2,341 research outputs found

    All-propulsion design of the drag-free and attitude control of the European satellite GOCE

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    This paper concerns the drag-free and attitude control (DFAC) of the European Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer satellite (GOCE), during the science phase. GOCE aims to determine the Earth's gravity field with high accuracy and spatial resolution, through complementary space techniques such as gravity gradiometry and precise orbit determination. Both techniques rely on accurate attitude and drag-free control, especially in the gradiometer measurement bandwidth (5-100mHz), where non-gravitational forces must be counteracted down to micronewton, and spacecraft attitude must track the local orbital reference frame with micro-radian accuracy. DFAC aims to enable the gravity gradiometer to operate so as to determine the Earth's gravity field especially in the so-called measurement bandwidth (5-100mHz), making use of ion and micro-thruster actuators. The DFAC unit has been designed entirely on a simplified discrete-time model (Embedded Model) derived from the fine dynamics of the spacecraft and its environment; the relevant control algorithms are implemented and tuned around the Embedded Model, which is the core of the control unit. The DFAC has been tested against uncertainties in spacecraft and environment and its code has been the preliminary model for final code development. The DFAC assumes an all-propulsion command authority, partly abandoned by the actual GOCE control system because of electric micro-propulsion not being fully developed. Since all-propulsion authority is expected to be imperative for future scientific and observation missions, design and simulated results are believed to be of interest to the space communit

    Proceedings of an ESA-NASA Workshop on a Joint Solid Earth Program

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    The NASA geodynamics program; spaceborne magnetometry; spaceborne gravity gradiometry (characterizing the data type); terrestrial gravity data and comparisons with satellite data; GRADIO three-axis electrostatic accelerometers; gradiometer accommodation on board a drag-free satellite; gradiometer mission spectral analysis and simulation studies; and an opto-electronic accelerometer system were discussed

    Nanosatellites for quantum science and technology

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    Bringing quantum science and technology to the space frontier offers exciting prospects for both fundamental physics and applications such as long-range secure communication and space-borne quantum probes for inertial sensing with enhanced accuracy and sensitivity. But despite important terrestrial pathfinding precursors on common microgravity platforms and promising proposals to exploit the significant advantages of space quantum missions, large-scale quantum testbeds in space are yet to be realized due to the high costs and leadtimes of traditional “Big Space” satellite development. But the “small space” revolution, spearheaded by the rise of nanosatellites such as CubeSats, is an opportunity to greatly accelerate the progress of quantum space missions by providing easy and affordable access to space and encouraging agile development. We review space quantum science and technology, CubeSats and their rapidly developing capabilities, and how they can be used to advance quantum satellite systems

    Tethers in space handbook

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    The handbook provides a list and description of ongoing tether programs. This includes the joint U.S.-Italy demonstration project, and individual U.S. and Italian studies and demonstration programs. An overview of the current activity level and areas of emphasis in this emerging field is provided. The fundamental physical principles behind the proposed tether applications are addressed. Four basic concepts of gravity gradient, rotation, momentum exchange, and electrodynamics are discussed. Information extracted from literature, which supplements and enhances the tether applications is also presented. A bibliography is appended

    Satellite-to-satellite attitude control of a long-distance spacecraft formation for the Next Generation Gravity Mission

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    The paperpresentsthedesignandsomesimulatedresultsoftheattitudecontrolofasatelliteformation under studybytheEuropeanSpaceAgencyfortheNextGenerationGravityMission.Theformation consists oftwospacecraftswhich fly morethan200kmapartatanaltitudefromtheEarth'sgroundof between 300and400km.Theattitudecontrolmustkeeptheopticalaxesofthetwospacecraftaligned with amicroradianaccuracy(pointingcontrol).Thisismadepossiblebyspecific opticalsensors accompanyingtheinter-satellitelaserinterferometer,whichisthemainpayloadofthemission.These sensors alloweachspacecrafttoactuateautonomousalignmentafterasuitableacquisitionprocedure. Pointing controlisconstrainedbytheangulardrag-freecontrol,whichisimposedbymissionscience (Earth gravimetryatalowEarthorbit),andmustzerotheangularaccelerationvectorbelow0.01 μrad/s2 in thesciencefrequencyband.Thisismadepossiblebyultrafine accelerometersfromtheGOCE-class, whose measurementsmustbecoordinatedwithattitudesensorstoachievedrag-freeandpointing requirements.EmbeddedModelControlshowshowcoordinationcanbeimplementedaroundthe embedded modelsofthespacecraftattitudeandoftheformationframequaternion.Evidenceand discussion aboutsomecriticalrequirementsarealsoincludedtogetherwithextensivesimulatedresults of twodifferentformationtypes