1,720 research outputs found

    Minimizing Communication for Eigenproblems and the Singular Value Decomposition

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    Algorithms have two costs: arithmetic and communication. The latter represents the cost of moving data, either between levels of a memory hierarchy, or between processors over a network. Communication often dominates arithmetic and represents a rapidly increasing proportion of the total cost, so we seek algorithms that minimize communication. In \cite{BDHS10} lower bounds were presented on the amount of communication required for essentially all O(n3)O(n^3)-like algorithms for linear algebra, including eigenvalue problems and the SVD. Conventional algorithms, including those currently implemented in (Sca)LAPACK, perform asymptotically more communication than these lower bounds require. In this paper we present parallel and sequential eigenvalue algorithms (for pencils, nonsymmetric matrices, and symmetric matrices) and SVD algorithms that do attain these lower bounds, and analyze their convergence and communication costs.Comment: 43 pages, 11 figure

    Lanczos eigensolution method for high-performance computers

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    The theory, computational analysis, and applications are presented of a Lanczos algorithm on high performance computers. The computationally intensive steps of the algorithm are identified as: the matrix factorization, the forward/backward equation solution, and the matrix vector multiples. These computational steps are optimized to exploit the vector and parallel capabilities of high performance computers. The savings in computational time from applying optimization techniques such as: variable band and sparse data storage and access, loop unrolling, use of local memory, and compiler directives are presented. Two large scale structural analysis applications are described: the buckling of a composite blade stiffened panel with a cutout, and the vibration analysis of a high speed civil transport. The sequential computational time for the panel problem executed on a CONVEX computer of 181.6 seconds was decreased to 14.1 seconds with the optimized vector algorithm. The best computational time of 23 seconds for the transport problem with 17,000 degs of freedom was on the the Cray-YMP using an average of 3.63 processors

    Fast computation of spectral projectors of banded matrices

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    We consider the approximate computation of spectral projectors for symmetric banded matrices. While this problem has received considerable attention, especially in the context of linear scaling electronic structure methods, the presence of small relative spectral gaps challenges existing methods based on approximate sparsity. In this work, we show how a data-sparse approximation based on hierarchical matrices can be used to overcome this problem. We prove a priori bounds on the approximation error and propose a fast algo- rithm based on the QDWH algorithm, along the works by Nakatsukasa et al. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the performance of our algorithm is robust with respect to the spectral gap. A preliminary Matlab implementation becomes faster than eig already for matrix sizes of a few thousand.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Improved Accuracy and Parallelism for MRRR-based Eigensolvers -- A Mixed Precision Approach

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    The real symmetric tridiagonal eigenproblem is of outstanding importance in numerical computations; it arises frequently as part of eigensolvers for standard and generalized dense Hermitian eigenproblems that are based on a reduction to tridiagonal form. For its solution, the algorithm of Multiple Relatively Robust Representations (MRRR) is among the fastest methods. Although fast, the solvers based on MRRR do not deliver the same accuracy as competing methods like Divide & Conquer or the QR algorithm. In this paper, we demonstrate that the use of mixed precisions leads to improved accuracy of MRRR-based eigensolvers with limited or no performance penalty. As a result, we obtain eigensolvers that are not only equally or more accurate than the best available methods, but also -in most circumstances- faster and more scalable than the competition

    Solving large sparse eigenvalue problems on supercomputers

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    An important problem in scientific computing consists in finding a few eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of a very large and sparse matrix. The most popular methods to solve these problems are based on projection techniques on appropriate subspaces. The main attraction of these methods is that they only require the use of the matrix in the form of matrix by vector multiplications. The implementations on supercomputers of two such methods for symmetric matrices, namely Lanczos' method and Davidson's method are compared. Since one of the most important operations in these two methods is the multiplication of vectors by the sparse matrix, methods of performing this operation efficiently are discussed. The advantages and the disadvantages of each method are compared and implementation aspects are discussed. Numerical experiments on a one processor CRAY 2 and CRAY X-MP are reported. Possible parallel implementations are also discussed

    Homotopy Method for the Large, Sparse, Real Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem

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    A homotopy method to compute the eigenpairs, i.e., the eigenvectors and eigenvalues, of a given real matrix A1 is presented. From the eigenpairs of some real matrix A0, the eigenpairs of A(t) ≡ (1 − t)A0 + tA1 are followed at successive "times" from t = 0 to t = 1 using continuation. At t = 1, the eigenpairs of the desired matrix A1 are found. The following phenomena are present when following the eigenpairs of a general nonsymmetric matrix: • bifurcation, • ill conditioning due to nonorthogonal eigenvectors, • jumping of eigenpaths. These can present considerable computational difficulties. Since each eigenpair can be followed independently, this algorithm is ideal for concurrent computers. The homotopy method has the potential to compete with other algorithms for computing a few eigenvalues of large, sparse matrices. It may be a useful tool for determining the stability of a solution of a PDE. Some numerical results will be presented

    Mixed-Precision Numerical Linear Algebra Algorithms: Integer Arithmetic Based LU Factorization and Iterative Refinement for Hermitian Eigenvalue Problem

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    Mixed-precision algorithms are a class of algorithms that uses low precision in part of the algorithm in order to save time and energy with less accurate computation and communication. These algorithms usually utilize iterative refinement processes to improve the approximate solution obtained from low precision to the accuracy we desire from doing all the computation in high precision. Due to the demand of deep learning applications, there are hardware developments offering different low-precision formats including half precision (FP16), Bfloat16 and integer operations for quantized integers, which uses integers with a shared scalar to represent a set of equally spaced numbers. As new hardware architectures focus on bringing performance in these formats, the mixed-precision algorithms have more potential leverage on them and outmatch traditional fixed-precision algorithms. This dissertation consists of two articles. In the first article, we adapt one of the most fundamental algorithms in numerical linear algebra---LU factorization with partial pivoting--- to use integer arithmetic. With the goal of obtaining a low accuracy factorization as the preconditioner of generalized minimal residual (GMRES) to solve systems of linear equations, the LU factorization is adapted to use two different fixed-point formats for matrices L and U. A left-looking variant is also proposed for matrices with unbounded column growth. Finally, GMRES iterative refinement has shown that it can work on matrices with condition numbers up to 10000 with the algorithm that uses int16 as input and int32 accumulator for the update step. The second article targets symmetric and Hermitian eigenvalue problems. In this section we revisit the SICE algorithm from Dongarra et al. By applying the Sherman-Morrison formula on the diagonally-shifted tridiagonal systems, we propose an updated SICE-SM algorithm. By incorporating the latest two-stage algorithms from the PLASMA and MAGMA software libraries for numerical linear algebra, we achieved up to 3.6x speedup using the mixed-precision eigensolver with the blocked SICE-SM algorithm for iterative refinement when compared with full double complex precision solvers for the cases with a portion of eigenvalues and eigenvectors requested

    A fast and stable parallel QR algorithm for symmetric tridiagonal matrices

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    AbstractWe present a new, fast, and practical parallel algorithm for computing a few eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix by the explicitQR method. We present a new divide and conquer parallel algorithm which is fast and numerically stable. The algorithm is work efficient and of low communication overhead, and it can be used to solve very large problems infeasible by sequential methods
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