45 research outputs found

    Analyzing the wave number dependency of the convergence rate of a multigrid preconditioned Krylov method for the Helmholtz equation with an absorbing layer

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    This paper analyzes the Krylov convergence rate of a Helmholtz problem preconditioned with Multigrid. The multigrid method is applied to the Helmholtz problem formulated on a complex contour and uses GMRES as a smoother substitute at each level. A one-dimensional model is analyzed both in a continuous and discrete way. It is shown that the Krylov convergence rate of the continuous problem is independent of the wave number. The discrete problem, however, can deviate significantly from this bound due to a pitchfork in the spectrum. It is further shown in numerical experiments that the convergence rate of the Krylov method approaches the continuous bound as the grid distance hh gets small

    Local Fourier Analysis of the Complex Shifted Laplacian preconditioner for Helmholtz problems

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    In this paper we solve the Helmholtz equation with multigrid preconditioned Krylov subspace methods. The class of Shifted Laplacian preconditioners are known to significantly speed-up Krylov convergence. However, these preconditioners have a parameter beta, a measure of the complex shift. Due to contradictory requirements for the multigrid and Krylov convergence, the choice of this shift parameter can be a bottleneck in applying the method. In this paper, we propose a wavenumber-dependent minimal complex shift parameter which is predicted by a rigorous k-grid Local Fourier Analysis (LFA) of the multigrid scheme. We claim that, given any (regionally constant) wavenumber, this minimal complex shift parameter provides the reader with a parameter choice that leads to efficient Krylov convergence. Numerical experiments in one and two spatial dimensions validate the theoretical results. It appears that the proposed complex shift is both the minimal requirement for a multigrid V-cycle to converge, as well as being near-optimal in terms of Krylov iteration count.Comment: 20 page

    A new level-dependent coarsegrid correction scheme for indefinite Helmholtz problems

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    In this paper we construct and analyse a level-dependent coarsegrid correction scheme for indefinite Helmholtz problems. This adapted multigrid method is capable of solving the Helmholtz equation on the finest grid using a series of multigrid cycles with a grid-dependent complex shift, leading to a stable correction scheme on all levels. It is rigourously shown that the adaptation of the complex shift throughout the multigrid cycle maintains the functionality of the two-grid correction scheme, as no smooth modes are amplified in or added to the error. In addition, a sufficiently smoothing relaxation scheme should be applied to ensure damping of the oscillatory error components. Numerical experiments on various benchmark problems show the method to be competitive with or even outperform the current state-of-the-art multigrid-preconditioned Krylov methods, like e.g. CSL-preconditioned GMRES or BiCGStab.Comment: 21 page

    A multi-level preconditioned Krylov method for the efficient solution of algebraic tomographic reconstruction problems

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    Classical iterative methods for tomographic reconstruction include the class of Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques (ART). Convergence of these stationary linear iterative methods is however notably slow. In this paper we propose the use of Krylov solvers for tomographic linear inversion problems. These advanced iterative methods feature fast convergence at the expense of a higher computational cost per iteration, causing them to be generally uncompetitive without the inclusion of a suitable preconditioner. Combining elements from standard multigrid (MG) solvers and the theory of wavelets, a novel wavelet-based multi-level (WMG) preconditioner is introduced, which is shown to significantly speed-up Krylov convergence. The performance of the WMG-preconditioned Krylov method is analyzed through a spectral analysis, and the approach is compared to existing methods like the classical Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT) and unpreconditioned Krylov methods on a 2D tomographic benchmark problem. Numerical experiments are promising, showing the method to be competitive with the classical Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques in terms of convergence speed and overall performance (CPU time) as well as precision of the reconstruction.Comment: Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (2014), 26 pages, 13 figures, 3 table

    A perturbed two-level preconditioner for the solution of three-dimensional heterogeneous Helmholtz problems with applications to geophysics

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    Le sujet de cette thèse est le développement de méthodes itératives permettant la résolution de grands systèmes linéaires creux d'équations présentant plusieurs seconds membres simultanément. Ces méthodes seront en particulier utilisées dans le cadre d'une application géophysique : la migration sismique visant à simuler la propagation d'ondes sous la surface de la terre. Le problème prend la forme d'une équation d'Helmholtz dans le domaine fréquentiel en trois dimensions, discrétisée par des différences finies et donnant lieu à un système linéaire creux, complexe, non-symétrique, non-hermitien. De plus, lorsque de grands nombres d'onde sont considérés, cette matrice possède une taille élevée et est indéfinie. Du fait de ces propriétés, nous nous proposons d'étudier des méthodes de Krylov préconditionnées par des techniques hiérarchiques deux niveaux. Un tel pre-conditionnement s'est montré particulièrement efficace en deux dimensions et le but de cette thèse est de relever le défi de l'adapter au cas tridimensionel. Pour ce faire, des méthodes de Krylov sont utilisées à la fois comme lisseur et comme méthode de résolution du problème grossier. Ces derniers choix induisent l'emploi de méthodes de Krylov dites flexibles. ABSTRACT : The topic of this PhD thesis is the development of iterative methods for the solution of large sparse linear systems of equations with possibly multiple right-hand sides given at once. These methods will be used for a specific application in geophysics - seismic migration - related to the simulation of wave propagation in the subsurface of the Earth. Here the three-dimensional Helmholtz equation written in the frequency domain is considered. The finite difference discretization of the Helmholtz equation with the Perfect Matched Layer formulation produces, when high frequencies are considered, a complex linear system which is large, non-symmetric, non-Hermitian, indefinite and sparse. Thus we propose to study preconditioned flexible Krylov subspace methods, especially minimum residual norm methods, to solve this class of problems. As a preconditioner we consider multi-level techniques and especially focus on a two-level method. This twolevel preconditioner has shown efficient for two-dimensional applications and the purpose of this thesis is to extend this to the challenging three-dimensional case. This leads us to propose and analyze a perturbed two-level preconditioner for a flexible Krylov subspace method, where Krylov methods are used both as smoother and as approximate coarse grid solver

    Finite element methods for time-harmonic wave equations

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    This thesis concerns the numerical simulation of time-harmonic wave equations using the finite element method. The main difficulties in solving wave equations are the large number of unknowns and the solution of the resulting linear system. The focus of the research is in preconditioned iterative methods for solving the linear system and in the validation of the result with a posteriori error estimation. Two different solution strategies for solving the Helmholtz equation, a domain decomposition method and a preconditioned GMRES method are studied. In addition, an a posterior error estimate for the Maxwell's equations is presented. The presented domain decomposition method is based on the hybridized mixed Helmholtz equation and using a high-order, tensorial eigenbasis. The efficiency of this method is demonstrated by numerical examples. As the first step towards the mathematical analysis of the domain decomposition method, preconditioners for mixed systems are studied. This leads to a new preconditioner for the mixed Poisson problem, which allows any preconditioned for the first order finite element discretization of the Poisson problem to be used with iterative methods for the Schur complement problem. Solving the linear systems arising from the first order finite element discretization of the Helmholtz equation using the GMRES method with a Laplace, an inexact Laplace, or a two-level preconditioner is discussed. The convergence properties of the preconditioned GMRES method are analyzed by using a convergence criterion based on the field of values. A functional type a posterior error estimate is derived for simplifications of the Maxwell's equations. This estimate gives computable, guaranteed upper bounds for the discretization error

    Contribution to the study of efficient iterative methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equations

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    Multigrid and domain decomposition methods provide efficient algorithms for the numerical solution of partial differential equations arising in the modelling of many applications in Computational Science and Engineering. This manuscript covers certain aspects of modern iterative solution methods for the solution of large-scale problems issued from the discretization of partial differential equations. More specifically, we focus on geometric multigrid methods, non-overlapping substructuring methods and flexible Krylov subspace methods with a particular emphasis on their combination. Firstly, the combination of multigrid and Krylov subspace methods is investigated on a linear partial differential equation modelling wave propagation in heterogeneous media. Secondly, we focus on non-overlapping domain decomposition methods for a specific finite element discretization known as the hp finite element, where unrefinement/refinement is allowed both by decreasing/increasing the step size h or by decreasing/increasing the polynomial degree p of the approximation on each element. Results on condition number bounds for the domain decomposition preconditioned operators are given and illustrated by numerical results on academic problems in two and three dimensions. Thirdly, we review recent advances related to a class of Krylov subspace methods allowing variable preconditioning. We examine in detail flexible Krylov subspace methods including augmentation and/or spectral deflation, where deflation aims at capturing approximate invariant subspace information. We also present flexible Krylov subspace methods for the solution of linear systems with multiple right-hand sides given simultaneously. The efficiency of the numerical methods is demonstrated on challenging applications in seismics requiring the solution of huge linear systems of equations with multiple right-hand sides on parallel distributed memory computers. Finally, we expose current and future prospectives towards the design of efficient algorithms on extreme scale machines for the solution of problems coming from the discretization of partial differential equations

    A study on block flexible iterative solvers with applications to Earth imaging problem in geophysics

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    Les travaux de ce doctorat concernent le développement de méthodes itératives pour la résolution de systèmes linéaires creux de grande taille comportant de nombreux seconds membres. L’application visée est la résolution d’un problème inverse en géophysique visant à reconstruire la vitesse de propagation des ondes dans le sous-sol terrestre. Lorsque de nombreuses sources émettrices sont utilisées, ce problème inverse nécessite la résolution de systèmes linéaires complexes non symétriques non hermitiens comportant des milliers de seconds membres. Dans le cas tridimensionnel ces systèmes linéaires sont reconnus comme difficiles à résoudre plus particulièrement lorsque des fréquences élevées sont considérées. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est donc d’étendre les développements existants concernant les méthodes de Krylov par bloc. Nous étudions plus particulièrement les techniques de déflation dans le cas multiples seconds membres et recyclage de sous-espace dans le cas simple second membre. Des gains substantiels sont obtenus en terme de temps de calcul par rapport aux méthodes existantes sur des applications réalistes dans un environnement parallèle distribué. ABSTRACT : This PhD thesis concerns the development of flexible Krylov subspace iterative solvers for the solution of large sparse linear systems of equations with multiple right-hand sides. Our target application is the solution of the acoustic full waveform inversion problem in geophysics associated with the phenomena of wave propagation through an heterogeneous model simulating the subsurface of Earth. When multiple wave sources are being used, this problem gives raise to large sparse complex non-Hermitian and nonsymmetric linear systems with thousands of right-hand sides. Specially in the three-dimensional case and at high frequencies, this problem is known to be difficult. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a flexible block Krylov iterative method which extends and improves techniques already available in the current literature to the multiple right-hand sides scenario. We exploit the relations between each right-hand side to accelerate the convergence of the overall iterative method. We study both block deflation and single right-hand side subspace recycling techniques obtaining substantial gains in terms of computational time when compared to other strategies published in the literature, on realistic applications performed in a parallel environment