287 research outputs found

    New Approach of Indoor and Outdoor Localization Systems

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    Accurate determination of the mobile position constitutes the basis of many new applications. This book provides a detailed account of wireless systems for positioning, signal processing, radio localization techniques (Time Difference Of Arrival), performances evaluation, and localization applications. The first section is dedicated to Satellite systems for positioning like GPS, GNSS. The second section addresses the localization applications using the wireless sensor networks. Some techniques are introduced for localization systems, especially for indoor positioning, such as Ultra Wide Band (UWB), WIFI. The last section is dedicated to Coupled GPS and other sensors. Some results of simulations, implementation and tests are given to help readers grasp the presented techniques. This is an ideal book for students, PhD students, academics and engineers in the field of Communication, localization & Signal Processing, especially in indoor and outdoor localization domains

    Realization Limits of Impulse-Radio UWB Indoor Localization Systems

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    In this work, the realization limits of an impulse-based Ultra-Wideband (UWB) localization system for indoor applications have been thoroughly investigated and verified by measurements. The analysis spans from the position calculation algorithms, through hardware realization and modeling, up to the localization experiments conducted in realistic scenarios. The main focus was put on identification and characterization of limiting factors as well as developing methods to overcome them

    The Future of the Operating Room: Surgical Preplanning and Navigation using High Accuracy Ultra-Wideband Positioning and Advanced Bone Measurement

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    This dissertation embodies the diversity and creativity of my research, of which much has been peer-reviewed, published in archival quality journals, and presented nationally and internationally. Portions of the work described herein have been published in the fields of image processing, forensic anthropology, physical anthropology, biomedical engineering, clinical orthopedics, and microwave engineering. The problem studied is primarily that of developing the tools and technologies for a next-generation surgical navigation system. The discussion focuses on the underlying technologies of a novel microwave positioning subsystem and a bone analysis subsystem. The methodologies behind each of these technologies are presented in the context of the overall system with the salient results helping to elucidate the difficult facets of the problem. The microwave positioning system is currently the highest accuracy wireless ultra-wideband positioning system that can be found in the literature. The challenges in producing a system with these capabilities are many, and the research and development in solving these problems should further the art of high accuracy pulse-based positioning

    Position estimation via ultra-wide-band signals

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    The high time resolution of ultra-wide-band (UWB) signals facilitates very precise position estimation in many scenarios, which makes a variety applications possible. This paper reviews the problem of position estimation in UWB systems, beginning with an overview of the basic structure of UWB signals and their positioning applications. This overview is followed by a discussion of various position estimation techniques, with an emphasis on time-based approaches, which are particularly suitable for UWB positioning systems. Practical issues arising in UWB signal design and hardware implementation are also discussed. © 2009 IEEE

    UWB Precise Indoor Localization System Performance, Limitations and its Integration

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    An indoor localization system that was built at University of Tennessee is extensively studied and improved. The goal of the system is to achieve mm down to sub-mm accuracy/precision. Sub-sampling is used to alleviate the high sampling rate required for UWB signals. Current commercial direct sampling systems are still too slow or prohibitively expensive for UWB applications. We developed two different sub-sampling techniques, but the two systems suffer numerous shortcomings: low throughput, non-robustness, non-linearity. A third system is introduced that achieve both high accuracy and high through-put. Changes in the detection algorithm and the frame synchronization are developed to accommodate the new scheme. We present our efforts to replace hybrid components by recently developed MMIC chips, and an integrated digital module developed by ULM University and UT respectively. Similar localization performance was achieved but rather with significantly reduced power consumption, much smaller footprints, and higher throughput. Step Recovery Diode (SRD) based UWB pulse generators suffer from jitter caused by AM-to-PM conversion, SRD shot noise and clock jitter. A mathematical model for simulation of the jitter and amplitude variation effect in the equivalent time sampling technique has been developed and used in SystemVue simulations. A criterion as an estimate of system accuracy is defined as Signal to Distortion Ratio (SDR) and used. Similarly, a model for AM and PM noise analysis for an SRD based UWB pulse generator is developed that was validated experimentally. We estimate the achievable system localization error. A mathematical model and simulation platform are developed to describe its behavior. Limits on the location accuracy as a function of the parameters of the UWB system are described. A discussion of the dominant reasons for errors that include picoseconds pulsar jitter, sampling clock jitter, sampling rate, and system additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) is presented. We show a simple method to calculate the total system jitter, and describe error biasing phenomenon as the tag moves approaching one base-station and distancing another. Design curves are provided to determine the specifications of system components to achieve a certain positioning accuracy

    Impulse radio ultra wideband over fiber techniques for broadband in-building network applications

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    In recent years, the demand for high bandwidth and mobility from the end users has been continuously growing. To satisfy this demand, broadband communication technologies that combined the benefit of both wired and wireless are considered as vital solutions. These hybrid optical wireless solutions enable multi-Gbit/s transmission as well as adequate flexibility in terms of mobility. Optical fiber is the ideal medium for such hybrid solution due its signal transparency and wide bandwidth. On the other hand, ultra wideband(UWB) radio over optical fiber technology is considered to be one of the key promising technologies for broadband communication and sensor network applications. The growing interest for UWB is mainly due to its numerous attractive features, such as low power spectral density, tolerance to multipath fading, low probability of interception, coexistence with other wireless services and capability of providing cost-effective > 1 Gb/s transmission. The main idea of UWB over fiber is to deliver UWB radio signals over optical channels, where the optical part serves as a backbone communication infrastructure to carry the UWB signal with a bandwidth of several GHz. This enables multiple novel applications such as: range extension of high speed wireless personal area networks (WPANs), low cost distributed antenna systems, secure and intelligent networks, or delivering broadband services to remote areas. In particular, this thesis deals with novel concepts on shaping and generation of IR-UWB pulses, theoretical and experimental demonstrations over different fiber types, routing of integrated wired/wireless IR-UWB services and effect of fiber types on ranging/localization of IR-UWB-over-fiber systems. Accordingly, this thesis investigates techniques for delivery of high data rate wireless services using impulse radio ultra wideband (IR-UWB) over fiber technology for both access and in-building network applications. To effectively utilize the emission mask imposed for UWB technologies by the Federal Communications Commission(FCC), novel pulse shaping techniques have been investigated and experimentally demonstrated. Comparison of the proposed pulses with conventional ones in terms of the compliance to the FCC-mask requirements, spectral power efficiencies and wireless coverage has been theoretically studied. Simple and efficient optical generation of the new pulse has been experimentally demonstrated. Furthermore, performance evaluation of 2 Gb/s transmission of IR-UWB over different types of fiber such as 25 km silica single-mode, 4.4 km silica multi-mode and 100 m plastic heavily-multi-mode fiber have been performed. To improve the functionalities of in-building networks for the delivery of wireless services; techniques that provide flexibility in terms of dynamic capacity allocation have been investigated. By employing wavelength conversion based on cross-gain modulation in optical semiconductor amplifiers(SOA), routing of three optical channels of IR-UWB over fiber system has been experimentally realized. To reduce the cost of the overall system and share the optical infrastructure, an integrated testbed for wired baseband data and wireless IR-UWB over 1 km SMF-28 fiber has been developed. Accordingly, 1.25 Gb/s wired baseband and 2 Gb/s wireless IR-UWB data have been successfully transmitted over the testbed. Furthermore, to improve the network flexibility, routing of both wired baseband and wireless signals has been demonstrated. Additionally, the ranging and localization capability of IR-UWB over fiber for in-door wireless picocells have been investigated. The effect of different fiber types (4 km SMF, 4.4 km GI-MMF and 100 m PF GI-POF) on the accuracy of the range estimation using time-of-arrival (ToA) ranging technique has been studied. A high accuracy in terms of cm level was achieved due to the combined effect of high bandwidth IR-UWB pulses, short reach fiber and low chromatic dispersion at 1300nm wavelength. Furthermore, ranging/ localization using IR-UWB over fiber system provides additional benefit of centralizing complex processing algorithms, simplifying radio access points, relaxing synchronization requirement, enabling energy-efficient and efficient traffic management networks. All the concepts, design and system experiments presented in this thesis underline the strong potential of IR-UWB for over optical fiber(silica and plastic) techniques for future smart, capacity and energy-efficient broadband in-building network applications

    Whitepaper on New Localization Methods for 5G Wireless Systems and the Internet-of-Things

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    Initial synchronisation of wideband and UWB direct sequence systems: single- and multiple-antenna aided solutions

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    This survey guides the reader through the open literature on the principle of initial synchronisation in single-antenna-assisted single- and multi-carrier Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) as well as Direct Sequence-Ultra WideBand (DS-UWB) systems, with special emphasis on the DownLink (DL). There is a paucity of up-to-date surveys and review articles on initial synchronization solutions for MIMO-aided and cooperative systems - even though there is a plethora of papers on both MIMOs and on cooperative systems, which assume perfect synchronization. Hence this paper aims to ?ll the related gap in the literature

    Infrared ranging in multipath environments for indoor localization of mobile targets

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    Esta tesis aborda el problema de la medida de diferencias de distancia mediante señales Ăłpticas afectadas por multicamino, aplicada a la localizaciĂłn de agentes mĂłviles en espacios interiores. Los avances en robĂłtica, entornos inteligentes y vehĂ­culos autĂłnomos han creado un campo de aplicaciĂłn especĂ­fico para la localizaciĂłn en interiores, cuyos requerimientos de precisiĂłn (en el rango de los cm) son muy superiores a los demandados por las aplicaciones de localizaciĂłn orientadas a personas, en cuyo contexto se han desarrollado la mayor parte de las alternativas tecnolĂłgicas. La investigaciĂłn con mĂ©todos de geometrĂ­a proyectiva basados en cĂĄmaras y de multilateraciĂłn basados en medida de distancia con señales de radiofrecuencia de banda ancha, de ultrasonido y Ăłpticas han demostrado un rendimiento potencial adecuado para cubrir estos requerimientos. Sin embargo, todas estas alternativas, aĂșn en fase de investigaciĂłn, presentan dificultades que limitan su aplicaciĂłn prĂĄctica. En el caso de los sistemas Ăłpticos, escasamente estudiados en este contexto, los trabajos previos se han basado en medidas de diferencia de fase de llegada de señales infrarrojas moduladas sinusoidalmente en intensidad. Una infraestructura centralizada computa medidas diferenciales, entre receptores fijos, de la señal emitida desde el mĂłvil a posicionar, y calcula la posiciĂłn del mĂłvil mediante trilateraciĂłn hiperbĂłlica a partir de Ă©stas. Estas investigaciones demostraron que se pueden alcanzar precisiones de pocos centĂ­metros; sin embargo, las interferencias por multicamino debidas a la reflexiĂłn de la señal Ăłptica en superficies del entorno pueden degradar esta precisiĂłn hasta las decenas de centĂ­metros dependiendo de las caracterĂ­sticas del espacio. AsĂ­ pues, el efecto del multicamino es actualmente la principal fuente de error en esta tecnologĂ­a, y por tanto, la principal barrera a superar para su implementaciĂłn en situaciones reales. En esta tesis se propone y analiza un sistema de medida con señales Ăłpticas que permite obtener estimaciones de diferencias de distancia precisas reduciendo el efecto crĂ­tico del multicamino. El sistema propuesto introduce una modulaciĂłn con secuencias de ruido pseudoaleatorio sobre la modulaciĂłn sinusoidal tĂ­picamente usada para medida de fase por onda continua, y aprovecha las propiedades de ensanchamiento en frecuencia de estas secuencias para reducir el efecto del multicamino. El sistema, que realiza una doble estimaciĂłn de tiempo y fase de llegada, estĂĄ compuesto por una etapa de sincronizaciĂłn que posibilita la demodulaciĂłn parcialmente coherente de la señal recibida, seguida de un medidor diferencial de fase sobre las componentes desensanchadas tras la demodulaciĂłn. Las condiciones de multicamino Ăłptico tĂ­picas en espacios interiores, con una componente de camino directo claramente dominante, permiten que el proceso de demodulaciĂłn recupere mĂĄs potencia del camino directo que del resto de contribuciones, reduciendo el efecto del multicamino en la estimaciĂłn final. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la aplicaciĂłn del mĂ©todo propuesto permitirĂ­a realizar posicionamiento a partir de señales Ăłpticas con el rendimiento adecuando para aplicaciones de robĂłtica y guiado de vehĂ­culos en espacios interiores; ademĂĄs, el progresivo aumento de la potencia y el ancho de banda de los dispositivos optoelectrĂłnicos disponibles permite esperar un incremento considerable de las prestaciones de la propuesta en los prĂłximos años
