11 research outputs found

    Improving the sparks assisted chemical engraving (SACE) for industrial application

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    Parameters influencing the discharge phenomenon and the etch capability of Sparks-Assisted Chemical Engraving (SACE) have been investigated in last decade for a potential industrial application of this technology. Recently, Posalux SA, a company who evolves in the high-tech machine tool field, began the development of a commercial machine which uses the SACE process to etch glass. Since, the first commercialization of SACE, future customers’ needs have to be taken in account: the initial cost of the machine, the process cost, the machining speed, the reproducibility, the quality of the machining. The cost of the machine is determined by the company who work with customers to find a good compromise between the cost and the performances. This thesis focus on the three other characteristics (the process cost, the machining speed and the quality of the machining). Those characteristics can be improved by tuning the parameters used during the machining such as: propriety of the electrical signal, tool geometry, electrolyte type, electrolyte flow, machining strategy, etc. The optimization of those parameters has the benefit of not changing the mechanical structure of the commercial machine (not invasive). A special attention has been devoted to the use of a square electrical signal with an offset. Those variables have been empirically optimized to increase the machining quality and the machining speed. Based on those results, an explanation model was developed to describe the process. This explanation is based on direct observation, optical emission spectroscopy and thermodynamic consideration

    Micro implantable pressure sensors for lifetime monitoring of intracranial pressure : this dissertation is submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University

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    Permission for the re-use of Figures was obtained from Oxford University Press and BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.The elevation of intracranial pressure (ICP) associated with traumatic brain injury (TBI), hydrocephalus and other neurological conditions is a serious concern. If left untreated, increased pressure in the brain will reduce cerebral blood flow (CBF) and can lead to brain damage or early death. Currently, ICP is monitored through invasive catheters inserted into the brain along with a shunt. However, insertion of catheters or shunts is an invasive procedure that introduces vulnerability to infection. In principle, the risk of infection would be overcome by a fully implantable pressure monitoring system. This would be particularly valuable for hydrocephalus patients if lifetime monitoring was available. An implantable pressure monitoring system relies on a thin flexible membrane as part of the pressure sensor. The thin film membrane displaces under load and correspondingly induces a change in a relevant electrical quantity (resistance, or capacitance). Micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) is the technology that helps in creating micro/nano-mechanical structures integrated with signal conditioning electronics. These micro structures can be inserted into the brain, where the thin film is exposed to a corrosive fluid (saline/blood) at a temperature of approximately 37 ◦C. The miniaturization in MEMS permits examination, sensing and monitoring from inside the patient for longer durations. However, the accuracy, particularly in terms of sensor drift over long durations, is a key concern. In general, the issue of drift is attributed to the aging and mechanical fatigue of thin film structures, particularly the thin flexible membrane. Therefore, it is essential to analyze the thin film deflection and fatigue behaviour of MEMS pressure sensors for achieving long-term reliability and accuracy. Thus, the high-level goal of this research is to identify a viable approach to producing a flexible membrane suitable for deployment as a lifetime implantable pressure measuring system. In this context, finite-element modelling (FEM) and finite-element analysis (FEA) of thin film deflection and fatigue behaviour have been conducted. The FEM was implemented in COMSOL Multiphysics with geometries resembling a capacitive type pressure sensor with titanium (Ti) thin film membrane deposited onto the silicon substrate. The mechanical behavior of thin film structures including stresses, strains, elastic strain energy density, and thin film displacements of several thicknesses (50 μm, 25 μm, 4 μm, 1 μm, 500 nm, 200 nm) have been studied. In addition, fatigue physics module has been added to the FEM to analyze the fatigue life of thin film structures. The FEA results in the form of fatigue usage factors have been plotted. Finally, to analyze the effect of fluid pressure transmission of the thin film membrane inside the closed skull, fluid-structure interaction has been modelled. The model represents a 2D fluid medium with the thin film membrane. The velocity magnitude, displacement, shear rate (1/s) and kinetic energy density (J/m3) of 4 μm and 25 μm thick Ti films has been plotted. From this analysis, 4 μm thin film membrane showed good tradeoff for thickness, pressure transmission, and mechanical behaviour. To validate the FEM, a custom designed acoustic-based thin film deflection and fatigue life experiments have been set up. The experimental design comprised of: (1) A voice coil-based multimedia speaker and subwoofer system to assist in displacing the thin film membranes, (2) A laser displacement sensor to capture the displacements, (3) A spectrum analyzer palette for generating random vibrations, (4) Dataloggers to record the input vibrations and thin film displacements, and (5) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to visualize the surface topography of thin film structures. Thin film titanium (Ti) foils of 4 μm and 25 μm thick were obtained from William Gregor Ltd, Ti-shop, London. The thin-film specimens were clamped to 3mm acrylic substrates and bonded to the subwoofer system. The Gaussian random vibrations generated from the spectrum analyzer loaded the voice coil of the multi-media speaker system, which assists in displacing the thin films. The SEM surface observations are divided into two regions: (1) Pre-cycle observation, where the thin film surfaces are observed before the application of any load, and (2) Post-cycle observation, where the thin films surfaces are observed after application of cyclic loadings. Based on the understanding of the FEM and experimental studies, a conceptual framework of MEMS pressure sensor has been developed. In this part of the work, initially, underlying concepts of complementary-metal-oxide silicon (CMOS) circuit simulation, MEMS modelling, and CMOS layout design have been discussed. Next the MEMS fabrication process involving deposition (sputtering), etching, and final packaging have been discussed. Finally, an optimized design process of the membrane-based sealed cavity MEMS pressure sensors has been outlined

    Ternary and quaternary aluminum oxynitrides - TeQuAION

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    Aluminum (silicon) oxynitride, Al-(Si-)O-N, is a material that can be fabricated as transparent, hard coatings applicable to protect objects against wear, impact and corrosion. In the project presented here, thin films of Al-(Si-)O-N were deposited by reactive unbalanced closed field direct current magnetron sputtering (R-UCFDC-MS) and investigated for their chemical, microstructural and mechanical properties. The R-UCFDC-MS process applied for the deposition of Al-(Si-)O-N is a Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) process that was conducted with elemental Al and Si targets and the reactive gases O2 and N2. Working with O2 is not trivial due to the high reactivity of this gas. To maintain process control, the sputter setup used was therefore modified. Two separate gas inlets were installed for the two reactive gases, such that N2 was introduced directly at the targets and O2 remote from the latter at the substrate. This promoted nitration and avoided oxidation of the targets and allowed the stable and reproducible deposition of transparent Al-(Si-)O-N films with adjustable compositions. The O content in the films was varied through the O2 flow fed into the process and the Si content was varied through the power applied to the Si target. A number of analytical techniques were applied to assess the properties of the Al-(Si-)O-N coatings deposited typically onto Si(100) wafers and glass. The chemical compositions of the coatings were determined by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS), Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) and Helium Elastic Recoil Detection (He-ERD). Thin films of AlN, of Al-O-N containing up to 60% O and of Al-Si-O-N containing up to 65% O and 20% Si were obtained. The micro- and nanostructure of the coatings were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) to determine the crystallinity, by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) for images of film cross sections and by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) for information on chemical states of the coatings. Combining the results of these analytical methods led to the determination of a microstructural evolution with changing chemical composition in the films. Al-O-N coatings in the regime 0-8% O were found to consist of a crystalline solid solution made up of (002) fiber textured wurtzite crystallites, into which O incorporates in anionic lattice positions substituting N. In this regime, the wurtzite crystal lattice was observed to shrink with increasing O content, which was attributed to V(Al) vacancies generated by extra electrons (e-) from O(N) replacements. Simultaneously, a decrease in the crystallite size (CS) was observed, as O hinders crystallite growth because its valence e- configuration mismatches the crystalline structure of wurtzite. In the range 8-30%, Al-O-N coatings exhibit nanocomposite formation, during which the O-saturated wurtzite crystallites are progressively encapsulated in an amorphous Al2O3 matrix. While nanocomposites in the regime with 8-16% O maintain (002) wurtzite fiber texture, those in the regime with 16-30% O only have a preferred texture. With increasing O content, the crystalline fraction reduces with a concurrent CS reduction and the amorphous fraction increases. Al-O-N coatings with more than 30% O form an X-ray amorphous solid solution. An equivalent evolution has previously been found in the Al-Si-N system upon increasing Si Content [121, 122, 123, 124, 125], driven also by an additional e- from Si replacing Al [129]. Al-Si-O-N represents the quaternary combination of the two ternary systems Al-O-N and Al-Si-N and was found to exhibit a more complex structural evolution. The performance of the coatings was assessed by determining the optical properties by ellipsometry, the hardness (HD) and Young's modulus (E) by nanoindentation and the residual stress state (sigma) from curvatures of thin coated substrates. The adhesion of the films to the substrates during the tests was strong, such that delamination was never observed. It was found that the transparent Al-(Si-)O-N coatings exhibit a linear decrease of the refractive index n from 2.1 to 1.6 with increasing O content from 0 to 65% independent of the Si content. In the same O content range, HD of the coatings decreases from 26 to 8 GPa and E from 330 to 150 GPa, and the residual stress remains below 1 GPa. Al-O-N coatings exhibit a dip in HD due to hydrogen (H) incorporation exclusively in the fiber textured nanocomposite regime containing 8-16% O. The V(Al) vacancies found experimentally through the crystal lattice shrinkage in crystallites were supported by ab initio Density Functional Theory (aiDFT) calculations. In a supercell of 192 atoms, O(N) substitutions and V(Al) were positioned in different concentrations and configurations. The lattice parameters calculated upon these cell modifications are in good agreement with those measured experimentally. The enthalpy H additionally obtained from aiDFT was combined with the entropy S obtained from a combinatorial calculation of the possible microstates to yield the Gibbs free energy G of the coatings. This result was complimented with high temperature experiments, for which Al-O-N films were equilibrated at temperatures up to 1600°. It was found that coatings containing crystalline wurtzite solid solutions including O are metastable, forming because the conditions in a R-UCFDC-MS process are far from thermodynamic equilibrium. The Al-(Si-)O-N coatings were tested in several protective and functional applications. It was found that the films protect substrates such as Si(100) and glass against influences such as weathering and force impact. Due to the variability of the refractive index n with the O content in the films, protective coatings with reduced interference coloration could be fabricated. Additionally, the films could be used as a transparent matrix for the inclusion of gold (Au) nanoparticles, which resulted in decorative red, purple and blue films

    High-precision micro-machining of glass for mass-personalization

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    With the fourth industrial revolution manufacturing industry faces new challenges. Small batches of personalized parts, where the geometry changes per part, must be produced in an economically viable manner. In such cases of mass personalization new manufacturing technologies are required which can keep manufacturing overhead related to change of part geometries low. These processes need to address the issues of extensive calibration and tooling costs, must be able to handle complex parts and reduce production steps. According to recent studies hybrid technologies, including electrochemical technologies, are promising to address these manufacturing challenges. At the same time, glass has fascinated and attracted much interest from both the academic and industrial world, mainly because it is optically and radio frequency transparent, chemically inert, environmentally friendly and it has excellent mechanical and thermal properties, allowing tailoring of new and dedicated applications. However, glass is a hard to machine material, due to its hardness and brittleness. Machining smooth, high-aspect ratio structures is still challenging due to long machining times, high machining costs and poor surface quality. Hybrid methods like Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving (SACE) perform well to address these issues. Nevertheless, SACE cannot be deployed for high-precision glass mass-personalization by industry and academia, due to 1) lack of process models for glass cutting and milling, relating SACE input parameters to a desired output, 2) extensive calibration needed for tool-workpiece alignment and tool run-out elimination, 3) part specific tooling required for proper clamping of the glass workpiece to attain high precision. In this study, SACE technology was progressively developed from a mass-fabrication technology towards a process for mass-personalization of high-precision glass parts by addressing these issues. Key was the development of 1) an (empirically validated) model for SACE cutting and milling process operations allowing direct relation of the machining input to the desired machining outcome, enabling a dramatical increase of automation across the manufacturing process workflow from desired design to establishing of machinable code containing all necessary manufacturing execution information, 2) in-situ fabrication of the needed tooling and 3) the use of low-cost rapid prototyping, eliminating high indirect machining costs and long lead times. To show the viability of this approach two novel applications in the microtechnology field were proposed and developed using glass as substrate material and SACE technology for rapid prototyping: a) fabrication of glass imprint templates for microfabricating devices by hot embossing and b) manufacturing of glass dies for micro-forming of metal micro parts

    Investigating electro- and sonoelectro-oxidation processes for sustainability on Earth and the exploration of space

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    In recent years, there has been an explosion in the adoption of electrochemical methods for tackling many of the environmental issues we face in modern society. This electrochemical approach encompasses a range of highly tuneable techniques which often remove the need for harmful chemicals and high temperatures. In this thesis, we will examine how electrochemistry can be utilised for the development of “green” processes based on electrooxidation. Demonstrating the versatility of these techniques the work herein covers a wide range of fields, the results from which can have consequences stretching from removal of pollutants from water to future space travel. Chapter 1 provides context to the research in chapters 3 to 5; namely in introducing the motivations and current state of research behind the development of anion exchange membrane electrolysers as a clean energy solution, the implementation of electrolysis systems in space missions, and the use of combined sono-electrochemical methods for water decontamination. In Chapter 2, the experimental techniques behind the research in this thesis is reported. Chapter 3 reports the development of a novel anion-exchange membrane electrolyser, and its use in the electrochemical degradation of the naturally occurring polymer, lignin. The performance of the membrane, a co-polymer of dehydrofluorinated poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) with (vinylbenzyl)trimethylammonium chloride and Nvinylimidazole, was benchmarked against a commercial equivalent yielding comparable results. In Chapter 4, we report an investigation into the efficiency of oxygen-evolving electrolysis at gravity levels between 0 and 1 g. The data collected from this experiment, carried out as part of the European Space Agency’s Fly Your Thesis programme, is the first study to examine the efficiency of this process at gravitational fields equal to that of the Moon and Mars. This process was tested not just at reduced gravity levels but also at those exceeding Earth’s gravity, finding that results collected in hypergravity can be extrapolated to predict the performance of the procedure in microgravity. In Chapter 5 we revisit the work introduced in Chapter 1 with an investigation in to the sonoelectrochemical degradation of the anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac. Coupling low-frequency sonication with electrolysis performed using a Pt/Ti anode, a degradation removal efficiency of 64% under optimal conditions was achieved. Comparison of this method with non-coupled electrolytic and sonolytic degradation indicated that at 80 kHz, there was a strong synergistic effect

    Applied Fracture Mechanics

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    The book "Applied Fracture Mechanics" presents a collection of articles on application of fracture mechanics methods to materials science, medicine, and engineering. In thirteen chapters, a wide range of topics is discussed, including strength of biological tissues, safety of nuclear reactor components, fatigue effects in pipelines, environmental effects on fracture among others. In addition, the book presents mathematical and computational methods underlying the fracture mechanics applications, and also developments in statistical modeling of fatigue. The work presented in this book will be useful, effective, and beneficial to mechanical engineers, civil engineers, and material scientists from industry, research, and education

    A novel transparent and flexible pressure sensor for the human machine interface

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    The movement towards flexible and transparent electronics for use in displays, electronic skins, musical instruments and automotive industries, demands electrical components such as pressure sensors to evolve alongside circuitry and electrodes to ensure a fully flexible and transparent system. In the past, piezoresistive pressure sensors made with flexible electrodes have been fabricated, however, many of these systems are opaque. For the first time, we present a technology that exploits the natural self-assembly of polystyrene nanospheres to reproducibly create nanostructured materials to be used in optically transparent pressure sensors with sensing performance comparable to opaque industry standards. The performance of the piezoresistive pressure sensor relies on uniform elastic nano-dome arrays. A thin and homogeneous lining of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) renders the domes conductive and retains the transparent and flexible qualities of the underlying polymer. The film transparency is primarily dependant on PEDOT:PSS film thickness where transparencies as high as 79.3 \% are achieved for films of less than 100 nm in thickness. The sensors demonstrate a resistance response across the force range appropriate for all human machine interface interactions, which correspond here to 0.07 to 26 N. The fabrication process involves the creation of an electroactive mould which is used to create nanostructred polymer layers. To enable mould reuse and enhance process efficiency, an anti-adhesive treatment in the form of a self-assembled monolayer of alkanethiols has been developed. Three chain lengths for the alkanethiol of chemical structure H3_{3}C-(CH2_{2})n_{n}-SH where n = 3, 5, and 11 are investigated and SAM functionalisation is confirmed with XPS. Peel tests prove that all three are effective at preventing adhesion between the mould and PEDOT:PSS and the treatment is shown not to be detrimental to the polymer electrodeposition process. An adapted fabrication procedure with custom designed electrode housing enables larger samples to be created for prototype devices. A simple functional prototype in the form of a multi-pixel force sensor atop of an LED display is successfully designed and fabricated to highlight the technology for use at the human machine interface.Open Acces

    Optical Confinement in the Nanocoax:

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    Thesis advisor: Michael J. NaughtonThe nanoscale coaxial cable (nanocoax) has demonstrated sub-diffraction-limited optical confinement in the visible and the near infrared, with the theoretical potential for confinement to scales arbitrarily smaller than the free space wavelength. In the first part of this thesis, I define in clear terms what the diffraction limit is. The conventional resolution formulae used by many are generally only valid in the paraxial limit. I performed a parametric numerical study, employing techniques of Fourier optics, to resolve precisely what that limit should be for nonparaxial (i.e. wide angle) focusing of scalar spherical waves. I also present some novel analytical formulae born out of Debye’s approximation which explain the trends found in the numeric study. These new functional forms remain accurate under wide angle focusing and could materially improve the performance, for example, in high intensity focused ultrasound surgery by further concentrating the power distributed within the point spread function to suppress the side lobes. I also comment of some possible connections to the focusing of electromagnetic waves. In the second part of this thesis I report on a novel fabrication process which yields optically addressable, sub-micron scale, and high aspect ratio metal-insulator-metal nanocoaxes made by atomic layer deposition of Pt and Al2O3. I discuss the observation of optical transmission via the fundamental, TEM-like mode by excitation with a radially polarized optical vortex beam. Also, Laguerre-Gauss beams are shown to overlap well with cylindrical waveguide modes in the nanocoax. My experimental results are based on interrogation with a polarimetric imager and a near-field scanning optical microscope. Various optical apparatus I built during my studies are also reviewed. Numerical simulations were used with uniaxial symmetry to explore 3D adiabatic taper geometries much larger than the wavelength. Finally, I draw some conclusions by assessing the optical performance of the fabricated nanocoaxial structures, and by giving some insights into future directions of investigation.Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2019.Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.Discipline: Physics

    TLC : une architecture photovoltaïque concentrée (CPV) au potentiel d’efficacité élevé à faible coût

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    Abstract: Human civilization has grown dependent on ready access to low-cost energy, but the fossil fuels that currently meet the bulk of humanity’s energy needs are causing environmental destruction, including potentially catastrophic global warming. Solar energy has to potential to halt global warming, and, if low enough in cost, to also bring the whole world’s population to a first world living standard. Silicon PV has dramatically reduced costs largely through decreasing the cost and increasing the efficiency of the silicon cells, but silicon is nearing its theoretical efficiency limits, and even if the cells were free, silicon PV would still be too expensive to meet these goals. Tandem CPV cells are roughly twice as efficient as silicon, but previous CPV designs have been unable to compete with silicon on cost in spite of the efficiency advantage. A new CPV architecture, called TLC for its trough, lens and cone concentration stages, proposed using initial concentration by a low-cost trough mirror to shrink the rest of an CPV module by 40X and thus reduce overall module costs. But before this PhD research project, TLC was only a paper study. This PhD research project was started to answer the question of whether TLC could work out as well as it appeared, or whether there were hidden flaws that precluded beating silicon PV on cost, or possibly even precluded TLC from working at all. Thesis chapter 3 details the main optical design aspects, and chapter 4 covers the design of the rest of the TLC module, including leading variations where there is more than one plausible way to achieve low cost and high reliability. The work included building a unified analytical model spreadsheet that linked known aspects of the TLC design together and estimated costs for a given design variation. Thesis chapter 5 covers the economics of the proposed design, with a focus on materials costs since these dominate PV overall costs, and a section on reliability since product lifetime strongly influences life-cycle cost. The work included building 3D-CAD models to refine the TLC design, and then the prototyping of individual parts and processes, and finally building a physical prototype of a TLC mini-module and putting it in sun. This physical confirmation was necessary because even after TLC has been “built” many times, in visualization, on paper, on spreadsheets, and then in COMSOL, until TLC was physically built, hidden flaws could arise at any time. Chapter 6 of this thesis covers the simulation and validation carried out to show that it is plausible that TLC can meet its cost targets. The conclusion of this thesis summarizes the overall project. The project was a success, producing a TLC design with high potential efficiency, very low materials cost, and low estimated process costs, with the potential to beat even the US Department of Energy’s goal for PV pricing in 2030. Ray-tracing a 3D model showed that the design could achieve high concentration with adequate acceptance angles, and tests showed that the prototyping cells were suitable for TLC’s massively parallel microcell-array receiver configuration. The project also successfully tested the proposed manufacturing process for molding semi-dense arrays of tertiary optical elements on the back of a lens tile and assembled a TLC mini module which was tested on sun at the focus of a trough mirror. Four papers have already been published, with a fifth paper accepted, as result of this work.La civilisation humaine est devenue de plus en plus dépendante d'un accès facile à une énergie à faible coût, mais les combustibles fossiles qui répondent actuellement à la majeure partie des besoins énergétiques de l'humanité causent la destruction de l'environnement, y compris un réchauffement climatique potentiellement catastrophique. L'énergie solaire a le potentiel d'arrêter le réchauffement climatique et, si son coût est suffisamment bas, d'amener également la population mondiale entière à un niveau de vie du premier monde. Les coûts de photovoltaïque (PV) à base de silicium ont été considérablement réduits en grande partie en diminuant le prix et en augmentant l'efficacité des cellules en silicium, cependant l’utilisation de silicium a ses limites d'efficacité théoriques, et même si les cellules étaient gratuites, la PV à base de silicium serait encore trop chère pour atteindre ces objectifs. Les cellules de photovoltaïque concentré (CPV) Tandem sont environ deux fois plus efficaces que celles à base de silicium, mais malgré l'avantage de leur efficacité, les architectures des années précédentes de CPV n'ont pas été en mesure de rivaliser avec le silicium en termes de coût. Une nouvelle architecture CPV, appelée TLC (Trough-Lens-Cone) utilise la concentration initiale par un miroir parabolique à faible coût combiné avec un module CPV de 40X et ainsi réduire les coûts globaux du module. Avant ce projet de recherche de doctorat, TLC n'était qu'une étude sur papier. Cette thèse a pour but de répondre à la question de savoir si l’approche TLC pouvait fonctionner aussi bien qu'elle était apparue, ou s'il y avait des défauts cachés qui empêchaient de battre le silicium PV sur le coût, ou pourrait même empêcher la TLC de fonctionner. Ce travail comprenait la construction d'un modèle de tableur unifié qui reliait les aspects connus de la conception TLC et les coûts estimés pour une variation de conception donnée. Nous présentons également la construction de modèles 3D-CAD pour raffiner la conception TLC, puis le prototypage de pièces individuelles et de processus, et enfin la construction d'un prototype physique d'un mini-module TLC qui est mis au soleil. Cette validation physique était nécessaire car même après que TLC ait été théoriquement et numériquement « construit » à plusieurs reprises soit, en visualisation, sur papier, sur des feuilles de calcul, puis dans COMSOL, avant que TLC soit physiquement construit, des défauts cachés pouvaient survenir à tout moment. La mise en œuvre de ce projet a réussi, produisant une conception TLC cohérente qui avait un rendement élevé avec un coût des matériaux très bas et des faibles coûts estimatifs de processus, avec un potentiel de battre même l’objectif du département américain de l'énergie pour la tarification du silicium photovoltaïque en 2030. Le suivi de raies (Ray-tracing) avec un modèle 3D a montré que la conception pouvait atteindre une concentration élevée avec des angles d'acceptation adéquats. Les tests ont également montré que les cellules de prototypage ont été bien adaptées à la nouvelle configuration de TLC de récepteur à matrice de microcellules massivement parallèle. Le projet a également testé avec succès le processus de fabrication proposé pour le moulage de réseaux semi-denses d'éléments optiques tertiaires à l'arrière d'un carreau de lentille. Le projet a également réussi à assembler un mini-module TLC et à tester sous le soleil avec le focus d'un miroir parabolique. Quatre articles ont déjà été publiés, avec un cinquième article accepté, à la suite de ce travail