31 research outputs found

    Semantics-Preserving Dimensionality Reduction: Rough and Fuzzy-Rough-Based Approaches

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    Abstract—Semantics-preserving dimensionality reduction refers to the problem of selecting those input features that are most predictive of a given outcome; a problem encountered in many areas such as machine learning, pattern recognition, and signal processing. This has found successful application in tasks that involve data sets containing huge numbers of features (in the order of tens of thousands), which would be impossible to process further. Recent examples include text processing and Web content classification. One of the many successful applications of rough set theory has been to this feature selection area. This paper reviews those techniques that preserve the underlying semantics of the data, using crisp and fuzzy rough set-based methodologies. Several approaches to feature selection based on rough set theory are experimentally compared. Additionally, a new area in feature selection, feature grouping, is highlighted and a rough set-based feature grouping technique is detailed. Index Terms—Dimensionality reduction, feature selection, feature transformation, rough selection, fuzzy-rough selection.

    Interval-valued analysis for discriminative gene selection and tissue sample classification using microarray data

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    AbstractAn important application of gene expression data is to classify samples in a variety of diagnostic fields. However, high dimensionality and a small number of noisy samples pose significant challenges to existing classification methods. Focused on the problems of overfitting and sensitivity to noise of the dataset in the classification of microarray data, we propose an interval-valued analysis method based on a rough set technique to select discriminative genes and to use these genes to classify tissue samples of microarray data. We first select a small subset of genes based on interval-valued rough set by considering the preference-ordered domains of the gene expression data, and then classify test samples into certain classes with a term of similar degree. Experiments show that the proposed method is able to reach high prediction accuracies with a small number of selected genes and its performance is robust to noise

    Combining rough and fuzzy sets for feature selection

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    Heuristic-based feature selection for rough set approach

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    The paper presents the proposed research methodology, dedicated to the application of greedy heuristics as a way of gathering information about available features. Discovered knowledge, represented in the form of generated decision rules, was employed to support feature selection and reduction process for induction of decision rules with classical rough set approach. Observations were executed over input data sets discretised by several methods. Experimental results show that elimination of less relevant attributes through the proposed methodology led to inferring rule sets with reduced cardinalities, while maintaining rule quality necessary for satisfactory classification

    Internet-based solutions to support distributed manufacturing

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    With the globalisation and constant changes in the marketplace, enterprises are adapting themselves to face new challenges. Therefore, strategic corporate alliances to share knowledge, expertise and resources represent an advantage in an increasing competitive world. This has led the integration of companies, customers, suppliers and partners using networked environments. This thesis presents three novel solutions in the tooling area, developed for Seco tools Ltd, UK. These approaches implement a proposed distributed computing architecture using Internet technologies to assist geographically dispersed tooling engineers in process planning tasks. The systems are summarised as follows. TTS is a Web-based system to support engineers and technical staff in the task of providing technical advice to clients. Seco sales engineers access the system from remote machining sites and submit/retrieve/update the required tooling data located in databases at the company headquarters. The communication platform used for this system provides an effective mechanism to share information nationwide. This system implements efficient methods, such as data relaxation techniques, confidence score and importance levels of attributes, to help the user in finding the closest solutions when specific requirements are not fully matched In the database. Cluster-F has been developed to assist engineers and clients in the assessment of cutting parameters for the tooling process. In this approach the Internet acts as a vehicle to transport the data between users and the database. Cluster-F is a KD approach that makes use of clustering and fuzzy set techniques. The novel proposal In this system is the implementation of fuzzy set concepts to obtain the proximity matrix that will lead the classification of the data. Then hierarchical clustering methods are applied on these data to link the closest objects. A general KD methodology applying rough set concepts Is proposed In this research. This covers aspects of data redundancy, Identification of relevant attributes, detection of data inconsistency, and generation of knowledge rules. R-sets, the third proposed solution, has been developed using this KD methodology. This system evaluates the variables of the tooling database to analyse known and unknown relationships in the data generated after the execution of technical trials. The aim is to discover cause-effect patterns from selected attributes contained In the database. A fourth system was also developed. It is called DBManager and was conceived to administrate the systems users accounts, sales engineers’ accounts and tool trial monitoring process of the data. This supports the implementation of the proposed distributed architecture and the maintenance of the users' accounts for the access restrictions to the system running under this architecture

    Knowledge Discovery and Monotonicity

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    The monotonicity property is ubiquitous in our lives and it appears in different roles: as domain knowledge, as a requirement, as a property that reduces the complexity of the problem, and so on. It is present in various domains: economics, mathematics, languages, operations research and many others. This thesis is focused on the monotonicity property in knowledge discovery and more specifically in classification, attribute reduction, function decomposition, frequent patterns generation and missing values handling. Four specific problems are addressed within four different methodologies, namely, rough sets theory, monotone decision trees, function decomposition and frequent patterns generation. In the first three parts, the monotonicity is domain knowledge and a requirement for the outcome of the classification process. The three methodologies are extended for dealing with monotone data in order to be able to guarantee that the outcome will also satisfy the monotonicity requirement. In the last part, monotonicity is a property that helps reduce the computation of the process of frequent patterns generation. Here the focus is on two of the best algorithms and their comparison both theoretically and experimentally. About the Author: Viara Popova was born in Bourgas, Bulgaria in 1972. She followed her secondary education at Mathematics High School "Nikola Obreshkov" in Bourgas. In 1996 she finished her higher education at Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics where she graduated with major in Informatics and specialization in Information Technologies in Education. She then joined the Department of Information Technologies, First as an associated member and from 1997 as an assistant professor. In 1999 she became a PhD student at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Faculty of Economics, Department of Computer Science. In 2004 she joined the Artificial Intelligence Group within the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam as a PostDoc researcher.This thesis is positioned in the area of knowledge discovery with special attention to problems where the property of monotonicity plays an important role. Monotonicity is a ubiquitous property in all areas of life and has therefore been widely studied in mathematics. Monotonicity in knowledge discovery can be treated as available background information that can facilitate and guide the knowledge extraction process. While in some sub-areas methods have already been developed for taking this additional information into account, in most methodologies it has not been extensively studied or even has not been addressed at all. This thesis is a contribution to a change in that direction. In the thesis, four specific problems have been examined from different sub-areas of knowledge discovery: the rough sets methodology, monotone decision trees, function decomposition and frequent patterns discovery. In the first three parts, the monotonicity is domain knowledge and a requirement for the outcome of the classification process. The three methodologies are extended for dealing with monotone data in order to be able to guarantee that the outcome will also satisfy the monotonicity requirement. In the last part, monotonicity is a property that helps reduce the computation of the process of frequent patterns generation. Here the focus is on two of the best algorithms and their comparison both theoretically and experimentally

    Research on Innovation and Strategic Risk Management in Manufacturing Firms

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    Chinese manufacturing companies in Bangladesh are committed to achieving optimal investment policy for investors in different industries. The purpose of this research is the strategic risk assessment; where the research approach involves collecting qualitative data through questionnaire survey and compute variables with programmed Rough Set Theory. Researchers have identified a set of key internal and external strategic uncertainties and also accessed the most important attributes from strategic risks. Here, Sector regulation, changing the tax law and organizational governance as the most degree of risk factors in strategic risk analysis. Overall, the focus of our research is to identify strategic risk attributes and proposed a risk assessment framework by demonstrating empirical study analysis of specific industries in Bangladesh those are directly invested by Chinese investors

    Rough Set Based Rule Evaluations and Their Applications

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    Knowledge discovery is an important process in data analysis, data mining and machine learning. Typically knowledge is presented in the form of rules. However, knowledge discovery systems often generate a huge amount of rules. One of the challenges we face is how to automatically discover interesting and meaningful knowledge from such discovered rules. It is infeasible for human beings to select important and interesting rules manually. How to provide a measure to evaluate the qualities of rules in order to facilitate the understanding of data mining results becomes our focus. In this thesis, we present a series of rule evaluation techniques for the purpose of facilitating the knowledge understanding process. These evaluation techniques help not only to reduce the number of rules, but also to extract higher quality rules. Empirical studies on both artificial data sets and real world data sets demonstrate how such techniques can contribute to practical systems such as ones for medical diagnosis and web personalization. In the first part of this thesis, we discuss several rule evaluation techniques that are proposed towards rule postprocessing. We show how properly defined rule templates can be used as a rule evaluation approach. We propose two rough set based measures, a Rule Importance Measure, and a Rules-As-Attributes Measure, %a measure of considering rules as attributes, to rank the important and interesting rules. In the second part of this thesis, we show how data preprocessing can help with rule evaluation. Because well preprocessed data is essential for important rule generation, we propose a new approach for processing missing attribute values for enhancing the generated rules. In the third part of this thesis, a rough set based rule evaluation system is demonstrated to show the effectiveness of the measures proposed in this thesis. Furthermore, a new user-centric web personalization system is used as a case study to demonstrate how the proposed evaluation measures can be used in an actual application