10,667 research outputs found

    LocNet: Global localization in 3D point clouds for mobile vehicles

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    Global localization in 3D point clouds is a challenging problem of estimating the pose of vehicles without any prior knowledge. In this paper, a solution to this problem is presented by achieving place recognition and metric pose estimation in the global prior map. Specifically, we present a semi-handcrafted representation learning method for LiDAR point clouds using siamese LocNets, which states the place recognition problem to a similarity modeling problem. With the final learned representations by LocNet, a global localization framework with range-only observations is proposed. To demonstrate the performance and effectiveness of our global localization system, KITTI dataset is employed for comparison with other algorithms, and also on our long-time multi-session datasets for evaluation. The result shows that our system can achieve high accuracy.Comment: 6 pages, IV 2018 accepte

    Two different tools for three-dimensional mapping: DE-based scan matching and feature-based loop detection

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    An autonomous robot must obtain information about its surroundings to accomplish multiple tasks that are greatly improved when this information is efficiently incorporated into amap. Some examples are navigation, manipulation, localization, etc. This mapping problem has been an important research area in mobile robotics during last decades. It does not have a unique solution and can be divided into multiple sub-problems. Two different aspects of the mobile robot mapping problem are addressed in this work. First, we have developed a Differential Evolution-based scan matching algorithm that operates with high accuracy in three-dimensional environments. The map obtained by an autonomous robot must be consistent after registration. It is basic to detect when the robot is navigating around a previously visited place in order to minimize the accumulated error. This phase, which is called loop detection, is the second aspect studied here. We have developed an algorithm that extracts the most important features from two different three-dimensional laser scans in order to obtain a loop indicator that is used to detect when the robot is visiting a known place. This approach allows the introduction of very different characteristics in the descriptor. First, the surface features include the geometric forms of the scan (lines, planes, and spheres). Second, the numerical features are values that describe several numerical properties of the measurements: volume, average range, curvature, etc. Both algorithms have been tested with real data to demonstrate that these are efficient tools to be used in mapping tasks.Publicad

    Two different tools for three-dimensional mapping: DE-based scan matching and feature-based loop detection

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    An autonomous robot must obtain information about its surroundings to accomplish multiple tasks that are greatly improved when this information is efficiently incorporated into a map. Some examples are navigation, manipulation, localization, etc. This mapping problem has been an important research area in mobile robotics during last decades. It does not have a unique solution and can be divided into multiple sub-problems. Two different aspects of the mobile robot mapping problem are addressed in this work. First, we have developed a Differential Evolution-based scan matching algorithm that operates with high accuracy in three-dimensional environments. The map obtained by an autonomous robot must be consistent after registration. It is basic to detect when the robot is navigating around a previously visited place in order to minimize the accumulated error. This phase, which is called loop detection, is the second aspect studied here. We have developed an algorithm that extracts the most important features from two different three-dimensional laser scans in order to obtain a loop indicator that is used to detect when the robot is visiting a known place. This approach allows the introduction of very different characteristics in the descriptor. First, the surface features include the geometric forms of the scan (lines, planes, and spheres). Second, the numerical features are values that describe several numerical properties of the measurements: volume, average range, curvature, etc. Both algorithms have been tested with real data to demonstrate that these are efficient tools to be used in mapping task

    Fast Monte-Carlo Localization on Aerial Vehicles using Approximate Continuous Belief Representations

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    Size, weight, and power constrained platforms impose constraints on computational resources that introduce unique challenges in implementing localization algorithms. We present a framework to perform fast localization on such platforms enabled by the compressive capabilities of Gaussian Mixture Model representations of point cloud data. Given raw structural data from a depth sensor and pitch and roll estimates from an on-board attitude reference system, a multi-hypothesis particle filter localizes the vehicle by exploiting the likelihood of the data originating from the mixture model. We demonstrate analysis of this likelihood in the vicinity of the ground truth pose and detail its utilization in a particle filter-based vehicle localization strategy, and later present results of real-time implementations on a desktop system and an off-the-shelf embedded platform that outperform localization results from running a state-of-the-art algorithm on the same environment

    Semantic-assisted 3D Normal Distributions Transform for scan registration in environments with limited structure

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    Point cloud registration is a core problem of many robotic applications, including simultaneous localization and mapping. The Normal Distributions Transform (NDT) is a method that fits a number of Gaussian distributions to the data points, and then uses this transform as an approximation of the real data, registering a relatively small number of distributions as opposed to the full point cloud. This approach contributes to NDT’s registration robustness and speed but leaves room for improvement in environments of limited structure. To address this limitation we propose a method for the introduction of semantic information extracted from the point clouds into the registration process. The paper presents a large scale experimental evaluation of the algorithm against NDT on two publicly available benchmark data sets. For the purpose of this test a measure of smoothness is used for the semantic partitioning of the point clouds. The results indicate that the proposed method improves the accuracy, robustness and speed of NDT registration, especially in unstructured environments, making NDT suitable for a wider range of applications

    Influence of complex environments on LiDAR-Based robot navigation

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    La navigation sécuritaire et efficace des robots mobiles repose grandement sur l’utilisation des capteurs embarqués. L’un des capteurs qui est de plus en plus utilisé pour cette tâche est le Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR). Bien que les recherches récentes montrent une amélioration des performances de navigation basée sur les LiDARs, faire face à des environnements non structurés complexes ou des conditions météorologiques difficiles reste problématique. Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons une analyse de l’influence de telles conditions sur la navigation basée sur les LiDARs. Notre première contribution est d’évaluer comment les LiDARs sont affectés par les flocons de neige durant les tempêtes de neige. Pour ce faire, nous créons un nouvel ensemble de données en faisant l’acquisition de données durant six précipitations de neige. Une analyse statistique de ces ensembles de données, nous caractérisons la sensibilité de chaque capteur et montrons que les mesures de capteurs peuvent être modélisées de manière probabilistique. Nous montrons aussi que les précipitations de neige ont peu d’influence au-delà de 10 m. Notre seconde contribution est d’évaluer l’impact de structures tridimensionnelles complexes présentes en forêt sur les performances d’un algorithme de reconnaissance d’endroits. Nous avons acquis des données dans un environnement extérieur structuré et en forêt, ce qui permet d’évaluer l’influence de ces derniers sur les performances de reconnaissance d’endroits. Notre hypothèse est que, plus deux balayages laser sont proches l’un de l’autre, plus la croyance que ceux-ci proviennent du même endroit sera élevée, mais modulé par le niveau de complexité de l’environnement. Nos expériences confirment que la forêt, avec ses réseaux de branches compliqués et son feuillage, produit plus de données aberrantes et induit une chute plus rapide des performances de reconnaissance en fonction de la distance. Notre conclusion finale est que, les environnements complexes étudiés influencent négativement les performances de navigation basée sur les LiDARs, ce qui devrait être considéré pour développer des algorithmes de navigation robustes.To ensure safe and efficient navigation, mobile robots heavily rely on their ability to use on-board sensors. One such sensor, increasingly used for robot navigation, is the Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR). Although recent research showed improvement in LiDAR-based navigation, dealing with complex unstructured environments or difficult weather conditions remains problematic. In this thesis, we present an analysis of the influence of such challenging conditions on LiDAR-based navigation. Our first contribution is to evaluate how LiDARs are affected by snowflakes during snowstorms. To this end, we create a novel dataset by acquiring data during six snowfalls using four sensors simultaneously. Based on statistical analysis of this dataset, we characterized the sensitivity of each device and showed that sensor measurements can be modelled in a probabilistic manner. We also showed that falling snow has little impact beyond a range of 10 m. Our second contribution is to evaluate the impact of complex of three-dimensional structures, present in forests, on the performance of a LiDAR-based place recognition algorithm. We acquired data in structured outdoor environment and in forest, which allowed evaluating the impact of the environment on the place recognition performance. Our hypothesis was that the closer two scans are acquired from each other, the higher the belief that the scans originate from the same place will be, but modulated by the level of complexity of the environments. Our experiments confirmed that forests, with their intricate network of branches and foliage, produce more outliers and induce recognition performance to decrease more quickly with distance when compared with structured outdoor environment. Our conclusion is that falling snow conditions and forest environments negatively impact LiDAR-based navigation performance, which should be considered to develop robust navigation algorithms

    A Survey on Global LiDAR Localization

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    Knowledge about the own pose is key for all mobile robot applications. Thus pose estimation is part of the core functionalities of mobile robots. In the last two decades, LiDAR scanners have become a standard sensor for robot localization and mapping. This article surveys recent progress and advances in LiDAR-based global localization. We start with the problem formulation and explore the application scope. We then present the methodology review covering various global localization topics, such as maps, descriptor extraction, and consistency checks. The contents are organized under three themes. The first is the combination of global place retrieval and local pose estimation. Then the second theme is upgrading single-shot measurement to sequential ones for sequential global localization. The third theme is extending single-robot global localization to cross-robot localization on multi-robot systems. We end this survey with a discussion of open challenges and promising directions on global lidar localization

    6D SLAM with GPGPU computation

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    Abstract: The main goal was to improve a state of the art 6D SLAM algorithm with a new GPGPU-based implementation of data registration module. Data registration is based on ICP (Iterative Closest Point) algorithm that is fully implemented in the GPU with NVIDIA FERMI architecture. In our research we focus on mobile robot inspection intervention systems applicable in hazardous environments. The goal is to deliver a complete system capable of being used in real life. In this paper we demonstrate our achievements in the field of on line robot localization and mapping. We demonstrated an experiment in real large environment. We compared two strategies of data alignment -simple ICP and ICP using so called meta scan
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