672 research outputs found

    VerdictDB: Universalizing Approximate Query Processing

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    Despite 25 years of research in academia, approximate query processing (AQP) has had little industrial adoption. One of the major causes of this slow adoption is the reluctance of traditional vendors to make radical changes to their legacy codebases, and the preoccupation of newer vendors (e.g., SQL-on-Hadoop products) with implementing standard features. Additionally, the few AQP engines that are available are each tied to a specific platform and require users to completely abandon their existing databases---an unrealistic expectation given the infancy of the AQP technology. Therefore, we argue that a universal solution is needed: a database-agnostic approximation engine that will widen the reach of this emerging technology across various platforms. Our proposal, called VerdictDB, uses a middleware architecture that requires no changes to the backend database, and thus, can work with all off-the-shelf engines. Operating at the driver-level, VerdictDB intercepts analytical queries issued to the database and rewrites them into another query that, if executed by any standard relational engine, will yield sufficient information for computing an approximate answer. VerdictDB uses the returned result set to compute an approximate answer and error estimates, which are then passed on to the user or application. However, lack of access to the query execution layer introduces significant challenges in terms of generality, correctness, and efficiency. This paper shows how VerdictDB overcomes these challenges and delivers up to 171Ă—\times speedup (18.45Ă—\times on average) for a variety of existing engines, such as Impala, Spark SQL, and Amazon Redshift, while incurring less than 2.6% relative error. VerdictDB is open-sourced under Apache License.Comment: Extended technical report of the paper that appeared in Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data, pp. 1461-1476. ACM, 201

    A Sample Advisor for Approximate Query Processing

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    The rapid growth of current data warehouse systems makes random sampling a crucial component of modern data management systems. Although there is a large body of work on database sampling, the problem of automatic sample selection remained (almost) unaddressed. In this paper, we tackle the problem with a sample advisor. We propose a cost model to evaluate a sample for a given query. Based on this, our sample advisor determines the optimal set of samples for a given set of queries specified by an expert. We further propose an extension to utilize recorded workload information. In this case, the sample advisor takes the set of queries and a given memory bound into account for the computation of a sample advice. Additionally, we consider the merge of samples in case of overlapping sample advice and present both an exact and a heuristic solution. Within our evaluation, we analyze the properties of the cost model and compare the proposed algorithms. We further demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the heuristic solutions with a variety of experiments

    Optimizing Sample Design for Approximate Query Processing

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    The rapid increase of data volumes makes sampling a crucial component of modern data management systems. Although there is a large body of work on database sampling, the problem of automatically determine the optimal sample for a given query remained (almost) unaddressed. To tackle this problem the authors propose a sample advisor based on a novel cost model. Primarily designed for advising samples of a few queries specified by an expert, the authors additionally propose two extensions of the sample advisor. The first extension enhances the applicability by utilizing recorded workload information and taking memory bounds into account. The second extension increases the effectiveness by merging samples in case of overlapping pieces of sample advice. For both extensions, the authors present exact and heuristic solutions. Within their evaluation, the authors analyze the properties of the cost model and demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the heuristic solutions with a variety of experiments

    DBEst : revisiting approximate query processing engines with machine learning models

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    In the era of big data, computing exact answers to analytical queries becomes prohibitively expensive. This greatly increases the value of approaches that can compute efficiently approximate, but highly-accurate, answers to analytical queries. Alas, the state of the art still suffers from many shortcomings: Errors are still high, unless large memory investments are made. Many important analytics tasks are not supported. Query response times are too long and thus approaches rely on parallel execution of queries atop large big data analytics clusters, in-situ or in the cloud, whose acquisition/use costs dearly. Hence, the following questions are crucial: Can we develop AQP engines that reduce response times by orders of magnitude, ensure high accuracy, and support most aggregate functions? With smaller memory footprints and small overheads to build the state upon which they are based? With this paper, we show that the answers to all questions above can be positive. The paper presents DBEst, a system based on Machine Learning models (regression models and probability density estimators). It will discuss its limitations, promises, and how it can complement existing systems. It will substantiate its advantages using queries and data from the TPC-DS benchmark and real-life datasets, compared against state of the art AQP engines

    Modeling Large Time Series for Efficient Approximate Query Processing

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    Evolving customer requirements and increasing competition force business organizations to store increasing amounts of data and query them for information at any given time. Due to the current growth of data volumes, timely extraction of relevant information becomes more and more difficult with traditional methods. In addition, contemporary Decision Support Systems (DSS) favor faster approximations over slower exact results. Generally speaking, processes that require exchange of data become inefficient when connection bandwidth does not increase as fast as the volume of data. In order to tackle these issues, compression techniques have been introduced in many areas of data processing. In this paper, we outline a new system that does not query complete datasets but instead utilizes models to extract the requested information. For time series data we use Fourier and Cosine transformations and piece-wise aggregation to derive the models. These models are initially created from the original data and are kept in the database along with it. Subsequent queries are answered using the stored models rather than scanning and processing the original datasets. In order to support model query processing, we maintain query statistics derived from experiments and when running the system. Our approach can also reduce communication load by exchanging models instead of data. To allow seamless integration of model-based querying into traditional data warehouses, we introduce a SQL compatible query terminology. Our experiments show that querying models is up to 80 % faster than querying over the raw data while retaining a high accuracy

    Approximate Query Processing over Static Sets and Sliding Windows

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    Indexing of static and dynamic sets is fundamental to a large set of applications such as information retrieval and caching. Denoting the characteristic vector of the set by B, we consider the problem of encoding sets and multisets to support approximate versions of the operations rank(i) (i.e., computing sum_{j = i}) queries. We study multiple types of approximations (allowing an error in the query or the result) and present lower bounds and succinct data structures for several variants of the problem. We also extend our model to sliding windows, in which we process a stream of elements and compute suffix sums. This is a generalization of the window summation problem that allows the user to specify the window size at query time. Here, we provide an algorithm that supports updates and queries in constant time while requiring just (1+o(1)) factor more space than the fixed-window summation algorithms

    Rank-aware, Approximate Query Processing on the Semantic Web

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    Search over the Semantic Web corpus frequently leads to queries having large result sets. So, in order to discover relevant data elements, users must rely on ranking techniques to sort results according to their relevance. At the same time, applications oftentimes deal with information needs, which do not require complete and exact results. In this thesis, we face the problem of how to process queries over Web data in an approximate and rank-aware fashion
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