934 research outputs found

    Ontology-based approach for analyzing nuclear overall I&C architectures

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    Opportunistic linked data querying through approximate membership metadata

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    Between URI dereferencing and the SPARQL protocol lies a largely unexplored axis of possible interfaces to Linked Data, each with its own combination of trade-offs. One of these interfaces is Triple Pattern Fragments, which allows clients to execute SPARQL queries against low-cost servers, at the cost of higher bandwidth. Increasing a client's efficiency means lowering the number of requests, which can among others be achieved through additional metadata in responses. We noted that typical SPARQL query evaluations against Triple Pattern Fragments require a significant portion of membership subqueries, which check the presence of a specific triple, rather than a variable pattern. This paper studies the impact of providing approximate membership functions, i.e., Bloom filters and Golomb-coded sets, as extra metadata. In addition to reducing HTTP requests, such functions allow to achieve full result recall earlier when temporarily allowing lower precision. Half of the tested queries from a WatDiv benchmark test set could be executed with up to a third fewer HTTP requests with only marginally higher server cost. Query times, however, did not improve, likely due to slower metadata generation and transfer. This indicates that approximate membership functions can partly improve the client-side query process with minimal impact on the server and its interface

    Technology Integration around the Geographic Information: A State of the Art

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    One of the elements that have popularized and facilitated the use of geographical information on a variety of computational applications has been the use of Web maps; this has opened new research challenges on different subjects, from locating places and people, the study of social behavior or the analyzing of the hidden structures of the terms used in a natural language query used for locating a place. However, the use of geographic information under technological features is not new, instead it has been part of a development and technological integration process. This paper presents a state of the art review about the application of geographic information under different approaches: its use on location based services, the collaborative user participation on it, its contextual-awareness, its use in the Semantic Web and the challenges of its use in natural languge queries. Finally, a prototype that integrates most of these areas is presented

    A knowledge-based approach towards human activity recognition in smart environments

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    For many years it is known that the population of older persons is on the rise. A recent report estimates that globally, the share of the population aged 65 years or over is expected to increase from 9.3 percent in 2020 to around 16.0 percent in 2050 [1]. This point has been one of the main sources of motivation for active research in the domain of human activity recognition in smart-homes. The ability to perform ADL without assistance from other people can be considered as a reference for the estimation of the independent living level of the older person. Conventionally, this has been assessed by health-care domain experts via a qualitative evaluation of the ADL. Since this evaluation is qualitative, it can vary based on the person being monitored and the caregiver\u2019s experience. A significant amount of research work is implicitly or explicitly aimed at augmenting the health-care domain expert\u2019s qualitative evaluation with quantitative data or knowledge obtained from HAR. From a medical perspective, there is a lack of evidence about the technology readiness level of smart home architectures supporting older persons by recognizing ADL [2]. We hypothesize that this may be due to a lack of effective collaboration between smart-home researchers/developers and health-care domain experts, especially when considering HAR. We foresee an increase in HAR systems being developed in close collaboration with caregivers and geriatricians to support their qualitative evaluation of ADL with explainable quantitative outcomes of the HAR systems. This has been a motivation for the work in this thesis. The recognition of human activities \u2013 in particular ADL \u2013 may not only be limited to support the health and well-being of older people. It can be relevant to home users in general. For instance, HAR could support digital assistants or companion robots to provide contextually relevant and proactive support to the home users, whether young adults or old. This has also been a motivation for the work in this thesis. Given our motivations, namely, (i) facilitation of iterative development and ease in collaboration between HAR system researchers/developers and health-care domain experts in ADL, and (ii) robust HAR that can support digital assistants or companion robots. There is a need for the development of a HAR framework that at its core is modular and flexible to facilitate an iterative development process [3], which is an integral part of collaborative work that involves develop-test-improve phases. At the same time, the framework should be intelligible for the sake of enriched collaboration with health-care domain experts. Furthermore, it should be scalable, online, and accurate for having robust HAR, which can enable many smart-home applications. The goal of this thesis is to design and evaluate such a framework. This thesis contributes to the domain of HAR in smart-homes. Particularly the contribution can be divided into three parts. The first contribution is Arianna+, a framework to develop networks of ontologies - for knowledge representation and reasoning - that enables smart homes to perform human activity recognition online. The second contribution is OWLOOP, an API that supports the development of HAR system architectures based on Arianna+. It enables the usage of Ontology Web Language (OWL) by the means of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). The third contribution is the evaluation and exploitation of Arianna+ using OWLOOP API. The exploitation of Arianna+ using OWLOOP API has resulted in four HAR system implementations. The evaluations and results of these HAR systems emphasize the novelty of Arianna+

    Streaming the Web: Reasoning over dynamic data.

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    In the last few years a new research area, called stream reasoning, emerged to bridge the gap between reasoning and stream processing. While current reasoning approaches are designed to work on mainly static data, the Web is, on the other hand, extremely dynamic: information is frequently changed and updated, and new data is continuously generated from a huge number of sources, often at high rate. In other words, fresh information is constantly made available in the form of streams of new data and updates. Despite some promising investigations in the area, stream reasoning is still in its infancy, both from the perspective of models and theories development, and from the perspective of systems and tools design and implementation. The aim of this paper is threefold: (i) we identify the requirements coming from different application scenarios, and we isolate the problems they pose; (ii) we survey existing approaches and proposals in the area of stream reasoning, highlighting their strengths and limitations; (iii) we draw a research agenda to guide the future research and development of stream reasoning. In doing so, we also analyze related research fields to extract algorithms, models, techniques, and solutions that could be useful in the area of stream reasoning. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Neural Networks forBuilding Semantic Models and Knowledge Graphs

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    1noL'abstract è presente nell'allegato / the abstract is in the attachmentopen677. INGEGNERIA INFORMATInoopenFutia, Giusepp

    Challenges in Bridging Social Semantics and Formal Semantics on the Web

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    This paper describes several results of Wimmics, a research lab which names stands for: web-instrumented man-machine interactions, communities, and semantics. The approaches introduced here rely on graph-oriented knowledge representation, reasoning and operationalization to model and support actors, actions and interactions in web-based epistemic communities. The re-search results are applied to support and foster interactions in online communities and manage their resources
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