17,521 research outputs found

    Review of Person Re-identification Techniques

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    Person re-identification across different surveillance cameras with disjoint fields of view has become one of the most interesting and challenging subjects in the area of intelligent video surveillance. Although several methods have been developed and proposed, certain limitations and unresolved issues remain. In all of the existing re-identification approaches, feature vectors are extracted from segmented still images or video frames. Different similarity or dissimilarity measures have been applied to these vectors. Some methods have used simple constant metrics, whereas others have utilised models to obtain optimised metrics. Some have created models based on local colour or texture information, and others have built models based on the gait of people. In general, the main objective of all these approaches is to achieve a higher-accuracy rate and lowercomputational costs. This study summarises several developments in recent literature and discusses the various available methods used in person re-identification. Specifically, their advantages and disadvantages are mentioned and compared.Comment: Published 201

    Structure-aware content creation : detection, retargeting and deformation

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    Nowadays, access to digital information has become ubiquitous, while three-dimensional visual representation is becoming indispensable to knowledge understanding and information retrieval. Three-dimensional digitization plays a natural role in bridging connections between the real and virtual world, which prompt the huge demand for massive three-dimensional digital content. But reducing the effort required for three-dimensional modeling has been a practical problem, and long standing challenge in compute graphics and related fields. In this thesis, we propose several techniques for lightening up the content creation process, which have the common theme of being structure-aware, ie maintaining global relations among the parts of shape. We are especially interested in formulating our algorithms such that they make use of symmetry structures, because of their concise yet highly abstract principles are universally applicable to most regular patterns. We introduce our work from three different aspects in this thesis. First, we characterized spaces of symmetry preserving deformations, and developed a method to explore this space in real-time, which significantly simplified the generation of symmetry preserving shape variants. Second, we empirically studied three-dimensional offset statistics, and developed a fully automatic retargeting application, which is based on verified sparsity. Finally, we made step forward in solving the approximate three-dimensional partial symmetry detection problem, using a novel co-occurrence analysis method, which could serve as the foundation to high-level applications.Jetzt hat die Zugang zu digitalen Informationen allgegenwärtig geworden. Dreidimensionale visuelle Darstellung wird immer zum Einsichtsverständnis und Informationswiedergewinnung unverzichtbar. Dreidimensionale Digitalisierung verbindet die reale und virtuelle Welt auf natürliche Weise, die prompt die große Nachfrage nach massiven dreidimensionale digitale Inhalte. Es ist immer noch ein praktisches Problem und langjährige Herausforderung in Computergrafik und verwandten Bereichen, die den Aufwand für die dreidimensionale Modellierung reduzieren. In dieser Dissertation schlagen wir verschiedene Techniken zur Aufhellung der Erstellung von Inhalten auf, im Rahmen der gemeinsamen Thema der struktur-bewusst zu sein, d.h. globalen Beziehungen zwischen den Teilen der Gestalt beibehalten wird. Besonders interessiert sind wir bei der Formulierung unserer Algorithmen, so dass sie den Einsatz von Symmetrische Strukturen machen, wegen ihrer knappen, aber sehr abstrakten Prinzipien für die meisten regelmäßigen Mustern universell einsetzbar sind. Wir stellen unsere Arbei aus drei verschiedenen Aspekte in dieser Dissertation. Erstens befinden wir Räume der Verformungen, die Symmetrien zu erhalten, und entwickelten wir eine Methode, diesen Raum in Echtzeit zu erkunden, die deutlich die Erzeugung von Gestalten vereinfacht, die Symmetrien zu bewahren. Zweitens haben wir empirisch untersucht dreidimensionale Offset Statistiken und entwickelten eine vollautomatische Applikation für Retargeting, die auf den verifizierte Seltenheit basiert. Schließlich treten wir uns auf die ungefähre dreidimensionalen Teilsymmetrie Erkennungsproblem zu lösen, auf der Grundlage unserer neuen Kookkurrenz Analyseverfahren, die viele hochrangige Anwendungen dienen verwendet werden könnten

    Is there a hidden hole in Type Ia supernova remnants?

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    In this paper we report on the bulk features of the hole carved by the companion star in the material ejected during a Type Ia supernova explosion. In particular we are interested in the long term evolution of the hole as well as in its fingerprint in the geometry of the supernova remnant after several centuries of evolution, which is a hot topic in current Type Iasupernovae studies. We use an axisymmetric smoothed particle hydrodynamics code to characterize the geometric properties of the supernova remnant resulting from the interaction of this ejected material with the ambient medium. Our aim is to use supernova remnant observations to constrain the single degenerate scenario for Type Ia supernova progenitors. Our simulations show that the hole will remain open during centuries, although its partial or total closure at later times due to hydrodynamic instabilities is not excluded. Close to the edge of the hole, the Rayleigh-Taylor instability grows faster, leading to plumes that approach the edge of the forward shock. We also discuss other geometrical properties of the simulations, like the evolution of the contact discontinuity.Comment: 48 pages, 17 figures; Accepted for publication in Ap

    Inelastic X-ray Scattering by Electronic Excitations in Solids at High Pressure

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    Investigating electronic structure and excitations under extreme conditions gives access to a rich variety of phenomena. High pressure typically induces behavior such as magnetic collapse and the insulator-metal transition in 3d transition metals compounds, valence fluctuations or Kondo-like characteristics in ff-electron systems, and coordination and bonding changes in molecular solids and glasses. This article reviews research concerning electronic excitations in materials under extreme conditions using inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS). IXS is a spectroscopic probe of choice for this study because of its chemical and orbital selectivity and the richness of information it provides. Being an all-photon technique, IXS has a penetration depth compatible with high pressure requirements. Electronic transitions under pressure in 3d transition metals compounds and ff-electron systems, most of them strongly correlated, are reviewed. Implications for geophysics are mentioned. Since the incident X-ray energy can easily be tuned to absorption edges, resonant IXS, often employed, is discussed at length. Finally studies involving local structure changes and electronic transitions under pressure in materials containing light elements are briefly reviewed.Comment: submitted to Rev. Mod. Phy

    Coherent generation of symmetry-forbidden phonons by light-induced electron-phonon interactions in magnetite

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    Symmetry breaking across phase transitions often causes changes in selection rules and emergence of optical modes which can be detected via spectroscopic techniques or generated coherently in pump-probe experiments. In second-order or weakly first-order transitions, fluctuations of the order parameter are present above the ordering temperature, giving rise to intriguing precursor phenomena, such as critical opalescence. Here, we demonstrate that in magnetite (Fe3_3O4_4) light excitation couples to the critical fluctuations of the charge order and coherently generates structural modes of the ordered phase above the critical temperature of the Verwey transition. Our findings are obtained by detecting coherent oscillations of the optical constants through ultrafast broadband spectroscopy and analyzing their dependence on temperature. To unveil the coupling between the structural modes and the electronic excitations, at the origin of the Verwey transition, we combine our results from pump-probe experiments with spontaneous Raman scattering data and theoretical calculations of both the phonon dispersion curves and the optical constants. Our methodology represents an effective tool to study the real-time dynamics of critical fluctuations across phase transitions

    Numerical Relativity: A review

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    Computer simulations are enabling researchers to investigate systems which are extremely difficult to handle analytically. In the particular case of General Relativity, numerical models have proved extremely valuable for investigations of strong field scenarios and been crucial to reveal unexpected phenomena. Considerable efforts are being spent to simulate astrophysically relevant simulations, understand different aspects of the theory and even provide insights in the search for a quantum theory of gravity. In the present article I review the present status of the field of Numerical Relativity, describe the techniques most commonly used and discuss open problems and (some) future prospects.Comment: 2 References added; 1 corrected. 67 pages. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity. (uses iopart.cls