50 research outputs found

    Fully Proportional Representation as Resource Allocation: Approximability Results

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    We model Monroe's and Chamberlin and Courant's multiwinner voting systems as a certain resource allocation problem. We show that for many restricted variants of this problem, under standard complexity-theoretic assumptions, there are no constant-factor approximation algorithms. Yet, we also show cases where good approximation algorithms exist (briefly put, these variants correspond to optimizing total voter satisfaction under Borda scores, within Monroe's and Chamberlin and Courant's voting systems).Comment: 26 pages, 1 figur

    A Systematic Review of Approximability Results for Traveling Salesman Problems leveraging the TSP-T3CO Definition Scheme

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    The traveling salesman (or salesperson) problem, short TSP, is a problem of strong interest to many researchers from mathematics, economics, and computer science. Manifold TSP variants occur in nearly every scientific field and application domain: engineering, physics, biology, life sciences, and manufacturing just to name a few. Several thousand papers are published on theoretical research or application-oriented results each year. This paper provides the first systematic survey on the best currently known approximability and inapproximability results for well-known TSP variants such as the "standard" TSP, Path TSP, Bottleneck TSP, Maximum Scatter TSP, Generalized TSP, Clustered TSP, Traveling Purchaser Problem, Profitable Tour Problem, Quota TSP, Prize-Collecting TSP, Orienteering Problem, Time-dependent TSP, TSP with Time Windows, and the Orienteering Problem with Time Windows. The foundation of our survey is the definition scheme T3CO, which we propose as a uniform, easy-to-use and extensible means for the formal and precise definition of TSP variants. Applying T3CO to formally define the variant studied by a paper reveals subtle differences within the same named variant and also brings out the differences between the variants more clearly. We achieve the first comprehensive, concise, and compact representation of approximability results by using T3CO definitions. This makes it easier to understand the approximability landscape and the assumptions under which certain results hold. Open gaps become more evident and results can be compared more easily

    Compromise Solutions for Robust Combinatorial Optimization with Variable-Sized Uncertainty

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    In classic robust optimization, it is assumed that a set of possible parameter realizations, the uncertainty set, is modeled in a previous step and part of the input. As recent work has shown, finding the most suitable uncertainty set is in itself already a difficult task. We consider robust problems where the uncertainty set is not completely defined. Only the shape is known, but not its size. Such a setting is known as variable-sized uncertainty. In this work we present an approach how to find a single robust solution, that performs well on average over all possible uncertainty set sizes. We demonstrate that this approach can be solved efficiently for min-max robust optimization, but is more involved in the case of min-max regret, where positive and negative complexity results for the selection problem, the minimum spanning tree problem, and the shortest path problem are provided. We introduce an iterative solution procedure, and evaluate its performance in an experimental comparison

    Gap Amplification for Reconfiguration Problems

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    In this paper, we demonstrate gap amplification for reconfiguration problems. In particular, we prove an explicit factor of PSPACE-hardness of approximation for three popular reconfiguration problems only assuming the Reconfiguration Inapproximability Hypothesis (RIH) due to Ohsaka (STACS 2023). Our main result is that under RIH, Maxmin Binary CSP Reconfiguration is PSPACE-hard to approximate within a factor of 0.99420.9942. Moreover, the same result holds even if the constraint graph is restricted to (d,λ)(d,\lambda)-expander for arbitrarily small λd\frac{\lambda}{d}. The crux of its proof is an alteration of the gap amplification technique due to Dinur (J. ACM, 2007), which amplifies the 11 vs. 1−ϵ1-\epsilon gap for arbitrarily small ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 up to the 11 vs. 1−0.00581-0.0058 gap. As an application of the main result, we demonstrate that Minmax Set Cover Reconfiguration and Minmax Dominating Set Reconfiguratio} are PSPACE-hard to approximate within a factor of 1.00291.0029 under RIH. Our proof is based on a gap-preserving reduction from Label Cover to Set Cover due to Lund and Yannakakis (J. ACM, 1994). However, unlike Lund--Yannakakis' reduction, the expander mixing lemma is essential to use. We highlight that all results hold unconditionally as long as "PSPACE-hard" is replaced by "NP-hard," and are the first explicit inapproximability results for reconfiguration problems without resorting to the parallel repetition theorem. We finally complement the main result by showing that it is NP-hard to approximate Maxmin Binary CSP Reconfiguration within a factor better than 34\frac{3}{4}.Comment: 41 pages, to appear in Proc. 35th Annu. ACM-SIAM Symp. Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 202

    Computational Results for Extensive-Form Adversarial Team Games

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    We provide, to the best of our knowledge, the first computational study of extensive-form adversarial team games. These games are sequential, zero-sum games in which a team of players, sharing the same utility function, faces an adversary. We define three different scenarios according to the communication capabilities of the team. In the first, the teammates can communicate and correlate their actions both before and during the play. In the second, they can only communicate before the play. In the third, no communication is possible at all. We define the most suitable solution concepts, and we study the inefficiency caused by partial or null communication, showing that the inefficiency can be arbitrarily large in the size of the game tree. Furthermore, we study the computational complexity of the equilibrium-finding problem in the three scenarios mentioned above, and we provide, for each of the three scenarios, an exact algorithm. Finally, we empirically evaluate the scalability of the algorithms in random games and the inefficiency caused by partial or null communication

    Backdoor Sets for CSP

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    A backdoor set of a CSP instance is a set of variables whose instantiation moves the instance into a fixed class of tractable instances (an island of tractability). An interesting algorithmic task is to find a small backdoor set efficiently: once it is found we can solve the instance by solving a number of tractable instances. Parameterized complexity provides an adequate framework for studying and solving this algorithmic task, where the size of the backdoor set provides a natural parameter. In this survey we present some recent parameterized complexity results on CSP backdoor sets, focusing on backdoor sets into islands of tractability that are defined in terms of constraint languages

    Team-maxmin equilibrium: Efficiency bounds and algorithms

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    The Team-maxmin equilibrium prescribes the optimal strategies for a team of rational players sharing the same goal and without the capability of correlating their strategies in strategic games against an adversary. This solution concept can capture situations in which an agent controls multiple resources-corresponding to the team members-that cannot communicate. It is known that such equilibrium always exists and it is unique (except degenerate cases) and these properties make it a credible solution concept to be used in real-world applications, especially in security scenarios. Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, the Team-maxmin equilibrium is almost completely unexplored in the literature. In this paper, we investigate bounds of (in) efficiency of the Team-maxmin equilibrium w.r.t. the Nash equilibria and w.r.t. the Maxmin equilibrium when the team members can play correlated strategies. Furthermore, we study a number of algorithms to find and/or approximate an equilibrium, discussing their theoretical guarantees and evaluating their performance by using a standard testbed of game instances