15 research outputs found

    Cubical coloring -- fractional covering by cuts and semidefinite programming

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    We introduce a new graph invariant that measures fractional covering of a graph by cuts. Besides being interesting in its own right, it is useful for study of homomorphisms and tension-continuous mappings. We study the relations with chromatic number, bipartite density, and other graph parameters. We find the value of our parameter for a family of graphs based on hypercubes. These graphs play for our parameter the role that circular cliques play for the circular chromatic number. The fact that the defined parameter attains on these graphs the `correct' value suggests that the definition is a natural one. In the proof we use the eigenvalue bound for maximum cut and a recent result of Engstr\"om, F\"arnqvist, Jonsson, and Thapper. We also provide a polynomial time approximation algorithm based on semidefinite programming and in particular on vector chromatic number (defined by Karger, Motwani and Sudan [Approximate graph coloring by semidefinite programming, J. ACM 45 (1998), no. 2, 246--265]).Comment: 17 page

    An approximability-related parameter on graphs―-properties and applications

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    Graph TheoryInternational audienceWe introduce a binary parameter on optimisation problems called separation. The parameter is used to relate the approximation ratios of different optimisation problems; in other words, we can convert approximability (and non-approximability) result for one problem into (non)-approximability results for other problems. Our main application is the problem (weighted) maximum H-colourable subgraph (Max H-Col), which is a restriction of the general maximum constraint satisfaction problem (Max CSP) to a single, binary, and symmetric relation. Using known approximation ratios for Max k-cut, we obtain general asymptotic approximability results for Max H-Col for an arbitrary graph H. For several classes of graphs, we provide near-optimal results under the unique games conjecture. We also investigate separation as a graph parameter. In this vein, we study its properties on circular complete graphs. Furthermore, we establish a close connection to work by Šámal on cubical colourings of graphs. This connection shows that our parameter is closely related to a special type of chromatic number. We believe that this insight may turn out to be crucial for understanding the behaviour of the parameter, and in the longer term, for understanding the approximability of optimisation problems such as Max H-Col

    Exact bounds for distributed graph colouring

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    A distributed system is a collection of networked autonomous processing units which must work in a cooperative manner. Currently, large-scale distributed systems, such as various telecommunication and computer networks, are abundant and used in a multitude of tasks. The field of distributed computing studies what can be computed efficiently in such systems. Distributed systems are usually modelled as graphs where nodes represent the processors and edges denote communication links between processors. This thesis concentrates on the computational complexity of the distributed graph colouring problem. The objective of the graph colouring problem is to assign a colour to each node in such a way that no two nodes connected by an edge share the same colour. In particular, it is often desirable to use only a small number of colours. This task is a fundamental symmetry-breaking primitive in various distributed algorithms. A graph that has been coloured in this manner using at most k different colours is said to be k-coloured. This work examines the synchronous message-passing model of distributed computation: every node runs the same algorithm, and the system operates in discrete synchronous communication rounds. During each round, a node can communicate with its neighbours and perform local computation. In this model, the time complexity of a problem is the number of synchronous communication rounds required to solve the problem. It is known that 3-colouring any k-coloured directed cycle requires at least ½(log* k - 3) communication rounds and is possible in ½(log* k + 7) communication rounds for all k ≥ 3. This work shows that for any k ≥ 3, colouring a k-coloured directed cycle with at most three colours is possible in ½(log* k + 3) rounds. In contrast, it is also shown that for some values of k, colouring a directed cycle with at most three colours requires at least ½(log* k + 1) communication rounds. Furthermore, in the case of directed rooted trees, reducing a k-colouring into a 3-colouring requires at least log* k + 1 rounds for some k and possible in log* k + 3 rounds for all k ≥ 3. The new positive and negative results are derived using computational methods, as the existence of distributed colouring algorithms corresponds to the colourability of so-called neighbourhood graphs. The colourability of these graphs is analysed using Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solvers. Finally, this thesis shows that similar methods are applicable in capturing the existence of distributed algorithms for other graph problems, such as the maximal matching problem

    Coalition structure generation over graphs

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    We give the analysis of the computational complexity of coalition structure generation over graphs. Given an undirected graph G = (N,E) and a valuation function v : P(N) → R over the subsets of nodes, the problem is to find a partition of N into connected subsets, that maximises the sum of the components values. This problem is generally NP-complete; in particular, it is hard for a defined class of valuation functions which are independent of disconnected members — that is, two nodes have no effect on each others marginal contribution to their vertex separator. Nonetheless, for all such functions we provide bounds on the complexity of coalition structure generation over general and minor free graphs. Our proof is constructive and yields algorithms for solving corresponding instances of the problem. Furthermore, we derive linear time bounds for graphs of bounded treewidth. However, as we show, the problem remains NP-complete for planar graphs, and hence, for any Kk minor free graphs where k ≥ 5. Moreover, a 3-SAT problem with m clauses can be represented by a coalition structure generation problem over a planar graph with O(m2) nodes. Importantly, our hardness result holds for a particular subclass of valuation functions, termed edge sum, where the value of each subset of nodes is simply determined by the sum of given weights of the edges in the induced subgraph

    Subject index volumes 1–92

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    Optimization in Geometric Graphs: Complexity and Approximation

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    We consider several related problems arising in geometric graphs. In particular, we investigate the computational complexity and approximability properties of several optimization problems in unit ball graphs and develop algorithms to find exact and approximate solutions. In addition, we establish complexity-based theoretical justifications for several greedy heuristics. Unit ball graphs, which are defined in the three dimensional Euclidian space, have several application areas such as computational geometry, facility location and, particularly, wireless communication networks. Efficient operation of wireless networks involves several decision problems that can be reduced to well known optimization problems in graph theory. For instance, the notion of a \virtual backbone" in a wire- less network is strongly related to a minimum connected dominating set in its graph theoretic representation. Motivated by the vastness of application areas, we study several problems including maximum independent set, minimum vertex coloring, minimum clique partition, max-cut and min-bisection. Although these problems have been widely studied in the context of unit disk graphs, which are the two dimensional version of unit ball graphs, there is no established result on the complexity and approximation status for some of them in unit ball graphs. Furthermore, unit ball graphs can provide a better representation of real networks since the nodes are deployed in the three dimensional space. We prove complexity results and propose solution procedures for several problems using geometrical properties of these graphs. We outline a matching-based branch and bound solution procedure for the maximum k-clique problem in unit disk graphs and demonstrate its effectiveness through computational tests. We propose using minimum bottleneck connected dominating set problem in order to determine the optimal transmission range of a wireless network that will ensure a certain size of "virtual backbone". We prove that this problem is NP-hard in general graphs but solvable in polynomial time in unit disk and unit ball graphs. We also demonstrate work on theoretical foundations for simple greedy heuristics. Particularly, similar to the notion of "best" approximation algorithms with respect to their approximation ratios, we prove that several simple greedy heuristics are "best" in the sense that it is NP-hard to recognize the gap between the greedy solution and the optimal solution. We show results for several well known problems such as maximum clique, maximum independent set, minimum vertex coloring and discuss extensions of these results to a more general class of problems. In addition, we propose a "worst-out" heuristic based on edge contractions for the max-cut problem and provide analytical and experimental comparisons with a well known "best-in" approach and its modified versions

    Computer Science Logic 2018: CSL 2018, September 4-8, 2018, Birmingham, United Kingdom

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