2,615 research outputs found

    The Semantic Web in Federated Information Systems: A Space Physics Case Study

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    This paper presents a new theoretical contribution that provides a middle-of-the-road approach to formal ontologies in federated information systems. NASA’s space physics domain, like many other domains, is relatively unfamiliar with the emerging Semantic Web. This work offers a new framework that garners the benefits of formal logic yet shields participants and users from the details of the technology. Moreover, the results of a case study involving the utilization of the Semantic Web within NASA’s space physics domain are presented. A real-world search and retrieval system, relying on relational database technology, is compared against a near identical system that incorporates a formal ontology. The efficiency, efficacy, and implementation details of the Semantic Web are compared against the established relational database technology

    Web Observatories: Concepts, State Of The Art & Beyond

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    The Web Observatories are becoming common Internet practice. They are web sites targeting a community of practitioners, scientists or generally individuals within the context of a focused organization. Their goal is to inform, educate, facilitate the interaction and boost the collaboration of community members. Various existing technologies can be deployed for this purpose. Still, their integration into a coherent informational and collaborative environment remains largely ad hoc. In this paper we attempt to elucidate the concept web observatory and identify its characteristics and practices

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse

    On the Role of Context and Subjectivity on Scientific Information Systems

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    The explicit representation of context and subjectivity enables an information system to support multiple interpretations of the data it records. This is a crucial aspect of learning and innovation within scientific information systems. We present an ontology-based framework for context and subjectivity that integrates two lines of research: data provenance and ontological foundations of the Semantic Web. Data provenance provides a set of constructs for representing data history. We extend the definition of these constructs in order to describe multiple viewpoints or interpretations held within a domain. The W7 model, the Toulmin model, and the Proof Markup Language (PML) provide the Interlingua for creating multiple viewpoints of data in a machine-readable and sharable form. Example use cases in space sciences are used to demonstrate the feasibility and value of our approach


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    D10.1.1. Before analysis

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    WP Case study - Intelligent integrated decision support for legal professionalsThe objective of this document is to study the determining factors that exist in thelegal domain in Spain that can affect the achievement of a successful application in the Legal Case Study in the SEKT project. To do this,several surveys are presented, such as a user analysis, a domain analysis,a requirements analysis,a state of the art on legal applications anda state of the art on legal ontologie

    Regulated MAS: Social Perspective

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    This chapter addresses the problem of building normative multi-agent systems in terms of regulatory mechanisms. It describes a static conceptual model through which one can specify normative multi-agent systems along with a dynamic model to capture their operation and evolution. The chapter proposes a typology of applications and presents some open problems. In the last section, the authors express their individual views on these mattersMunindar Singh’s effort was partially supported by the U.S. Army Research Office under grant W911NF-08-1-0105. The content of this paper does not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the U.S. Government; no official endorsement should be inferred or implied. Nicoletta Fornara’s effort is supported by the Hasler Foundation project nr. 11115-KG and by the SER project nr. C08.0114 within the COST Action IC0801 Agreement Technologies. Henrique Lopes Cardoso’s effort is supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), under project PTDC/EIA-EIA/104420/2008. Pablo Noriega’s effort has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through the Agreement Technologies CONSOLIDER project under contract CSD2007-0022, and the Generalitat of Catalunya grant 2009-SGR-1434.Peer Reviewe

    Emergence In the Loop: Simulating the two way dynamics of norm innovation

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    In this paper we will present the EMIL project, "EMergence In the Loop: Simulating the two-way dynamics of norm innovation", a three-year project funded by the European Commission (Sixth Framework Programme -Information Society and Technologies) in the framework of the initiative "Simulating Emergent Properties in Complex Systems". The EMIL project intends to contribute to the study of social complex systems by modelling norm innovation as a phenomenon implying interrelationships among multiple levels. It shall endeavour to point out that social dynamics in societies of intelligent agents is necessarily bi-directional, which adds complexity to the emergence processes. The micro-macro link will be modelled and observed in the emergence of properties at the macro-level and their immergence into the micro-level units. The main scientific aim of the EMIL project is to construct a simulator for exploring and experimenting norm-innovation

    Collaborative business intelligence virtual assistant

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    The present-day business landscape necessitates novel methodologies that integrate intelligent technologies and tools capable of swiftly providing precise and dependable information for decision-making purposes. Contemporary society is characterized by vast amounts of accumulated data across various domains, which hold considerable potential for informing and guiding decision-making processes. However, these data are typically collected and stored by disparate and unrelated software systems, stored in diverse formats, and offer varying levels of accessibility and security. To address the challenges associated with processing such large volumes of data, organizations often rely on data analysts. Nonetheless, a significant hurdle in harnessing the benefits of accumulated data lies in the lack of direct communication between technical specialists, decision-makers, and business process analysts. To overcome this issue, the application of collaborative business intelligence (CBI) emerges as a viable solution. This research focuses on the applications of data mining and aims to model CBI processes within distributed virtual teams through the interaction of users and a CBI Virtual Assistant. The proposed virtual assistant for CBI endeavors to enhance data exploration accessibility for a wider range of users and streamline the time and effort required for data analysis. The key contributions of this study encompass: 1) a reference model representing collaborative BI, inspired by linguistic theory; 2) an approach that enables the transformation of user queries into executable commands, thereby facilitating their utilization within data exploration software; and 3) the primary workflow of a conversational agent designed for data analytics.Comment: MoMLeT+DS 2023: 5th International Workshop on Modern Machine Learning Technologies and Data Science, June 3, 2023, Lviv, Ukrain

    Behaviour on Linked Data - Specification, Monitoring, and Execution

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    People, organisations, and machines around the globe make use of web technologies to communicate. For instance, 4.16 bn people with access to the internet made 4.6 bn pages on the web accessible using the transfer protocol HTTP, organisations such as Amazon built ecosystems around the HTTP-based access to their businesses under the headline RESTful APIs, and the Linking Open Data movement has put billions of facts on the web available in the data model RDF via HTTP. Moreover, under the headline Web of Things, people use RDF and HTTP to access sensors and actuators on the Internet of Things. The necessary communication requires interoperable systems at a truly global scale, for which web technologies provide the necessary standards regarding the transfer and the representation of data: the HTTP protocol specifies how to transfer messages, besides defining the semantics of sending/receiving different types of messages, and the RDF family of languages specifies how to represent the data in the messages, besides providing means to elaborate the semantics of the data in the messages. The combination of HTTP and RDF -together with the shared assumption of HTTP and RDF to use URIs as identifiers- is called Linked Data. While the representation of static data in the context of Linked Data has been formally grounded in mathematical logic, a formal treatment of dynamics and behaviour on Linked Data is largely missing. We regard behaviour in this context as the way in which a system (e.g. a user agent or server) works, and this behaviour manifests itself in dynamic data. Using a formal treatment of behaviour on Linked Data, we could specify applications that use or provide Linked Data in a way that allows for formal analysis (e.g. expressivity, validation, verification). Using an experimental treatment of behaviour, or a treatment of the behaviour\u27s manifestation in dynamic data, we could better design the handling of Linked Data in applications. Hence, in this thesis, we investigate the notion of behaviour in the context of Linked Data. Specifically, we investigate the research question of how to capture the dynamics of Linked Data to inform the design of applications. The first contribution is a corpus that we built and analysed to monitor dynamic Linked Data on the web to study the update behaviour. We provide an extensive analysis to set up a long-term study of the dynamics of Linked Data on the web. We analyse data from the long-term study for dynamics on the level of accessing changing documents and on the level of changes within the documents. The second contribution is a model of computation for Linked Data that allows for expressing executable specifications of application behaviour. We provide a mapping from the conceptual foundations of the standards around Linked Data to Abstract State Machines, a Turing-complete model of computation rooted in mathematical logic. The third contribution is a workflow ontology and corresponding operational semantics to specify applications that execute and monitor behaviour in the context of Linked Data. Our approach allows for monitoring and executing behaviour specified in workflow models and respects the assumptions of the standards and practices around Linked Data. We evaluate our findings using the experimental corpus of dynamic Linked Data on the web and a synthetic benchmark from the Internet of Things, specifically the domain of building automation
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