9 research outputs found

    A Mapping Study of scientific merit of papers, which subject are web applications test techniques, considering their validity threats

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    Progress in software engineering requires (1) more empirical studies of quality, (2) increased focus on synthesizing evidence, (3) more theories to be built and tested, and (4) the validity of the experiment is directly related with the level of confidence in the process of experimental investigation. This paper presents the results of a qualitative and quantitative classification of the threats to the validity of software engineering experiments comprising a total of 92 articles published in the period 2001-2015, dealing with software testing of Web applications. Our results show that 29.4% of the analyzed articles do not mention any threats to validity, 44.2% do it briefly, and 14% do it judiciously; that leaves a question: these studies have scientific value

    A systematic review on regression test selection techniques

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    Regression testing is verifying that previously functioning software remains after a change. With the goal of finding a basis for further research in a joint industry-academia research project, we conducted a systematic review of empirical evaluations of regression test selection techniques. We identified 27 papers reporting 36 empirical studies, 21 experiments and 15 case studies. In total 28 techniques for regression test selection are evaluated. We present a qualitative analysis of the findings, an overview of techniques for regression test selection and related empirical evidence. No technique was found clearly superior since the results depend on many varying factors. We identified a need for empirical studies where concepts are evaluated rather than small variations in technical implementations

    Automated Decomposition of Build Targets

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    A (build) target specifies the information that is needed to automatically build a software artifact. Managing the de-pendencies between the targets of a large code base is chal-lenging. This paper focuses on underutilized targets—an im-portant dependency problem that we identified at Google. An underutilized target is one with files not needed by some of its dependents. Underutilized targets result in less mod-ular code, overly large artifacts, slow builds, and unneces-sary build and test triggers. To mitigate these problems, programmers decompose underutilized targets into smaller targets. However, manually decomposing a target is tedious and error-prone. Although we prove that finding the best target decomposition is NP-hard, we introduce a greedy algo-rithm that proposes a decomposition through iterative uni-fication of the strongly connected components of the target. Our tool found 19,994 decomposable targets in a set of 40,000 Java library targets at Google. A decomposable target is one that can be decomposed to at least two targets. Our tool found that decomposing any of the 5,129 decomposable tar-gets would save at least one build or test trigger. The eval-uation results show that our tool is (1) efficient because on average, it analyzes a target in two minutes and (2) effective because for each of 1,010 targets, it would save more than 50 % of the total execution time of the tests triggered by the target. 1

    Incremental state-space exploration for programs with dynamically allocated data

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    We present a novel technique that speeds up state-space exploration (SSE) for evolving programs with dynamically allocated data. SSE is the essence of explicit-state model checking and an increasingly popular method for automating test generation. Traditional, non-incremental SSE takes one version of a program and systematically explores the states reachable during the program's executions to nd property violations. Incremental SSE considers several versions that arise during program evolution: reusing the results of SSE for one version can speed up SSE for the next version, since state spaces of consecutive program versions can have sig-ni cant similarities. We have implemented our technique in two model checkers: Java PathFinder and the J-Sim state-space explorer. The experimental results on 24 program evolutions and exploration changes show that for non-initial runs our technique speeds up SSE in 22 cases from 6.43% to 68.62 % (with median of 42.29%) and slows down SSE in only two cases for-4.71 % and-4.81%

    Change Impact Analysis Based Regression Testing of Web Services

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    Reducing the effort required to make changes in web services is one of the primary goals in web service projects maintenance and evolution. Normally, functional and non-functional testing of a web service is performed by testing the operations specified in its WSDL. The regression testing is performed by identifying the changes made thereafter to the web service code and the WSDL. In this thesis, we present a tool-supported approach to perform efficient regression testing of web services. By representing a web service as a directed graph of WSDL elements, we identify and gathers the changed portions of the graph and use this information to reduce regression testing efforts. Specifically, we identify, categorize, and capture the web service testing needs in two different ways, namely, Operationalized Regression Testing of Web Service (ORTWS) and Parameterized Regression Testing of Web Service (PRTWS). Both of the approach can be combined to reduce the regression testing efforts in the web service project. The proposed approach is prototyped as a tool, named as Automatic Web Service Change Management (AWSCM), which helps in selecting the relevant test cases to construct reduced test suite from the old test suite. We present few case studies on different web service projects to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed tool. The reduction in the effort for regression testing of web service is also estimated.Comment: Master of Technology Thesis, PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur (2014

    Exploring regression testing and software product line testing - research and state of practice

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    In large software organizations with a product line development approach a selective testing of product variants is necessary in order to keep pace with the decreased development time for new products, enabled by the systematic reuse. The close relationship between products in product line indicates an option to reduce the testing effort due to redundancy. In many cases test selection is performed manually, based on test leaders’ expertise. This makes the cost and quality of the testing highly dependent on the skills and experience of the test leaders. There is a need in industry for systematic approaches to test selection. The goal of our research is to improve the control of the testing and reduce the amount of redundant testing in the product line context by applying regression test selection strategies. In this thesis, the state of art of regression testing and software product line testing are explored. Two extensive systematic reviews are conducted as well as an industrial survey of regression testing state of practice and an industrial evaluation of a pragmatic regression test selection strategy. Regression testing is not an isolated one-off activity, but rather an activity of varying scope and preconditions, strongly dependent on the context in which it is applied. Several techniques for regression test selection are proposed and evaluated empirically but in many cases the context is too specific for a technique to be easily applied directly by software developers. In order to improve the possibility for generalizing empirical results on regression test selection, guidelines for reporting the testing context are discussed in this thesis. Software product line testing is a relatively new research area. The understanding about challenges is well established but when looking for solutions to these challenges, we mostly find proposals, and empirical evaluations are sparse. Regression test selection strategies proposed in literature are not easily applicable in the product line context. Instead, control may be increased by increased visibility of the effects of testing and proper measurements of software quality. Focus of our future work will be on how to guide the planning and assessment of regression testing activities in large, complex reuse based systems, by visualizing the quality achieved in different parts of the system and evaluating the effects of different selection strategies when applied in various regression testing situations

    Regression test selection for distributed Java RMI programs by means of formal concept analysis

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    Software maintenance is the process of modifying an existing system to ensure that it meets current and future requirements. As a result, performing regression testing becomes an essential but time consuming aspect of any maintenance activity. Regression testing is initiated after a programmer has made changes to a program that may have inadvertently introduced errors. It is a quality control approach to ensure that the newly modified code still complies with its specified requirements and that unmodified code has not been affected by the maintenance activity. In the literature various types of test selection techniques have been proposed to reduce the effort associated with re-executing the required test cases. However, the majority of these approach has been focusing only on sequential programs, and provide no or only very limited support for distributed programs or database-driven applications. The thesis presents a lightweight methodology, which applies Formal Concept Analysis to support a regression test selection analysis, in combination with execution trace collection and external data sharing analysis, for distributed Java RMI programs. Two Eclipse plug-ins were developed to automate the regression test selection process and to evaluate our methodology

    Strategies for the intelligent selection of components

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    It is becoming common to build applications as component-intensive systems - a mixture of fresh code and existing components. For application developers the selection of components to incorporate is key to overall system quality - so they want the `best\u27. For each selection task, the application developer will de ne requirements for the ideal component and use them to select the most suitable one. While many software selection processes exist there is a lack of repeatable, usable, exible, automated processes with tool support. This investigation has focussed on nding and implementing strategies to enhance the selection of software components. The study was built around four research elements, targeting characterisation, process, strategies and evaluation. A Post-positivist methodology was used with the Spiral Development Model structuring the investigation. Data for the study is generated using a range of qualitative and quantitative methods including a survey approach, a range of case studies and quasiexperiments to focus on the speci c tuning of tools and techniques. Evaluation and review are integral to the SDM: a Goal-Question-Metric (GQM)-based approach was applied to every Spiral

    Applying regression test selection for COTS-based applications

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    ABB incorporates a variety of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components in its products. When new releases of these components are made available for integration and testing, source code is often not provided. Various regression test selection processes have been developed and have been shown to be cost effectiveness. However, the majority of these test selection techniques rely on access to source code for change identification. In this paper we present the application of the lightweight Integrated- Black-box Approach for Component Change Identification (I-BACCI) Version 3 process that select regression tests for applications that use COTS components. Two case studies, examining a total of nine new component releases, were conducted at ABB on products written in C/C++ to determine the effectiveness of I-BACCI. The results of the case studies indicate this process can reduce the required number of regression tests at least 70 % without sacrificing the regression fault exposure