6,584 research outputs found

    Mixtures of Spatial Spline Regressions

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    We present an extension of the functional data analysis framework for univariate functions to the analysis of surfaces: functions of two variables. The spatial spline regression (SSR) approach developed can be used to model surfaces that are sampled over a rectangular domain. Furthermore, combining SSR with linear mixed effects models (LMM) allows for the analysis of populations of surfaces, and combining the joint SSR-LMM method with finite mixture models allows for the analysis of populations of surfaces with sub-family structures. Through the mixtures of spatial splines regressions (MSSR) approach developed, we present methodologies for clustering surfaces into sub-families, and for performing surface-based discriminant analysis. The effectiveness of our methodologies, as well as the modeling capabilities of the SSR model are assessed through an application to handwritten character recognition

    Tabu search-based method for bézier curve parameterization

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    A very important issue in many applied fields is to construct the fitting curve that approximates a given set of data points optimally in the sense of least-squares. This problem arises in a number of areas, such as computer-aided design & manufacturing (CAD/CAM), virtual reality, medical imaging, computer graphics, computer animation, and many others. This is also a hard problem, because it is highly nonlinear, over-determined and typically involves a large number of unknown variables. A critical step in this process is to obtain a suitable parameterization of the data points. In this context, this paper introduces a new method to obtain an optimal solution for the parameterization problem of the least-squares fitting Bézier curve. Our method is based on a local search metaheuristic approach for optimization problems called tabu search. The method is applied to some simple yet illustrative examples for the cases of 2D and 3D curves. The proposed method is simple to understand, easy to implement and can be applied to any kind of smooth data points. Our experimental results show that the presented method performs very well, being able to fit the data points with a high degree of accuracy.This research has been financially supported by the Computer Science National Program of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Project Ref. #TIN2012-30768, Toho University, the University of Cantabria, and the Instituto de Física de Cantabria, a mixed research center of the University of Cantabria and CSIC-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.Peer Reviewe

    Immunological-based approach for accurate fitting of 3D noisy data points with Bézier surfaces

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    Free-form parametric surfaces are common tools nowadays in many applied fields, such as Computer-Aided Design & Manufacturing (CAD/CAM), virtual reality, medical imaging, and many others. A typical problem in this setting is to fit surfaces to 3D noisy data points obtained through either laser scanning or other digitizing methods, so that the real data from a physical object are transformed back into a fully usable digital model. In this context, the present paper describes an immunologicalbased approach to perform this process accurately by using the classical free-form Bézier surfaces. Our method applies a powerful bio-inspired paradigm called Artificial Immune Systems (AIS), which is receiving increasing attention from the scientific community during the last few years because of its appealing computational features. The AIS can be understood as a computational methodology based upon metaphors of the biological immune system of humans and other mammals. As such, there is not one but several AIS algorithms. In this chapter we focus on the clonal selection algorithm (CSA), which explicitly takes into account the affinity maturation of the immune response. The paper describes how the CSA algorithm can be effectively applied to the accurate fitting of 3D noisy data points with Bézier surfaces. To this aim, the problem to be solved as well as the main steps of our solving method are described in detail. Some simple yet illustrative examples show the good performance of our approach. Our method is conceptually simple to understand, easy to implement, and very general, since no assumption is made on the set of data points or on the underlying function beyond its continuity. As a consequence, it can be successfully applied even under challenging situations, such as the absence of any kind of information regarding the underlying function of data

    Memetic electromagnetism algorithm for surface reconstruction with rational bivariate Bernstein basis functions

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    Surface reconstruction is a very important issue with outstanding applications in fields such as medical imaging (computer tomography, magnetic resonance), biomedical engineering (customized prosthesis and medical implants), computer-aided design and manufacturing (reverse engineering for the automotive, aerospace and shipbuilding industries), rapid prototyping (scale models of physical parts from CAD data), computer animation and film industry (motion capture, character modeling), archaeology (digital representation and storage of archaeological sites and assets), virtual/augmented reality, and many others. In this paper we address the surface reconstruction problem by using rational Bézier surfaces. This problem is by far more complex than the case for curves we solved in a previous paper. In addition, we deal with data points subjected to measurement noise and irregular sampling, replicating the usual conditions of real-world applications. Our method is based on a memetic approach combining a powerful metaheuristic method for global optimization (the electromagnetism algorithm) with a local search method. This method is applied to a benchmark of five illustrative examples exhibiting challenging features. Our experimental results show that the method performs very well, and it can recover the underlying shape of surfaces with very good accuracy.This research is kindly supported by the Computer Science National Program of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Project #TIN2012-30768, Toho University, and the University of Cantabria. The authors are particularly grateful to the Department of Information Science of Toho University for all the facilities given to carry out this work. We also thank the Editor and the two anonymous reviewers who helped us to improve our paper with several constructive comments and suggestions

    Firefly algorithm for explicit B-spline curve fitting to data points

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    ABSTRACT. This paper introduces a new method to compute the approximating explicit B-spline curve to a given set of noisy data points.The proposed method computes all parameters of the B-spline fitting curve of a given order.This requires to solve a difficult continuous, multimodal, and multivariate nonlinear least-squares optimization problem. In our approach, this optimization problem is solved by applying the firefly algorithm, a powerful metaheuristic nature-inspired algorithm well suited for optimization. The method has been applied to three illustrative real-world engineering examples from different fields. Our experimental results show that the presented method performs very well, being able to fit the data points with a high degree of accuracy. Furthermore, our scheme outperforms some popular previous approaches in terms of different fitting error criteria

    A Unified Framework of Constrained Regression

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    Generalized additive models (GAMs) play an important role in modeling and understanding complex relationships in modern applied statistics. They allow for flexible, data-driven estimation of covariate effects. Yet researchers often have a priori knowledge of certain effects, which might be monotonic or periodic (cyclic) or should fulfill boundary conditions. We propose a unified framework to incorporate these constraints for both univariate and bivariate effect estimates and for varying coefficients. As the framework is based on component-wise boosting methods, variables can be selected intrinsically, and effects can be estimated for a wide range of different distributional assumptions. Bootstrap confidence intervals for the effect estimates are derived to assess the models. We present three case studies from environmental sciences to illustrate the proposed seamless modeling framework. All discussed constrained effect estimates are implemented in the comprehensive R package mboost for model-based boosting.Comment: This is a preliminary version of the manuscript. The final publication is available at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11222-014-9520-