74 research outputs found

    Progressive refinement rendering of implicit surfaces

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    The visualisation of implicit surfaces can be an inefficient task when such surfaces are complex and highly detailed. Visualising a surface by first converting it to a polygon mesh may lead to an excessive polygon count. Visualising a surface by direct ray casting is often a slow procedure. In this paper we present a progressive refinement renderer for implicit surfaces that are Lipschitz continuous. The renderer first displays a low resolution estimate of what the final image is going to be and, as the computation progresses, increases the quality of this estimate at an interactive frame rate. This renderer provides a quick previewing facility that significantly reduces the design cycle of a new and complex implicit surface. The renderer is also capable of completing an image faster than a conventional implicit surface rendering algorithm based on ray casting

    A progressive refinement approach for the visualisation of implicit surfaces

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    Visualising implicit surfaces with the ray casting method is a slow procedure. The design cycle of a new implicit surface is, therefore, fraught with long latency times as a user must wait for the surface to be rendered before being able to decide what changes should be introduced in the next iteration. In this paper, we present an attempt at reducing the design cycle of an implicit surface modeler by introducing a progressive refinement rendering approach to the visualisation of implicit surfaces. This progressive refinement renderer provides a quick previewing facility. It first displays a low quality estimate of what the final rendering is going to be and, as the computation progresses, increases the quality of this estimate at a steady rate. The progressive refinement algorithm is based on the adaptive subdivision of the viewing frustrum into smaller cells. An estimate for the variation of the implicit function inside each cell is obtained with an affine arithmetic range estimation technique. Overall, we show that our progressive refinement approach not only provides the user with visual feedback as the rendering advances but is also capable of completing the image faster than a conventional implicit surface rendering algorithm based on ray casting

    Anti-aliasing with stratified B-spline filters of arbitrary degree

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    A simple and elegant method is presented to perform anti-aliasing in raytraced images. The method uses stratified sampling to reduce the occurrence of artefacts in an image and features a B-spline filter to compute the final luminous intensity at each pixel. The method is scalable through the specification of the filter degree. A B-spline filter of degree one amounts to a simple anti-aliasing scheme with box filtering. Increasing the degree of the B-spline generates progressively smoother filters. Computation of the filter values is done in a recursive way, as part of a sequence of Newton-Raphson iterations, to obtain the optimal sample positions in screen space. The proposed method can perform both anti-aliasing in space and in time, the latter being more commonly known as motion blur. We show an application of the method to the ray casting of implicit procedural surfaces

    A Beam Tracing with Precise Antialiasing for Polyhedral Scenes

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    International audienceRay tracing is one of the most important rendering techniques used in computer graphics. A fundamental problem of classical ray tracers is the well-known aliasing. With small objects, or small shadows, aliasing becomes a crucial problem to solve. Beam tracers can be considered as an extension of classical ray tracers. They replace the concept of infinitesimal ray by that of beam but they are generally more complex than ray tracers. The new method presented in this paper is a high quality beam tracer that provides a robust and general antialiasing for polyhedral scenes. Compared to similar beam tracers, this method has some major advantages: - complex and expensive computations of conventional beam-object intersection are entirely avoided, so an extension to some non polyhedral scenes such as CSG ones is possible; - usual approximations or complex approaches for refraction computations are avoided. Moreover, this method is entirely compatible with the usual improvements of classical ray tracing (spatial subdivisions or hierarchical bounding volumes)

    Spatial Decompositions for Geometric Interpolation and Efficient Rendering

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    Interpolation is fundamental in many applications that are based on multidimensional scalar or vector fields. In such applications, it is possible to sample points from the field, for example, through the numerical solution of some mathematical model. Because point sampling may be computationally intensive, it is desirable to store samples in a data structure and estimate the values of the field at intermediate points through interpolation. We present methods based on building dynamic spatial data structures in which the samples are computed on-demand, and adaptive strategies are used to avoid oversampling. We first show how to apply this approach to accelerate realistic rendering through ray-tracing. Ray-tracing can be formulated as a sampling and reconstruction problem, where rays in 3-space are modeled as points in a 4-dimensional parameter space. Sample rays are associated with various geometric attributes, which are then used in rendering. We collect and store a relatively sparse set of sampled rays, and use inexpensive interpolation methods to approximate the attribute values for other rays. We present two data structures: (1) the <i>ray interpolant tree (RI-tree)</i>, which is based on a kd-tree-like subdivision of space, and (2) the <i>simplex decomposition tree (SD-tree)</i>, which is based on a hierarchical regular simplicial mesh, and improves the functionality of the RI-tree by guaranteeing continuity. For compact storage as well as efficient neighbor computation in the mesh, we present a pointerless representation of the SD-tree. An essential element of this approach is the development of a location code that enables efficient access and navigation of the data structure. For this purpose we introduce a location code, called an LPTcode, that uniquely encodes the geometry of each simplex of the hierarchy. We present rules to compute the neighbors of a given simplex efficiently through the use of this code. We show how to traverse the associated tree and how to answer point location and interpolation queries. Our algorithms work in arbitrary dimensions. We also demonstrate the use of the SD-tree for rendering atmospheric effects. We present empirical evidence that our methods can produce renderings of good quality significantly faster than simple ray-tracing

    Image synthesis based on a model of human vision

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    Modern computer graphics systems are able to construct renderings of such high quality that viewers are deceived into regarding the images as coming from a photographic source. Large amounts of computing resources are expended in this rendering process, using complex mathematical models of lighting and shading. However, psychophysical experiments have revealed that viewers only regard certain informative regions within a presented image. Furthermore, it has been shown that these visually important regions contain low-level visual feature differences that attract the attention of the viewer. This thesis will present a new approach to image synthesis that exploits these experimental findings by modulating the spatial quality of image regions by their visual importance. Efficiency gains are therefore reaped, without sacrificing much of the perceived quality of the image. Two tasks must be undertaken to achieve this goal. Firstly, the design of an appropriate region-based model of visual importance, and secondly, the modification of progressive rendering techniques to effect an importance-based rendering approach. A rule-based fuzzy logic model is presented that computes, using spatial feature differences, the relative visual importance of regions in an image. This model improves upon previous work by incorporating threshold effects induced by global feature difference distributions and by using texture concentration measures. A modified approach to progressive ray-tracing is also presented. This new approach uses the visual importance model to guide the progressive refinement of an image. In addition, this concept of visual importance has been incorporated into supersampling, texture mapping and computer animation techniques. Experimental results are presented, illustrating the efficiency gains reaped from using this method of progressive rendering. This visual importance-based rendering approach is expected to have applications in the entertainment industry, where image fidelity may be sacrificed for efficiency purposes, as long as the overall visual impression of the scene is maintained. Different aspects of the approach should find many other applications in image compression, image retrieval, progressive data transmission and active robotic vision

    Visual Analysis of Popping in Progressive Visualization

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    Progressive visualization allows users to examine intermediate results while they are further refined in the background. This makes them increasingly popular when dealing with large data and computationally expensive tasks. The characteristics of how preliminary visualizations evolve over time are crucial for efficient analysis; in particular unexpected disruptive changes betweeniterations can significantly hamper the user experience. This paper proposes a visualization framework to analyze the refinement behavior of progressive visualization. We particularly focus on sudden significant changes between the iterations, which we denote as popping artifacts, in reference to undesirable visual effects in the context of level of detail representations in computergraphics. Our visualization approach conveys where in image space and when during the refinement popping artifacts occur. It allows to compare across different runs of stochastic processes, and supports parameter studies for gaining further insights and tuning the algorithms under consideration. We demonstrate the application of our framework and its effectiveness via twodiverse use cases with underlying stochastic processes: adaptive image space sampling, and the generation of grid layouts

    Parallel interactive ray tracing and exploiting spatial coherence

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de InformáticaRay tracing is a rendering technique that allows simulating a wide range of light transport phenomena, resulting on highly realistic computer generated imaging. Ray tracing is, however, computationally very demanding, compared to other techniques such as rasterization that achieves shorter rendering times by greatly simplifying the physics of light propagation, at the cost of less realistic images. The complexity of the ray tracing algorithm makes it unusable for interactive applications on machines without dedicated hardware, such as GPUs. The extreme task independent nature of the algorithm offers great potential for parallel processing, increasing the available computational power by using additional resources. This thesis studies different approaches and enhancements on the decomposition of workload and load balancing in a distributed shared memory cluster in order to achieve interactive frame rates. This thesis also studies approaches to enhance the ray tracing algorithm, by reducing the computational demand without decreasing the quality of the results. To achieve this goal, optimizations that depend on the rays’ processing order were implemented. An alternative to the traditional image plan traversal order, scan line, is studied, using space-filling curves. Results have shown linear speed-ups of the used ray tracer in a distributed shared memory cluster. They have also shown that spatial coherence can be used to increase the performance of the ray tracing algorithm and that the improvement depends of the traversal order of the image plane.O ray tracing é uma técnica de síntese de imagens que permite simular um vasto conjunto de fenómenos da luz, resultando em imagens geradas por computador altamente realistas. O ray tracing é, no entanto, computacionalmente muito exigente quando comparado com outras técnicas tais como a rasterização, a qual consegue tempos de síntese mais baixos mas com imagens menos realistas. A complexidade do algoritmo de ray tracing torna o seu uso impossível para aplicações interativas em máquinas que não disponham de hardware dedicado a esse tipo de processamento, como os GPUs. No entanto, a natureza extremamente paralela do algoritmo oferece um grande potencial para o processamento paralelo. Nesta tese são analisadas diferentes abordagens e optimizações da decomposição das tarefas e balanceamento da carga num cluster de memória distribuída, por forma a alcançar frame rates interativas. Esta tese também estuda abordagens que melhoram o algoritmo de ray tracing, ao reduzir o esforço computacional sem perder qualidade nos resultados. Para esse efeito, foram implementadas optimizações que dependem da ordem pela qual os raios são processados. Foi estudada, nomeadamente, uma travessia do plano da imagem alternativa à tradicional, scan line, usando curvas de preenchimento espacial. Os resultados obtidos mostraram aumento de desempenho linear do ray tracer utilizado num cluster de memória distribuída. Demonstraram também que a coerência espacial pode ser usada para melhorar o desempenho do algoritmo de ray tracing e que estas melhorias dependem do algoritmo de travessia utilizado
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