9 research outputs found

    True scale-free networks hidden by finite size effects

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    We analyze about two hundred naturally occurring networks with distinct dynamical origins to formally test whether the commonly assumed hypothesis of an underlying scale-free structure is generally viable. This has recently been questioned on the basis of statistical testing of the validity of power law distributions of network degrees by contrasting real data. Specifically, we analyze by finite-size scaling analysis the datasets of real networks to check whether purported departures from the power law behavior are due to the finiteness of the sample size. In this case, power laws would be recovered in the case of progressively larger cutoffs induced by the size of the sample. We find that a large number of the networks studied follow a finite size scaling hypothesis without any self-tuning. This is the case of biological protein interaction networks, technological computer and hyperlink networks, and informational networks in general. Marked deviations appear in other cases, especially infrastructure and transportation but also social networks. We conclude that underlying scale invariance properties of many naturally occurring networks are extant features often clouded by finite-size effects due to the nature of the sample data

    A New Authentication Model Based on CL-PKC in Resource limited P2P Systems

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    This paper proposes a new authentication model based on CL-PKC technology (Certificate less public key cryptography) in peer-to-peer systems. With the progress in peer-to-peer technology, lots of things related to the security problems of peer-to-peer systems have been exposing. To solve these security problems, authentication must be settled firstly. So this paper develops an authentication method based on CL-PKC technology, considering the dynamic properties of hybrid peer-to-peer systems. This method simplifies the procedure of getting public keys and authentication procedure, so the efficiency is increased, and the mount of bandwidth required is lower. This method is very fit to the systems with limited resources

    Peer-to-Peer Multimedia Distribution on Radio Channel and Asymmetric Channel

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    This chapter is organized as follows, the scenario and the main hypotheses of the chapter are explained in section 2. Section 3 describes the peer-to-peer algorithms used to build the peer-to-peer distribution networks. In section 4 we present how is estimated the maximum delay of a peer-to-peer distribution network. In this section we present the theoretical optimum in which it is maximized the average maximum number of peers and it is minimized the average maximum delay of the peer-to-peer distribution network. Moreover the simulation results for the asymmetric channel are reported in the last part of this section. In section 5 we analyse the behaviour of the peer-to-peer algorithms in a simple radio channel. In this section we present: the radio channel characterization; the model used to establish the bit error probability of each peer of a peer-to-peer distribution network; the peer-to-peer network simulator used to simulate the behaviour of the radio channel in the peer-to-peer distribution network; the validation of the model of the peer-to-peer network in an unreliable environment (radio channel) through the simulation results; the results used to establish which peer-to-peer algorithm builds the best peer-to-peer distribution network in an unreliable environment

    Trust management schemes for peer-to-peer networks

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    Peer-to-peer (P2P) networking enables users with similar interests to exchange, or obtain files. This network model has been proven popular to exchange music, pictures, or software applications. These files are saved, and most likely executed, at the downloading host. At the expense of this mechanism, worms, viruses, and malware find an open front door to the downloading host and gives them a convenient environment for successful proliferation throughout the network. Although virus detection software is currently available, this countermeasure works in a reactive fashion, and in most times, in an isolated manner. A trust management scheme is considered to contain the proliferation of viruses in P2P networks. Specifically, a cooperative and distributed trust management scheme based on a two-layer approach to bound the proliferation of viruses is proposed. The new scheme is called double-layer dynamic trust (DDT) management scheme. The results show that the proposed scheme bounds the proliferation of malware. With the proposed scheme, the number of infected hosts and the proliferation rate are limited to small values. In addition, it is shown that network activity is not discouraged by using the proposed scheme. Moreover, to improve the efficiency on the calculation of trust values of ratio based normalization models, a model is proposed for trust value calculation using a three-dimensional normalization to represent peer activity with more accuracy than that of a conventional ratio based normalization. Distributed network security is also considered, especially in P2P network security. For many P2P systems, including ad hoc networks and online markets, reputation systems have been considered as a solution for mitigating the affects of malicious peers. However, a sybil attack, wherein forging identities is performed to unfairly and arbitrarily influence the reputation of peers in a network or community. To defend against sybil attack, each reported transaction, which is used to calculate trust values, is verified. In this thesis, it is shown that peer reputation alone cannot bound network subversion of a sybil attack. Therefore, a new trust management framework, called Sybildefense, is introduced. This framework combines a trust management scheme with a cryptography mechanism to verify different transaction claims issue by peers, including those bogus claims of sybil peers. To improve the efficiency on the identification of honest peers from sybil peers, a k-means clustering mechanism is adopted. Moreover, to include a list of peer’s trustees in a warning messages is proposed to generate a local table for a peer that it is used to identify possible clusters of sybil peers. The defensive performance of these algorithms are compared under sybil attacks. The performance results show that the proposed framework (Sybildefense) can thwart sybil attacks efficiently


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    In this thesis we investigate the topic of the multimedia contents distribution on a geo- graphic network which is a rarefied and huge field. First of all we have to classify the main parts necessary in the multimedia distribution on a geographic network. The main aspects of a geographic network that will be highlighted in this thesis are: the mechanism used to retrieve the sources of the multimedia content; in the case of the peer-to-peer network on geographic network one of the most important mechanism is the query flooding protocol. The kind of overlay network (peer-to-peer) used to distribute the multimedia content. The usage of this overlay network in a multicast network. The security of the overlay network over a geographic network. Therefore the first topic which is investigated in this thesis is the query flooding protocol that can be used in any kind of query operation on a peer-to-peer network. For this protocol we achieve an analytical model through a complex analysis of the proxies network. In this analysis we can see how the proxies permit an improvement in the performance with respect to the routing operations in a generic network of routers. Moreover we address a simple formulation and framework about the performance of the network with and without layer 7 (proxy) and we apply them in three different types of scenarios to show the advantages achieved with the usage of proxies instead of routers. Through the query flooding operation, each peer of the peer-to-peer network can achieve the list of the peers that hold the desired multimedia content. In a multimedia content dis- tribution system, after the previous step in which the list of the peers that hold the desired multimedia content is retrieved, it is necessary to establish the kind of peer-to-peer network used to distribute this multimedia content to the peers that require it. Therefore the second aspect analysed in this thesis, is how the peer-to-peer network is built so that it is possible to provide the multimedia content to the vast majority of peers (that require this content) with the minimum delay. The construction of the peer-to-peer networks used for the distribution of the multimedia contents is not a very investigated field. Thus in this thesis we produce new algorithms used to build peer-to-peer networks in an incremental way on asymmetric and radio channel and we establish which algorithm is better with respect to the maximum delay of the network, the maximization of the number of peers accepted in the network and the minimization of the bit error probability of each peer of the peer-to-peer network. In this thesis, we propose an usage of the overlay network (peer-to-peer network) in a multicast network. We introduce an innovative mechanism that exploits the peer-to-peer network to make reliable a standard unreliable multicast network. Moreover we present an analytical model for this innovative mechanism. Finally the last aspect of a geographic network is the security of the communications among a group of peers. Thus to ensure the maximum level of security with secure commu- nications among a group of three or more peers, in this thesis we propose a new protocol, based on the Massey Omura protocol, which can allow the communications among the peers of a peer-to-peer network in a secure way. Moreover we present the security prob- lems of this Massey Omura Multiple Users Protocol and how it is possible to avoid these issues through a specific encryption function and a specific decryption function by chang- ing the encryption and decryption keys of each peer when the source peer changes. Finally we present a new cryptography protocol which we use to share the decryption shared key that is used in the Massey Omura Multiple Users Protocol


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    The nowadays ubiquitous and effortless digital data capture and processing capabilities offered by the majority of devices, lead to an unprecedented penetration of multimedia content in our everyday life. To make the most of this phenomenon, the rapidly increasing volume and usage of digitised content requires constant re-evaluation and adaptation of multimedia methodologies, in order to meet the relentless change of requirements from both the user and system perspectives. Advances in Multimedia provides readers with an overview of the ever-growing field of multimedia by bringing together various research studies and surveys from different subfields that point out such important aspects. Some of the main topics that this book deals with include: multimedia management in peer-to-peer structures & wireless networks, security characteristics in multimedia, semantic gap bridging for multimedia content and novel multimedia applications

    Estudio, análisis y desarrollo de una red de distribución de contenido y su algoritmo de redirección de usuarios para servicios web y streaming

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    Esta tesis se ha creado en el marco de la línea de investigación de Mecanismos de Distribución de Contenidos en Redes IP, que ha desarrollado su actividad en diferentes proyectos de investigación y en la asignatura ¿Mecanismos de Distribución de Contenidos en Redes IP¿ del programa de doctorado ¿Telecomunicaciones¿ impartido por el Departamento de Comunicaciones de la UPV y, actualmente en el Máster Universitario en Tecnologías, Sistemas y Redes de Comunicación. El crecimiento de Internet es ampliamente conocido, tanto en número de clientes como en tráfico generado. Esto permite acercar a los clientes una interfaz multimedia, donde pueden concurrir datos, voz, video, música, etc. Si bien esto representa una oportunidad de negocio desde múltiples dimensiones, se debe abordar seriamente el aspecto de la escalabilidad, que pretende que el rendimiento medio de un sistema no se vea afectado conforme aumenta el número de clientes o el volumen de información solicitada. El estudio y análisis de la distribución de contenido web y streaming empleando CDNs es el objeto de este proyecto. El enfoque se hará desde una perspectiva generalista, ignorando soluciones de capa de red como IP multicast, así como la reserva de recursos, al no estar disponibles de forma nativa en la infraestructura de Internet. Esto conduce a la introducción de la capa de aplicación como marco coordinador en la distribución de contenido. Entre estas redes, también denominadas overlay networks, se ha escogido el empleo de una Red de Distribución de Contenido (CDN, Content Delivery Network). Este tipo de redes de nivel de aplicación son altamente escalables y permiten un control total sobre los recursos y funcionalidad de todos los elementos de su arquitectura. Esto permite evaluar las prestaciones de una CDN que distribuya contenidos multimedia en términos de: ancho de banda necesario, tiempo de respuesta obtenido por los clientes, calidad percibida, mecanismos de distribución, tiempo de vida al utilizar caching, etc. Las CDNs nacieron a finales de la década de los noventa y tenían como objetivo principal la eliminación o atenuación del denominado efecto flash-crowd, originado por una afluencia masiva de clientes. Actualmente, este tipo de redes está orientando la mayor parte de sus esfuerzos a la capacidad de ofrecer streaming media sobre Internet. Para un análisis minucioso, esta tesis propone un modelo inicial de CDN simplificado, tanto a nivel teórico como práctico. En el aspecto teórico se expone un modelo matemático que permite evaluar analíticamente una CDN. Este modelo introduce una complejidad considerable conforme se introducen nuevas funcionalidades, por lo que se plantea y desarrolla un modelo de simulación que permite por un lado, comprobar la validez del entorno matemático y, por otro lado, establecer un marco comparativo para la implementación práctica de la CDN, tarea que se realiza en la fase final de la tesis. De esta forma, los resultados obtenidos abarcan el ámbito de la teoría, la simulación y la práctica.Molina Moreno, B. (2013). Estudio, análisis y desarrollo de una red de distribución de contenido y su algoritmo de redirección de usuarios para servicios web y streaming [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31637TESI

    Analyzing the Characteristics of Gnutella Overlays

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