2,576 research outputs found

    Dynamic vs Oblivious Routing in Network Design

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    Consider the robust network design problem of finding a minimum cost network with enough capacity to route all traffic demand matrices in a given polytope. We investigate the impact of different routing models in this robust setting: in particular, we compare \emph{oblivious} routing, where the routing between each terminal pair must be fixed in advance, to \emph{dynamic} routing, where routings may depend arbitrarily on the current demand. Our main result is a construction that shows that the optimal cost of such a network based on oblivious routing (fractional or integral) may be a factor of \BigOmega(\log{n}) more than the cost required when using dynamic routing. This is true even in the important special case of the asymmetric hose model. This answers a question in \cite{chekurisurvey07}, and is tight up to constant factors. Our proof technique builds on a connection between expander graphs and robust design for single-sink traffic patterns \cite{ChekuriHardness07}

    A Constant Factor Approximation for the Single Sink Edge Installation Problem

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    We present the first constant approximation to the single sink buy-at-bulk network design problem, where we have to design a network by buying pipes of different costs and capacities per unit length to route demands at a set of sources to a single sink. The distances in the underlying network form a metric. This result improves the previous bound of O(log |R|), where R is the set of sources. We also present a better constant approximation to the related Access Network Design problem. Our algorithms are randomized and combinatorial. As a subroutine in our algorithm, we use an interesting variant of facility location with lower bounds on the amount of demand an open facility needs to serve. We call this variant load balanced facility location and present a constant factor approximation for it, while relaxing the lower bounds by a constant factor

    Network Design with Coverage Costs

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    We study network design with a cost structure motivated by redundancy in data traffic. We are given a graph, g groups of terminals, and a universe of data packets. Each group of terminals desires a subset of the packets from its respective source. The cost of routing traffic on any edge in the network is proportional to the total size of the distinct packets that the edge carries. Our goal is to find a minimum cost routing. We focus on two settings. In the first, the collection of packet sets desired by source-sink pairs is laminar. For this setting, we present a primal-dual based 2-approximation, improving upon a logarithmic approximation due to Barman and Chawla (2012). In the second setting, packet sets can have non-trivial intersection. We focus on the case where each packet is desired by either a single terminal group or by all of the groups, and the graph is unweighted. For this setting we present an O(log g)-approximation. Our approximation for the second setting is based on a novel spanner-type construction in unweighted graphs that, given a collection of g vertex subsets, finds a subgraph of cost only a constant factor more than the minimum spanning tree of the graph, such that every subset in the collection has a Steiner tree in the subgraph of cost at most O(log g) that of its minimum Steiner tree in the original graph. We call such a subgraph a group spanner.Comment: Updated version with additional result

    Optimization in Telecommunication Networks

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    Network design and network synthesis have been the classical optimization problems intelecommunication for a long time. In the recent past, there have been many technologicaldevelopments such as digitization of information, optical networks, internet, and wirelessnetworks. These developments have led to a series of new optimization problems. Thismanuscript gives an overview of the developments in solving both classical and moderntelecom optimization problems.We start with a short historical overview of the technological developments. Then,the classical (still actual) network design and synthesis problems are described with anemphasis on the latest developments on modelling and solving them. Classical results suchas Mengerā€™s disjoint paths theorem, and Ford-Fulkersonā€™s max-flow-min-cut theorem, butalso Gomory-Hu trees and the Okamura-Seymour cut-condition, will be related to themodels described. Finally, we describe recent optimization problems such as routing andwavelength assignment, and grooming in optical networks.operations research and management science;

    Fault tolerant network design inspired by Physarum polycephalum

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    Physarum polycephalum, a true slime mould, is a primitive, unicellular organism that creates networks to transport nutrients while foraging. The design of these natural networks proved to be advanced, e.g. the slime mould was able to find the shortest path through a maze. The underlying principles of this design have been mathematically modelled in literature. As in real life the slime mould can design fault tolerant networks, its principles can be applied to the design of man-made networks. In this paper, an existing model and algorithm are adapted and extended with stimulation and migration mechanisms which encourage formation of alternative paths, optimize edge positioning and allow for automated design. The extended model can then be used to better design fault tolerant networks. The extended algorithm is applied to several national and international network configurations. Results show that the extensions allow the model to capture the fault tolerance requirements more accurately. The resulting extended algorithm overcomes weaknesses in geometric graph design and can be used to design fault tolerant networks such as telecommunication networks with varying fault tolerance requirements

    Single-Sink Network Design with Vertex Connectivity Requirements

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    We study single-sink network design problems in undirected graphs with vertex connectivity requirements. The input to these problems is an edge-weighted undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), a sink/root vertex rr, a set of terminals TsubseteqVT subseteq V, and integer kk. The goal is to connect each terminal tinTt in T to rr via kk emph{vertex-disjoint} paths. In the {em connectivity} problem, the objective is to find a min-cost subgraph of GG that contains the desired paths. There is a 22-approximation for this problem when kle2k le 2 cite{FleischerJW} but for kge3k ge 3, the first non-trivial approximation was obtained in the recent work of Chakraborty, Chuzhoy and Khanna cite{ChakCK08}; they describe and analyze an algorithm with an approximation ratio of O(kO(k2)log4n)O(k^{O(k^2)}log^4 n) where n=āˆ£Vāˆ£n=|V|. In this paper, inspired by the results and ideas in cite{ChakCK08}, we show an O(kO(k)logāˆ£Tāˆ£)O(k^{O(k)}log |T|)-approximation bound for a simple greedy algorithm. Our analysis is based on the dual of a natural linear program and is of independent technical interest. We use the insights from this analysis to obtain an O(kO(k)logāˆ£Tāˆ£)O(k^{O(k)}log |T|)-approximation for the more general single-sink {em rent-or-buy} network design problem with vertex connectivity requirements. We further extend the ideas to obtain a poly-logarithmic approximation for the single-sink {em buy-at-bulk} problem when k=2k=2 and the number of cable-types is a fixed constant; we believe that this should extend to any fixed kk. We also show that for the non-uniform buy-at-bulk problem, for each fixed kk, a small variant of a simple algorithm suggested by Charikar and Kargiazova cite{CharikarK05} for the case of k=1k=1 gives an 2O(sqrtlogāˆ£Tāˆ£)2^{O(sqrt{log |T|})} approximation for larger kk. These results show that for each of these problems, simple and natural algorithms that have been developed for k=1k=1 have good performance for small k>1k > 1
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