2,945 research outputs found

    Application of smart phone in "Better Border Healthcare Program": A module for mother and child care

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To assess the application of cell phone integrating into the healthcare system to improve antenatal care (ANC) and expanded programme on immunization (EPI) services for the under-served population in border area.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A module combining web-based and mobile technology was developed to generate ANC/EPI visit schedule dates in which the healthcare personnel can cross-check, identify and update the mother's ANC and child's EPI status at the healthcare facility or at the household location when performing home visit; with additional feature of sending appointment reminder directly to the scheduled mother in the community.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The module improved ANC/EPI coverage in the study area along the country border including for both Thai and non-Thai mothers and children who were either permanent resident or migrants; numbers of ANC and EPI visit on-time as per schedule significantly increased; there was less delay of antenatal visits and immunizations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The module integrated and functioned successfully as part of the healthcare system; it is proved for its feasibility and the extent to which community healthcare personnel in the low resource setting could efficiently utilize it to perform their duties.</p

    Does mobile phone ownership predict better utilization of maternal and newborn health services? a cross-sectional study in Timor-Leste.

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    BackgroundIncreasingly popular mobile health (mHealth) programs have been proposed to promote better utilization of maternal, newborn and child health services. However, women who lack access to a mobile phone are often left out of both mHealth programs and research. In this study, we determine whether household mobile phone ownership is an independent predictor of utilization of maternal and newborn health services in Timor-Leste.MethodsThe study included 581 women aged 15-49 years with a child under the age of two years from the districts of Manufahi and Ainaro in Timor-Leste. Participants were interviewed via a structured survey of knowledge, practices, and coverage of maternal and child health services, with additional questions related to ownership and utilization of mobile phones. Mobile phone ownership was the exposure variable, and the dependent variables included having at least four antenatal care visits, skilled birth attendance, health facility delivery, a postnatal checkup within 24 h, and a neonatal checkup within 24 h for their youngest child. Logistic regression models were applied to assess for associations.ResultsSixty-seven percent of women reported having at least one mobile phone in the family. Women who had a mobile phone were significantly more likely to be of higher socioeconomic status and to utilize maternal and newborn health services. However, after adjusting socioeconomic factors, household mobile phone ownership was not independently associated with any of the dependent variables.ConclusionEvaluations of the effects of mHealth programs on health in a population need to consider the likelihood of socioeconomic differentials indicated by mobile phone ownership

    Role of mHealth applications for improving antenatal and postnatal care in low and middle income countries: a systematic review

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    Background: From 1990 to 2015, the number of maternal deaths globally has dropped by 43%. Despite this, progress in attaining MDG 5 is not remarkable in LMICs. Only 52% of pregnant women in LMICs obtain WHO recommended minimum of four antenatal consultations and the coverage of postnatal care is relatively poor. In recent years, the increased cellphone penetration has brought the potential for mHealth to improve preventive maternal healthcare services. The objective of this review is to assess the effectiveness of mHealth solutions on a range of maternal health outcomes by categorizing the interventions according to the types of mHealth applications.Methods: Three international online electronic databases were searched between January 1, 2000 and January 25, 2016 to identify studies exploring the role of mHealth solutions in improving preventive maternal healthcare services. Of 1262 titles screened after duplication, 69 potentially relevant abstracts were obtained. Out of 69 abstracts, 42 abstracts were shortlisted. Full text of 42 articles was reviewed using data extraction sheet. A total of 14 full text studies were included in the final analysis.Results: The 14 final studies were categorized in to five mHealth applications defined in the conceptual framework. Based on our analysis, the most reported use of mHealth was for client education and behavior change communication, such as SMS and voice reminders [n = 9, 65%]. The categorization provided the understanding that much work have been done on client education and behavior change communication. Most of the studies showed that mHealth interventions have proven to be effective to improve antenatal care and postnatal care services, especially those that are aimed at changing behavior of pregnant women and women in postnatal period. However, little evidence exists on other type of mHealth applications.Conclusion: This review suggests that mHealth solutions targeted at pregnant women and women in postnatal period can improve preventive maternal healthcare services. However, there is a need to conduct more controlled-trials and quasi-experimental studies to strengthen the literature in this research area. The review recommends that mHealth researchers, sponsors, and publishers should prioritize the transparent reporting of interventions to allow effective interpretation of extracted data

    Effects of a smartphone application on maternal health knowledge and dietary diversity among pregnant women in india:A randomized single center pilot study

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    Background:India contributes to one-fifth of infant and maternal deaths globally. Healthy lifestyles during pregnancy combined with good quality health care can help to avoid many maternal and neonatal deaths. Access to appropriate information is important for developing or maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The increased coverage of smartphones across low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) has given rise to smartphone apps supporting healthy pregnancies. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of the smartphone application Together For Her on maternal health knowledge and dietary diversity among pregnant Indian women. Methods:We ran a randomised single-centre pilot study in a private hospital in Maharashtra, India. We randomly selected pregnant women at $20 weeks of gestation who were invited to download the application, in addition to regular antenatal care. The control group only received regular antenatal care. Knowledge about a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy, self-reported dietary diversity and individual characteristics were collected via telephone interviews at baseline (T0), midline (T0 + 4 weeks) and endline (T0 + 12 weeks). Results:Complete data were collected for 179 respondents (intervention:94; control:85). Respondents in the intervention group showed larger increases in their knowledge over the 12-week study period, with an overall knowledge increase of 13.4 percentage points (P&lt;0.001). The largest effects were found in the modules anaemia, breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact. Self-reported diversity in nutritional intake also improved significantly more in the intervention group than in the control group. Conclusions:Smartphone applications can effectively supplement antenatal care by increasing women’s knowledge about a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy, which is likely to reduce the risk of adverse maternal health outcomes. Future research includes the roll-out of a larger multi-centre RCT to assess the effect of the smartphone application on health outcomes.</p

    mHealth Series:mHealth project in Zhao County, rural China - Description of objectives, field site and methods

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    BACKGROUND: We set up a collaboration between researchers in China and the UK that aimed to explore the use of mHealth in China. This is the first paper in a series of papers on a large mHealth project part of this collaboration. This paper included the aims and objectives of the mHealth project, our field site, and the detailed methods of two studies. FIELD SITE: The field site for this mHealth project was Zhao County, which lies 280 km south of Beijing in Hebei Province, China. METHODS: We described the methodology of two studies: (i) a mixed methods study exploring factors influencing sample size calculations for mHealth–based health surveys and (ii) a cross–over study determining validity of an mHealth text messaging data collection tool. The first study used mixed methods, both quantitative and qualitative, including: (i) two surveys with caregivers of young children, (ii) interviews with caregivers, village doctors and participants of the cross–over study, and (iii) researchers’ views. We combined data from caregivers, village doctors and researchers to provide an in–depth understanding of factors influencing sample size calculations for mHealth–based health surveys. The second study, a cross–over study, used a randomised cross–over study design to compare the traditional face–to–face survey method to the new text messaging survey method. We assessed data equivalence (intrarater agreement), the amount of information in responses, reasons for giving different responses, the response rate, characteristics of non–responders, and the error rate. CONCLUSIONS: This paper described the objectives, field site and methods of a large mHealth project part of a collaboration between researchers in China and the UK. The mixed methods study evaluating factors that influence sample size calculations could help future studies with estimating reliable sample sizes. The cross–over study comparing face–to–face and text message survey data collection could help future studies with developing their mHealth tools

    Use of mobile phone for improvement in maternal health: a randomized control trial

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    Background: The rapid escalation of cellular network coverage and expansion of mobile phone usage has opened up a new way of deploying health services. The mobile app with message facilities help in imparting health education regarding nutrition, iron and folic acid prophylaxis, tetanus toxoid immunization, danger symptoms and signs during pregnancy etc. Present study aimed to improve maternal health and pregnancy outcome by optimum utilization of antenatal, natal and postnatal care services, with the use of mobile phone as a medium of communication between health care provider and community in rural area.Methods: The prospective randomized control study, with two hundred pregnant women each, coming for antenatal visit and having personal mobile phone facility, were randomly allocated to control and intervention group. Control group women received routine antenatal care and advice as per hospital protocol. In addition to routine care and advice, intervention group received mobile phone calls, as reminders about next visit and text messages (SMS) on important aspects of antenatal care at regular intervals. The primary outcome indicators of the study were percentage of pregnant women coming for at least four antenatal visits, percentage of institutional delivery and postnatal check-ups.Results: Women in the intervention group had significantly higher number of antenatal visits, consumption of iron tablets, tetanus toxoid immunization, institutional deliveries and postnatal check-ups as compared to the control group.Conclusions: In the present study, the mobile phone intervention, significantly increased the percentage of women receiving the recommended four antenatal visits and showed a trend towards more women receiving preventive health services. Study gathered good evidence that m-Health tools present an opportunity to influence behaviour change and ensure that women access prevention services, including antenatal, natal and postnatal care. Mobile technology, specifically SMS can be successfully used to extend health information services to pregnant women

    A telematics solution for the remote follow-up of malnourished children in underserved areas

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    The identification of malnourished children living under extreme poverty conditions in isolated areas is crucial to trigger urgent interventions like supplementary or therapeutic feeding. This work aims to strengthen the task of following-up malnourished maternal-child population in rural areas of developing countries like Nicaragua. The solution facilitates low-cost health nutritional remote monitoring to support rural communities at the point of care. Thus, the system allows medical staff to communicate with brigades, who transmit anthropometric measurements, such as weight and height of the children, from communities which are sited about 12 km. far away. A hybrid WiMAX/WiFi architecture was deployed to provide affordable communications between the isolated communities and the health center. Furthermore, a free PBX software and an open information system, installed at the health center, support WiFi based mobile communications and information management to support the care needs of maternal-child population at risk


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    Adolescent related to reproductive health problems. The problem occurs because of adolescent had a lack of knowledge and attitudes about reproductive health. Smartphones was effective tools of education and it can improve knowledge and attitudes of teenagers, so the problem on adolescent reproductive health can be solved. This research analyze the differences and effect of health education through a smartphone and a booklet on the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents about reproductive health, also to analyze the factors that change knowledge and attitudes of adolescent after receiving health education from smartphone. This research was a mix method research that combines quantitative and qualitative research with concurent embedded design. Quantitative research used quasi-experiment design, conducted on 84 adolescent, divided in to two groups. Qualitative research conducted in 8 adolescents who received health education through the smartphone as an informant. Differences in knowledge and attitudes before and after health education through smartphones and booklets were analyzed with the Wilcoxon test. There was the differences between health education through smartphone and booklet on changed knowledge and attitudes of adolescents about reproductive health. The infleunces of health education through smartphone on knowledge and attitudes of adolescents about reproductive health is better than booklet (p <0.05). The factors that cause the adolescent knowledge and attitude changed after getting health education through smartphones are good content, simple language, the content is interesting, easy to understand, being a trend, easy to read, effective, easy to carry, easy to store, more privacy, easily stored, simple, easily accessible and the content was complete. Smartphone as effective tools of health education, it can improve knowledge and attitudes of adolescents about reproductive health. Keywords: Health Education, Smartphones, Booklets, Adolescent Reproductive Healt

    Designing a Multimedia Intervention for Illiterate and Semi-Illiterate Pregnant Women in Developing Countries: A Case of Uganda

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    Die hohe MĂŒttersterblichkeit in EntwicklungslĂ€ndern ist zum Teil auf indirekte Faktoren wie Analphabetismus und eingeschrĂ€nkten Zugang zu Gesundheitsinformationen fĂŒr MĂŒtter zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren. WĂ€hrend gebildete Frauen auf Gesundheitsinformationen ĂŒber Online-Plattformen und mHealth-Apps zugreifen können, mĂŒssen Analphabetinnen diese in Gesundheitseinrichtungen abrufen, was aufgrund der Transportkosten oft nicht möglich ist. Mobilfunktechnologie hat in der Gesundheitsversorgung Chancen fĂŒr ressourcenarme Gemeinschaften eröffnet, die sonst nicht von den digitalen Technologien profitiert hĂ€tten. Obwohl Mobilfunktechnologie in der MĂŒttergesundheit eingesetzt wird, können die meisten Maßnahmen nicht von Analphabeten genutzt werden, verwenden Sicherheitsmodelle die nicht auf den Kontext von EntwicklungslĂ€ndern zugeschnitten sind, und wurden nicht auf ihre Auswirkungen auf die MĂŒttergesundheit hin evaluiert. In dieser Arbeit wurden zwei (Web und Mobile) Apps entwickelt, die die Übermittlung von multimedialen Nachrichten zur MĂŒttergesundheit, Terminerinnerungen und Anrufe/Chats erleichtern. Um die Anforderungen der Nutzer zu erfassen, wurde eine Feldstudie mit halbstrukturierten Interviews und Fokusgruppendiskussionen mit schwangeren Analphabetinnen, Gesundheitsexperten und Entwicklern durchgefĂŒhrt. Es folgte die Entwicklung eines Sicherheitsmodells (T2RoL) zur Sicherung der Gesundheitsinformationen in den Apps, die dann nach einem nutzerzentrierten Designansatz entwickelt wurden. Eine zweite Feldstudie in Form von halbstrukturierten Interviews und Umfragen wurde durchgefĂŒhrt, um die mobile App in einer randomisierten kontrollierten Studie mit 80 schwangeren Analphabetinnen ĂŒber 9 Monate zu evaluieren. Die Auswertung zeigte, dass die App akzeptiert wurde sowie einfach zu erlernen und zu benutzen war. Das Wissen ĂŒber MĂŒttergesundheit in der Interventionsgruppe verbesserte sich, was sich positiv auf gesundheitsbezogene Entscheidungen und Gesundheitsmaßnahmen auswirkte.Maternal mortality is high in developing countries partly due to indirect factors such as illiteracy and limited access to maternal health information. While literate women can access health information from online platforms, and mHealth apps, illiterate women must get it from health facilities which is often not possible due to lack of transport fees. Mobile technology has opened opportunities in maternal health care for low resource communities that would otherwise not have benefited from digital technologies. Although used in maternal health, most interventions are not usable by the illiterate, use security models that are not tailored to the developing countries’ context, and have not been evaluated to assess their impact on maternal health care. In this thesis, two (web and mobile) apps that facilitate delivery of multimedia-based maternal health messages, appointment reminders, and calls/ chats were developed. To gather user requirements, a field study in form of semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions was conducted with illiterate pregnant women, health practitioners and developers. Development of a security model (T2RoL) to secure the health information in the apps followed. The apps were then developed following a user-centered design approach. A second field study in form of semi-structured interviews and surveys was conducted to evaluate the mobile app through a randomized controlled trial with 80 illiterate pregnant women that were followed for 9 months. Overall, results show that the app was acceptable, easy to learn and use. There was improved maternal health knowledge among the intervention group which positively influenced health related decision making and health practices
