15,642 research outputs found

    The Graph Isomorphism Problem and approximate categories

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    It is unknown whether two graphs can be tested for isomorphism in polynomial time. A classical approach to the Graph Isomorphism Problem is the d-dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm. The d-dimensional WL-algorithm can distinguish many pairs of graphs, but the pairs of non-isomorphic graphs constructed by Cai, Furer and Immerman it cannot distinguish. If d is fixed, then the WL-algorithm runs in polynomial time. We will formulate the Graph Isomorphism Problem as an Orbit Problem: Given a representation V of an algebraic group G and two elements v_1,v_2 in V, decide whether v_1 and v_2 lie in the same G-orbit. Then we attack the Orbit Problem by constructing certain approximate categories C_d(V), d=1,2,3,... whose objects include the elements of V. We show that v_1 and v_2 are not in the same orbit by showing that they are not isomorphic in the category C_d(V) for some d. For every d this gives us an algorithm for isomorphism testing. We will show that the WL-algorithms reduce to our algorithms, but that our algorithms cannot be reduced to the WL-algorithms. Unlike the Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm, our algorithm can distinguish the Cai-Furer-Immerman graphs in polynomial time.Comment: 29 page

    Graph Similarity and Approximate Isomorphism

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    The graph similarity problem, also known as approximate graph isomorphism or graph matching problem, has been extensively studied in the machine learning community, but has not received much attention in the algorithms community: Given two graphs G,H of the same order n with adjacency matrices A_G,A_H, a well-studied measure of similarity is the Frobenius distance dist(G,H):=min_{pi}|A_G^{pi}-A_H|_F, where pi ranges over all permutations of the vertex set of G, where A_G^pi denotes the matrix obtained from A_G by permuting rows and columns according to pi, and where |M |_F is the Frobenius norm of a matrix M. The (weighted) graph similarity problem, denoted by GSim (WSim), is the problem of computing this distance for two graphs of same order. This problem is closely related to the notoriously hard quadratic assignment problem (QAP), which is known to be NP-hard even for severely restricted cases. It is known that GSim (WSim) is NP-hard; we strengthen this hardness result by showing that the problem remains NP-hard even for the class of trees. Identifying the boundary of tractability for WSim is best done in the framework of linear algebra. We show that WSim is NP-hard as long as one of the matrices has unbounded rank or negative eigenvalues: hence, the realm of tractability is restricted to positive semi-definite matrices of bounded rank. Our main result is a polynomial time algorithm for the special case where the associated (weighted) adjacency graph for one of the matrices has a bounded number of twin equivalence classes. The key parameter underlying our algorithm is the clustering number of a graph; this parameter arises in context of the spectral graph drawing machinery

    Theoretically Expressive and Edge-aware Graph Learning

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    We propose a new Graph Neural Network that combines recent advancements in the field. We give theoretical contributions by proving that the model is strictly more general than the Graph Isomorphism Network and the Gated Graph Neural Network, as it can approximate the same functions and deal with arbitrary edge values. Then, we show how a single node information can flow through the graph unchanged

    Expectation-Complete Graph Representations with Homomorphisms

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    We investigate novel random graph embeddings that can be computed in expected polynomial time and that are able to distinguish all non-isomorphic graphs in expectation. Previous graph embeddings have limited expressiveness and either cannot distinguish all graphs or cannot be computed efficiently for every graph. To be able to approximate arbitrary functions on graphs, we are interested in efficient alternatives that become arbitrarily expressive with increasing resources. Our approach is based on Lov\'asz' characterisation of graph isomorphism through an infinite dimensional vector of homomorphism counts. Our empirical evaluation shows competitive results on several benchmark graph learning tasks.Comment: accepted for publication at ICML 202

    Projected Power Iteration for Network Alignment

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    The network alignment problem asks for the best correspondence between two given graphs, so that the largest possible number of edges are matched. This problem appears in many scientific problems (like the study of protein-protein interactions) and it is very closely related to the quadratic assignment problem which has graph isomorphism, traveling salesman and minimum bisection problems as particular cases. The graph matching problem is NP-hard in general. However, under some restrictive models for the graphs, algorithms can approximate the alignment efficiently. In that spirit the recent work by Feizi and collaborators introduce EigenAlign, a fast spectral method with convergence guarantees for Erd\H{o}s-Reny\'i graphs. In this work we propose the algorithm Projected Power Alignment, which is a projected power iteration version of EigenAlign. We numerically show it improves the recovery rates of EigenAlign and we describe the theory that may be used to provide performance guarantees for Projected Power Alignment.Comment: 8 page

    Flexible graph matching and graph edit distance using answer set programming

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    The graph isomorphism, subgraph isomorphism, and graph edit distance problems are combinatorial problems with many applications. Heuristic exact and approximate algorithms for each of these problems have been developed for different kinds of graphs: directed, undirected, labeled, etc. However, additional work is often needed to adapt such algorithms to different classes of graphs, for example to accommodate both labels and property annotations on nodes and edges. In this paper, we propose an approach based on answer set programming. We show how each of these problems can be defined for a general class of property graphs with directed edges, and labels and key-value properties annotating both nodes and edges. We evaluate this approach on a variety of synthetic and realistic graphs, demonstrating that it is feasible as a rapid prototyping approach.Comment: To appear, PADL 202

    On the Lattice Distortion Problem

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    We introduce and study the \emph{Lattice Distortion Problem} (LDP). LDP asks how "similar" two lattices are. I.e., what is the minimal distortion of a linear bijection between the two lattices? LDP generalizes the Lattice Isomorphism Problem (the lattice analogue of Graph Isomorphism), which simply asks whether the minimal distortion is one. As our first contribution, we show that the distortion between any two lattices is approximated up to a nO(logn)n^{O(\log n)} factor by a simple function of their successive minima. Our methods are constructive, allowing us to compute low-distortion mappings that are within a 2O(nloglogn/logn)2^{O(n \log \log n/\log n)} factor of optimal in polynomial time and within a nO(logn)n^{O(\log n)} factor of optimal in singly exponential time. Our algorithms rely on a notion of basis reduction introduced by Seysen (Combinatorica 1993), which we show is intimately related to lattice distortion. Lastly, we show that LDP is NP-hard to approximate to within any constant factor (under randomized reductions), by a reduction from the Shortest Vector Problem.Comment: This is the full version of a paper that appeared in ESA 201