12,336 research outputs found

    A modeling analysis program for the JPL table mountain Io sodium cloud data

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    Research in the third and final year of this project is divided into three main areas: (1) completion of data processing and calibration for 34 of the 1981 Region B/C images, selected from the massive JPL sodium cloud data set; (2) identification and examination of the basic features and observed changes in the morphological characteristics of the sodium cloud images; and (3) successful physical interpretation of these basic features and observed changes using the highly developed numerical sodium cloud model at AER. The modeling analysis has led to a number of definite conclusions regarding the local structure of Io's atmosphere, the gas escape mechanism at Io, and the presence of an east-west electric field and a System III longitudinal asymmetry in the plasma torus. Large scale stability, as well as some smaller scale time variability for both the sodium cloud and the structure of the plasma torus over a several year time period are also discussed

    When “conservation” leads to land degradation: lessons from Ban Lak Sip, Laos

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    Land degradation / Soil erosion / Farming systems / Environmental policy / Political ecology / Households / Population growth / Laos / Ban Lak Sip

    Analysis of pavement condition survey data for effective implementation of a network level pavement management program for Kazakhstan

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    Pavement roads and transportation systems are crucial assets for promoting political stability, as well as economic and sustainable growth in developing countries. However, pavement maintenance backlogs and the high capital costs of road rehabilitation require the use of pavement evaluation tools to assure the best value of the investment. This research presents a methodology for analyzing the collected pavement data for the implementation of a network level pavement management program in Kazakhstan. This methodology, which could also be suitable in other developing countries’ road networks, focuses on the survey data processing to determine cost-effective maintenance treatments for each road section. The proposed methodology aims to support a decision-making process for the application of a strategic level business planning analysis, by extracting information from the survey data

    Baseline coral disease surveys within three marine parks in Sabah, Borneo

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    Two of the most significant threats to coral reefs worldwide are bleaching and disease. However, there has been a scarcity of research on coral disease in South-East Asia, despite the high biodiversity and the strong dependence of local communities on the reefs in the region. This study provides baseline data on coral disease frequencies within three national parks in Sabah, Borneo, which exhibit different levels of human impacts and management histories. High mean coral cover (55%) and variable disease frequency (mean 0.25 diseased colonies m−2) were found across the three sites. Highest disease frequency (0.44 diseased colonies per m 2) was seen at the site closest to coastal population centres. Bleaching and pigmentation responses were actually higher at Sipadan, the more remote, offshore site, whereas none of the other coral diseases detected in the other two parks were detected in Sipadan. Results of this study offer a baseline dataset of disease in these parks and indicate the need for continued monitoring, and suggest that coral colonies in parks under higher anthropogenic stressors and with lower coral cover may be more susceptible to contracting disease

    Assessment of the Contribution of Traffic Emissions to the Mobile Vehicle Measured PM2.5 Concentration by Means of WRF-CMAQ Simulations

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    INE/AUTC 12.0

    Design and technical evaluation of an enhanced location-awareness service enabler for spatial disorientation management of elderly with mild cognitive impairment

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    The progressive ageing of population has turned the mild cognitive impairment (MCI) into a prevalent disease suffered by elderly. Consequently, the spatial disorientation has become a significant problem for older people and their caregivers. The ambient-assisted living applications are offering location-based services for empowering elderly to go outside and encouraging a greater independence. Therefore, this paper describes the design and technical evaluation of a location-awareness service enabler aimed at supporting and managing probable wandering situations of a person with MCI. Through the presence capabilities of the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) architecture, the service will alert patient's contacts if a hazardous situation is detected depending on his location. Furthermore, information about the older person's security areas has been included in the user profile managed by IMS. In doing so, the service enabler introduced contribute to “context-awareness” paradigm allowing the adaptation and personalization of services depending on user's context and specific conditions or preferences

    Time-lapse monitoring of an electrokinetic soil remediation process through frequency-domain electrical measurements

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    The electrokinetic (EK) method is an emerging technique for soil remediation, even though a monitoring system of the contaminant removal through geophysical methods has not been developed yet. In this paper, frequency-domain time-lapse measurements are used on heavy-metal contaminated sediments for monitoring an EK remediation process in a small-scale measuring cell. Our goal is to monitor the development of the electrokinetic process within the sediment and to evaluate the total time needed for the treatment. In fact, frequency-domain electrical monitoring provides complex resistivity spectra at different time steps that can be correlated to changes in the physical properties of the sediments. We perform laboratory spectral induced polarization (SIP) measurements on different samples before, during and after the EK treatment, using different electrolyte solutions (acids and tap water), commonly employed in EK remediation. Direct-current measurements (resistivity and chargeability) were also acquired on one sample for testing the reliability of the system by a comparison with a widespread commercial instrumentation for field measurements. Results indicate that resistivity is a diagnostic parameter as long as it is linked to changes in water saturation, pH and ionic concentration and not to the percentage of metal extraction. The resistivity exhibited well-defined signatures as a function of time that changes depending on the conditioning agent and the grain size distribution. These peculiarities were used to understand the physical processes occurring within the cell and consequently to assess the effectiveness of the electrokinetic treatment. Conversely, the polarization effect was negligible using acids as conditioning agents at the electrolyte chambers. Therefore, the SIP method is not effective under these conditions, being the polarization effect significant only when tap water was used at both ends of the measuring cell. In this case, we were able to correlate changes in water saturation with the time-shift observed on relaxation time distributions (RTDs) after inversion of SIP data and to observe, using normalized chargeability, that polarization is stronger at high pH values. On these basis, resistivity is suitable to monitor the development of the remediation, to optimise the energy levels required for treatment and to assess the end time of the EK process (time when metal mobilization ends). In fact, the end time of treatment can be associated with the time at which resistivity becomes stable. This time is highly dependent on the particular working conditions and sediment grain size as demonstrated by our experiments
