3,347 research outputs found

    A fast and exact ww-stacking and ww-projection hybrid algorithm for wide-field interferometric imaging

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    The standard wide-field imaging technique, the ww-projection, allows correction for wide-fields of view for non-coplanar radio interferometric arrays. However, calculating exact corrections for each measurement has not been possible due to the amount of computation required at high resolution and with the large number of visibilities from current interferometers. The required accuracy and computational cost of these corrections is one of the largest unsolved challenges facing next generation radio interferometers such as the Square Kilometre Array. We show that the same calculation can be performed with a radially symmetric ww-projection kernel, where we use one dimensional adaptive quadrature to calculate the resulting Hankel transform, decreasing the computation required for kernel generation by several orders of magnitude, whilst preserving the accuracy. We confirm that the radial ww-projection kernel is accurate to approximately 1% by imaging the zero-spacing with an added ww-term. We demonstrate the potential of our radially symmetric ww-projection kernel via sparse image reconstruction, using the software package PURIFY. We develop a distributed ww-stacking and ww-projection hybrid algorithm. We apply this algorithm to individually correct for non-coplanar effects in 17.5 million visibilities over a 2525 by 2525 degree field of view MWA observation for image reconstruction. Such a level of accuracy and scalability is not possible with standard ww-projection kernel generation methods. This demonstrates that we can scale to a large number of measurements with large image sizes whilst still maintaining both speed and accuracy.Comment: 9 Figures, 19 Pages. Accepted to Ap

    Fractional Fourier detection of L\'evy Flights: application to Hamiltonian chaotic trajectories

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    A signal processing method designed for the detection of linear (coherent) behaviors among random fluctuations is presented. It is dedicated to the study of data recorded from nonlinear physical systems. More precisely the method is suited for signals having chaotic variations and sporadically appearing regular linear patterns, possibly impaired by noise. We use time-frequency techniques and the Fractional Fourier transform in order to make it robust and easily implementable. The method is illustrated with an example of application: the analysis of chaotic trajectories of advected passive particles. The signal has a chaotic behavior and encounter L\'evy flights (straight lines). The method is able to detect and quantify these ballistic transport regions, even in noisy situations

    On the energy leakage of discrete wavelet transform

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    The energy leakage is an inherent deficiency of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) which is often ignored by researchers and practitioners. In this paper, a systematic investigation into the energy leakage is reported. The DWT is briefly introduced first, and then the energy leakage phenomenon is described using a numerical example as an illustration and its effect on the DWT results is discussed. Focusing on the Daubechies wavelet functions, the band overlap between the quadrature mirror analysis filters was studied and the results reveal that there is an unavoidable tradeoff between the band overlap degree and the time resolution for the DWT. The dependency of the energy leakage to the wavelet function order was studied by using a criterion defined to evaluate the severity of the energy leakage. In addition, a method based on resampling technique was proposed to relieve the effects of the energy leakage. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been validated by numerical simulation study and experimental study

    Optical memory disks in optical information processing

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    We describe the use of optical memory disks as elements in optical information processing architectures. The optical disk is an optical memory devicew ith a storage capacity approaching 1010b its which is naturally suited to parallel access. We discuss optical disk characteristics which are important in optical computing systems such as contrast, diffraction efficiency, and phase uniformity. We describe techniques for holographic storage on optical disks and present reconstructions of several types of computer-generated holograms. Various optical information processing architectures are described for applications such as database retrieval, neural network implementation, and image correlation. Selected systems are experimentally demonstrated

    Modern Methods of Time-Frequency Warping of Sound Signals

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    Tato práce se zabývá reprezentací nestacionárních harmonických signálů s časově proměnnými komponentami. Primárně je zaměřena na Harmonickou transformaci a jeji variantu se subkvadratickou výpočetní složitostí, Rychlou harmonickou transformaci. V této práci jsou prezentovány dva algoritmy využívající Rychlou harmonickou transformaci. Prvni používá jako metodu odhadu změny základního kmitočtu sbírané logaritmické spektrum a druhá používá metodu analýzy syntézou. Oba algoritmy jsou použity k analýze řečového segmentu pro porovnání vystupů. Nakonec je algoritmus využívající metody analýzy syntézou použit na reálné zvukové signály, aby bylo možné změřit zlepšení reprezentace kmitočtově modulovaných signálů za použití Harmonické transformace.This thesis deals with representation of non-stationary harmonic signals with time-varying components. Its main focus is aimed at Harmonic Transform and its variant with subquadratic computational complexity, the Fast Harmonic Transform. Two algorithms using the Fast Harmonic Transform are presented. The first uses the gathered log-spectrum as fundamental frequency change estimation method, the second uses analysis-by-synthesis approach. Both algorithms are used on a speech segment to compare its output. Further the analysis-by-synthesis algorithm is applied on several real sound signals to measure the increase in the ability to represent real frequency-modulated signals using the Harmonic Transform.
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