111 research outputs found

    Optimization of intersatellite routing for real-time data download

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    The objective of this study is to develop a strategy to maximise the available bandwidth to Earth of a satellite constellation through inter-satellite links. Optimal signal routing is achieved by mimicking the way in which ant colonies locate food sources, where the 'ants' are explorative data packets aiming to find a near-optimal route to Earth. Demonstrating the method on a case-study of a space weather monitoring constellation; we show the real-time downloadable rate to Earth

    An Approach for Optimizing the On-Orbit Servicing Architecture for the Space-Based Radar Constellation

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    Satellite systems, once operational, are essentially a consumable item with no capacity to maintain, repair, or upgrade them while on-orbit. In order to avoid having to replace costly space assets, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) are looking to developing programs to provide an on-orbit servicing capability for future satellite systems under development, such as the Space-Based Radar (SBR) system. DARPA and AFSPC are studying on-orbit servicing using the Orbital Express platform as part of an Analysis of Alternatives for the SBR program. Like their satellite clients, on-orbit servicing assets are expected to be resource intensive, and so proper management of these space logistics assets is essential. This research provides a flexible planning tool to determine the optimal on-orbit servicing architecture for a given client satellite constellation and applies it to the proposed SBR constellation. The model uses a generalized network structure with side constraints to efficiently solve this large combinatorial optimization problem. The optimal number and type of servicing vehicles to use is found, along with the associated most efficient routing to meet client satellite demand for two commodities within multiple time windows

    Optimal leach protocol with improved bat algorithm in wireless sensor networks

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    © 2019, Korean Society for Internet Information. All rights reserved. A low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) protocol is a low-power adaptive cluster routing protocol which was proposed by MIT’s Chandrakasan for sensor networks. In the LEACH protocol, the selection mode of cluster-head nodes is a random selection of cycles, which may result in uneven distribution of nodal energy and reduce the lifetime of the entire network. Hence, we propose a new selection method to enhance the lifetime of network, in this selection function, the energy consumed between nodes in the clusters and the power consumed by the transfer between the cluster head and the base station are considered at the same time. Meanwhile, the improved FTBA algorithm integrating the curve strategy is proposed to enhance local and global search capabilities. Then we combine the improved BA with LEACH, and use the intelligent algorithm to select the cluster head. Experiment results show that the improved BA has stronger optimization ability than other optimization algorithms, which the method we proposed (FTBA-TC-LEACH) is superior than the LEACH and LEACH with standard BA (SBA-LEACH). The FTBA-TC-LEACH can obviously reduce network energy consumption and enhance the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs)

    In pursuit of autonomous distributed satellite systems

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    Satellite imagery has become an essential resource for environmental, humanitarian, and industrial endeavours. As a means to satisfy the requirements of new applications and user needs, novel Earth Observation (EO) systems are exploring the suitability of Distributed Satellite Systems (DSS) in which multiple observation assets concurrently sense the Earth. Given the temporal and spatial resolution requirements of EO products, DSS are often envisioned as large-scale systems with multiple sensing capabilities operating in a networked manner. Enabled by the consolidation of small satellite platforms and fostered by the emerging capabilities of distributed systems, these new architectures pose multiple design and operational challenges. Two of them are the main pillars of this research, namely, the conception of decision-support tools to assist the architecting process of a DSS, and the design of autonomous operational frameworks based on decentralised, on-board decision-making. The first part of this dissertation addresses the architecting of heterogeneous, networked DSS architectures that hybridise small satellite platforms with traditional EO assets. We present a generic design-oriented optimisation framework based on tradespace exploration methodologies. The goals of this framework are twofold: to select the most optimal constellation design; and to facilitate the identification of design trends, unfeasible regions, and tensions among architectural attributes. Oftentimes in EO DSS, system requirements and stakeholder preferences are not only articulated through functional attributes (i.e. resolution, revisit time, etc.) or monetary constraints, but also through qualitative traits such as flexibility, evolvability, robustness, or resiliency, amongst others. In line with that, the architecting framework defines a single figure of merit that aggregates quantitative attributes and qualitative ones-the so-called ilities of a system. With that, designers can steer the design of DSS both in terms of performance or cost, and in terms of their high-level characteristics. The application of this optimisation framework has been illustrated in two timely use-cases identified in the context of the EU-funded ONION project: a system that measures ocean and ice parameters in Polar regions to facilitate weather forecast and off-shore operations; and a system that provides agricultural variables crucial for global management of water stress, crop state, and draughts. The analysis of architectural features facilitated a comprehensive understanding of the functional and operational characteristics of DSS. With that, this thesis continues to delve into the design of DSS by focusing on one particular functional trait: autonomy. The minimisation of human-operator intervention has been traditionally sought in other space systems and can be especially critical for large-scale, structurally dynamic, heterogeneous DSS. In DSS, autonomy is expected to cope with the likely inability to operate very large-scale systems in a centralised manner, to improve the science return, and to leverage many of their emerging capabilities (e.g. tolerance to failures, adaptability to changing structures and user needs, responsiveness). We propose an autonomous operational framework that provides decentralised decision-making capabilities to DSS by means of local reasoning and individual resource allocation, and satellite-to-satellite interactions. In contrast to previous works, the autonomous decision-making framework is evaluated in this dissertation for generic constellation designs the goal of which is to minimise global revisit times. As part of the characterisation of our solution, we stressed the implications that autonomous operations can have upon satellite platforms with stringent resource constraints (e.g. power, memory, communications capabilities) and evaluated the behaviour of the solution for a large-scale DSS composed of 117 CubeSat-like satellite units.La imatgeria per satèl·lit ha esdevingut un recurs essencial per assolir tasques ambientals, humanitàries o industrials. Per tal de satisfer els requeriments de les noves aplicacions i usuaris, els sistemes d’observació de la Terra (OT) estan explorant la idoneïtat dels Sistemes de Satèl·lit Distribuïts (SSD), on múltiples observatoris espacials mesuren el planeta simultàniament. Degut al les resolucions temporals i espacials requerides, els SSD sovint es conceben com sistemes de gran escala que operen en xarxa. Aquestes noves arquitectures promouen les capacitats emergents dels sistemes distribuïts i, tot i que són possibles gràcies a l’acceptació de les plataformes de satèl·lits petits, encara presenten molts reptes en quant al disseny i operacions. Dos d’ells són els pilars principals d’aquesta tesi, en concret, la concepció d’eines de suport a la presa de decisions pel disseny de SSD, i la definició d’operacions autònomes basades en gestió descentralitzada a bord dels satèl·lits. La primera part d’aquesta dissertació es centra en el disseny arquitectural de SSD heterogenis i en xarxa, imbricant tecnologies de petits satèl·lits amb actius tradicionals. Es presenta un entorn d’optimització orientat al disseny basat en metodologies d’exploració i comparació de solucions. Els objectius d’aquest entorn són: la selecció el disseny de constel·lació més òptim; i facilitar la identificació de tendències de disseny, regions d’incompatibilitat, i tensions entre atributs arquitecturals. Sovint en els SSD d’OT, els requeriments del sistema i l’expressió de prioritats no només s’articulen en quant als atributs funcionals o les restriccions monetàries, sinó també a través de les característiques qualitatives com la flexibilitat, l’evolucionabilitat, la robustesa, o la resiliència, entre d’altres. En línia amb això, l’entorn d’optimització defineix una única figura de mèrit que agrega rendiment, cost i atributs qualitatius. Així l’equip de disseny pot influir en les solucions del procés d’optimització tant en els aspectes quantitatius, com en les característiques dalt nivell. L’aplicació d’aquest entorn d’optimització s’il·lustra en dos casos d’ús actuals identificats en context del projecte europeu ONION: un sistema que mesura paràmetres de l’oceà i gel als pols per millorar la predicció meteorològica i les operacions marines; i un sistema que obté mesures agronòmiques vitals per la gestió global de l’aigua, l’estimació d’estat dels cultius, i la gestió de sequeres. L’anàlisi de propietats arquitecturals ha permès copsar de manera exhaustiva les característiques funcionals i operacionals d’aquests sistemes. Amb això, la tesi ha seguit aprofundint en el disseny de SSD centrant-se, particularment, en un tret funcional: l’autonomia. Minimitzar la intervenció de l’operador humà és comú en altres sistemes espacials i podria ser especialment crític pels SSD de gran escala, d’estructura dinàmica i heterogenis. En els SSD s’espera que l’autonomia solucioni la possible incapacitat d’operar sistemes de gran escala de forma centralitzada, que millori el retorn científic i que n’apuntali les seves propietats emergents (e.g. tolerància a errors, adaptabilitat a canvis estructural i de necessitats d’usuari, capacitat de resposta). Es proposa un sistema d’operacions autònomes que atorga la capacitat de gestionar els sistemes de forma descentralitzada, a través del raonament local, l’assignació individual de recursos, i les interaccions satèl·lit-a-satèl·lit. Al contrari que treballs anteriors, la presa de decisions autònoma s’avalua per constel·lacions que tenen com a objectius de missió la minimització del temps de revisita global

    A comparative analysis of algorithms for satellite operations scheduling

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    Scheduling is employed in everyday life, ranging from meetings to manufacturing and operations among other activities. One instance of scheduling in a complex real-life setting is space mission operations scheduling, i.e. instructing a satellite to perform fitting tasks during predefined time periods with a varied frequency to achieve its mission goals. Mission operations scheduling is pivotal to the success of any space mission, choreographing every task carefully, accounting for technological and environmental limitations and constraints along with mission goals.;It remains standard practice to this day, to generate operations schedules manually ,i.e. to collect requirements from individual stakeholders, collate them into a timeline, compare against feasibility and available satellite resources, and find potential conflicts. Conflict resolution is done by hand, checked by a simulator and uplinked to the satellite weekly. This process is time consuming, bears risks and can be considered sub-optimal.;A pertinent question arises: can we automate the process of satellite mission operations scheduling? And if we can, what method should be used to generate the schedules? In an attempt to address this question, a comparison of algorithms was deemed suitable in order to explore their suitability for this particular application.;The problem of mission operations scheduling was initially studied through literature and numerous interviews with experts. A framework was developed to approximate a generic Low Earth Orbit satellite, its environment and its mission requirements. Optimisation algorithms were chosen from different categories such as single-point stochastic without memory (Simulated Annealing, Random Search), multi-point stochastic with memory (Genetic Algorithm, Ant Colony System, Differential Evolution) and were run both with and without Local Search.;The aforementioned algorithmic set was initially tuned using a single 89-minute Low Earth Orbit of a scientific mission to Mars. It was then applied to scheduling operations during one high altitude Low Earth Orbit (2.4hrs) of an experimental mission.;It was then applied to a realistic test-case inspired by the European Space Agency PROBA-2 mission, comprising a 1 day schedule and subsequently a 7 day schedule - equal to a Short Term Plan as defined by the European Space Agency.;The schedule fitness - corresponding to the Hamming distance between mission requirements and generated schedule - are presented along with the execution time of each run. Algorithmic performance is discussed and put at the disposal of mission operations experts for consideration.Scheduling is employed in everyday life, ranging from meetings to manufacturing and operations among other activities. One instance of scheduling in a complex real-life setting is space mission operations scheduling, i.e. instructing a satellite to perform fitting tasks during predefined time periods with a varied frequency to achieve its mission goals. Mission operations scheduling is pivotal to the success of any space mission, choreographing every task carefully, accounting for technological and environmental limitations and constraints along with mission goals.;It remains standard practice to this day, to generate operations schedules manually ,i.e. to collect requirements from individual stakeholders, collate them into a timeline, compare against feasibility and available satellite resources, and find potential conflicts. Conflict resolution is done by hand, checked by a simulator and uplinked to the satellite weekly. This process is time consuming, bears risks and can be considered sub-optimal.;A pertinent question arises: can we automate the process of satellite mission operations scheduling? And if we can, what method should be used to generate the schedules? In an attempt to address this question, a comparison of algorithms was deemed suitable in order to explore their suitability for this particular application.;The problem of mission operations scheduling was initially studied through literature and numerous interviews with experts. A framework was developed to approximate a generic Low Earth Orbit satellite, its environment and its mission requirements. Optimisation algorithms were chosen from different categories such as single-point stochastic without memory (Simulated Annealing, Random Search), multi-point stochastic with memory (Genetic Algorithm, Ant Colony System, Differential Evolution) and were run both with and without Local Search.;The aforementioned algorithmic set was initially tuned using a single 89-minute Low Earth Orbit of a scientific mission to Mars. It was then applied to scheduling operations during one high altitude Low Earth Orbit (2.4hrs) of an experimental mission.;It was then applied to a realistic test-case inspired by the European Space Agency PROBA-2 mission, comprising a 1 day schedule and subsequently a 7 day schedule - equal to a Short Term Plan as defined by the European Space Agency.;The schedule fitness - corresponding to the Hamming distance between mission requirements and generated schedule - are presented along with the execution time of each run. Algorithmic performance is discussed and put at the disposal of mission operations experts for consideration

    In pursuit of autonomous distributed satellite systems

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    A la pàgina 265 diu: "In an effort to facilitate the reproduction of results, both the source code of the simulation environment and the configuration files that were prepared for the design characterisation are available in an open repository: https://github.com/carlesaraguz/aeossSatellite imagery has become an essential resource for environmental, humanitarian, and industrial endeavours. As a means to satisfy the requirements of new applications and user needs, novel Earth Observation (EO) systems are exploring the suitability of Distributed Satellite Systems (DSS) in which multiple observation assets concurrently sense the Earth. Given the temporal and spatial resolution requirements of EO products, DSS are often envisioned as large-scale systems with multiple sensing capabilities operating in a networked manner. Enabled by the consolidation of small satellite platforms and fostered by the emerging capabilities of distributed systems, these new architectures pose multiple design and operational challenges. Two of them are the main pillars of this research, namely, the conception of decision-support tools to assist the architecting process of a DSS, and the design of autonomous operational frameworks based on decentralised, on-board decision-making. The first part of this dissertation addresses the architecting of heterogeneous, networked DSS architectures that hybridise small satellite platforms with traditional EO assets. We present a generic design-oriented optimisation framework based on tradespace exploration methodologies. The goals of this framework are twofold: to select the most optimal constellation design; and to facilitate the identification of design trends, unfeasible regions, and tensions among architectural attributes. Oftentimes in EO DSS, system requirements and stakeholder preferences are not only articulated through functional attributes (i.e. resolution, revisit time, etc.) or monetary constraints, but also through qualitative traits such as flexibility, evolvability, robustness, or resiliency, amongst others. In line with that, the architecting framework defines a single figure of merit that aggregates quantitative attributes and qualitative ones-the so-called ilities of a system. With that, designers can steer the design of DSS both in terms of performance or cost, and in terms of their high-level characteristics. The application of this optimisation framework has been illustrated in two timely use-cases identified in the context of the EU-funded ONION project: a system that measures ocean and ice parameters in Polar regions to facilitate weather forecast and off-shore operations; and a system that provides agricultural variables crucial for global management of water stress, crop state, and draughts. The analysis of architectural features facilitated a comprehensive understanding of the functional and operational characteristics of DSS. With that, this thesis continues to delve into the design of DSS by focusing on one particular functional trait: autonomy. The minimisation of human-operator intervention has been traditionally sought in other space systems and can be especially critical for large-scale, structurally dynamic, heterogeneous DSS. In DSS, autonomy is expected to cope with the likely inability to operate very large-scale systems in a centralised manner, to improve the science return, and to leverage many of their emerging capabilities (e.g. tolerance to failures, adaptability to changing structures and user needs, responsiveness). We propose an autonomous operational framework that provides decentralised decision-making capabilities to DSS by means of local reasoning and individual resource allocation, and satellite-to-satellite interactions. In contrast to previous works, the autonomous decision-making framework is evaluated in this dissertation for generic constellation designs the goal of which is to minimise global revisit times. As part of the characterisation of our solution, we stressed the implications that autonomous operations can have upon satellite platforms with stringent resource constraints (e.g. power, memory, communications capabilities) and evaluated the behaviour of the solution for a large-scale DSS composed of 117 CubeSat-like satellite units.La imatgeria per satèl·lit ha esdevingut un recurs essencial per assolir tasques ambientals, humanitàries o industrials. Per tal de satisfer els requeriments de les noves aplicacions i usuaris, els sistemes d’observació de la Terra (OT) estan explorant la idoneïtat dels Sistemes de Satèl·lit Distribuïts (SSD), on múltiples observatoris espacials mesuren el planeta simultàniament. Degut al les resolucions temporals i espacials requerides, els SSD sovint es conceben com sistemes de gran escala que operen en xarxa. Aquestes noves arquitectures promouen les capacitats emergents dels sistemes distribuïts i, tot i que són possibles gràcies a l’acceptació de les plataformes de satèl·lits petits, encara presenten molts reptes en quant al disseny i operacions. Dos d’ells són els pilars principals d’aquesta tesi, en concret, la concepció d’eines de suport a la presa de decisions pel disseny de SSD, i la definició d’operacions autònomes basades en gestió descentralitzada a bord dels satèl·lits. La primera part d’aquesta dissertació es centra en el disseny arquitectural de SSD heterogenis i en xarxa, imbricant tecnologies de petits satèl·lits amb actius tradicionals. Es presenta un entorn d’optimització orientat al disseny basat en metodologies d’exploració i comparació de solucions. Els objectius d’aquest entorn són: la selecció el disseny de constel·lació més òptim; i facilitar la identificació de tendències de disseny, regions d’incompatibilitat, i tensions entre atributs arquitecturals. Sovint en els SSD d’OT, els requeriments del sistema i l’expressió de prioritats no només s’articulen en quant als atributs funcionals o les restriccions monetàries, sinó també a través de les característiques qualitatives com la flexibilitat, l’evolucionabilitat, la robustesa, o la resiliència, entre d’altres. En línia amb això, l’entorn d’optimització defineix una única figura de mèrit que agrega rendiment, cost i atributs qualitatius. Així l’equip de disseny pot influir en les solucions del procés d’optimització tant en els aspectes quantitatius, com en les característiques dalt nivell. L’aplicació d’aquest entorn d’optimització s’il·lustra en dos casos d’ús actuals identificats en context del projecte europeu ONION: un sistema que mesura paràmetres de l’oceà i gel als pols per millorar la predicció meteorològica i les operacions marines; i un sistema que obté mesures agronòmiques vitals per la gestió global de l’aigua, l’estimació d’estat dels cultius, i la gestió de sequeres. L’anàlisi de propietats arquitecturals ha permès copsar de manera exhaustiva les característiques funcionals i operacionals d’aquests sistemes. Amb això, la tesi ha seguit aprofundint en el disseny de SSD centrant-se, particularment, en un tret funcional: l’autonomia. Minimitzar la intervenció de l’operador humà és comú en altres sistemes espacials i podria ser especialment crític pels SSD de gran escala, d’estructura dinàmica i heterogenis. En els SSD s’espera que l’autonomia solucioni la possible incapacitat d’operar sistemes de gran escala de forma centralitzada, que millori el retorn científic i que n’apuntali les seves propietats emergents (e.g. tolerància a errors, adaptabilitat a canvis estructural i de necessitats d’usuari, capacitat de resposta). Es proposa un sistema d’operacions autònomes que atorga la capacitat de gestionar els sistemes de forma descentralitzada, a través del raonament local, l’assignació individual de recursos, i les interaccions satèl·lit-a-satèl·lit. Al contrari que treballs anteriors, la presa de decisions autònoma s’avalua per constel·lacions que tenen com a objectius de missió la minimització del temps de revisita global.Postprint (published version

    Telecommunications Networks

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    This book guides readers through the basics of rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations of Telecommunications Networks. It identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Telecommunications and it contains chapters written by leading researchers, academics and industry professionals. Telecommunications Networks - Current Status and Future Trends covers surveys of recent publications that investigate key areas of interest such as: IMS, eTOM, 3G/4G, optimization problems, modeling, simulation, quality of service, etc. This book, that is suitable for both PhD and master students, is organized into six sections: New Generation Networks, Quality of Services, Sensor Networks, Telecommunications, Traffic Engineering and Routing

    Manoeuvre Planning Architecture for the Optimisation of Spacecraft Formation Flying Reconfiguration Manoeuvres

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    Formation flying of multiple spacecraft collaborating toward the same goal is fast becoming a reality for space mission designers. Often the missions require the spacecraft to perform translational manoeuvres relative to each other to achieve some mission objective. These manoeuvres need to be planned to ensure the safety of the spacecraft in the formation and to optimise fuel management throughout the fleet. In addition to these requirements is it desirable for this manoeuvre planning to occur autonomously within the fleet to reduce operations cost and provide greater planning flexibility for the mission. One such mission that would benefit from this type of manoeuvre planning is the European Space Agency’s DARWIN mission, designed to search for extra-solar Earth-like planets using separated spacecraft interferometry. This thesis presents a Manoeuvre Planning Architecture for the DARWIN mission. The design of the Architecture involves identifying and conceptualising all factors affecting the execution of formation flying manoeuvres at the Sun/Earth libration point L2. A systematic trade-off analysis of these factors is performed and results in a modularised Manoeuvre Planning Architecture for the optimisation of formation flying reconfiguration manoeuvres. The Architecture provides a means for DARWIN to autonomously plan manoeuvres during the reconfiguration mode of the mission. The Architecture consists of a Science Operations Module, a Position Assignment Module, a Trajectory Design Module and a Station-keeping Module that represents a multiple multi-variable optimisation approach to the formation flying manoeuvre planning problem. The manoeuvres are planned to incorporate target selection for maximum science returns, collision avoidance, thruster plume avoidance, manoeuvre duration minimisation and manoeuvre fuel management (including fuel consumption minimisation and formation fuel balancing). With many customisable variables the Architecture can be tuned to give the best performance throughout the mission duration. The implementation of the Architecture highlights the importance of planning formation flying reconfiguration manoeuvres. When compared with a benchmark manoeuvre planning strategy the Architecture demonstrates a performance increase of 27% for manoeuvre scheduling and fuel savings of 40% over a fifty target observation tour. The Architecture designed in this thesis contributes to the field of spacecraft formation flying analysis on various levels. First, the manoeuvre planning is designed at the mission level with considerations for mission operations and station-keeping included in the design. Secondly, the requirements analysis and implementation of Science Operation Module represent a unique insight into the complexity of observation scheduling for exo-planet analysis missions and presents a robust method for autonomously optimising that scheduling. Thirdly, in-depth analyses are performed on DARWIN-based modifications of existing manoeuvre optimisation strategies identifying their strengths and weaknesses and ways to improve them. Finally, though not implemented in this thesis, the design of a Station-keeping Module is provided to add station-keeping optimisation functionality to the Architecture

    Towards 6G Through SDN and NFV-Based Solutions for Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks

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    As societal needs continue to evolve, there has been a marked rise in a wide variety of emerging use cases that cannot be served adequately by existing networks. For example, increasing industrial automation has not only resulted in a massive rise in the number of connected devices, but has also brought forth the need for remote monitoring and reconnaissance at scale, often in remote locations characterized by a lack of connectivity options. Going beyond 5G, which has largely focused on enhancing the quality-of-experience for end devices, the next generation of wireless communications is expected to be centered around the idea of "wireless ubiquity". The concept of wireless ubiquity mandates that the quality of connectivity is not only determined by classical metrics such as throughput, reliability, and latency, but also by the level of coverage offered by the network. In other words, the upcoming sixth generation of wireless communications should be characterized by networks that exhibit high throughput and reliability with low latency, while also providing robust connectivity to a multitude of devices spread across the surface of the Earth, without any geographical constraints. The objective of this PhD thesis is to design novel architectural solutions for the upcoming sixth generation of cellular and space communications systems with a view to enabling wireless ubiquity with software-defined networking and network function virtualization at its core. Towards this goal, this thesis introduces a novel end-to-end system architecture for cellular communications characterized by innovations such as the AirHYPE wireless hypervisor. Furthermore, within the cellular systems domain, solutions for radio access network design with software-defined mobility management, and containerized core network design optimization have also been presented. On the other hand, within the space systems domain, this thesis introduces the concept of the Internet of Space Things (IoST). IoST is a novel cyber-physical system centered on nanosatellites and is capable of delivering ubiquitous connectivity for a wide variety of use cases, ranging from monitoring and reconnaissance to in-space backhauling. In this direction, contributions relating to constellation design, routing, and automatic network slicing form a key aspect of this thesis.Ph.D
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