions, as well as with changes. The last ten years have seen remarkable progress but the next ten should bring even greater results in efficient production, profitable marketing, and better livin