14 research outputs found


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    Hierarchical decision models are a general decision support methodology aimed at the classification or evaluation of options that occur in decision-making processes. Decision models are typically developed through the decomposition of complex decision problems into smaller and less complex subproblems. This paper presents an approach to the development and implementation of multicriteria decision model based on Analytical Hierarchy Process – AHP (Expert Choice, EC). Likewise, the AHP is used as a potential multicriteria decision making method for application in agriculture. In order to show the implementation of explained MCDA methods in real situation in agriculture, the application of AHP on a sample model farm is presented in the second part of the article.Hijerarhijski modeli odlučivanja su opće prihvaćena metodologija za klasifikaciju alternative, koje se javljaju u procesu odlučivanja. Modeli su razvijeni postupkom dekompozicije problema u manje kompleksne podprobleme. U ovom radu predstavljamo razvoj i implementaciju višekriterijskog modela, koji bazira na analitičkom hijerarhijskom procesu – AHP (Expert Choice. EC). U tom smislu AHP se javlja kao potencijalni metodološki pristup za potporu donošenju odluka u poljoprivrednom managementu. U radu je demonstrirana aplikacija AHP na realnom problemu odlučivanja u poljoprivredi na primjeru modelnog ekološkog gospodarstva

    Application of Computer Supported Multi–criteria Decision Models in Agriculture

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    Hierarchical multi criteria decision models (MCDM) are a general decision support methodology aimed at the classification or evaluation of options that occur in a decision-making processes. Decision models are typically developed through decomposition of complex decision problems into smaller and less complex sub-problems; the result of such decomposition is a hierarchical structure that consists of attributes and utility functions. Basic concepts of MCDM together with two multi criteria modeling methodologies (expert system DEX-i and analytical hierarchical process with application of Expert Choice decision support software) are presented and discussed. In order to show how the explained methods can be applied to agricultural decision problems, two applications of MCDM (DEX-i and AHP) for organic spelt processing planning problem are presented in detail

    Model e-dokumentacije zdravstvene nege v patronažnem varstvu

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    This article presents the development of electronic documentation for community nursing using a system approach. Documentation is viewed as an information model for organizing and managing processes. The community nurse plans the nursing process after gather­ing and evaluating information on the patient’s health and his/her family status. Documentation is thus considered to be a basis for the successful work of the health team and as a way of ensuring quality in nursing. The article describes a prototype software model for e-documentation in community nursing together with its evaluation in practicePrispevek predstavlja sistemski pristop k oblikovanju elektronske dokumentacije zdravstvene nege v patronažnem varstvu. Dokument­acija predstavlja informacijski model, ki je namenjen organiziranju in upravljanju procesov. Na osnovi informacij, zbranih z ocenjevanjem zdravstvenega stanja pacienta oz. stanja razmer v družini, medicinska sestra načrtuje proces zdravstvene nege. Dokumentacija je temelj za uspešno delo zdravstvenega tima pa tudi element zagotavljanja kakovosti zdravstvene nege. V prispevku bo opisan prototipni model informacijske rešitve za izvajanje e-dokumentacije v patronažnem varstv

    Multi-criteria assessment of less favoured areas: A state level

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    The paper present a multi-criteria decision DEXi model for assessment of less favoured areas (LFAs). The tool enables easier assessment of farming in different areas of Slovene LFAs with respect to criteria of sustainability. Analysis of LFAs and final integration of the assessment of LFAs depend upon various criteria. In this paper we analyze individual LFAs and farming systems in these areas at the state level with respect to criteria of sustainability and farming potential

    Slovenski pregledovalnik mednarodne klasifikacije prakse zdravstvene nege*

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    Mednarodna klasifikacija prakse zdravstvene nege je poenoten poklicni jezik, ki je namenjen predvsem medicinskim sestram pa tudi drugim delavcem v zdravstvu in tudi širše. V prispevku je predstavljena njena elektronska oblika, kot izziv za učinkovitejšo uporabo v praksi, pa tudi za iskanje novih informacijskih rešitev v različnih okoljih s pomočjo sodobne informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije. Ta pojmovni slovar je predstavljen z ustrezno računalniško bazo podatkov. Na osnovi te baze so bili razviti pregledovalniki, ki omogočajo uporabo klasifikacije z osebnim računalnikom, na dlančniku ali prek interneta. Poudarek je na prednostih in slabostih posamezne realizacije pregledovalnika in smiselnem dopolnjevanju s tiskano verzijo

    Clinical Decision Support Systems

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    Should I stay or should I go?: apoio multicritério à internacionalização de PMEs

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    Atualmente, fruto das condições económicas vividas nos mercados domésticos, as empresas sentem uma grande necessidade de se envolver no comércio internacional. Contudo, para além das restrições financeiras e intelectuais que as Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs) enfrentam para se internacionalizar, os processos de internacionalização são por natureza muito complexos, sendo muitos os fatores que os decisores têm que ter em consideração para fundamentar as suas decisões. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo propõe a elaboração de um modelo de avaliação multicritério que, através da combinação de técnicas de mapeamento cognitivo com a metodologia Decision Expert (DEX), permite a identificação e a avaliação dos fatores que influenciam a capacidade de internacionalização das PMEs. Os resultados obtidos comprovam que as metodologias adotadas permitem a construção de modelos de avaliação transparentes e com uma grande utilidade no apoio à tomada de decisão. Em termos práticos, foi possível compreender que as características do produto representam o fator que maior influência tem na capacidade de internacionalização das PMEs; e que os fatores internos têm uma influência significativamente maior que os fatores externos. O processo de construção do modelo é também abordado, bem como respetivas vantagens e limitaçõesDue to the current economic conditions of domestic markets, companies feel an increasing need to become actively involved in international trading. Typically, however, there are several financial and intellectual constraints that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face during their internationalization process. This means that decision makers should consider a wide range of different variables before deciding on internationalization. This study sought to integrate cognitive mapping and the Decision EXpert (DEX) methodology to develop a multiple criteria decision model that may prove suitable for the identification and assessment of the variables that influence SMEs’ internationalization capability. The results show that the dual methodology adopted allows for the development of robust evaluation models that are able to improve the decision-making process in this study context. Specifically, the model identifies product features as the most relevant factor for SMEs’ internationalization capability. Additionally, internal factors are significantly more relevant than external factors. The model building process is discussed, including its advantages and limitation

    Exercise behaviour in Ankylosing Spondylitis

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    Background Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an incurable, fluctuating, long-term condition for which prescribed exercise is central to management. However, many people with AS do not undertake prescribed exercises, the reasons for which are poorly-understood. Aims The project sought to develop a grounded understanding of the exercise beliefs of people with AS, the exercise behaviours they adopt, and the decision making processes they undergo when choosing exercise behaviours. Design Adopting a constructivist approach, 23 semi-structured interviews and 7 focus groups were undertaken with people with AS in the North West of England. In-depth data were analysed using open, axial and selective coding to inform the development of a conceptual model of exercise behaviour in AS. Ethical approval and informed consent were obtained. Key findings 48 people participated in interviews and focus groups, with a disease duration ranging from 6 months to 29 years, and age range 19-62 (mean age 44.8 years ) there were 37 men and II women. Participants described the need to predict and respond to a changing disease trajectory and utilised a number of informed strategies for long- and short-term exercise management. Participants described a process of ongoing appraisal of their AS status and used approaches similar to cost—benefit analyses to make decisions about exercise behaviour. In the context of the patient journey, four discrete exercise behaviours (no prescribed exercise, other exercise, two tier behaviour, prescribed exercise), and four responses to changing disease status (no behaviour change, transient change, goal oriented change, non exercise change) were identified. Some key determinants of exercise behaviour were also revealed. Conclusion This study has led to the grounding of participant perspectives on exercise in AS, rendering the proposed model both relevant and understandable to people with AS, and may have use in helping people understand and plan their future exercise behaviour in AS and forms a baseline for future study