642 research outputs found

    Aperiodic Weighted Automata and Weighted First-Order Logic

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    By fundamental results of Sch\"utzenberger, McNaughton and Papert from the 1970s, the classes of first-order definable and aperiodic languages coincide. Here, we extend this equivalence to a quantitative setting. For this, weighted automata form a general and widely studied model. We define a suitable notion of a weighted first-order logic. Then we show that this weighted first-order logic and aperiodic polynomially ambiguous weighted automata have the same expressive power. Moreover, we obtain such equivalence results for suitable weighted sublogics and finitely ambiguous or unambiguous aperiodic weighted automata. Our results hold for general weight structures, including all semirings, average computations of costs, bounded lattices, and others.Comment: An extended abstract of the paper appeared at MFCS'1

    Weighted automata and multi-valued logics over arbitrary bounded lattices

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    AbstractWe show that L-weighted automata, L-rational series, and L-valued monadic second order logic have the same expressive power, for any bounded lattice L and for finite and infinite words. We also prove that aperiodicity, star-freeness, and L-valued first-order and LTL-definability coincide. This extends classical results of Kleene, Büchi–Elgot–Trakhtenbrot, and others to arbitrary bounded lattices, without any distributivity assumption that is fundamental in the theory of weighted automata over semirings. In fact, we obtain these results for large classes of strong bimonoids which properly contain all bounded lattices

    Varieties of Cost Functions.

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    Regular cost functions were introduced as a quantitative generalisation of regular languages, retaining many of their equivalent characterisations and decidability properties. For instance, stabilisation monoids play the same role for cost functions as monoids do for regular languages. The purpose of this article is to further extend this algebraic approach by generalising two results on regular languages to cost functions: Eilenberg's varieties theorem and profinite equational characterisations of lattices of regular languages. This opens interesting new perspectives, but the specificities of cost functions introduce difficulties that prevent these generalisations to be straightforward. In contrast, although syntactic algebras can be defined for formal power series over a commutative ring, no such notion is known for series over semirings and in particular over the tropical semiring

    A Survey on the Local Divisor Technique

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    Local divisors allow a powerful induction scheme on the size of a monoid. We survey this technique by giving several examples of this proof method. These applications include linear temporal logic, rational expressions with Kleene stars restricted to prefix codes with bounded synchronization delay, Church-Rosser congruential languages, and Simon's Factorization Forest Theorem. We also introduce the notion of localizable language class as a new abstract concept which unifies some of the proofs for the results above

    A survey on the local divisor technique

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. Local divisors allow a powerful induction scheme on the size of a monoid. We survey this technique by giving several examples of this proof method. These applications include linear temporal logic, rational expressions with Kleene stars restricted to prefix codes with bounded synchronization delay, Church-Rosser congruential languages, and Simon's Factorization Forest Theorem. We also introduce the notion of a localizable language class as a new abstract concept which unifies some of the proofs for the results above

    Continuity of Functional Transducers: A Profinite Study of Rational Functions

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    A word-to-word function is continuous for a class of languages~V\mathcal{V} if its inverse maps V\mathcal{V}_languages to~V\mathcal{V}. This notion provides a basis for an algebraic study of transducers, and was integral to the characterization of the sequential transducers computable in some circuit complexity classes. Here, we report on the decidability of continuity for functional transducers and some standard classes of regular languages. To this end, we develop a robust theory rooted in the standard profinite analysis of regular languages. Since previous algebraic studies of transducers have focused on the sole structure of the underlying input automaton, we also compare the two algebraic approaches. We focus on two questions: When are the automaton structure and the continuity properties related, and when does continuity propagate to superclasses

    Varieties of Cost Functions

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    Regular cost functions were introduced as a quantitative generalisation of regular languages, retaining many of their equivalent characterisations and decidability properties. For instance, stabilisation monoids play the same role for cost functions as monoids do for regular languages. The purpose of this article is to further extend this algebraic approach by generalising two results on regular languages to cost functions: Eilenberg\u27s varieties theorem and profinite equational characterisations of lattices of regular languages. This opens interesting new perspectives, but the specificities of cost functions introduce difficulties that prevent these generalisations to be straightforward. In contrast, although syntactic algebras can be defined for formal power series over a commutative ring, no such notion is known for series over semirings and in particular over the tropical semiring

    Revisiting the growth of polyregular functions: output languages, weighted automata and unary inputs

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    Polyregular functions are the class of string-to-string functions definable by pebble transducers (an extension of finite automata) or equivalently by MSO interpretations (a logical formalism). Their output length is bounded by a polynomial in the input length: a function computed by a kk-pebble transducer or by a kk-dimensional MSO interpretation has growth rate O(nk)O(n^k). Boja\'nczyk has recently shown that the converse holds for MSO interpretations, but not for pebble transducers. We give significantly simplified proofs of those two results, extending the former to first-order interpretations by reduction to an elementary property of N\mathbb{N}-weighted automata. For any kk, we also prove the stronger statement that there is some quadratic polyregular function whose output language differs from that of any kk-fold composition of macro tree transducers (and which therefore cannot be computed by any kk-pebble transducer). In the special case of unary input alphabets, we show that kk pebbles suffice to compute polyregular functions of growth O(nk)O(n^k). This is obtained as a corollary of a basis of simple word sequences whose ultimately periodic combinations generate all polyregular functions with unary input. Finally, we study polyregular and polyblind functions between unary alphabets (i.e. integer sequences), as well as their first-order subclasses.Comment: 27 pages, not submitted ye
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