918 research outputs found

    Neural Dynamic Focused Topic Model

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    Topic models and all their variants analyse text by learning meaningful representations through word co-occurrences. As pointed out by Williamson et al. (2010), such models implicitly assume that the probability of a topic to be active and its proportion within each document are positively correlated. This correlation can be strongly detrimental in the case of documents created over time, simply because recent documents are likely better described by new and hence rare topics. In this work we leverage recent advances in neural variational inference and present an alternative neural approach to the dynamic Focused Topic Model. Indeed, we develop a neural model for topic evolution which exploits sequences of Bernoulli random variables in order to track the appearances of topics, thereby decoupling their activities from their proportions. We evaluate our model on three different datasets (the UN general debates, the collection of NeurIPS papers, and the ACL Anthology dataset) and show that it (i) outperforms state-of-the-art topic models in generalization tasks and (ii) performs comparably to them on prediction tasks, while employing roughly the same number of parameters, and converging about two times faster. Source code to reproduce our experiments is available online.Comment: Accepted at Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI2023

    Tracking times in temporal patterns embodied in intra-cortical data for controling neural prosthesis an animal simulation study

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    Brain-machines capture brain signals in order to restore communication and movement to disabled people who suffer from brain palsy or motor disorders. In brain regions, the ensemble firing of populations of neurons represents spatio-temporal patterns that are transformed into outgoing spatio-temporal patterns which encode complex cognitive task. This transformation is dynamic, non-stationary (time-varying) and highly nonlinear. Hence, modeling such complex biological patterns requires specific model structures to uncover the underlying physiological mechanisms and their influences on system behavior. In this study, a recent multi-electrode technology allows the record of the simultaneous neuron activities in behaving animals. Intra-cortical data are processed according to these steps: spike detection and sorting, than desired action extraction from the rate of the obtained signal. We focus on the following important questions about (i) the possibility of linking the brain signal time events with some time-delayed mapping tools; (ii) the use of some suitable inputs than others for the decoder; (iii) a consideration of separated data or a special representation founded on multi-dimensional statistics. This paper concentrates mostly on the analysis of parallel spike train when certain critical hypotheses are ignored by the data for the working method. We have made efforts to define explicitly whether the underlying hypotheses are actually achieved. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to define the embedded memory order of NARX recurrent neural networks to the hand trajectory tracking process. We also demonstrate that this algorithm can improve performance on inference tasks

    Representation learning for dialogue systems

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    Cette thèse présente une série de mesures prises pour étudier l’apprentissage de représentations (par exemple, l’apprentissage profond) afin de mettre en place des systèmes de dialogue et des agents de conversation virtuels. La thèse est divisée en deux parties générales. La première partie de la thèse examine l’apprentissage des représentations pour les modèles de dialogue génératifs. Conditionnés sur une séquence de tours à partir d’un dialogue textuel, ces modèles ont la tâche de générer la prochaine réponse appropriée dans le dialogue. Cette partie de la thèse porte sur les modèles séquence-à-séquence, qui est une classe de réseaux de neurones profonds génératifs. Premièrement, nous proposons un modèle d’encodeur-décodeur récurrent hiérarchique ("Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder-Decoder"), qui est une extension du modèle séquence-à-séquence traditionnel incorporant la structure des tours de dialogue. Deuxièmement, nous proposons un modèle de réseau de neurones récurrents multi-résolution ("Multiresolution Recurrent Neural Network"), qui est un modèle empilé séquence-à-séquence avec une représentation stochastique intermédiaire (une "représentation grossière") capturant le contenu sémantique abstrait communiqué entre les locuteurs. Troisièmement, nous proposons le modèle d’encodeur-décodeur récurrent avec variables latentes ("Latent Variable Recurrent Encoder-Decoder"), qui suivent une distribution normale. Les variables latentes sont destinées à la modélisation de l’ambiguïté et l’incertitude qui apparaissent naturellement dans la communication humaine. Les trois modèles sont évalués et comparés sur deux tâches de génération de réponse de dialogue: une tâche de génération de réponses sur la plateforme Twitter et une tâche de génération de réponses de l’assistance technique ("Ubuntu technical response generation task"). La deuxième partie de la thèse étudie l’apprentissage de représentations pour un système de dialogue utilisant l’apprentissage par renforcement dans un contexte réel. Cette partie porte plus particulièrement sur le système "Milabot" construit par l’Institut québécois d’intelligence artificielle (Mila) pour le concours "Amazon Alexa Prize 2017". Le Milabot est un système capable de bavarder avec des humains sur des sujets populaires à la fois par la parole et par le texte. Le système consiste d’un ensemble de modèles de récupération et de génération en langage naturel, comprenant des modèles basés sur des références, des modèles de sac de mots et des variantes des modèles décrits ci-dessus. Cette partie de la thèse se concentre sur la tâche de sélection de réponse. À partir d’une séquence de tours de dialogues et d’un ensemble des réponses possibles, le système doit sélectionner une réponse appropriée à fournir à l’utilisateur. Une approche d’apprentissage par renforcement basée sur un modèle appelée "Bottleneck Simulator" est proposée pour sélectionner le candidat approprié pour la réponse. Le "Bottleneck Simulator" apprend un modèle approximatif de l’environnement en se basant sur les trajectoires de dialogue observées et le "crowdsourcing", tout en utilisant un état abstrait représentant la sémantique du discours. Le modèle d’environnement est ensuite utilisé pour apprendre une stratégie d’apprentissage du renforcement par le biais de simulations. La stratégie apprise a été évaluée et comparée à des approches concurrentes via des tests A / B avec des utilisateurs réel, où elle démontre d’excellente performance.This thesis presents a series of steps taken towards investigating representation learning (e.g. deep learning) for building dialogue systems and conversational agents. The thesis is split into two general parts. The first part of the thesis investigates representation learning for generative dialogue models. Conditioned on a sequence of turns from a text-based dialogue, these models are tasked with generating the next, appropriate response in the dialogue. This part of the thesis focuses on sequence-to-sequence models, a class of generative deep neural networks. First, we propose the Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder-Decoder model, which is an extension of the vanilla sequence-to sequence model incorporating the turn-taking structure of dialogues. Second, we propose the Multiresolution Recurrent Neural Network model, which is a stacked sequence-to-sequence model with an intermediate, stochastic representation (a "coarse representation") capturing the abstract semantic content communicated between the dialogue speakers. Third, we propose the Latent Variable Recurrent Encoder-Decoder model, which is a variant of the Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder-Decoder model with latent, stochastic normally-distributed variables. The latent, stochastic variables are intended for modelling the ambiguity and uncertainty occurring naturally in human language communication. The three models are evaluated and compared on two dialogue response generation tasks: a Twitter response generation task and the Ubuntu technical response generation task. The second part of the thesis investigates representation learning for a real-world reinforcement learning dialogue system. Specifically, this part focuses on the Milabot system built by the Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute (Mila) for the Amazon Alexa Prize 2017 competition. Milabot is a system capable of conversing with humans on popular small talk topics through both speech and text. The system consists of an ensemble of natural language retrieval and generation models, including template-based models, bag-of-words models, and variants of the models discussed in the first part of the thesis. This part of the thesis focuses on the response selection task. Given a sequence of turns from a dialogue and a set of candidate responses, the system must select an appropriate response to give the user. A model-based reinforcement learning approach, called the Bottleneck Simulator, is proposed for selecting the appropriate candidate response. The Bottleneck Simulator learns an approximate model of the environment based on observed dialogue trajectories and human crowdsourcing, while utilizing an abstract (bottleneck) state representing high-level discourse semantics. The learned environment model is then employed to learn a reinforcement learning policy through rollout simulations. The learned policy has been evaluated and compared to competing approaches through A/B testing with real-world users, where it was found to yield excellent performance

    Kalman Filtering and its Application to On-Line State Estimation of a Once-Through Boiler

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    This thesis contributes to non-linear continuous-discrete Kalman filtering of multiplex systems through the development of two main ideas, namely, integration of the unscented transforms with linearly implicit methods and incorporation of simulation errors in the state estimation problem. The newly developed techniques are then applied to the technically relevant problem of state estimation on the main components of a utility boiler. State estimators in industrial systems are used as soft-sensors in monitoring and control applications as the most cost effective and practical alternative to telemetering all variables of interest. One such example is in utility boilers where reliable and real-time data characterising its behaviour is used to detect faults and optimise performance. With respect to the state-of-the-art, state estimators display limitations in real-time applications to large-scale systems. This motivates theoretical developments in state estimation as a first part in this thesis. These developments are aimed at producing more practical and efficient algorithms in non-linear continuous discrete Kalman filtering for stiff large-scale industrial systems. This is achieved using two novel ideas. The first is to exploit the similarities between the extended and unscented Kalman filter in order to estimate the Jacobian required for linearly implicit schemes, thereby tightly coupling state propagation and continuous-time simulation. The second is to account for numerical integration error by appending a stochastic local error model to the system's stochastic differential equation. This allows for coarser integration time steps in systems that are otherwise only suited to relatively small step sizes, making the filter more computationally efficient without lowering its potential to construct accurate estimates. The second part of this thesis uses these algorithms to demonstrate the feasibility of on-line state estimation on the main components of a once-through utility power boiler that require in excess of a hundred state variables to capture its behaviour with adequate fidelity. Two separate models of the boiler are developed, a MATLAB® and a Flownex® model, comprising the economiser, evaporators, reheaters, superheaters and furnace. The mathematical MATLAB® model is better suited to real-time execution and is used in the filter. The more sophisticated model is based on a commercial thermal-hydraulic simulation environment, Flownex® , and is used to validate the mathematical modelling philosophies and construct filter observation data. After validating the performance of the filter against ground-truth data provided by the Flownex® model, the filter is demonstrated on historical plant data to illustrate its utility

    Data Hiding in Digital Video

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    With the rapid development of digital multimedia technologies, an old method which is called steganography has been sought to be a solution for data hiding applications such as digital watermarking and covert communication. Steganography is the art of secret communication using a cover signal, e.g., video, audio, image etc., whereas the counter-technique, detecting the existence of such as a channel through a statistically trained classifier, is called steganalysis. The state-of-the art data hiding algorithms utilize features; such as Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients, pixel values, motion vectors etc., of the cover signal to convey the message to the receiver side. The goal of embedding algorithm is to maximize the number of bits sent to the decoder side (embedding capacity) with maximum robustness against attacks while keeping the perceptual and statistical distortions (security) low. Data Hiding schemes are characterized by these three conflicting requirements: security against steganalysis, robustness against channel associated and/or intentional distortions, and the capacity in terms of the embedded payload. Depending upon the application it is the designer\u27s task to find an optimum solution amongst them. The goal of this thesis is to develop a novel data hiding scheme to establish a covert channel satisfying statistical and perceptual invisibility with moderate rate capacity and robustness to combat steganalysis based detection. The idea behind the proposed method is the alteration of Video Object (VO) trajectory coordinates to convey the message to the receiver side by perturbing the centroid coordinates of the VO. Firstly, the VO is selected by the user and tracked through the frames by using a simple region based search strategy and morphological operations. After the trajectory coordinates are obtained, the perturbation of the coordinates implemented through the usage of a non-linear embedding function, such as a polar quantizer where both the magnitude and phase of the motion is used. However, the perturbations made to the motion magnitude and phase were kept small to preserve the semantic meaning of the object motion trajectory. The proposed method is well suited to the video sequences in which VOs have smooth motion trajectories. Examples of these types could be found in sports videos in which the ball is the focus of attention and exhibits various motion types, e.g., rolling on the ground, flying in the air, being possessed by a player, etc. Different sports video sequences have been tested by using the proposed method. Through the experimental results, it is shown that the proposed method achieved the goal of both statistical and perceptual invisibility with moderate rate embedding capacity under AWGN channel with varying noise variances. This achievement is important as the first step for both active and passive steganalysis is the detection of the existence of covert channel. This work has multiple contributions in the field of data hiding. Firstly, it is the first example of a data hiding method in which the trajectory of a VO is used. Secondly, this work has contributed towards improving steganographic security by providing new features: the coordinate location and semantic meaning of the object

    New Methods for Network Traffic Anomaly Detection

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    In this thesis we examine the efficacy of applying outlier detection techniques to understand the behaviour of anomalies in communication network traffic. We have identified several shortcomings. Our most finding is that known techniques either focus on characterizing the spatial or temporal behaviour of traffic but rarely both. For example DoS attacks are anomalies which violate temporal patterns while port scans violate the spatial equilibrium of network traffic. To address this observed weakness we have designed a new method for outlier detection based spectral decomposition of the Hankel matrix. The Hankel matrix is spatio-temporal correlation matrix and has been used in many other domains including climate data analysis and econometrics. Using our approach we can seamlessly integrate the discovery of both spatial and temporal anomalies. Comparison with other state of the art methods in the networks community confirms that our approach can discover both DoS and port scan attacks. The spectral decomposition of the Hankel matrix is closely tied to the problem of inference in Linear Dynamical Systems (LDS). We introduce a new problem, the Online Selective Anomaly Detection (OSAD) problem, to model the situation where the objective is to report new anomalies in the system and suppress know faults. For example, in the network setting an operator may be interested in triggering an alarm for malicious attacks but not on faults caused by equipment failure. In order to solve OSAD we combine techniques from machine learning and control theory in a unique fashion. Machine Learning ideas are used to learn the parameters of an underlying data generating system. Control theory techniques are used to model the feedback and modify the residual generated by the data generating state model. Experiments on synthetic and real data sets confirm that the OSAD problem captures a general scenario and tightly integrates machine learning and control theory to solve a practical problem

    Intelligent maintenance management in a reconfigurable manufacturing environment using multi-agent systems

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    Thesis (M. Tech.) -- Central University of Technology, Free State, 2010Traditional corrective maintenance is both costly and ineffective. In some situations it is more cost effective to replace a device than to maintain it; however it is far more likely that the cost of the device far outweighs the cost of performing routine maintenance. These device related costs coupled with the profit loss due to reduced production levels, makes this reactive maintenance approach unacceptably inefficient in many situations. Blind predictive maintenance without considering the actual physical state of the hardware is an improvement, but is still far from ideal. Simply maintaining devices on a schedule without taking into account the operational hours and workload can be a costly mistake. The inefficiencies associated with these approaches have contributed to the development of proactive maintenance strategies. These approaches take the device health state into account. For this reason, proactive maintenance strategies are inherently more efficient compared to the aforementioned traditional approaches. Predicting the health degradation of devices allows for easier anticipation of the required maintenance resources and costs. Maintenance can also be scheduled to accommodate production needs. This work represents the design and simulation of an intelligent maintenance management system that incorporates device health prognosis with maintenance schedule generation. The simulation scenario provided prognostic data to be used to schedule devices for maintenance. A production rule engine was provided with a feasible starting schedule. This schedule was then improved and the process was determined by adhering to a set of criteria. Benchmarks were conducted to show the benefit of optimising the starting schedule and the results were presented as proof. Improving on existing maintenance approaches will result in several benefits for an organisation. Eliminating the need to address unexpected failures or perform maintenance prematurely will ensure that the relevant resources are available when they are required. This will in turn reduce the expenditure related to wasted maintenance resources without compromising the health of devices or systems in the organisation
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