70 research outputs found

    ICE-B 2010:proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business

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    The International Conference on e-Business, ICE-B 2010, aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners who are interested in e-Business technology and its current applications. The mentioned technology relates not only to more low-level technological issues, such as technology platforms and web services, but also to some higher-level issues, such as context awareness and enterprise models, and also the peculiarities of different possible applications of such technology. These are all areas of theoretical and practical importance within the broad scope of e-Business, whose growing importance can be seen from the increasing interest of the IT research community. The areas of the current conference are: (i) e-Business applications; (ii) Enterprise engineering; (iii) Mobility; (iv) Business collaboration and e-Services; (v) Technology platforms. Contributions vary from research-driven to being more practical oriented, reflecting innovative results in the mentioned areas. ICE-B 2010 received 66 submissions, of which 9% were accepted as full papers. Additionally, 27% were presented as short papers and 17% as posters. All papers presented at the conference venue were included in the SciTePress Digital Library. Revised best papers are published by Springer-Verlag in a CCIS Series book

    e-Business challenges and directions: important themes from the first ICE-B workshop

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    A three-day asynchronous, interactive workshop was held at ICE-B’10 in Piraeus, Greece in July of 2010. This event captured conference themes for e-Business challenges and directions across four subject areas: a) e-Business applications and models, b) enterprise engineering, c) mobility, d) business collaboration and e-Services, and e) technology platforms. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methods were used to gather, organize and evaluate themes and their ratings. This paper summarizes the most important themes rated by participants: a) Since technology is becoming more economic and social in nature, more agile and context-based application develop methods are needed. b) Enterprise engineering approaches are needed to support the design of systems that can evolve with changing stakeholder needs. c) The digital native groundswell requires changes to business models, operations, and systems to support Prosumers. d) Intelligence and interoperability are needed to address Prosumer activity and their highly customized product purchases. e) Technology platforms must rapidly and correctly adapt, provide widespread offerings and scale appropriately, in the context of changing situational contexts

    A service-oriented technical framework for the development of integrated education management information system

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    The increasing demand for education, especially tertiary education, has triggered a lot of challenges within the university system, especially in developing nations like Nigeria. These challenges include management and administration of the following: students’ enrolment, staff and students profile information, tuition fees payment, course registration, examination, and result processing, among others. The development of various types of Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) to alleviate these challenges has presented a more efficient means of optimising processes in the university systems. Thus, stakeholders within the university system: administrators, lecturers and students interact with the EMIS to ease their respective academic activities. However, these EMIS are designed, developed, and deployed with different application platforms and programming standards, which make it difficult for different EMIS to share information as they act as isolated information island. Thus, there is a challenge of data exchange in integrating different EMIS to achieve cross platform data exchange. Meanwhile, there are such initiatives on standard frameworks for the integration of disparate systems that are found in education institutions like the Education Management Information System Interoperability Framework (EMIF) and the School Interoperability Framework (SIF). However, the complexity in the mechanism for data exchange of these frameworks and the limited focus on the design structure of EMIS that can easily adapt and integrate limit their use in education institutions, especially those in developing countries with limited technical manpower and knowhow. In the search for a simplified framework that reconsider EMIS as an integrated system that can seamlessly exchange data, this research study involved the investigation, design, demonstration, and evaluation of a service-oriented technical framework for the development of integrated EMIS using the design science research methodology. This study, therefore, contributed to knowledge with the proposition of a technical framework that simplifies and standardizes the development of integrated EMIS that seamlessly exchange data among different functional modules. The technical framework is designed based on the identified layered conceptual components: a) Education Information Structure (EIS) that provides adaptable Central Information System (CIS) for handling the specific information requirements of different education systems with Access Control that provides a layer of security services to check and grant authorization and authentication access; b) Service-Oriented Design layer that handles integration of functional modules to connect with the EIS with service interfaces using Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface (REST API); c) Demonstration Logic layer that recognizes the development platform and the flexibility of the programming logic to scale with new information requirements; d) Data Exchange Mechanism that provides a layer of standard data serialization format using Java Script Object Notation (JSON) to exchange data, through the RESTful API services, among functional modules in the Service-Oriented Design layer and the CIS in the EIS layer; e) Database System layer that handles data storage and requests from services. Thus, the framework makes key contributions with provision for customisation and multi-tenant cloud approach for adaptability and standardisation of the development of integrated EMIS to fit into different education systems. It was demonstrated on a web-based platform using the Laravel development platform that offer framework for rapid application development. The demonstration considered a case study approach, and the evaluation was based on expert reviews and comparative analysis within the context of the key requirements from the research findings. These requirements are: a) Adaptability that consider the suitability to fit into the specific information requirement of the different education systems; b) Maintainability that underscore the use of simplified common technologies that can be delivered within the knowledge of the EMIS developer; c) Standardization that check for the use of standard technologies and techniques; d) Scalability that consider provision for extension of the CIS and the functional modules to respond to changes in information requirements of the education system; e) Connectivity that benchmark access to shared data sources by the different functional modules of the integrated EMIS; f) Accessibility that benchmark usability of the platform to deliver user expectations on cross-platform data for presentation. In essence, the technical framework is appropriate for the development of an integrated EMIS that uses simplified technologies and techniques for achieving EMIS integration. While the framework addressed the integrated EMIS development that achieve seamless data exchange and scalability using the service endpoint extensions, the issues of optimizing the framework for enhanced security and performance are open to further research.School of ComputingPh. D. (Computer Science

    Una solución fácil de usar para analizar datos altamente conectados aplicando algoritmos de grafos y técnicas de visualización

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    Con el objetivo de favorecer la visualización e interpretación de datos altamente conectados, este trabajo de obtención de grado presenta una solución para trabajar con base de datos de grafos mediante una aplicación Web que consiste en una interfaz donde el usuario puede extraer el esquema de la base de datos de grafos(BDG), es decir, visualizar sus nodos, atributos, relaciones y atributos de las relaciones. Permite hacer ejecución de ocho algoritmos de análisis de grafos, entre ellos los algoritmos de centralidad: Page Rank, Betweeness Centrality, In/Out Degree tal como lo son algoritmos de detección de comunidades, tal como lo son: Louvain, Label Propagation y Connected Components. La interfaz genera para el usuario una sugerencia para ejecutar cada uno de los algoritmos basada en la base de datos que se está consultando en NEO4J y usando el lenguaje de consultas CYPHER, una vez ejecutados los algoritmos, se suman atributos significativos al grafo, lo cual permite hacer un análisis más detallado y profundo del mismo. La aplicación Web cuenta con un algoritmo de análisis de sentimientos sobre uno o más atributos de los nodos y así sumar un atributo con el resultado, que puede ser: negativo, positivo o neutro. El usuario tiene la posibilidad de hacer una extracción de datos usando el lenguaje de consultas CYPHER, el resultado de dicha consulta es direccionado a otra interfaz de la aplicación, donde esté puede elegir uno y/o siete modelos de visualización para hacer análisis de los datos, entre ellos: Knowledge Map, Zoomable Sunburst, Hierarchical Bar, Hierarchical Edge Bundle, Hierarchical Edge Tree, Hierarchical Edge Vertical y Table Graph. Gracias a la solución generada en este trabajo es posible facilitar en análisis de redes de información sin tener conocimientos de bases de datos de grafos.ITESO, A. C

    Investigation and development of a tangible technology framework for highly complex and abstract concepts

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    The ubiquitous integration of computer-supported learning tools within the educational domain has led educators to continuously seek effective technological platforms for teaching and learning. Overcoming the inherent limitations of traditional educational approaches, interactive and tangible computing platforms have consequently garnered increased interest in the pursuit of embedding active learning pedagogies within curricula. However, whilst Tangible User Interface (TUI) systems have been successfully developed to edutain children in various research contexts, TUI architectures have seen limited deployment towards more advanced educational pursuits. Thus, in contrast to current domain research, this study investigates the effectiveness and suitability of adopting TUI systems for enhancing the learning experience of abstract and complex computational science and technology-based concepts within higher educational institutions (HEI)s. Based on the proposal of a contextually apt TUI architecture, the research describes the design and development of eight distinct TUI frameworks embodying innovate interactive paradigms through tabletop peripherals, graphical design factors, and active tangible manipulatives. These computationally coupled design elements are evaluated through summative and formative experimental methodologies for their ability to aid in the effective teaching and learning of diverse threshold concepts experienced in computational science. In addition, through the design and adoption of a technology acceptance model for educational technology (TAM4Edu), the suitability of TUI frameworks in HEI education is empirically evaluated across a myriad of determinants for modelling students’ behavioural intention. In light of the statistically significant results obtained in both academic knowledge gain (μ = 25.8%) and student satisfaction (μ = 12.7%), the study outlines the affordances provided through TUI design for various constituents of active learning theories and modalities. Thus, based on an empirical and pedagogical analyses, a set of design guidelines is defined within this research to direct the effective development of TUI design elements for teaching and learning abstract threshold concepts in HEI adaptations

    Design revolutions: IASDR 2019 Conference Proceedings. Volume 3: People

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    In September 2019 Manchester School of Art at Manchester Metropolitan University was honoured to host the bi-annual conference of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) under the unifying theme of DESIGN REVOLUTIONS. This was the first time the conference had been held in the UK. Through key research themes across nine conference tracks – Change, Learning, Living, Making, People, Technology, Thinking, Value and Voices – the conference opened up compelling, meaningful and radical dialogue of the role of design in addressing societal and organisational challenges. This Volume 3 includes papers from People track of the conference

    Shortest Route at Dynamic Location with Node Combination-Dijkstra Algorithm

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    Abstract— Online transportation has become a basic requirement of the general public in support of all activities to go to work, school or vacation to the sights. Public transportation services compete to provide the best service so that consumers feel comfortable using the services offered, so that all activities are noticed, one of them is the search for the shortest route in picking the buyer or delivering to the destination. Node Combination method can minimize memory usage and this methode is more optimal when compared to A* and Ant Colony in the shortest route search like Dijkstra algorithm, but can’t store the history node that has been passed. Therefore, using node combination algorithm is very good in searching the shortest distance is not the shortest route. This paper is structured to modify the node combination algorithm to solve the problem of finding the shortest route at the dynamic location obtained from the transport fleet by displaying the nodes that have the shortest distance and will be implemented in the geographic information system in the form of map to facilitate the use of the system. Keywords— Shortest Path, Algorithm Dijkstra, Node Combination, Dynamic Location (key words
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