2,025 research outputs found

    Enhancing Operation of a Sewage Pumping Station for Inter Catchment Wastewater Transfer by Using Deep Learning and Hydraulic Model

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    This paper presents a novel Inter Catchment Wastewater Transfer (ICWT) method for mitigating sewer overflow. The ICWT aims at balancing the spatial mismatch of sewer flow and treatment capacity of Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), through collaborative operation of sewer system facilities. Using a hydraulic model, the effectiveness of ICWT is investigated in a sewer system in Drammen, Norway. Concerning the whole system performance, we found that the S{\o}ren Lemmich pump station plays a vital role in the ICWT framework. To enhance the operation of this pump station, it is imperative to construct a multi-step ahead water level prediction model. Hence, one of the most promising artificial intelligence techniques, Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), is employed to undertake this task. Experiments demonstrated that LSTM is superior to Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Feed-forward Neural Network (FFNN) and Support Vector Regression (SVR)

    Estimation of Real Power Transfer Allocation Using Intelligent Systems

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    This paper presents application artificial intelligent (AI) techniques, namely artificial neural network (ANN), adaptive neuro fuzzy interface system (ANFIS), to estimate the real power transfer between generators and loads. Since these AI techniques adopt supervised learning, it first uses modified nodal equation method (MNE) to determine real power contribution from each generator to loads. Then the results of MNE method and load flow information are utilized to estimate the power transfer using AI techniques. The 25-bus equivalent system of south Malaysia is utilized as a test system to illustrate the effectiveness of both AI methods compared to that of the MNE method. The mean squared error of the estimate of ANN and ANFIS power transfer allocation methods are 1.19E-05 and 2.97E-05, respectively. Furthermore, when compared to MNE method, ANN and ANFIS methods computes generator contribution to loads within 20.99 and 39.37msec respectively whereas the MNE method took 360msec for the calculation of same real power transfer allocation

    Design of a Novel Convolutional Deep Network Model for Car Accident Prediction

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    Real-time collision risk estimation is thought to be essential to a sophisticated traffic management system. To swiftly determine accident probability is the goal of real-time crash risk prediction.  However, due to the complex traffic situation on urban arterials, urban arterials were rarely included in previous studies, which mostly focused on highways. This paper suggests using Convolutional Deep Network model (CDNM) to forecast the probability of vascular accidents in real time.  This model has the benefit of being able to use both LSTM and CNN.  CNN retrieves the time-invariant characteristics, while LSTM captures the data's long-term dependability. To estimate the likelihood of an accident, many sorts of data are used, including weather, traffic, and signal timing data. There are also many other data preparation methods employed. The problem of data imbalance is also addressed by normalization which oversamples the crash cases. Using a variety of measures, the CDNM is enhanced on the training data and assessed on the test data.  Five more benchmark models are constructed for model comparison. K-NN, ISVM, ANN, CNN, CNN-EVT and GAN are some of the models in this group. Experimental findings show that the proposed CDNM beats the competition in terms of sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, AUC and G-mean value. The findings of this paper demonstrate that CDNM can real-time prediction of crash risk at arterials

    Study on identification of nonlinear systems using Quasi-ARX models

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3660号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2012/9/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新6026Waseda Universit

    Applying Deep Learning to the Ice Cream Vendor Problem: An Extension of the Newsvendor Problem

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    The Newsvendor problem is a classical supply chain problem used to develop strategies for inventory optimization. The goal of the newsvendor problem is to predict the optimal order quantity of a product to meet an uncertain demand in the future, given that the demand distribution itself is known. The Ice Cream Vendor Problem extends the classical newsvendor problem to an uncertain demand with unknown distribution, albeit a distribution that is known to depend on exogenous features. The goal is thus to estimate the order quantity that minimizes the total cost when demand does not follow any known statistical distribution. The problem is formulated as a mathematical programming problem and solved using a Deep Neural network approach. The feature-dependent demand data used to train and test the deep neural network is produced by a discrete event simulation based on actual daily temperature data, among other features