554 research outputs found

    Multimedia search without visual analysis: the value of linguistic and contextual information

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    This paper addresses the focus of this special issue by analyzing the potential contribution of linguistic content and other non-image aspects to the processing of audiovisual data. It summarizes the various ways in which linguistic content analysis contributes to enhancing the semantic annotation of multimedia content, and, as a consequence, to improving the effectiveness of conceptual media access tools. A number of techniques are presented, including the time-alignment of textual resources, audio and speech processing, content reduction and reasoning tools, and the exploitation of surface features

    A lightweight web video model with content and context descriptions for integration with linked data

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    The rapid increase of video data on the Web has warranted an urgent need for effective representation, management and retrieval of web videos. Recently, many studies have been carried out for ontological representation of videos, either using domain dependent or generic schemas such as MPEG-7, MPEG-4, and COMM. In spite of their extensive coverage and sound theoretical grounding, they are yet to be widely used by users. Two main possible reasons are the complexities involved and a lack of tool support. We propose a lightweight video content model for content-context description and integration. The uniqueness of the model is that it tries to model the emerging social context to describe and interpret the video. Our approach is grounded on exploiting easily extractable evolving contextual metadata and on the availability of existing data on the Web. This enables representational homogeneity and a firm basis for information integration among semantically-enabled data sources. The model uses many existing schemas to describe various ontology classes and shows the scope of interlinking with the Linked Data cloud

    Gathering a corpus of multimodal computer-mediated meetings with focus on text and audio interaction

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    In this paper we describe the gathering of a corpus of synchronised speech and text interaction over the network. The data collection scenarios characterise audio meetings with a significant textual component. Unlike existing meeting corpora, the corpus described in this paper emphasises temporal relationships between speech and text media streams. This is achieved through detailed logging and time stamping of text editing operations, actions on shared user interface widgets and gesturing, as well as generation of speech activity profiles. A set of tools has been developed specifically for these purposes which can be used as a data collection platform for the development of meeting browsers. The data gathered to data consists of nearly 30 hours of recorded audio and time stamped editing operations and gestures

    The Lexicon Graph Model : a generic model for multimodal lexicon development

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    Trippel T. The Lexicon Graph Model : a generic model for multimodal lexicon development. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2006.Das Lexicon Graph Model stellt ein Modell fĂŒr Lexika dar, die korpusbasiert sein können und multimodale Informationen enthalten. Hierbei wird die Perspektive der Lexikontheorie eingenommen, wobei die zugrundeliegenden Datenstrukturen sowohl vom Lexikon als auch von Annotationen betrachtet werden. Letztere fallen dadurch in das Blickfeld, weil sie als Grundlage fĂŒr die Erstellung von Lexika gesehen werden. Der Begriff des Lexikons bezieht sich hier sowohl auf den Bereich des Wörterbuchs als auch der in elektronischen Applikationen integrierten Lexikondatenbanken. Die existierenden Formalismen und AnsĂ€tze der Lexikonentwicklung zeigen verschiedene Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Lexika auf, etwa die Zusammenfassung von existierenden Lexika zu einem, die Disambiguierung von Mehrdeutigkeiten im Lexikon auf verschiedenen lexikalischen Ebenen, die ReprĂ€sentation von anderen ModalitĂ€ten im Lexikon, die Selektion des lexikalischen SchlĂŒsselbegriffs fĂŒr Lexikonartikel, etc. Der vorliegende Ansatz geht davon aus, dass sich Lexika zwar in ihrem Inhalt, nicht aber in einer grundlegenden Struktur unterscheiden, so dass verschiedenartige Lexika im Rahmen eines Unifikationsprozesses dublettenfrei miteinander verbunden werden können. Hieraus resultieren deklarative Lexika. FĂŒr Lexika können diese Graphen mit dem Lexikongraph-Modell wie hier dargestellt modelliert werden. Dabei sind Lexikongraphen analog den von Bird und Libermann beschriebenen Annotationsgraphen gesehen und können daher auch Ă€hnlich verarbeitet werden. Die Untersuchung des Lexikonformalismus beruht auf vier Schritten. ZunĂ€chst werden existierende Lexika analysiert und beschrieben. Danach wird mit dem Lexikongraph-Modell eine generische Darstellung von Lexika vorgestellt, die auch implementiert und getestet wird. Basierend auf diesem Formalismus wird die Beziehung zu Annotationsgraphen hergestellt, wobei auch beschrieben wird, welche MaßstĂ€be an angemessene Annotationen fĂŒr die Verwendung zur Lexikonentwicklung angelegt werden mĂŒssen.The Lexicon Graph Model provides a model and framework for lexicons that can be corpus based and contain multimodal information. The focus is more from the lexicon theory perspective, looking at the underlying data structures that are part of existing lexicons and corpora. The term lexicon in linguistics and artificial intelligence is used in different ways, including traditional print dictionaries in book form, CD-ROM editions, Web based versions of the same, but also computerized resources of similar structures to be used by applications. These applications cover systems for human-machine communication as well as spell checkers. The term lexicon in this work is used as the most generic term covering all lexical applications. Existing formalisms in lexicon development show different problems with lexicons, for example combining different kinds of lexical resources, disambiguation on different lexical levels, the representation of different modalities in a lexicon. The Lexicon Graph Model presupposes that lexicons can have different structures but have fundamentally a similar structure, making it possible to combine lexicons in a unification process, resulting in a declarative lexicon. The underlying model is a graph, the Lexicon Graph, which is modeled similar to Annotation Graphs as described by Bird and Libermann. The investigation of the lexicon formalism contains four steps, that is the analysis of existing lexicons, the introduction of the Lexicon Graph Model as a generic representation for lexicons, the implementation of the formalism in different contexts and an evaluation of the formalism. It is shown that Annotation Graphs and Lexicon Graphs are indeed related not only in their formalism and it is shown, what standards have to be applied to annotations to be usable for lexicon development

    The czech broadcast conversation corpus

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    This paper presents the final version of the Czech Broadcast Conversation Corpus that will shortly be released at the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC). The corpus contains 72 recordings of a radio discussion program, which yields about 33 hours of transcribed conversational speech from 128 speakers. The release does not only include verbatim transcripts and speaker information, but also structural metadata (MDE) annotation that involves labeling of sentence-like unit boundaries, marking of non-content words like filled pauses and discourse markers, and annotation of speech disfluencies. The MDE annotation is based on the LDC's annotation standard for English, with changes applied to accommodate phenomena that are specific for Czech. In addition to its importance to speech recognition, speaker diarization, and structural metadata extraction research, the corpus is also useful for linguistic analysis of conversational Czech

    An exchange format for multimodal annotations

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    This paper presents the results of a joint effort of a group of multimodality researchers and tool developers to improve the interoperability between several tools used for the annotation of multimodality. We propose a multimodal annotation exchange format, based on the annotation graph formalism, which is supported by import and export routines in the respective tool

    Archive Infrastructure and Spoken Language Corpora for Saami Languages in Finland

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)This study presents the results of an Aanaar Saami pilot project in the Saami Culture Archive, University of Oulu. The project has established a set of conventions to transcribe and annotate Aanaar Saami recordings in the archive's collection and created a mechanism through which grammatically annotated but anonymous versions can be imported to the Korp search interface in the Language Bank of Finland. The practices include wide use of Saami language technology, the use of Finnish computational research infrastructure, and they can be extended later to other Saami languages in the archive.Peer reviewe

    Archive Infrastructure and Spoken Language Corpora for Saami Languages in Finland

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)This study presents the results of an Aanaar Saami pilot project in the Saami Culture Archive, University of Oulu. The project has established a set of conventions to transcribe and annotate Aanaar Saami recordings in the archive's collection and created a mechanism through which grammatically annotated but anonymous versions can be imported to the Korp search interface in the Language Bank of Finland. The practices include wide use of Saami language technology, the use of Finnish computational research infrastructure, and they can be extended later to other Saami languages in the archive.Peer reviewe
