781 research outputs found

    A Combined Preconditioning Strategy for Nonsymmetric Systems

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    We present and analyze a class of nonsymmetric preconditioners within a normal (weighted least-squares) matrix form for use in GMRES to solve nonsymmetric matrix problems that typically arise in finite element discretizations. An example of the additive Schwarz method applied to nonsymmetric but definite matrices is presented for which the abstract assumptions are verified. A variable preconditioner, combining the original nonsymmetric one and a weighted least-squares version of it, is shown to be convergent and provides a viable strategy for using nonsymmetric preconditioners in practice. Numerical results are included to assess the theory and the performance of the proposed preconditioners.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    Open Quantum Dynamics: Complete Positivity and Entanglement

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    We review the standard treatment of open quantum systems in relation to quantum entanglement, analyzing, in particular, the behaviour of bipartite systems immersed in a same environment. We first focus upon the notion of complete positivity, a physically motivated algebraic constraint on the quantum dynamics, in relation to quantum entanglement, i.e. the existence of statistical correlations which can not be accounted for by classical probability. We then study the entanglement power of heat baths versus their decohering properties, a topic of increasing importance in the framework of the fast developing fields of quantum information, communication and computation. The presentation is self contained and, through several examples, it offers a detailed survey of the physics and of the most relevant and used techniques relative to both quantum open system dynamics and quantum entanglement.Comment: LaTex, 77 page

    Two-dimensional models as testing ground for principles and concepts of local quantum physics

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    In the past two-dimensional models of QFT have served as theoretical laboratories for testing new concepts under mathematically controllable condition. In more recent times low-dimensional models (e.g. chiral models, factorizing models) often have been treated by special recipes in a way which sometimes led to a loss of unity of QFT. In the present work I try to counteract this apartheid tendency by reviewing past results within the setting of the general principles of QFT. To this I add two new ideas: (1) a modular interpretation of the chiral model Diff(S)-covariance with a close connection to the recently formulated local covariance principle for QFT in curved spacetime and (2) a derivation of the chiral model temperature duality from a suitable operator formulation of the angular Wick rotation (in analogy to the Nelson-Symanzik duality in the Ostertwalder-Schrader setting) for rational chiral theories. The SL(2,Z) modular Verlinde relation is a special case of this thermal duality and (within the family of rational models) the matrix S appearing in the thermal duality relation becomes identified with the statistics character matrix S. The relevant angular Euclideanization'' is done in the setting of the Tomita-Takesaki modular formalism of operator algebras. I find it appropriate to dedicate this work to the memory of J. A. Swieca with whom I shared the interest in two-dimensional models as a testing ground for QFT for more than one decade. This is a significantly extended version of an ``Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics'' contribution hep-th/0502125.Comment: 55 pages, removal of some typos in section

    Experimentally Analyzing the Impact of Leader Positivity on Follower Positivity and Performance

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    This field experimental study examined the role that positive leadership plays in producing effective leader and follower outcomes. Specifically, a sample of engineers (N = 106) from a very large aerospace firm were randomly assigned to four experimental conditions. Two conditions involved assigning these engineers to a low and high problem complexity condition. The other two conditions represented high versus low conveyed leader positivity. The results indicated a positive relationship between the leaders’ positivity and the followers’ positivity and performance, as well as a negative relationship between problem complexity and follower positivity. The study limitations, needed future research, and practical implications of these findings conclude the article

    Improved Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Hidden Clique and Hidden Submatrix Problems

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    Given a large data matrix ARn×nA\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}, we consider the problem of determining whether its entries are i.i.d. with some known marginal distribution AijP0A_{ij}\sim P_0, or instead AA contains a principal submatrix AQ,QA_{{\sf Q},{\sf Q}} whose entries have marginal distribution AijP1P0A_{ij}\sim P_1\neq P_0. As a special case, the hidden (or planted) clique problem requires to find a planted clique in an otherwise uniformly random graph. Assuming unbounded computational resources, this hypothesis testing problem is statistically solvable provided QClogn|{\sf Q}|\ge C \log n for a suitable constant CC. However, despite substantial effort, no polynomial time algorithm is known that succeeds with high probability when Q=o(n)|{\sf Q}| = o(\sqrt{n}). Recently Meka and Wigderson \cite{meka2013association}, proposed a method to establish lower bounds within the Sum of Squares (SOS) semidefinite hierarchy. Here we consider the degree-44 SOS relaxation, and study the construction of \cite{meka2013association} to prove that SOS fails unless kCn1/3/lognk\ge C\, n^{1/3}/\log n. An argument presented by Barak implies that this lower bound cannot be substantially improved unless the witness construction is changed in the proof. Our proof uses the moments method to bound the spectrum of a certain random association scheme, i.e. a symmetric random matrix whose rows and columns are indexed by the edges of an Erd\"os-Renyi random graph.Comment: 40 pages, 1 table, conferenc