43 research outputs found

    Partnerships within the gaming economy: can a brand partnership within the gaming economy alter the brand personality of the sponsoring brand

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    As the gaming economy thrives, marketers must identify the threats and opportunities that arise from targeting the new, digitally inclined gaming audience. This paper examines the brand transference of an advergaming partnership between a gaming provider with a vibrant brand personality and a cosmetics company with an inactive brand personality. Three brand personality dimensions were analysed: Inactiveness, Sincerity, and Vibrancy. It was hypothesized that there would be a brand personality transference when 1) initially exposed to the partnership, 2) one-week after the exposure and, 3) brand personalities unrelated to advergaming (i.e., sincerity) would not be affected. H1 and H2 were accepted whilst H3 was rejected. Managerial implications are discussed based on the findings

    COalitions in COOperation Networks (COCOON):Social Network Analysis and Game Theory to Enhance Cooperation Networks

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    Sie, R. L. L. (2012). COalitions in COOperation Networks (COCOON): Social Network Analysis and Game Theory to Enhance Cooperation Networks (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). September, 28, 2012, Open Universiteit in the Netherlands (CELSTEC), Heerlen, The Netherlands.IdSpace, SIK

    Exploring virtual music communities: a case study of artist-making program of Now.com.

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    Chung Yuen Yee.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 168-174).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Abstract (English Version) --- p.i-iiiAbstract (Chinese Version) --- p.iv-vAcknowledgement --- p.viChapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1-15Chapter Chapter 2 --- Literature Review --- p.16-39Chapter 2.1 --- Cyberspace and its Activism --- p.17Chapter 2.2 --- Communication in Virtual Community --- p.20Chapter 2.3 --- Virtual Community and Public Sphere --- p.26Chapter 2.4 --- Virtual Community and Commercial Control --- p.32Chapter Chapter 3 --- Theoretical Framework and Research Design --- p.40-51Chapter 3.1 --- Theoretical Framework --- p.40Chapter 3.2 --- Research Design --- p.45Chapter 3.2.1 --- Participant-Observation --- p.46Chapter 3.2.2 --- In-depth Interview --- p.47Chapter 3.2.3 --- Textual Analysis --- p.49Chapter Chapter 4 --- Briefing on LIFT --- p.52-66Chapter 4.1 --- The Concept of LIFT --- p.52Chapter 4.2 --- Participants as Artist Managers in Virtual Music Community --- p.56Chapter 4.3 --- Participants as Artists in Virtual Music Community --- p.59Chapter 4.4 --- Main Events for all Members in LIFT --- p.60Chapter 4.4.1 --- Audition --- p.61Chapter 4.4.2 --- Post-audition Dinner --- p.62Chapter 4.4.3 --- Artist Management Talk --- p.62Chapter 4.4.4 --- Mini Show --- p.63Chapter 4.4.5 --- Street Show --- p.64Chapter Chapter 5 --- Interaction in Virtual Music Community --- p.67-107Chapter 5.1 --- Structure of the Corporation (Virtual Music Community): Loud Music --- p.69Chapter 5.2 --- Virtual Status on the Forum: How did the Virtual Members Build Up? --- p.73Chapter 5.3 --- Cultural Characteristics in Virtual Music Communities --- p.74Chapter 5.3.1 --- Usage Pattern --- p.75Chapter 5.3.2 --- The Use of Language --- p.76Chapter 5.4 --- Accomplishment through Interaction in Virtual Music Communities --- p.78Chapter 5.4.1 --- Company Name of the Virtual Music Community: How did the Virtual Members Make it? --- p.78Chapter 5.4.2 --- Company Logo of the Virtual Music Community: How did the Virtual Members Create it? --- p.80Chapter 5.4.3 --- Company Slogan of the Virtual Music Community: How did the Virtual Members Generate the Ideas? --- p.84Chapter 5.4.4 --- Lyrics Creations for Our Artists: How did the Virtual Members Draft and Collect them? --- p.85Chapter 5.4.5 --- CD Album Cover for the Artists of Virtual Music Community: How did the Virtual Members Conduct? --- p.87Chapter 5.4.6 --- Virtual Advertisement in Hompy of the Virtual Music Community: How did the Virtual Members Conceive such Idea and Put it into Practice? --- p.90Chapter 5.5 --- Difficulties of Interaction in Virtual Music Community --- p.96Chapter 5.5.1 --- The Concern of Off Topic Discussion and the Problem of Inactiveness --- p.96Chapter 5.5.2 --- The Occurrence of Virtual Argument --- p.99Chapter 5.5.3 --- The Existence of Troublemakers --- p.103Chapter Chapter 6 --- Commercial Intervention in Virtual Music Community --- p.108-127Chapter 6.1 --- The Arrangement of Real Core Groups in LIFT --- p.108Chapter 6.1.1 --- The Invitation of CUHK Real Core Group --- p.108Chapter 6.1.2 --- The Withdrawal of Real Core Groups --- p.111Chapter 6.2 --- Exclusive Participation --- p.113Chapter 6.2.1 --- Virtual Artist Managers as well as Net Users --- p.113Chapter 6.2.2 --- Virtual Artists as well as Net Users --- p.114Chapter 6.3 --- The Autonomy of Involvement in Virtual Music Community --- p.115Chapter 6.3.1 --- The Involvement in Judge Panel --- p.115Chapter 6.3.2 --- The Involvement in Promotion Work for the Artists --- p.116Chapter 6.3.3 --- The Role / Duties of Virtual Music Community --- p.118Chapter 6.3.4 --- The Interaction on the Forum --- p.121Chapter 6.4 --- Turning Point: Negotiation between the Organization and Virtual Music Community --- p.123Chapter Chapter 7 --- Conclusion and Discussion --- p.128-12Chapter 7.1 --- Conclusion and Discussion --- p.121Chapter 7.2 --- Limitation and Further Research --- p.134Chapter 7.3 --- Epilogue --- p.135Appendices (1 -26) --- p.137-16Bibliography --- p.168-1

    Independent Aging with the Help of Smart Technology:Investigating the Acceptance of Ambient Assisted Living Technologies

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    Who takes care of our older adults? According to the European Union, smart technologies that support independent living and active aging, introduced as ‘Ambient Assisted Living’ (AAL), are the future for our aging population. Promises of AAL include saving long-term care costs, improving the quality of care, unburdening family caregivers, and increasing the older adults’ independence and overall quality of life. While the policy enthusiasm for AAL technology is high, it is unclear if the potential users of AAL are willing to embrace AAL technologies in their daily lives. This dissertation addressed this issue by focusing on the perspective of older adults and their caregivers. Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches, we developed a comprehensive and theoretically grounded understanding of how and why users perceive AAL technologies in a certain way. Important factors that drive or hinder the acceptance were identified. These insights resulted in a model of AAL acceptance that was validated in a representative sample (n = 1296) of the Dutch older adult population. This dissertation contributes to a more user-driven approach in AAL research and development and has important implications for researchers, developers and policy makers alike. We hope that our results will guide future research efforts, design and policy directions in the AAL field

    Proceeding The 13th AISOFOLL Ayu Putri Seruni

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    A conceptual framework for generating insights from log analysis in support of mHealth App evaluations

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    Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As the digital health domain, particularly mobile health apps (mHealth), continues to grow, considerable benefits exist for addressing resource-constrained healthcare challenges. Evidence supporting the use, implementation, and sustainability of the Apps are required to realise these benefits. Unfortunately, traditional Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) methods are not suited to Apps’ fast-paced agile developments, resulting in a lack of the required evidence base. However, these Apps generate a plethora of log data that provide evidence of the user-technology interactions. Consequently, the log data could be used to support the needed M&E practices for mHealth Apps. Currently, there is a lack of structure and standards required for log analysis to contribute to M&E practices and move beyond descriptive statistics. This research project addresses this need by implementing a Design Science Research (DSR) approach to develop a conceptual framework. The VILA (Valuable Insights from Log Analysis) Framework, developed in this study, structures how insights can be generated from log analysis to support the M&E practices of mHealth Apps. It thereby contributes to the increased use of log data towards building the required evidence base for the support and sustainability of mHealth initiatives. The research design implemented is divided into two phases and five stages. Phase 1 (Theoretical component) incorporates two rigour cycles to inform the first design cycle. A preliminary review, two narrative overviews, an umbrella review, and a scoping review identify the necessary M&E, Digital Health, and Data Science concepts and categories to inform the conceptual framework. The existing M&E frameworks for mHealth Apps are identified and used to develop domain concepts where log analysis would be able to contribute. Thereby, the preliminary VILA Framework is developed based on the existing knowledge base. Next, the research design’s Phase 2 (Evaluation component) uses three stages to evaluate and refine the VILA Framework, thereby ensuring the practical value of the artefact. The VILA Framework is evaluated using two relevance cycles and one change and impact cycle according to the DSR approach. The first relevance cycle evaluates the efficacy, quality, and generalisability of the preliminary VILA Framework using expert reviews. The expert reviews consist of semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire with eight South African subject matter experts. The expert reviews confirm the quality and efficacy of the VILA Framework and highlight findings such as the need for a structured process, the challenges of log data, and the generalisability of the VILA Framework. During the second design cycle, the findings are translated into conceptual and structural improvements to develop the refined VILA Framework. The second relevance cycle applies the refined VILA Framework to a real-world case study to structure the log analysis of a South African App. The case study incorporates quantitative and qualitative data analysis, interviews, and four focus groups to evaluate the validity, utility, applicability, and sustainability of the VILA Framework. The case study outcomes include improvement suggestions and future recommendations for the VILA Framework and the company’s M&E practices. Thereby, the case study benefits the participating company and the researcher, establishing the value of the DSR approach and the VILA Framework. Finally, the case study findings are implemented to develop the final VILA Framework (design cycle 3). This research project contributes Level 1 and Level 2 knowledge contributions by providing the developed artefact (i.e., VILA Framework) and documenting its development and evaluation processes. Therefore, adhering to the pragmatic paradigm and DSR principles, the VILA Framework suffices the problem statement. It benefits researchers and practitioners who aim to standardise log analyses or improve the M&E of mHealth Apps. In addition, the project also highlights valuable research topics for future recommendations to improve or optimise the VILA Framework or research within this scope.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Aangesien die digitale gesondheidsdomein, veral mobiele gesondheidstoepassings (mGesondheidstoeps), aanhou groei, is daar aansienlike voordele om hulpbronbeperkte gesondheidsorguitdagings aan te spreek. Bewyse wat die gebruik, implementering en volhoubaarheid van die toepassings ondersteun, word vereis om hierdie voordele te verwesenlik. Ongelukkig is tradisionele Monitering en Evaluasie (M&E) metodes nie geskik vir Toeps se vinnige behendige ontwikkelings nie, wat lei tot 'n gebrek aan die vereiste bewysebasis. Hierdie toepassings genereer egter 'n oorvloed logdata wat bewys lewer van die gebruiker-tegnologie interaksies. Gevolglik kan die logdata gebruik word om die nodige M&E-praktyke vir mGesondheidstoeps te ondersteun. Tans is daar 'n gebrek aan struktuur en standaarde wat vereis word vir log-analise om by te dra tot M&E praktyke en verby beskrywende statistiek te beweeg. Hierdie navorsingsprojek spreek hierdie behoefte aan deur 'n “Design Science Research” (DSR)-benadering te implementeer om 'n konseptuele raamwerk te ontwikkel. Die VILA (“Valuable Insights from Log Analysis”) Raamwerk, soos ontwikkel in die studie, struktureer hoe insigte uit log-analise gegenereer kan word om die M&E-praktyke van mGesondheidstoeps te ondersteun. Dit dra daardeur by tot die verhoogde gebruik van logdata om die vereiste bewysebasis vir die ondersteuning en volhoubaarheid van mGesondheids-inisiatiewe te bou. Die navorsingsontwerp wat geïmplementeer is, word in twee fases en vyf subfases verdeel. In Fase 1 (Teoretiese komponent) word twee deeglikheidsiklusse bygewerk om die eerste ontwerpsiklus in te lig. 'n Voorlopige oorsig, twee narratiewe oorsigte, 'n sambreeloorsig en 'n omvangsoorsig lei tot die identifisering van die nodige M&E, Digitale Gesondheid en Datawetenskap konsepte en kategorieë om die konseptuele raamwerk te ontwikkel. Die bestaande M&E-raamwerke vir mGesondheidstoeps word geïdentifiseer en gebruik om domeinkonsepte te ontwikkel waar log-analise ‘n bydra sou kon maak. Daardeur word die voorlopige VILA Raamwerk ontwikkel op grond van die bestaande kennisbasis. Vervolgens word die navorsingsontwerp se Fase 2 (Evalueringskomponent), wat bestaan uit drie subfases, gebruik om die VILA Raamwerk te evalueer en verfyn, daardeur word die praktiese waarde van die artefak verseker. Die VILA Raamwerk word geëvalueer deur twee relevansiesiklusse en een verandering- en impaksiklus volgens die DSR-benadering te gebruik. Die eerste relevansiesiklus evalueer die doeltreffendheid, kwaliteit en veralgemeenbaarheid van die voorlopige VILA Raamwerk deur deskundige resensies te gebruik. Die deskundige resensies bestaan uit semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en 'n vraelys met agt Suid-Afrikaanse vakkundiges. Die deskundige resensies bevestig die kwaliteit en doeltreffendheid van die VILA Raamwerk en beklemtoon bevindinge soos die behoefte aan 'n gestruktureerde proses, die uitdagings van logdata en die veralgemeenbaarheid van die VILA Raamwerk. Tydens die tweede ontwerpsiklus word die bevindinge in konseptuele en strukturele verbeterings omgesit om die verfynde VILA Raamwerk te ontwikkel. Die tweede relevansiesiklus pas die verfynde VILA Raamwerk toe op 'n werklike gevallestudie om die log analise van 'n Suid-Afrikaanse Toep te struktureer. Die gevallestudie inkorporeer kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data-analise, onderhoude en vier besprekingsgroepe om die geldigheid, bruikbaarheid, toepaslikheid en volhoubaarheid van die VILA Raamwerk te evalueer. Die gevallestudie-uitkomste sluit verbeteringsvoorstelle en toekomstige aanbevelings vir die VILA Raamwerk en die maatskappy se M&E praktyke in. Daardeur bevoordeel die gevallestudie die deelnemende maatskappy en die navorser, wat die waarde van die DSR-benadering en die VILA Raamwerk vasstel. Laastens word die bevindinge van die gevallestudie geïmplementeer om die finale VILA Raamwerk (ontwerpsiklus 3) te ontwikkel. Hierdie navorsingsprojek dra Vlak 1- en Vlak 2-kennisbydraes by deur die ontwikkelde artefak (VILA Raamwerk) te verskaf en die ontwikkelings- en evalueringsprosesse daarvan te dokumenteer. Daarom, met die nakoming van die pragmatiese paradigma en DSR-beginsels, is die VILA Raamwerk voldoende om die probleemstelling aan te spreek. Dit bevoordeel navorsers en praktisyns wie daarop mik om log-ontledings te standaardiseer of die M&E van mGesondheidstoeps te verbeter. Daarbenewens beklemtoon die projek ook waardevolle navorsingsonderwerpe vir toekomstige werk om die VILA-raamwerk of toekomstige navorsing binne hierdie navorsingsomvang te verbeter of te optimaliseer.Master

    Use of multimedia services within ubiquitous environments: The role of place in the usage process of mobile data services

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    Recently, there have been rapid developments in the fields of mobile and wireless technologies which have enabled the acquisition of information at anytime regardless of the location and mobility status of the users. However, despite the increasing popularity of mobile devices which are becoming an indispensable part of our everyday activities, the disappointing results regarding the adoption and use of mobile applications and data services lead scholars to question the understanding of the adoption and usage behaviour within these new wireless environments. The author believes that there could be attributes which are still unexplored and could provide an explanation why the mobile data services are still unsuccessful. The aim of this study is to explore, understand and highlight the role of place in the decision of the people to use mobile data services and thus to assist professionals and scholars to consider the importance of the attributes of place in the design of new applications and in the adoption and usage models of mobile technologies and services. In order to achieve this objective an exploratory in nature research was conducted combining conventional and innovative research methodologies. A model of place was generated which served as a sensitizing device in order to interpret, and analyse the collected data. The first phase of this research involved the understanding of the market in question and the selection of the appropriate case (mobile data services platform) to conduct the research. The second main phase of the research then sought to get a better understanding of how users experience place before deciding to use mobile data services. The research methods were applied within everyday settings with 30 users of the selected mobile data services platform, all of whom were selected according to specific criteria. The findings tend to suggest that participants did experience the different places in a similar way before deciding to use mobile data services.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Proceeding The 3rd International Seminar on Linguistics (ISOL-3): Language and Social Change

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    It is undeniable that, like a human being, language also changes. The lexicon once used in a language may no longer be used in the next few years. In contrast, a lexicon that did not exist before appeared and was widely used in the next period. The pronunciation of a word may change from time to time. Social change in a society is triggered by various factors. In Indonesia, reform is one of the causes of change in various aspects of social life, including government, politics, economy, and culture. All these changes are recorded by or reflected in language