6 research outputs found

    Annotated text databases in the context of the Kaj Munk corpus:One database model, one query language, and several applications

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    Die Sphere-Search-Suchmaschine zur graphbasierten Suche auf heterogenen, semistrukturierten Daten

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    In dieser Arbeit wird die neuartige SphereSearch-Suchmaschine vorgestellt, die ein einheitliches ranglistenbasiertes Retrieval auf heterogenen XML- und Web-Daten ermöglicht. Ihre Fähigkeiten umfassen die Auswertung von vagen Struktur- und Inhaltsbedingungen sowie ein auf IR-Statistiken und einem graph-basierten Datenmodell basierendes Relevanz-Ranking. Web-Dokumente im HTML- und PDFFormat werden zunächst automatisch in ein XML-Zwischenformat konvertiert und anschließend mit Hilfe von Annotations-Tools durch zusätzliche Tags semantisch angereichtert. Die graph-basierte Suchmaschine bietet auf semi-strukturierten Daten vielfältige Suchmöglichkeiten, die von keiner herkömmlichen Web- oder XMLSuchmaschine ausgedrückt werden können: konzeptbewusste und kontextbewusste Suche, die sowohl die implizite Struktur von Daten als auch ihren Kontext berücksichtigt. Die Vorteile der SphereSearch-Suchmaschine werden durch Experimente auf verschiedenen Dokumentenkorpora demonstriert. Diese umfassen eine große, vielfältige Tags beinhaltende, nicht-schematische Enzyklopädie, die um externe Dokumente erweitert wurde, sowie einen Standard-XML-Benchmark.This thesis presents the novel SphereSearch Engine that provides unified ranked retrieval on heterogeneous XML andWeb data. Its search capabilities include vague structure and text content conditions, and relevance ranking based on IR statistics and a graph-based data model. Web pages in HTML or PDF are automatically converted into an intermediate XML format, with the option of generating semantic tags by means of linguistic annotation tools. For semi-structured data the graphbased query engine is leveraged to provide very rich search options that cannot be expressed in traditional Web or XML search engines: concept-aware and linkaware querying that takes into account the implicit structure and context of Web pages. The benefits of the SphereSearch engine are demonstrated by experiments with a large and richly tagged but non-schematic open encyclopedia extended with external documents and a standard XML benchmark

    A Generic Approach to Supporting the Management of Computerised Clinical Guidelines and Protocols

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    Clinical guidelines or protocols (CGPs) are statements that are systematically developed for the purpose of guiding the clinician and the patient in making decisions about appropriate healthcare for specific clinical problems. Using CGPs is one of the most effective and proven ways to attaining improved quality, optimised resource utilisation, cost containment and reduced variation in healthcare practice. CGPs exist mainly as paper-based natural language statements, but are increasingly being computerised. Supporting computerised CGPs in a healthcare environment so that they are incorporated into the routine used daily by clinicians is complex and presents major information management challenges. This thesis contends that the management of computerised CGPs should incorporate their manipulation (operations and queries), in addition to their specification and execution, as part of a single unified management framework. The thesis applies modern advanced database technology to the task of managing computerised CGPs. The event-condition-action (ECA) rule paradigm is recognised to have a huge potential in supporting computerised CGPs. In this thesis, a unified generic framework, called SpEM and an approach, called MonCooS, were developed for enabling computerised CGPs, to be specified by using a specification language, called PLAN, which follows the ECA rule paradigm; executed by using a software mechanism based on the ECA mechanism within a modern database system, and manipulated by using a manipulation language, called TOPSQL. The MonCooS approach focuses on providing clinicians with assistance in monitoring and coordinating clinical interventions while leaving the reasoning task to domain experts. A proof-of-concepts system, TOPS, was developed to show that CGP management can be easily attained, within the SpEM framework, by using the MonCooS approach. TOPS is used to evaluate the framework and approach in a case study to manage a microalbuminuria protocol for diabetic patients. SpEM and MonCooS were found to be promising in supporting the full-scale management of information and knowledge for the computerised clinical protocol. Active capability within modern DBMS is still experiencing significant limitations in supporting some requirements of this application domain. These limitations lead to pointers for further improvements in database management system (DBMS) functionality for ECA rule support. The main contributions of this thesis are: a generic and unified framework for the management of CGPs; a general platform and an advanced software mechanism for the manipulation of information and knowledge in computerised CGPs; a requirement for further development of the active functionality within modern DBMS; and a case study for the computer-based management of microalbuminuria in diabetes patients

    La città, il viaggio, il turismo: Percezione, produzione e trasformazione

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    [English]:The city as a destination of the journey in his long evolution throughout history: a basic human need, an event aimed at knowledge, to education, to business and trade, military and religious conquests, but also related to redundancies for the achievement of mere physical or spiritual salvation. In the frame of one of the world's most celebrated historical city, the cradle of Greek antiquity, myth and beauty, travel timeless destination for culture and leisure, and today, more than ever, strongly tending to the conservation and development of their own identity, this collection of essays aims to provide, in the tradition of AISU studies, a further opportunity for reflection and exchange between the various disciplines related to urban history./ [Italiano]:La città come meta del viaggio nella sua lunga evoluzione nel corso della storia: un bisogno primario dell'uomo, un evento finalizzato alla conoscenza, all'istruzione, agli affari e agli scambi commerciali, alle conquiste militari o religiose, ma anche legato agli esodi per il conseguimento della mera salvezza fisica o spirituale. Nella cornice di una delle città storiche più celebrate al mondo, culla dell'antichità greca, del mito e della bellezza, meta intramontabile di viaggi di cultura e di piacere, e oggi, più che mai, fortemente protesa alla conservazione e alla valorizzazione della propria identità, questa raccolta di saggi intende offrire, nel solco della tradizione di studi dell'AISU, un'ulteriore occasione di riflessione e di confronto tra i più svariati ambiti disciplinari attinenti alla storia urbana