258,146 research outputs found

    A reconfigurable hybrid intelligent system for robot navigation

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    Soft computing has come of age to o er us a wide array of powerful and e cient algorithms that independently matured and in uenced our approach to solving problems in robotics, search and optimisation. The steady progress of technology, however, induced a ux of new real-world applications that demand for more robust and adaptive computational paradigms, tailored speci cally for the problem domain. This gave rise to hybrid intelligent systems, and to name a few of the successful ones, we have the integration of fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms and neural networks. As noted in the literature, they are signi cantly more powerful than individual algorithms, and therefore have been the subject of research activities in the past decades. There are problems, however, that have not succumbed to traditional hybridisation approaches, pushing the limits of current intelligent systems design, questioning their solutions of a guarantee of optimality, real-time execution and self-calibration. This work presents an improved hybrid solution to the problem of integrated dynamic target pursuit and obstacle avoidance, comprising of a cascade of fuzzy logic systems, genetic algorithm, the A* search algorithm and the Voronoi diagram generation algorithm

    Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Communication

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    The adoption of a Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) for downlink multi-user communication from a multi-antenna base station is investigated in this paper. We develop energy-efficient designs for both the transmit power allocation and the phase shifts of the surface reflecting elements, subject to individual link budget guarantees for the mobile users. This leads to non-convex design optimization problems for which to tackle we propose two computationally affordable approaches, capitalizing on alternating maximization, gradient descent search, and sequential fractional programming. Specifically, one algorithm employs gradient descent for obtaining the RIS phase coefficients, and fractional programming for optimal transmit power allocation. Instead, the second algorithm employs sequential fractional programming for the optimization of the RIS phase shifts. In addition, a realistic power consumption model for RIS-based systems is presented, and the performance of the proposed methods is analyzed in a realistic outdoor environment. In particular, our results show that the proposed RIS-based resource allocation methods are able to provide up to 300%300\% higher energy efficiency, in comparison with the use of regular multi-antenna amplify-and-forward relaying.Comment: Accepted by IEEE TWC; additional materials on the topic are included in the 2018 conference publications at ICASSP (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8461496) and GLOBECOM 2018 (arXiv:1809.05397


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    The paper is devoted to the problems of orientation and navigation in the world of verbal presentation of scientific knowledge. The solution of these problems is currently hampered by the lack of intelligent information retrieval systems that allow comparing descriptions of various scientific works at the level of coincidence of semantic situations, rather than keywords. The article discusses methods for the formation and recognition of semantic images of scientific publications belonging to specific subject areas. The method for constructing a semantic image of a scientific text developed by Iuliia Bruttan allows to form an image of the text of a scientific publication, which can be used as input data for a neural network. Training of this neural network will automate the processes of pattern recognition and classification of scientific publications according to specified criteria. The approaches to the recognition of semantic images of scientific publications based on neural networks considered in the paper can be used to organize the semantic search for scientific publications, as well as in the design of intelligent information retrieval systems

    Survey of dynamic scheduling in manufacturing systems

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    Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) for improving the topic modeling of the official bulletin of the spanish state (BOE)

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    Since Internet was born most people can access fully free to a lot sources of information. Every day a lot of web pages are created and new content is uploaded and shared. Never in the history the humans has been more informed but also uninformed due the huge amount of information that can be access. When we are looking for something in any search engine the results are too many for reading and filtering one by one. Recommended Systems (RS) was created to help us to discriminate and filter these information according to ours preferences. This contribution analyses the RS of the official agency of publications in Spain (BOE), which is known as "Mi BOE'. The way this RS works was analysed, and all the meta-data of the published documents were analysed in order to know the coverage of the system. The results of our analysis show that more than 89% of the documents cannot be recommended, because they are not well described at the documentary level, some of their key meta-data are empty. So, this contribution proposes a method to label documents automatically based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). The results are that using this approach the system could recommend (at a theoretical point of view) more than twice of documents that it now does, 11% vs 23% after applied this approach

    Co-simulation setup for online model-assisted control design

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    For reduction of energy intensity of the building sector, effective and parsimonious use of energy resources and climate control systems is a prerequisite. Intelligent Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) can be key ingredients towards achieving this goal; the incorporation of forecast data into the decision process can help achieve improved performance compared to existing state-of-the-art approaches. In the present paper, the potential of model-based supervisory control design algorithms for automatically designing BEMS is evaluated by performing experiments in a real building. A co-simulation setup is implemented where the thermal simulation model of the building is warmed up using past sensed data and then, given weather and occupancy forecasts, a controller is designed by solving a constrained minimization problem. A stochastic optimization algorithm is used to intelligently search the controller parameter space and identify a controller that minimizes an energy-related cost function, subject to thermal comfort constraints. A middleware solution is deployed in the building to facilitate two-way communication between the building (sensing and actuation) layer and the algorithmic layer
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